(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Hi just wanted to share, i am 16 wks and went for scan last night and my dreams came true!! My twins are girls!! I'm so gonna go bankrupt!!

Rachoho: I'm having piles due to constipation but my bowel movements are getting better now. When I saw gynae he gave me a cream to apply. I didn't experience any bleeding but you might want to read this website which I found very informative. But I think u still need to inform your gynae and get it checked out.



congrats luvlee!!

but mine isnt piles leh.. just that stools are hard.. so dunno is it "gek" until bleed.. 2-3 times liao.. hai.. i dunno is it serious should i go consult gynae...

Rachoho: Thanks! According to the link I gave, it could be a form of piles just that yours are swollen tissues that remain within the anal canal and when u pass ur stools, due to constipation, they're so hard that it scratches the anal canal and that causes bleeding. But I'm no doctor and I don't think any form of bleeding in the stools is good so u should definitely get it checked out. Take care!

Rachocho> I was having the same problem. My stools were so hard that it bled when I was passing motion. The mommies on this forum recommended prune juice and dragonfruit. Prune juice doesn't seem to work on me but 1 dragonfruit a day works great. earlier on, I told the nurse at my gynae's about it and she say if it prolongs and doesn't get better, the gynae can prescibe pills to soften the stools. But try to do it the natural way first.


nice to hear that my suggestion of dragonfruit works for u too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wow so nice, twin gals.. ya.. bb gals have so many cute things to buy and i think ur pocket hole will be burnt big big liao.. hahahaha.. btw, is urs identical twins or fraternal?

Yay.. i went for my scan about 2 days ago and dr comfirmed 60-70% is a boy, and i got a gut feeling its a boy for very long, and he comfirmed it..! Kinda.. Just hope next mth i go back, the willy doesnt disappear as i bought a few blue stuff from the taka baby fair..

Leo> I went in for quite bad UTI, waited 2hrs just for the Dr. And i even told them that i had history of MC and i feel like pushing out the baby, but i waited 2 hrs later till the dr came and i was literally stuck int he toilet for 2hrs, imagine that! And theres only 2 patient there (me and another).


Our Nov 08 mummies trend is if #1 boy => #2 boy. #1 girl => #2 boy. So far... lets see if we will keep to this trend anot. Haha.


You must ensure that the new company knows that you are pregnant and due in Aug/Sep. They must be willing to accept it and still give you the full maternity benefits. If they really want you, they will do it but ensure that you have black and white to prove it. You also have to ensure that you work for them continuous 90 days to be eligible, else by law, you are not even eligible (then they wont give you coz its out of their own pockets). No matter how, if you go over, its a risk coz if they play a fool to make you work cont less than 90 days (or if your condition forces you to take no pay leave or something), you lose your maternity benefits.


This is the most popular vitamin for pregnant women. Most gynaes give this to general pregnant mummies unless they have other conditions which require other kinds of vitamins.

today i heard fr an acquaintance that her colleague actually resigned alto she is due to deliver next month..really wonder why, like that will forfeit her maternity benefits?

somemore she has already worked for 90 days ..

adelynn > i experience before while walking long distance (20k). that time not pregnant. it helpd to drink lotsa 100 plus type of drinks while walking, you can also try open n close the hands like pumping a ball. it subsided by itself. did you sweat a lot or did not move before the swelling?

shinchan > me too. very uncomfortable [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] belly button also stretched.

Looks like more boys than girls for now... heehee... let's see how the table turns out once everyone's had their 20th week detailed scan... heehee...

hushlilbb - u know ur baby's gender at how many weeks?? so sad.. i got to delay my gynae appointment to 12Apr instead.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] by then will be 19 weeks...

BabyT - i knew at 16 wks (i'm now 17+ weeks heading 18 weeks if i din count wrongly) - gynae was saying could have known during oscar test but baby's genitals were covered... anyway, she said boys can detect easier than girls which also probably explains more boys in the table now than girls

no matter what, apparently, sure know during detailed scan - u doing detailed scan your next visit?

hushlilbb - me 17 weeks today... last visit was 14w5d, cannot see anything.. cross leg... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i'm not sure wor... i called to change appointment just now, then i asked the nurse about detailed scan, she say from week 19 - 21 wor... so i guess 12Apr when i see gynae he will arrange detailed scan for me ba.. 12Apr i'll be 19weeks exactly... last visit he didn't arrange for anything...


Can I trouble u to pls include me in the chart:-

Nick: chin

Age: 35

LMP: 28 Nov 2009

Doc: WK Tan

Hosp: TMC

Baby #: 2

EDD: 4 Sept 2010

Location: Serangoon

Gender: Boy

no worries BabyT - your gynae will most probably organize your detailed scan when you next see him - who knows, maybe already can see gender during your normal scan when you see him... dun worry a little longer suspense now makes the knowledge later all the more satisfying

Good morning mummies!

Today is my 15th week lor..


Orh, hope to know in the next check up

I am thinking of changing my gynae back to KKH, sigh, now in dilema, does anyone change gynae

Hi gals...

Ve been MIA for so long.. Hope everyone is doing GREAT.

Like to check with u gals if anyone ve feel bb movement yet?if yes, when did u start to feel it?

For my previous pregnancy (#2), I felt it when I was ard 15 weeks or so. But currently, I felt nothing yet. However, on 4 different occassions, I felt a 'hard/sudden push" when I tried to seat upright (happened once on every occasion). But then again... Bb only 16weeks niah, his/her strength so powerful


Good Monday morning to all ladies here!

So exciting! Hvnt visit this thread for a while and suddenly, so many mommies confirmed bb's gender already!!!

I'm going for my 17wk scan at 5pm today and am really curious to know if gynae's "speculations" during my 14wk scan comes true or not. 7hr more to go.... *tap fingers on desk*

My MS has finally eased off at 16wk, and I'm beginning to eat stuff that I have been avoiding for the past 3+mths. What joy! But the smell of garlic still puts me off... so no chicken rice. :p

Wishing all mommies well! It's a happy happy Monday for me! xxooxxo :D

hushlilbb - the wait is killing me.. everytime see pink pink clothes so tempting to buy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] haha... but either gender i'm fine with it... just that if girl, i have to dig deeper into my pockets... mwahaha..

jynnsan - i changed gynae at about 10 weeks... from private to KKH The Private Suite.. now i'm with A/Prof John Tee... what makes u wanna change gynae??

mango - i felt baby's kicks about 16 weeks.. then now alot of water movement and gurgles.. then my hubby says baby farting inside... *lame i know..* haha...

optimus - hi^5 on the MS part.. same same... i polished 1 whole bowl of katong laksa ydae with 1 otah too.. followed by durian for dessert.. so happy now.. but still got the bloating feeling... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hopefully u can confirm and see for urself on the gender... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning ladies. short work week this week... woohooo!!!

everyone is starting to know the gender.. i hope i will know my bb's gender during 16 weeks' visit.

Baby T >> u are making salivate now with your food description... especially the DURIAN part. I have to wait till 16 weeks before i can take Durian cos my hubby forbid me to eat now. Scare too heaty.

Good morning ladies,

So many pple know the bb's gender liao. I am only 60% sure. Waiting for my detailed scan (on 21st week) to confirm leh. Only seeing Dr on 19th week.

I din feel my bb moving or kicks at all. Maybe i not so sensitive, din even feel the earth quakes when it shook the CBD area last time. My tummy is getting flabbier. Put on 2 kg from my pre-pregnant days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tinkerstars - haha... are u in my FB ar?? if u are, i think u lagi buay tahan cos i will post pictures of what i eat... mwahaha.. alot of my ttc friends from ttc thread all see liao buay tahan.. hehehe.... i'm happy my appetite is back, but sad that soon i'll be like a dinosaur... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

durian - i only eat occasionally nia.. then drink salt water and water parade after that... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but 3rd tri better to eat more cos baby will put on weight... that's what they say.. so my MIL told me to eat more in 3rd tri...


Actually my previous delivery with my current gynae have a complication which i have probia about the whole thing. Am thinking of seeing A/Prof John Tee too as recommended. But now if wanna book detailed scan might be too late, see how, will need to make a decision asap\


Ya lor, have been bothering me

Glad to see you ladies picking up on appetite. My appetite is still so so even though i have no MS. Can't finish my food at main meals. Taking small bites in between.

I can cook up a storm only to take a few bites of it after lay all out on table. Any of you ladies experience this?

oh, Baby T, u reminded me. I can login to facebook and join our MTB club already. I am already in 14 weeks! yipeee... hahaha...

as for durian, ya, my hubby also say 3rd tri eat then good.. though moderate cos heaty for body. so i am waiting for 16 weeks before my 1st intake!!!

can't wait.

btw, anyone has problem with eating Iron pills? I suspect the iron pills is making me nasea and tummy cranky...

babyT> we're only in 2nd trimester leh :p YAH! your fd pics on FB always make me gian!!

pomme> i am also not sensitive, i think when the time comes, my baby will really have to KICK, then i will feel :p

morning ladies~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

diamantz: i fall asleep at 10+ that day and i woke up at 12am to iron husb's working clothes and after that palms swell already -_-"

Baby movement - i felt it actually around 12weeks but canot be sure.. but i am at my 16weeks the movements are more confirmed now.. quite irritating sometime as it disturb my concentration at work. haha kidding [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tomorrow is my gynae visit~ cannot wait to see baby again.. i told my mum if tml can see gender means its a BOY already.. haaha..

BBL - mwahaha.. got lao nua or not?? hehe...

jynnsan - JT is good IMO.. very short and sweet and fast... very pro natural de... anti medication too... u might wanna call TPS and ask this is the number 81217813... 12Apr is my check up date, i'll be 19 weeks and he also haven't schedule me for detailed scan... u call up and ask the nurse lor...

pommelow - yes yes.. sometimes i can eat alot, sometimes just a bit then very fast full le.. but in between 2-3 hours i get hungry easily...

tinkerstars - u just reminded me to take iron pills... erm.. iron pills normally will "improve" nausea de leh cos more iron in blood.. u got check with ur gynae??

badfifi = mwahahaha.... gian leh.. my pics always make alot of people gian until wanna *bish* me... hehe...

pomme> now, i have to take small meals throughout the day instead of 3 square meals. even if i'm hungry, i can only eat a bit before i feel full, and then an hour or two later, i'm hungry again!

baby T, i will check with him in 2 weeks time. I dunno why. the weird smell after i ate the iron is making me pukey...

i am just suspecting is the iron... very jiatlat.

tinkerstars - the iron pills i'm taking is called Floron.. vanilla flavour de.. probably that's why got no iron taste...


If you want, then just call and enquire. They shld be able to accomodate somehow. For me, my gynae arranged my FTS & detailed scans when I saw her at 9 weeks. She just list all the weeks that she wants wad done and got the nurses to book the appointments.

I feel the most important thing for a gynae is that you can trust them at the most crucial point - i.e. during delivery, when you have complications, etc. If you feel worried about trusting your current gynae at delivery, then no point sticking to him/her. But that said, with a new gynae does not mean you will not get any complications at delivery coz no one can predict that. Its more of how the gynae will handle the complications.


Mine too

Nick: Quina11

Age: 28

LMP: 30 Nov 2009 (1st Day of Last Period)

Doc: Dr. Loke K H

Hosp: Parkway East (EastShore)

Baby #: 1

EDD: 18 Sept 2010

Location: Tampines

Gender: Duno Yet!

anyone heard about hypnobirth?

jynnsan > why late? now not even 20th week mah. Detailed scan is 20th right?

pomme> yes. sucks to cook a lot n not eat. i think also cos tired after cooking.

baby movement > i think i feel one touch at 16 week. but not sure, maybe reading too much of other peoples' baby movement ;p

adelynn > when your doc replying you?

Thanks mummies for info

Sigh...my next scan will be 7/Apr, hmm, maybe will visit again and see how bah. Actually i am quite comfortable with her, but just this few days keep flashing the unhappy moments. Maybe after a while will be ok le.


You are right, there is always risk


Wad happened that time? Is it due to any negligence of hers? If not, then no really her fault mah. Just circumstances.

jynnsan> oh dear, what happened? unhappy moments sound ominous...i'm going for appt on wed, is there anythg u want to know? i won't say you asked me to ask, i'll ask the question myself...

Thanks Badfifi, not to worry lah, i should be positive, maybe getting emotional hahaha, hope it will be ok after a while


I suffered for a total of 20 days until i went to TCM and recovered.

Better dun brood over the past and let it affect me yah...

Jynnsan - Perfectly understandable.. I think we all tend to be quite emotional during this time. I was watching a movie yesterday..I kept crying throughout. I remember that I was also like this when I was carrying my boy last time!


jynnsan> goodness, how come? was it MS? for me, i have had a TCM dr all along. When i got pregnant, i told her that i'd be taking TCM med too. Basically, what I've been getting from her are vitamins and supplements. Then in the meantime, I've got my TCM med too. Both my husband and I were hoping that I wouldn't need and hormonal intervention and very happily, that was the case...

