(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

so sad when u got a craving for kfc chicken porridge which stop selling at 11am, rushed out to buy and the customer just b4 u got the last bowl..

sigh* now dun noe wat to eat for lunch liao


hehe, i used another chinese predictor, the one with woman lunar age and the month for certain gender with the ovulation method to conceive my boy in 08, workable for me


gloomybear> based on the chart i will have a baby boy! Wheepeee!!!

Marmite> I love it on toast. It's an acquired taste but shiook to me!

morning mummies..

last nite sudd both my palms swell and bcum quite numb.. dont know what happened. woke up this morn still feel the same, went to see a GP as gynae not at clinic near my area. GP said its water retention -_-" did urine test for me and said there is prescence of protein. dont know what happened.. cant wait to see gynae on tuesday to tell n ask him bout it! Sigh.

Gloomybear: i tried this link before and it says GIRL.. but i went TCM she took my pulse and say its BOY. haa..


presence of protein might mean infection better call your gynae to ask about it.

*thinking of what to eat for lunch again*

from the chart, mine is a girl! but i got a feeling that mine is a boy leh. Seriously i have no preference for the gender but dunno y when talking to hb, i tend to say "ni de er zhi".. ok, let's see if the chart is accurate or my 6th sense is better.. hahaha... really looking forward to 8th Apr..


wat has protein gotta do with water retention? Why dun u call ur gynae to check?

me too dunno what to eat for lunch.

scare puke again - ytd i puke my duck rice took during lunch.

had bread with kaya & peanut butter for breadfast + 30cents milo from office vending machine.

Shinchan: not sure. the GP says it may b the kidney releasing protein and its not good?!? later i will check with my gynae again.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mine is a gal from the chart, but my colleagues guess it should be a boy as they could not see any changes in my facial features. They told me usually for ah gal, mummies will have changes for example nose get bigger, get uglier etc

Mine is girl from chart too but gynae saw boy :p


my facial features didn't change much when i had my girl, my skin condition this round is very bad, lots of pimples popping out...

Nigella, orh, actually i feel that this is a ah gal hehe, cos completely everything is opposite to my #1 ah boy, now can only wait till the next visit hopefully can find out.


really? me too, completely opposite from my #1 girl. nauseous, eating patterns, skin condition etc, all different, i hope to confirm gender next week, hubby and inlaws were very very hopeful this one is a boy. ****stressed*****

jynnsan & nigella: my preg also totally opposite from my #1 who is a boy...... but why TCM said boy le... haa cant wait for my scan next week!

I tried the chart... it says BOY too... even my whole family is guessing BOY... my gut feel also BOY.. mwahaha... we shall know hopefully by next check up... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shinchan - marmite with oat??? what does it taste like?? so far i only take bovril with porridge or bovril mix with hot water nia... and ya.. the taste not everyone likes.. my hubby hates the smell, say smell like smelly fish...

I always thought Bovril = beef based and Marmite = veggy based.

I love love love Bovril but cant stand Marmite. If not wrong, think bovril got more sodium or something compared to marmite. I remember it was lesser evil to give marmite to toddlers as compared to bovril.

gloomybear :

I oso tried that link before and it says girl, but last scan gynae say boy. But still, dont dare buy boy color stuff yet coz I wanna reconfirm again during my next visit in case gynae make a mistake. :p

Me Wk 17 liao, but on and off still puking and really very often headache. This round of pregnancy is really more xinku compared to my last. Maybe boy hormones clashes badly with my body. My face is super dry and peeling, when in the past I am those with super oily face type. When I had my gal, by 2nd trimester my face was glowing, this round.. its flacky and pale. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


to me, putting marmite to oats is jus like putting it to porridge lor, since oats is also tasteless on its own mah..


that wat i know oso.. marmite is vege based while bovril is beef based. personally i prefer marmite lor, but i think they are pretty similar lar.

talk later, me going lunch now..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

shinchan, starluster - bovril also got chicken de.. that day i saw.. i think is yellow cap de... but never tried before..

starluster - me also approaching week 17 le.. my face hor... haiz.. dry skin, peeling around mouth area and worse is occasional breakout in between 2-3 weeks... and the breakout is around chin area... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

babyT> my beautician once told me that breakouts ard the chin area show that there may be problems of constipation...not sure if that holds true for preg women also...

adelynnn, TCM take pulse can tell gender? where? I wanna try too?

Mine's a girl if base on the chart.....

same...my facial features didn't change much when i had my girl, now i have lots of pimples popping out...

I have a feeling it's gonna be a boy, since every symptom i have now is different from my #1 girl.

But, the chart says Girl, and my Gynae yesterday scan says between the legs seems empty... (but he doesn't wanna confirm yet)...

Will know 4 wks later during the detailed scan!

badfifi - i got no constipating problem leh... i don't do big business everyday even before preggy... maybe 2-3 days 1 time that kind... *oops*... haha... grrr... i hate the 4 weeks wait to see baby... sometimes i get paranoid whether baby is growing well or not... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] counting down another 15 days to see my baby...

Gloomybear: yup thats what badfifi said too.. the TCM i go to is at yishun central, v nice PRC lady. my mum always go to her for accupuncture + massage. that day jus nice she heard i preggy say wanna take pulse for me to see gender [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babyT> actually, i'm the same, then now, i'm even worse... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] then breakout on my face is very very bad...

gloomybear> yup, my TCM dr took my pulse the day after i tested positive and said "girl"...i can't say if other TCM drs are as good or accurate as mine lah, cos unfortunately, there are quacks ard, but i trust mine totally! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

badfifi: i sitll waiting for my TCM prediction to be wrong ley...... haha i trust her.. but but i wan a princess... HAAH

Ladies, need some advise.

I am currently in week 18-19 (somewhere there..)

I got a job offer to a new company starting in 1st May and the pay is twice. Do you think i have any chance they still want to employ me if i tell them i am pregnant? my EDD is 1st week of sept (late august).... so pretty much if work with new co. i only work 4 months...

really clueless this time..

hi hi,

back from lunch.. had jap curry rice... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Recently, my tummy is gettin bigger and harder. At times, i feel like my tummy is goin to explode anytime.. Any ladies have similar experience as me? Is it goin to get worse when we advance later into our pregnancy?

Clueless Crystal,

No pt to go over now.

Once they found that you are pregnant they might sack u and u lose your Maternity leave of 4 mths.

Unless u tell them u are pregnant now and they are willing to accept but must have black and white.


My stomach too..

now its hard n feel like gonna explode any time and i am still wearing jean today..need to loosen the button..


ya.. agree with BBL, dun take the risk.. Recently, I oso received a call from my ex-boss asking if i'm interested in a position in her new company. She oso took back her offer after i told her i'm pregnant.. hence, better dun lar.. not worth the risk. But i really gotta admit that 100% payrise is VERY attractive!!!

clueless crystal> honestly, if u accept without telling them abt the pregnancy, when they find out, they will be unhappy...why start off at a new job on a bad foot? tell them abt it, and if they r ok, get it in black-n-white, then proceed as normal. if the company is nice, they'll appreciate ur honesty...and if they're not, well, good pay or not, you might be better off without them, since after the birth of your baby, you'll still need an understanding environment at work...


I agree that 100% payrise is attractive, but u may only work for 1 mth plus and gone u'll be..so in fact u dont really earn that extra pay and u lose your ML.

Now better stay put and wait for BB to arrive.


hahaha.. we are in the same boat leh.. I'm oso wearing my jeans today.. but gotta unbutton when i sit down..


I dun think it is bloating leh, cos i experienced that during 1st trim but usually at nite only.. but now my tummy is usually hard the entire day but the exploding feeling usually come after meals.. being a 1st time mtb, i find this exploding feeling quite scary leh.. :p

shinchan - i think it's bloating plus tummy expanding.. cos i'm also feeling the same... no scared no scared... won't explode de la.. haha...


think i gonna keep this jean soon..cant wear already..

My tummy is also hard leh...think its ok ba..i also first time MTB..but i am not afraid cos got alot of advise here from exp mum...so just relax n wait for bb to arrive..


I'm not sure whether is it gd but i'm eating it now cos tats wat given by my gynae. I also saw my coll eating it when she is preg tat time. So i think shld be ok de ba. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I got it from SGH. Tat time my coll have one is from KK de. Think cos gov hosp so all shld be the same ba. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i don have different btw my 2 preggy.got bad ms for the 1st 3mths n i crave for sweets stuff for both preggy. So no differet for me boy/gal.


my gynae give me that when i got my gal but now she change to another brand,don know wats the reason.

Anyone going to Taka to grab the last minute stuff from sales. Double point for tmr and sunday so good chance to do the last min works.

Hi ladies..

Back from gynae visit - everything looks fine. Bb was active during the scan..kept moving the hands about..and guess what - mostly likely to be a boy according to doc. I am 17 weeks now. Detailed scan in 3 weeks' time.

BBL - I am also on Obimin. Took this for my first pregnancy, too.

BabyT - on breakout around chin area, it also has to do with digestion system. I had it earlier in the pregnancy, when I suffered from constipation; but now, gone..and my bowel movement is regular.

hi any of you experience constipation so bad that have blood in stools? will be it serious and need to consult gynae?


Gd morn ladies,

I had disturbed slp the whole entire night...wondering if any mums who are gg 14 weeks experiencing the same feeling? Last few days just cudnt slp well and dunno why. And coz of my giddiness and breathelessness, I was given 2 weeks HL by gynae to stay home rest...even so, still feel groggy...

