(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


huh.. xun xun passed away.. poor thing. actually no one is exactly bad in this show, they are just very selfish.. all caring for their own interest".


dun think so much. firstly, your gynae wont harm u with bad supplements.. 2ndly, i dun think our mothers take any supplements during their time, din we all born and grew up healthily? :p


I just came back from lunch 15mins ago. Wah, Heavy rain at Kallang area. Heng, my customer postpone the appointment to wk 1 April - otherwise, I will suffer. I hate wet weather - so afraid I will slip and fall.


Yup. That Famous Amos I m having and Kraft chips more. The other day I had cookies from Subway - so yummy. Therefore, I standby cookies in office just in case I need to munch.

Pills from Gynae>

Mine oso the big pink pill in a small plastic bottle (Prenaforte - Prenatal Formula) Besides this I also take 2 calcium pill (pink color) & Fish Oil since wk12

is taofu similar to taohua? i love that is my main disk for dinner - Steam fish + taofu + ginger + garlic + chilli + sour plum. have been eating that since last sunday.

Badfifi: hey, yes.. mine from Sunward Pharmaceutical.. haha.. my gynae did not prescribe anything else. just ask me take this can liao..

shinchan: yes i agree with u.. last time our parents also dont have that kind of money to buy what supplements from GNC and whatsoever.. haha.. so i guess supplements are just something extra for ur body.

Ladies with bad bloating or nausea at night, if tea makes u sleepless, another alternative which worked for me is a hot cup of Bovril... it's equally soothing...


sounds gd! I like plain porridge with marmite.. yummy!

badfifi/ yvonne,

i even heard from my mum that when she was having me, the machines are not even advance enuf to scan for gender. they only get to know after i was born.. so times are really different, i guess.

shinchan - i ate plain porridge with bovril, cai xin and preserved beancurd for 1 week leh.. mwahahaha... that was all i wanted to eat.. no good food, no snacks... so song...

yvonne> yes! that sounds right! My bottle label was almost completely covered by my prescription label, then I was trying to read, but could only be sure of the "Sun"!

shinchan> yes, my parents didn't know my gender either, then everyone look at my mum's belly, all said sure boy! then i was born then, eh? girl! :p

Hey, I just had lunch at coffee club. They are having 1-for-1 promotion for UOB cards! We paid 2 main course for just $13+. My baked rice craving is now curbed! Yums!

With regards to Honey,

From what I understand Honey have active enzyme and its not advisible to refrigerate it as the active enzyme will no longer be as effective. When left at room temperature will get better and better like wine. to prevent ants the manuka honey sles ppl taught me to tight a rubber band around it and ants will not come. so far has been ok no ants.

Badfifi> Opps sorry, I didn't check. Just had a happy surprise when the bill came and I happily signed it and went off.

Anybody working around Raffles Place? Maybe we can go lunch together. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jynnsan> for mine, from just eating junk food, i am slowly "refining" into very ang moh taste, like soups, breads, pizza, burgers, even a bit of salad...

windy> no worries. i'll call and ask or something [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Badfifi...thanks thanks...i just seen GP and she told me glucose level low, which might lead to urine infection etc...den heard heart murmur so ask mi get gynae to get cardiologist to check my heart as i got prior heart problem. sigh...so many problems...given another 2 days of mc...this week onli work on mon nia.

But cranberry is sour right?erm...i got acid reflux problem can drink ma?


my one dun like junk food, everything dun like, i lose weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ladies who intend to go KKH 24 hrs clinic for scan for whatever reason>

Pls bear in mind that not all cases that you go in for they will scan u. I went in with slight pain and UTI there did not scan just hear HB with the droppler. As its is 24 hrs emergency clinic, if your situation is not that urgent and u can visit your regular gynae during the day, pls go to your regular gynae. I was there and saw a few urgent cases. The queue is long and some ladies come in when abt to deliver and a few nurses will be running to them to help. I must say they are really professional. I step in only, they gave me a trolley to sit and offered me a bed to rest as the UTI cause some of my muscle to ache and i really don't know what pain those were at that time. My tummy also big that why there took extra care of me. So pls use the right facilities when in need.

portia> for acid reflux, i don't know...some brands of cranberry juice are sweeter than others i think... for heart murmur, better play safe and see a cardiologist bah, cos i heard it can affect baby's development etc.

jynnsan> the amazing thing is, the supersize me guy eat macdonald's, he grow fat...i eat macdonald's, i lose weight! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i think for me, it's because i've grown so used to ignoring hunger pangs that even now, i will forget to eat (in between the 3 main meals) except when i'm very hungry. it's very bad...that's how i got very bad gastric probs in the 1st place. sometimes, even now, if i'm doing work, my husband must forcibly stop me and make me eat dinner at a decent time...

Portia Thia> Strange i had UTI too but don't seem to be caused by glucose. Not sure what is it i drank cranberry juice and apparently it not sour but sweet. So much so that i had my gynae chk yesterday and my urine reflect high glucose.

Ladies> Pls bear in mind what you take before seeing gynae as now dr will be extremely concern with any high protein or glucose in your urine. Yesterday took the wrong stuff so measurement not accurate but i have to watch what i take for now until my next visit unless i go buy the urine test kit.

Now we must really be more conscious for the sake of our little one, i also tends to tahan with my hunger and let it starve because i do not have craving and dun know wat to eat, so in the end ignore. That is very bad of me!

Ladies who still having bad stomach issue or MS/nausous> from wk 16 everything will be back to normal for you as that was what happen for me so look forward to good food and more energy soon.

Gender> I still cannot tell my bb gender although scan on wk 13 and 17 as bb like to cross leg and so cannot see. My DH say must be gal like us women always cross leg mah. Haha. Dr say if all the way cannot see then wait until birth time to know lor. Lucky i am have been buying neutral colours clothes.


pls dun starve urself...just eat a little, i end up nearly blackout coz i never eat breakfast..no joke...from sat till now still giddy...

i think i overeat - had a pkt of duck rice & half a peach for lunch. Been bloated since then. Drank 2 cups of peppermint tea & some sour plum still didn't help. If I don't eat enough, I feel nausea. Over eat bloated. So difficult to manage this.

now i really must watch the amount of food i eat. trust that all these nausea & bloatedness will go away by the time we reach 4 to 5mths.


I'm new to this thread. Will be a mommy this Sep 10 too. Thinking of switching gynae to Dr Henry Cheng cos my mother in law keeps saying he's good. Any feedback? Thanks.

Ladies, i jus had dinner with hb, then we walked ard then went to pay bills at sam. While standing, i felt a sharp pierce into my lower left back. Wow it certainly hurt! Like someone use some sharp object n pierce my back..

Anyone experience tt?

Hi, I haven't been posting much...

Today went for 16wks scan, still can't see gender.. But gynae says most prolly is a girl, but don't wanna confirm yet.

Right now I'm taking NeuroGain, Calcium Lactate, and Iberet Folic (multi vit w folic acid)

Re bloatedness, I always have that feeling, even when I don't overeat... Got the kinda indigestion feeling, and keep burping, esp at night. What I like to do, is let it all out with coke... Heh

yst was a horrible day taking public transport.i really must salute those ladies who can tahan the way our bus driver drive from the 1st mth till now. half way the journey i already feel like puking already + i got to sit down.cant imaging if i were to stand. the bus goes accelarate then brake,accelarate n brake.i feel like im taking a boat ride rather than a bus ride.

hope today will be better.

hows those ladies in 16 weeks feeling?

im almost back to my ownself just that i cant eat well at night.but the most important is i can DRINK WATER already......

Good morning mummies!

Insonmia last night [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif], now panda eyes


Really need to take care of my diet, cannot starve lev [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


high 5, was very hard to sleep cos my teeth hurts !


congrats ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i dun noe how to survive my in laws' birthday celebration this sat , when pple eat, i will probably want to puke at those 10 course smell


ur post make me carve for waffles hehe, having my KFC waffles brekkie now..not bad leh


yeah, everyday i have to think of eating things tat wun puke..2 days ago, i ate home cooked curry veg for lunch & dinner for 2 days

yday, just want lontong, tat's all

not tat it is a craving but rather something i wun puke

yeah, i think i must confuse with another lady, someone was talking abt gelare waffles..urs is attap icecream rite

me blur blur liao..the result of no sleep

btw, bovril & marmite, what's the difference in taste, i dun mind trying out if it is good for pukey people like me..

r they all black colour thick liquid to mix with something ..i think i ate one of them during my nursery days

pinkyluv - haha.. ya.. i think gelare waffles is yvonne or someone else.. mine is atap seed ice cream.. which i haven't eat lor.. ydae raining if i eat my nose sure freeze up.. mwahaha.. i had scissors cut rice from Kitchener Road.. i finsihed 1/2 packet leh!!! dh so proud of me.. mwahaha...

pinkyluv - bovril & marmite is just different brand.. i've never tried marmite... been eating bovril since young.. yes yes it's the black sticky liquid to mix with porridge de... if u go NTUC, it's at the baby food section...


actually this attap icecream do sound very appealing haha..see how whether the icecream van who comes every nite at my estate have or not..if have, i will have a cool fri nite

paiseh, why call scissors cut rice ? i dun think i tried before..

PS : Regarding the thick black liquid, think my hb went to buy last dec to put with his bread,he will go back home & see wat he bought, whether is marmite or bovril..all i noe is he applied once on his bread and then place it in cabinet liao

pinkyluv - erm.. cos they use scissors (those old school scissors) to cut the ingredients... ur hubby eat with bread?? nice meh?? i've never tried.. haha.. i only eat with porridge or drink as a hot beverage...

pinkyluv> so lucky, you can eat curry...2 weeks ago, i had chicken curry with dinner, not very spicy, and i put some curry gravy over my rice...wah, later that night, i was very uncomfortable, baby was super active and i couldn't even lie down and rest properly!


actually i tot with bread sound quite gross, so try to dissuade him fr buying ..but failed as he has been craving for a long time, and now it is only utilised once in dec :p

always trust a woman's instince i said =p


so far lucky, cos my mum still used chilli padi :p and i loved my curry veg with rice

curry veg is nice ! i love it..esp when my mum add yong tau hoo to the curry veg ..i can't stand the tot of curry chicken now though..the taste buds has went hay wired liao


i used to love ALL kinds of food, now have to think so hard just to consume edible one

so pleased with my ymmy bfast, it rocks :p Highly recommended, & i am addicted to iced milo


Karen> I type last nite to u but seems never come out. My Dr says that the stretch, pull or stabbing ache are as a result of ligament pull of muscle cause by uterus stretch so don't worry. I felt it too a lot of times at lower tummy especially. I thot it was bb doing a long leg stretch but not the case leh. Last scan my bb quietly sucking thumb and not the kicking type.

morning ladies!!!

Re: Bovril/ Marmite

Ladies, if u haven tried marmite/bovril b4, pls dun buy such a big bottle hor. cos it is not a taste that everyone likes. The preference maybe quite extreme, something like our preference for durian lor. I love marmite, so anything to go with it oso can.. i even put marmite into my oats.. yummy.. I ever told my MIL my new receipe (i.e. oat with marmite). being someone who has never tried marmite b4, she bot and tried, in the end she hated it... she said yucky.. so it is subjective lor.

