(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

wah...1 day without coming in and i'm blur...

pinkyluv> goodness! you must be more careful! esp now, cos like someone else mentioned, our CG will keep changing. i feel it very acutely, since balance has always been a challenge for me. nowadays, i stumble around even when i'm leaning onto someone. even my husband has commented that my balance is very bad nowadays!

babyT> eh, don't say until liddat lah, i will blush!!! so sad, didn't see you at the fair...i wasn't there for very long and i think i looked quite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] when i was there, cos the crowd was getting to me and my eye was itching+tearing like mad... did you get the cot from bobo house?

UTI> i used to take this other cure for UTI, it's called Citravescence, can buy at pharmacies, but not sure if preg-safe... to just "maintain" being UTI-free, can drink cranberry juice now and then... and be sure to drink lots of water


rachoho> i don't know if there's a suitable time to start drinking maternal milk. i just drank because i got samples. and then i signed up for the TMC FBI programme and got a tin of Similac Mum...in the end tho, i liked mamil mama so much i bought a tin for myself...

Jessica - ur correct on emergency cases being sent to kkh... That's one of the reasons why we chose to switch to kkh cos *touch wood* we won't want to pay extra fees too... Even if let's say already in private hospital, but really E case, the hospital will still call 995 to convey to kkh...

Badfifi - yup I bought the baby cot le... We are satisfied with it cos like what phyphy said, the man was sitting on the cot and we're convinced that the cot is sturdy enough... And also the gap are not wide apart, so baby won't get stuck in any case... I felt very light headed when I was there.. So many people then I felt constricted and breathless, keep feeling faint... So we chop chop buy our stuff then went off le...

babyT> after we went to expo, we went to kaki bukit and ended up getting a cot there instead, it was abt the same price but got a foam mattress instead of latex. but i figure, can get another latex mattress at another fair in future...cos if not, to upgrade mattress, it was another $168! (cos at expo, we saw a latex mattress for just $99)...


oh i know the Citravescence that u are talking abt. I heard from my gynae's nurse that usually my gynae will not recommend that but will advise to take cranberry juice instead.

Ladies, so if any one of us suay suay kena UTI *touchwood*, better to take cranberry juice..


rare to see u here at this hour, too excited to sleep after feeling babyT's kick huh? :p

badfifi/ babyT,

really that crowded huh.. then i jialat liao, can i survive when i go tmr? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u might want to alternate multi vit and esp iron pills. Later into the pregnancy bb wt will worsen any piles related or make mild piles worse. Really not something nice to experience with constipation. As most know itas documented piles can come along or worsen during pregmamcy. Better to prevent constipation than to suffer both together. Royal pain in the arse literally.

Shinchan - I just reach home and i'm dead beat... Haha... Still using iPhone so haven't reply ur pm yet... Pai seh hor... Ya super excited about baby's first continuous kicks... Baby just kicked again... So funny... My eyes half close le then kick Nia I open my eyes big big... Just now went chalet, then I puked... Sian... I think I too tired cos out since 6.30am this morning...

I posted my loots and free gifts from baby fair on my fb le.. Spent about $200++++ today... And mustella having good offers, more wu Hua to buy now... I bought the before and after stretchmarks cream at $75... Smells good and not greasy too...

Badfifi - we haven't gone to kaki bukit yet.. But if I'm confirm setting up a nursery for my baby, then I'll go there to get playpen ba... Alot of things to see ma??

Vic mama - ur everywhere... Mwahaha... Never go ttc thread hor... U very long never 回娘家 leh...

Portia - 16 weeks... How about u???

Shinchan - can survive but be very careful cos people there have bigger tum tums than us... And also it's rather squeezy especially when there are strollers around... Walk carefully and protect ur tummy... Oh.. Got to sweetest moments to get the voucher for full month celebration hor... That one is worth getting... It's free anyway... Please take care when going there...


I am 12 weeks 4days...hee...no wonder cant feel bb kicks yet...u must have felt so hapi to feel the little one kicks u...hee..i really looking forward to it=)

U take care ya, better go slp early since u out whole day le...

Portia - ur turn will come soon... Time flies damn fast nowadays...

My back is aching badly from all the walking today... Just asked hubby to apply bengay... Going to sleep le... I haven't been up this late for months... U sleep early too... Good nite mummies...

Thanks ladies for your suggestions abt breathlessness. Will ask my gynae abt it.

Kendra: Welcome! I can understand as my gf is a stewardess and she told me that it sucks that once u r pregnant u have to stop flying, no maternity leave and can only come back once u've regained your figure. I'm sure you'll def miss flying but once u become a mother, I think u'll want to spend every moment possible with ur new bundle of joy!! Take care!

Babyfifi: I'm very happy abt what u said abt detecting gender. When I went for oscar scan and gynae scan (ard 12-13wks), both gynaes mentioned that they think the twins are girls but couldn't be very sure as too early. Since both mentioned girls, I'm really hoping my scan next fri (at 16 wks) will be able to confirm my heart's desire!!

Then I'll def get those lovely ballet socks for them!!

vic ma: I had piles from delivering my 1st child and now during this pregnancy, becos of constipation, my piles have come back!! So now constipation and piles together and although it's not painful, it's def not comfortable. Everytime I go toilet even if just to pee, I think my piles will come out when I exert some pressure down there. When I bathe, I try to push it back in. (Sorry I know it sounds gross) How ah? Any solutions? It seems like it's only gonna get worse...


if its me who spotted u all,i also shy to say hi.

Im still ok with shopping in air con with crowd.its the mrt part when taking the escalator down,that makes me feel breathless n puking. Don know y tampines got so many ppl alighting.

Vic mama - ya it's definately a pain in the ass.. That's why when uncle tee gave me iron pills, I increase my fruits intakes and liquids too... So far *touch wood* so good, still everyday soon soon li Li go toilet pang sai.. haha... Hubby and I eat variety of fruits and for us we don't shit everyday last time de... So we eat lots of fruits then now become everyday shit...

Phyphy - wah don't like that say leh... I approached u that day on my own leh... Hehe... But I not shy la my skin thick like elephant...

Tampines has forever been such a busy place regardless of timing hor... And it's true that if see too many people will get pek chek then get giddy de... Why like that ar??


Buying a cot

Written for BabyCenter Singapore


Baby in cot will probably be your baby's bed until he is two or three years old. It should be strong and sturdy without cracked or broken slats, with no jagged points or edges. You can use your cot from the day your baby is born if you like although many parents choose a Moses basket, crib or carrycot for the first few months, or have their babies in the same bed as them; babies can look and feel a little lost in a big cot. If this is the case, you don't need to buy a cot straightaway.

Cots can be an expensive purchase so some parents may consider buying one second-hand. Cots come in many shapes and sizes, including corner shaped cots that sit neatly in the corner of the room, oval shaped cots that can be converted into a junior bed, chairs or even a sofa, later on. You can also buy bedside cots which can be useful for night-time feeds, as they have a removable side so you can put your baby's cot right next to your bed.

Most cots have drop sides, a railing which can be lowered to make it easier to get your baby in and out. They also have an adjustable base height, which can be adjusted as your baby grows. The base can be raised to the highest position for a young baby, so that you can lift him in and out of the cot easily.

The base can then be lowered when your baby is old enough to pull himself up, so that he stays secure in the cot. Most cots have two or three different base heights but two is all you really need. Many cots also have a teething rail: a protective plastic coating: around the edges of the cot sides, to prevent your baby chewing on the wooden slats of the cot when he is older.


• Will last your baby for two or even three years

• Can use them for a newborn baby if you like

• If you have twins, you can put them both in the same cot for the first few months


• Not easily transportable from room to room

• Newborn babies can look very lost in a large cot

Parents' tip: Casters on a cot are useful feature if you want to move it from one room to another

Cot beds

Cot beds are longer and wider than standard cots, and their main advantage is that they can be converted into a junior bed when your toddler outgrows his cot. They do not usually have drop sides and not all versions have different mattress positions.


• Cot beds provide spacious sleeping environment for an older baby or toddler


• Not really a money saver if you plan to have another baby, as you will need to buy another cot

• No drop sides means it can be more difficult to get your baby in and out

hope this helps...


anyone can advice. If we BF bb can we drink martel chicken soup, eat lotsa ginger food stuff? Will these affect bb when bb drink our BM?

My mama grumble to me again yesterday abt my decision to BF this 2nd one. She say she cannot cook good confinement food for me to pu my body back, everything also cannot put bcos I BF bb, I told her is ok. I still can eat those ginger food and drink martel chicken soup. Just only I take martel, I can't feed bb within that 2hrs time (if not bb will ma bo, hahahhaha). hai... I still not sure if BF we can really eat those confinement food with lotsa lotsa ginger???

Anyone knows?

Karen - that's a good question.. Cos my mil will be doing my confinement... I also intend to bf for min 6 months... Then mil was asking whether I can take Martell and Ginger or not... I was telling her depending on my supply I might express and throw if I take Martell or Ginger before that... Me first time mummy too... Lost man...

any liquor that goes through cooking,the alcohol will evaporate.

My mum use min ginger n liquor on my confinement food.

Hi ladies,

Today was a bad day for me, went hawker centre to get food at ard 11 and end up nearly black out..luckily i quick sit down and rest for 5 mins....xia si wo...anyone noes why will like dat?issit baby got problem?or issit i nv eat breakfast?coz i was sleeping so nv eat breakfast. Or issit need to eat tonic?I am gg 13 weeks le..

Portia - baby is ok.. Should be cos u never eat breakkie and also low blood ba... Are u on iron pills?? Now not like pre preggy days.. Whatever u do, do slowly, even walking also... Eat regularly also... Should minimise the light headed feeling... Drink more water...


I am not on iron pills leh despite the fact that I am thalassemia minor, gynae says no nid to eat wor-_-''....btw hor, any idea, Dr Irene Chua got evening appt de ma...if she has i will switch to her, no nid to reconsider le=p

oh ya...i oso noticed today alot of sound inside the stomach. Sounds like v soft drum sound....wonder why...like blop blop blop sound...haha

portia - the blop blop sound i also had... maybe too much air and water ba.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] erm.. i'm not sure on her appointments wor.. better to call TPS to ask them...

Hi all mummies, tks for all the advice and sorry for my situation. So late for replying. Was admitted to hospital on Friday midnight for food poisoning, luckily got buy insurance or else really really don't know what to do. Today just discharged. Feeling better, but still the gastric still a bit sore. I hv to accept the face now. Anyway I will hv to rest and relax at home for the next 6 mths. Guess think my twins also don't want me to work. Cos on Friday suppose to go for interview, but kanna food poisoning, really wanted to make me can't go [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. They are trying all means to stop me from working too hard.

BuBu MaMa: Do take care, you really should just enjoy your pregnancy and concentrate on yourself and the babies.

Portia: I also nearly blacked out once roughly around that many weeks too. I had to squat by the pavement while pushing my son on his stroller so as to rest and regain my vision. When I asked gynae abt it, he said that our bodies are adjusting to the large volume of blood in our bodies and so sometimes the pressure may make us feel like that. He checked my blood and said I wasn't aenemic or had high blood pressure. I think I was like u didn't eat breakfast before going out. Do take care!


i didnt really discuss with my gynae abt the piles. Aloe vera gel does help sooth it and stop the bleeding abit. I am also using an over the counter numbing gel to ease the pain but it works to a certain extend only.

I hv another 2nd time mummy who plans to cut it off after she deliver her #2. I will ask my gynae who is also a urologist what next. If medicate i would be breast feeding so will depend on whether its bf friendly med or i might also follow suit my friend hv it cut off too.

For during pregnancy. The classes i attended previously mentioned sitting in the sea! The salt water is supposed to help relief piles pain wor. But so funny next time i see a preggy sitting in the sea. I will wonder haha.

U should maybe if the med is cheap ask for some to keep with u for rainy day. Mine came suddenly last sat and for the 1st time the pain was so unbearable . Stand sit sleep move during sleep also hurts alot!

Perhaps prevention is better than cure esp during pregnancy.


good le eat more fruits yr immunity also benefits for it.

babyT> kaki bukit has two baby hypermarts and one baby kingdom. i went to baby kingdom and the baby hypermart along the same row. i think baby hypermart has more variety for prams/strollers and car seats, but their cots are a tad pricier...both have playpens. my friend recommended checking both out before making any purchase

pomme> i bought the coconut fibre mattress from taka too! hee! thanks to your recommendations, the bedding for my baby is settled! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

rachoho> i went to both taka and expo fairs cos my husband happened to be on leave. i can't be sure if the expo sale sells dopplers, because i wasn't looking out for that, but i didn't see any when i was looking around. however, i definitely saw a doppler at the taka fair, at this booth selling video baby monitors...the price might not be cheap though and that booth is not having an offer for their doppler, it's at usual price...i'm not sure if other booths sold dopplers...does anyone else know?

Hi mommies, just wondering for those of you who bought the mattress for bb, have u already got your cot or? Just wondering will the mattress fit all cot sizes or? Any advice, thanks!

BuBu Mama: U take care ya.


Glad you like your buys. I still remember the funny description by the sales person on the mattress. "the baby's urine will seep right through and drip onto the floor, cos it is so porous and not water absorbing". I can imagine putting a pail below the cot just to catch the dripping.

BB Dreamz,

The so call standard size for cot mattress is 28"x52", biggest and most common i have seen by far. But i found there there are smaller dimensions too. Check out Kidzloft website:http://www.kidzloft.com/ under bb bedding. They sell 2 different size of cot mattress at 3 inches and dimensions of 24"x48" and 28"x52. Playpen mattress are thinner at 1.5" at 26"x 38" and 28"X 41". I think Ikea's cots are smaller with different standard dimensions for mattress. However, a thing to consider for latex mattress is to get one with holes so to reduce bb's risk of suffocation. Reason is most professionals recommend putting bb to bed on their tummys and latex mattress are not very porous.

Since aussino baby bedding and most other bedding brands fits the biggest size (at 28"x 52"), i believe there is no worries if you buy any smaller sized cots cos it can still fit.


I went back to taka fair and Isetan today. Bought a 1st few years bath tub (contoured to rest bby in it and antislip at $29 from taka. Another version with pillow is at $55. Wah!! an additional bath pillow is like double to price. Really wonder what kind of super pillow is that.

BTW, Isetan is still have 20% discounts for pigeon items and other brands discounts are still there. If you have isetan cards, you may want to buy there instead.

Went to Giant yesterday and bought two nursing bras (only 9.90 each). Cotton bath towels for bb is only $1.99 each, seems cheaper than si ma lu. Impression disposable cotton underwear ( for hospital and confinement use) is only $3.99 for a pkt of 5.

Yeh!! i am halfway done with shopping.

Pomme:U r so fast with your shopping.

Thanks for the info on the mattress, but just wondering is coconut fibre better than latex? Cos I noticed seems like a few mommies bought the coconut fibre mattress @ Taka fair?

Pomme> don't mind can provide some details on the mattress - eg, how much is it etc?

Been to both the expo and taka bb fair but didn't buy much at all - only bought 1 pouch sling (for me), 1 normal sling (for hb), 1 nursing top, 1 cotton wrap... now starting to worry that should have done more serious shopping...


BB dreamz and Hushlilbb,

I am not sure if latex is better or coconut fibre is better. Both provide ventilation so bb wun suffocate, provided the latex one has holes. The coconut one comes with the racio bonbebe cot i bought at taka fair so i just took it. Dimension is 28"x52"x3".

Found the website of the mattress, realised it is a malaysia brand. You can check out the qualities of the mattress here: http://www.cocoindustry.com/fibrelux.asp. i believe asia brands are more suitable for us since our climate is similar. Just look at the baby rockers (from temperate climates countries mostly) and you will notice the thick canvas materials with padding, our bb will sure sweat inside with our weather.

If you just want the mattress alone, you may have to ask Badfifi on the price, cos i think she bought the cot elsewhere and bought mattress at taka fair.

Hushlilbb, please don't be pressurised by us. I think there is another taka bb fair in aug and our trusty great singapore sale in june. Just that i may birth early in mid aug cos edd is 1st sept, so better get things ready first.

Also i don't like the idea of buying later on, walking around with a heavy belly, low on energy and still have to lug my buys through the crowd.

