(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Pink tablet....

So hard to swallow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] always have to control myself fr puking after taking it. somemore, I've already cut into halves. Urrgh!!!!


I have been eating hams. cos really dunno wat to eat for breakfast. I think they do not encourage us to eat processed meat but abit shld be ok de ba. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I eat ham too. But i toast it in the toaster, if on bread. If i put in salad i will cook it a bit over hot water first.

yeah. i'm so sick of bread n peanut butter/ nutella. and the market near my house under reno... nothing to eat...


Sorry to make you worry. Overall she is still ok, maybe I myself think too much of the post natal thingy, should be ok soon ;)


I read the hypnobirthing book and practise it a bit (with the cd). But always zzz before it ends. :p But in the end, no chance to use it coz mine is a c-sect. I heard it will be more effective if you attend hypnobirthing classes besides just reading the book.

Sometimes when I am sad/tense, I still use the relaxation techniques...to escape into a safe world of my own. :D

jynnsan> oh! pls don't think that you've made me worry! nonono! i'm actually more concerned abt how you are handling it. basically, both my husband and i are quite "vigilant" about my medical stuff, so we aren't too worried on that score. plus i'm very well taken care of medically, so i'm not not too fussed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] don't worry ok? i'm more worried about how you're coping!

pomme> i started eating that a few weeks back. um, hormonal intervention is like the MS is super bad (I think), or if there are other probs related to the MTBs hormone levels...it's just like how if TTC or in cases of contraception, usually, some hormonal treatment is used in western medicine...

hello mummies

anyone experiencing swollen ankles and bad lower back ache.

pls share what to do to lessen the pain and swelling.

I am taking loads of water and also using the Bengay for relief but sometimes the pain in my lower back

becomes unbearable to a point of i cant get up from the chair and walk.

i have tried cushion and even now i am using the osim cushion but it is of no use.

Hi Mummies,

Please add me to the list as well.

Nick: Sherline

Age: 29

LMP: 13 Dec 2009

Doc: Dr. Joycelyn Wong

Hosp: TMC

Baby #: 2

EDD: 18 Sept 2010

Location: Hougang

Gender: Still unknown


Can share your "处方" with us? My mum is planning to buy the standard set from medical hall. Don't know reliable or not. Am also thinking if i should go visit "中华医院" at toa payoh.


Swollen ankles sounds like water retention. Are you suffering from water retention now?? Heard it is good to prop up the legs at least 30 mins each night to help reduce the water retention. I am doing this whenever i can cos i have some even before pregnancy.

I got this anti-water retention gel from Loccitane (half price) and get hubby to massage my legs (prop up at 45 degrees) to push water from legs down to body.

BTW, are you sleeping on your back at night? It is recommended to sleep on the side as the baby is pressing down on back if we sleep on the back, more comfortable for mums

starluster > u join the course or just got the set? can share which course you took/ book you bought? do you need a lot of concentration? have you look at other alternatives? i think in a way it makes sense to take the fear away, but it's like psycho-ing yourself to believe that the pains are tools to help you deliver your baby... ;p

is it safe to get hubby to massage the lower back? just light kneading....

sasha swollen ankle is considered water retention? put your leg on pillow when you sleep? i think best to check with doc since its sounds quite bad.

sian. my colleague say my leg water retention liao...

any massage recommendations in town/ west? thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks pomme~ i found much helpful answers in the link! Esp bout headaches.. i am getting more n more frequent headaches now adays! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

thanks for the replies and the link.

pomme low


yeah it is water retention..will try the gel from Loccitane. i have been propping up my feet during sleep.

i sleep on my side.

my back ache is bad when i sit at work plus my headaches that comes ever so freely..tsk tsk..

so i try to walk around my office building to ease the pain. i guess i got to see my gynae..

quinna: the swell/numbness went off already.. can wear my wedding ring again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] v happy


Seems like u r quite well verse with TCM. any idea when MTB can take Shi2 shan1 tai1 bao3? Need to see TCM before taking them or can purchase from medical hall.


If you are worried of the post natal or you are happy with her delivery skills / post natal care, then just change to a gynae with good reviews lor. No harm just make an appt with a new gynae, see if you like before cancelling appts with your old gynae. Anyway, just stay positive.

tiger lily> sorry ah, i actually don't know. honestly, i don't know much abt TCM, just that i've been taking TCM med most of my life. for the an tai med, i don't know but my principle is, even if it comes to common medicine that can be bought from medical halls (eg bazhen), should see the TCM dr 1st, cos not everyone will suit the prescription as is. for example, in my case, when i take bazhen, mine is slightly modified to suit my constitution, with some herbs added and others taken out...

Hi AR,

Thanks. Is my 1st pregancy. I'm at my week 30th, I wonder if my BB will come out earlier than EDD date. I have asked my frens, I have decided TMC.

But this few days my BB kick quite frequent and hard kick too. At night can't sleep well bcos of his kick. Today so tired that i can't get up to work and took MC instead.

Adelynn and Sasha,

Glad you found the link useful. I have headaches at times too.


The loccitane is called Anti-water retention gel. Not sure whether they still have it. Think more useful as massage gel, but sure helps in the kneading to push fluids pooled into the thigh tissues out into the lymphatic drainage system again. Got massage instructions inside too.

The days of making my boy wear pink is prolly over! At long last, he does not have to put up with my obsession over pink stuff!

Did my 17wk scan this evening and it's gonna be a gurrrrrrrl! :D

Pinkyluv, pls help to update gender. Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


utrogestan should be safe to take if its given by gynae. but wats the reason that till now u are still taking ? u have brown discharge?



phyphy, i last saw my gynae when i was wk 12 to get my oscar result.. my gynae still say no need take utrogestan since u wk 12 liao.. so next appt 8 apr.. but i went back just yest cos i kinda kanchiong (which makes me 1 wk earlier in my appt). then my gynae gave me utrogestan again cos he said i just spotted not long ago.. actually since wk 9/10 i already stopped spotting leh.. y so weird de? then i read from net that its not safe taking utrogestan after 1st trim leh.

Good morning ladies

I have been a silent reader as I find that this thread is moving quite fast in changing topic.

Im going into my 16 weeks now. Time really past very fast.

Good morning mummies,

Optimus Prime, congrats to having a baby girl. Now you can go all out to buy your baby clothes and accessories.


Congrats Optimus prime~~! My scan tonight.. i wan the same result as u!! hahaha..

