(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Thanks, Pinkyluv...our list is getting longer and longer.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinkluv> MSG maybe abit on the chicken ba. My mum used to work in KFC as a cook so she says sure got MSG in the chicken de. Is my 1st time, quite yummy hor. I usually dun taken fast food especially now when I m carrying the little one. My diet is quite healthy - bread of cheong fun for breadfast, hokkien food usually noodle soup for lunch then stir fried veg & steam fish with rice for dinner. 2 serving of fruits each day. My baby dun really like meat. If I over eat, sure puke.


Mayb mine is a gal cos so shy. And until now still dun know the gender ba. But anyway, im fine with either boi or gal.

Dh wanted daughter wo... haha. So no stress.


oic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i really very very curious to noe mine hehe

btw, try kfc breakfats, very yummy waffles also

hb wants a boy while i want a gal =p


to be frank, i feel like going buying another bowl b4 11am just now but got a call tat hold me back

Just when I thot I am feeling much better, I had nausea the past 2 evenings..I guess I am not eating enough between my lunch time of 12pm and dinner time of 8pm. It was so bad when I was in the MRT yesterday, I nearly threw up! Sigh, looks like I really have to make an effort to go and get some real food for teatime! I have been snacking on fruits in between...

KFC sounds good - but I can not take too much, or I will feel like throwing up again!

TigerLily - your diet is so healthy! Good for you. Somehow for this pregnancy, I have an aversion to fried stuff (which is good!)..but my diet is not so disciplined. I like Macs. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ladies,

can i join ur gp?? m gonna be 15 wks this fri and FINALLY my ms is easing. For the past mths, been so v v sick, always lie in bed feel g pukey, tired, can't eat/drink n spotting. AHHHHH....finally see some light at the end of the tunnel.

Talk g abt gender of bb, my hubs also wants a gal since the first is a boy. M actually ok wid having 2 boys, infact m not exactly the gentle kinda of person so thot bring g up boys wld be much easier for me....oh well....can only wait for the detail scan then see.


can add me to the list too?

Nick: leila

Age: 37

LMP: 17 Dec 2009

Doc: Dr. Mary Rauff

Hosp: NUH

Baby #: 2

EDD: 24 Sept 2010

Location: Woodlands

Gender: Still unknown


chin> I hardly eat fried stuff. Last Sat was my first time since I got pregnant - 1/2 a chicken wing for lunch + steam salom at IKEA and some chip + peppermint tea during tea time. I eat some cookies if I m hungry in office. At home, I really don't know what to eat cos' very ma fun must drive out to buy.

Lizzie> I got no craving for fast food leh. I can't take too oil or spicy food. Actually, before I got pregnant, my favourite food is tom yam, curry fish head, laska and alots of chilli - all the spicy food. But now my tast bud all change - all the healthy food. hahaha...

Pinkyluv - Penang laksa is the assam laksa style, right? I get my fix from Old Town Coffee (outlets at Big Splash or Toa Payoh). Very yummy.


My use to like beef too but not so now. Dunno why leh - my bb like prefer all the simple food. Now I can't go eat steak, very limited choice for makan. The only seafood I eat is fish. No Sotong, prawn, crab, crayfish, lobster etc.. All the expensive stuff my bb don't like.

TigerLily - me too..aversion to the "rich" food! For seafood, I only take fish. Hardly take red meat. Only some chicken. BUT I love spicy food. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes yes..i dun like the traditional laksa even not preggie =)

Toa Payoh & Big Splash all so far fr Bt Batok ..sad


i used to eat everything and anything and i love seafood..now no seafood at all

hehe, good mah, affordable & healthy taste buds

Hi mummies,

I am letting go of my pumps and some confinement stuff as need to make space for my girl's things. Pls PM me if interested in any of the items.

1. Medela Pump in Style Advance (Backpack)

- Condition 9.5/10

- 2 BRAND NEW unopened SoftFit breastshields

- 2 BRAND NEW unopened membranes and tubes

- 1 BRAND NEW unused manual pump

- 1 removable cooler bag with cooling element

- Adapter

- 2 bottle stands

- Local warranty until Oct 2010

Letting go at only $450 (retailing at $750). Condition of pump is perfect as I only used it at home and for less than 3 months. The breastshields, valves and membranes are also unused and still in their original packaging as I reused them from my Mini Electric.

2. Medela Mini Electric

- Condition 9.5/10, used for only 2 months

- Pump unit

- Adaptor

- 1 BRAND NEW unused membrane

- 1 bottle stand

- UNUSED local warranty as I did not send in the warranty card

Letting go for $100 (retailing at $200).

Giving away with pumps (Used but in good condition and thoroughly sterilized):

- 4 Medela 120ml bottles

- 4 Medela bottle covers

- 2 valves with tubes

- 3 boxes Lucky Baby Contour disposable breast pads (BRAND NEW, unopened)

3. Warming Shampoo for confinement

BRAND NEW, unopened Warming Shampoo from Little Dreamers

“This warming shampoo was created for mothers who wished to wash their hair during the confinement month. Made with pure essential oils of Lemongrass, Ginger and White Camphor commonly used in Chinese Medicine tradition to warm the body, this wash will limit the exposure of 'wind'. Lemongrass, Ginger and Camphor are known for their relaxing & warming properties. This shampoo also contains pure Canadian Honey, Calendula Flowers and Shea Butter to further moisturize and soothe your hair. Enjoy! Note: To be used only after delivery and not during pregnancy.” For more information, http://www.littledreamers.com.sg/catalog.html

I was using this shampoo and loved it. Bought a few bottles and now left 1 bottle, letting go at $18 (retailing at $20.90).

4. Pure ginger cream for confinement

This Pure Ginger Cream aids to get rid of sturborn wind especially in the tummy afterbirth. It helps to relieve body pain especially shoulders, back and joints. May be use during pregnancy to relieve backache pain or joint pain. (Avoid the tummy during pregnancy). It also acts as a slimming cream.


Eliminate stomach wind

Slimming properties

Soothes body and muscles aches

Aid in indigestion

Reduces swelling, bruise and sprains

Helps in Rheumatism

Helps in Arthritis

Relieves Numbness

Suitable for : Pregnancy, AfterBirth, for Elderly People, for Daily Normal Usage

I bought it from a BP in SMH. They are now having another BP: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3770790.html?1269526057

I’m letting go for $10. BRAND NEW unopened 80g tube.

Welcome leila, you are also from Woodlands [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Presently at WK#15, my appetite is still not improving, i eat very little for all my meals, at home i also dunno what to eat, no craving for anything. But this round i dun like rice, meat, veg, almost everything not to my preference which is why i am slimming down.

Can we drink tea?

Any MTBs delivering in KKH?? FYI April Antenatal Class is already full.. Next class is 15May - 31Jul... i'll be attending...

jynnsan - if it's non caffeine, drinking in minimal amount is ok...


haha.. me same as u leh.. Had my last scan at Week 16 and Dr Fong jus told me not to be kan cheong cos next scan is detailed scan liao.. have to wait for another 9 more days for mystery to be solved..

Optimus Prime,

Congrats on having your wish come true!!

shinchan - u going for detailed scan in 9 days?? wah.. so fast.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i still got another 13 days for normal check up.. haven't even schedule detailed scan lor... sianz...


cos during my last visit, i was in my wk16 liao.. and zun zun 4 weeks later is wk20 mah.. so dr scheduled for detailed scan lor. but has to bring forward my scan 2 days earlier cos dr wont be ard during that wkend.. very much looking forward leh.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] How come u haven schedule urs? u how many wks liao?

Ladies, ladies..

Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] This is really God's grace on my mom, cos she'll be looking after my kids. Girls, I feel, are generally "milder" and less jumpy/active than boys. So it'll be easier on my mom, since my boy who would be 4 then, is already a handful! For me, I'm definitely thrilled... beyond words! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now I'm just hoping and praying hard that my detailed scan in 3 wks time will be smooth... *cross fingers*

Hi ladies,

I am also another silent reader. I am in 17wks 7days now. Not yet arrange for a detailed scan but hopefully will know the gender on next routine check-up on 17/4 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


can add me to the list too?

Nick: Tigerbaby12

Age: 28

LMP: 25 Nov 2009

Doc: Dr. Phua Soo Mear

Hosp: Mt Alvernia

Baby #: 1

EDD: 01 Sept 2010

Location: Buangkok

Gender: In the midst!


shinchan - now 17 weeks le lor.. my next check up i will be 18 weeks 5 days... so doc didn't schedule wor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so sad.. but hope i can see gender... think the next check up he will schedule for detailed scan ba... actually we are not very far apart hor.. i think u few days earlier than me?


I am like you now. No craving for anything at all. Not really munching between meals too.


I am attending the april class, just signed up 3 weeks ago. Any mummies in the april wed class?


I am embarking on this regular one dragonfruit a day thingy. Also trying to cultivate regulate bowel movement every day morning. Hope it moves my bowel movement back to normal.

Your scan is so early. I am envious. My next appt is on 8th May and detailed scan on 22nd May. Will only be able to confirm gender then.

For fruits, mummies here, you may want to buy from Tiong Bahru. There is this wholesale fruit shop at ground floor corner of the block next to Tiong Bahru MRT station, opposite the road from Tiong Bahru Plaza. Payaya is only $2 for one big one and Vietnam dragon fruit (white) is only 80cents each.

pommelow - u so heng... i called too late.. got the May class instead... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sianz... if not can attend with u...

How to tell gender from a u/s scan

I've read from some website that in early stages of preg eg. 14wk, the absence of a "birdie" does not mean that the baby will be a girl. To really determine if the baby is a girl, would need to be able to see "3 lines" on the private part, which indicates the folds of the labia.

During my 14wk scan, gynae saw no "birdie". Then again, the "3 lines" were not identifiable at that stage. However, it shows up at my 17wk scan, which is generally a confirmation that it's a girl. But again, like my gynae said, you can't be 100% sure if it's a boy/girl until the baby is born lah.


ya, i heard detailed scan is usually scheduled between wk19 to wk21.. so ur timing is jus slightly early bah.. better to wait till the proper time rather than hurry, at least can have a proper scan when bb is developed.

as per my last scan, today i shld be in the 18wk 4days..


I have my previous gynae to thank for cos appt always delay by 1 hour. So i tot might as well go sign up for antenatal class. I even got time to go all the shops to compare prices of the baby stuff.

I am also interested in signing up for the Breastfeeding organisation's breastfeeding workshops starting in July. Anyone keen to join too?


I am not sure why leh. From what i understand from previous gynae, seems like they got renovation works going on for the scanning dept, so some days not available. Heng heng happen to be my 20th week timing so got to delay a bit. The detailed scan date was booked very early in Feb during my 2nd appt. I guess the days before and after the reno must be very packed.

shinchan - ooh... we are about a week apart... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i guess so lor.. the next check up should schedule for detailed scan le...

pommelow - who's ur previous gynae ar?? normally i see John Tee, very fast de leh.. less than 30 mins.. registration, the urine, BP, height and weight test all take less than 10 mins.. then after that wait about 5 mins can see him le.. chop chop...


My previous gynae was Dr Yeap. Somehow, first visit i'm the first one at 2pm then subsequently my appt become 2plus. Always when i arrive, there will be still 4 persons before me. Drag drag till 3plus then can see her.

Maybe male dr more chop chop and the patients ask less questions.

jynnsan - how many weeks are u now?? detailed scan in may is so far away wor... detailed scan is done 19-21 weeks...

pommelow - ya.. very chop lor.. so fast... the next check up i'm going to ask for HL le.. i finished my MCs and i don't wanna take unpaid leave...


I am in my 15W1D nia [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif], my next appt is on my 16W, hence, the appt after next will be schedule in May le


wow, ur gynae appt really chop chop fast fast leh.. i usually take at least 1hr b4 i can leave paragon.. parking is always ex.. it is worse if i happen to be the walk-in list or gynae got emergency op.. in such cases, I have to park there for hours..

jynnsan - oh... icic...

shinchan - super chop hor... that's why i was shocked... or maybe i just heng that day nobody lor... and Saturday some more.. quite unbelievable...


I typed wrongly. My detailed scan is on 22nd Apr. Early morning first customer at 8am. Hopefully i can get up in time to reach there early.


Your doc is super chop. So how long he takes to scan bb for you?? My previous gynae will take some time to show my baby, show what he is doing before taking measurements.

Wah... you used up all your MC entitlement liao. That's fast.


pommelow - ya.. cos my MS started at week 6, then between that period till now i finished all.. almost 2 weeks i didn't go to work cos i had bad flu... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now must take HL liao lor... sianzz.. i think he takes about 5 mins to scan nia lor... nothing fancy.. just take measurements..

