(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


so fast you know the gender! Wow... congrates! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] How many weeks you are in now?



nah, last birth liao =) tat's y i keep hoping for twins :p


end up having cheesy BBQ meltz..yummy with ice lemon tea and the mashed potato is good as i m havin a sorethroat


this colleague of mine will really be the death of me lor =p

cos just now he asked me to look at this costume he is holding ( for an upcoming event) and asked me whether i think i can wear..i said yeah

he said..good, cos the lady who is wearing it is v plump


haha.. i oso wanna feel. i'll go try the posture that u are in tonite.. see if i can feel it too.. LOL

diamantz/ windy,

be careful if u are taking fibrogel, the orange packaging one. Always remember to take plenty & plenty of fluid when u are using it. I ever kena bad constipation due to fibrogel. Only realise from doc subsequently that lots of fluid is required. Cos the substance will jellified with insufficient water thus hardening ur stools. Btw, my gynae gave me Lactulose for my constipation problem. haven tried yet, so dunno the effect.

Good noon ladies..

i not been posting for past few days but being a silent reader of each and every post. seen quite a commotion.. Chill ok mummies? we are all free to talk here therefore no need to get angry over others comments. Also we preg tend to be more emotional..

Weather is really good today.. hope it will be like taht for the weekend..

Actually i felt baby moving 1 mth ago.. duno if its false alarm or not but its gettin more frequennt. the feeling is GREAT!



I having super bad constipation.. the stools are so hard that it just refused to come out..had a hard time in toilet just now but nothing came out..think all the shit accumulate all the way up already...i had prune juice this morning but this time round its not working for me..


Thanks for the explanation. Really helpful. So i need to have full bladder to go for detail scan. Any tips to get baby to move? E.g. cough or rub the tummy?

BTW, do you know if KK have a lactation consultant? How to request for one ah?


Cough also no use...when bb is too comfortable in that position..he will simply refused to move...u can trying lying down flat then lie on yr left then move to your right..bb will move..i tried n it works..if not cant even get my oscar result..


Please don't panic. I don't think both of us has UTI. UTI's kind of pain is consistent sharp pain after the itch. Due to past experience, any pain down there will scare me cos i don't want to kenna UTI again.

My feeling of pain is more of the muscle strain kind at the based on the bladder, like the muscle holding the flow back in the bladder has been holding out too long. But i have been peeing regularly. Is yours like that too?


Hey, the booties are so cute. Am going to get one set.


I've the khaki elephant set too. I like the quality so much that i got two sets. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for the advice. I will remember to try that if bb don't move during scan. I will try to sayang him the night before and tell him to cooperate.

BBL, we are in the same boat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I have asked my gynae regarding constipation earlier on and he says if it gets very bad I can ask medications from him. He doesn't want me to become reliant on the pills. So I'm going to try out the other methods that the mommies here have shared, and worse case get medication. If all fails for you, I think you can consult your gynae.

Re: Gender

Actually from about 11-12 weeks, gender can already be told. However, easy for mistakes so unless very sure, gynae or sonographer also wont want to say. The other reason for keeping "secret" till later is to prevent pple from aborting if its not the gender of choice. So some gynae wont tell until its after the "abortable" period.


No worries. These socks are very common in BPs. They also have those longer leggings ones for older girls - like ballet shoes with the string images all the way up. Really pretty.


Even though you can feel BB's movement now, I realised that hubs usually cannot feel till much later on. Maybe coz the movements are from inside. But next time when you can see a leg or hand sticking out, they can feel.


No need full blader. After about 6-8 weeks, you do not need full bladder for scans already. That is only necessary in early pregnancy. Drinking water, peeing, coughing, sneezing all these tend to make the baby shift. But best I realised is if you talk to baby nicely the night before and ask baby to cooperate.

Yes KK has lactation consultants. Some very good ones. You can request for 1 when you are in the ward if your gynae did not arrange for any to see you. After you deliver, you can also call the KK mainline and ask for a lactation consultant to call you back. When they do, you can ask for an appointment to see them. Or if you just have questions to ask, you can also ask them over the phone.


jus rem that i forgot abt this.. for fruits, i tried taking dragonfruit regularly. My mum told me dragonfruit works like papaya.. she read from newspaper.


You have given a good tip. They were saying bb can be jandice if we eat too much papaya. Then dragon fruit will be good alternative.

pomme > yeah read that its sharp pain for uti- dun think i have that. yeah!! same! its like mild consti pain/ hold pee for too long pain... at the base of bladder... not excruciating, just uncomfortable.

shinchan > i dun take fibregel... i think better to go the fruits way .. last time i laugh at my friend for taking it... haiz. now... also suffer consti.

for consti > i think try to sit there for as long as possible and wait. try resting your leg on a stool... i think it works leh. i mean it doesnt solve the consti. but it comes out. ;p else try squatting lor but most homes dun have squats & i think will be too tired. haha.

Thanks mummies. Me Wk 16 liao, and I guess baby was in a cooperating position. Gynae was like super sure about it.


Dunno where else got 4D scanning lei. TMC advertise their 4D scanning on the tv screen in the waiting room.


yahh... seeing you type Lactulose reminded me of the name. Mine is Dhactulose, guess its similar bah. It's a sweet liquid.


Don't worry, once a while can see those socks selling in BP/Spree. I bought those socks for my gal when she was younger. They are really super cute.


gosh ! i feel sorry for u but can't help smiling at the way u describe acumulate all the way up !

anyway, being able to get rid of waste material is a great feeling too


yeah , i think the feeling will be great

PS: suddenly think of guava with the suan mei fen


Sorry to be rude here..my asshole is abit pain from all the squeezing..i hope medication is my last option.

anyway i seeing my gynae today to get my oscar result..must complain abt my constipation...


dun praise me like dat lar.. i paiseh u know.. hahaha.. i know very little as compared to many experienced mums here, i'm a first time mtb too.. jus that i really had a very hard time shitting that's y i tried all sorts of natural method to prevent constipation lor.


ya, i oso prefer the natural methods. so my lactulose is still untouched.


think shld be the same. heard from the nurse that it is a very sweet liquid.

MTBs who managed to see their bb's gender thru scan,

may i know if ur gynae make any extra effort to scan for the gender? e.g. like u can see him/her searching ard ur tummy to see? or jus chin chye scan and then can see liao? as i still cant see at wk16 (tmr i'll be wk17 liao), so i dunno if it is bcos my bb is not cooperative or my gynae never bother to see..

shinchan where u scan? i read that KK dun really tell you the sex before 20th week...

when i ask the sonographer at kk, she also never bother seeing, just say cannot tell. although that was near 13 weeks, but other people have some guesses from their gynaes already...

on the topic of constipation, ask u all ah, are your stools more black now after taking the iron/fish oil?

I notice mine being darker in colour for this week (since my fish oil/iron intake)


Trial and tested methods are always welcomed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Don't be shy.

Shin Chan and Diamantz,

My scans are always done by the gynae at TPS in KK, never done by sonographer. She always scan left and right, check for bb size and activity. She will even stop to show me how the bb is moving, where are the limbs. At the last scan, i ask her if the scan can see gender, she immediately try to scan between legs. That time, my bb is very cooperative, holding legs up in a V shape, can see got something between the legs. So she say most likely boy, but don't tell the elders first till the detail scan is done to confirm it. Maybe you can try to ask them to scan between legs, most prob the sonographer wun say but you can see for yourself. Think the gynae are more ready to take responsibilty to tell you since they willl know by then if you really want to keep the baby or not.


it normal for ur stool to change colour after taking iron pills.

Me too was shock when my stool change colour n i surf net n realise that its normal

expo bb fair

this year only 3 diaper supplier take part n the discount was not attractive to me.


As its easy for mistake in gender in the earlier weeks, they usually wont tell you till later on and extra sure. Mistakes such as finger mistaken for penis, etc. For boys, they actually have to ensure its the penis, for girls, they have to see the 3 lines of the pubic area. Also to prevent abortions if not gender of choice, some wont tell until 20 weeks.

Phyphy - Alison saw u, but she shy so never call u... Hehe... I didn't see u though...

Shinchan - I using iPhone now I reply u later but I read le... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bought the $299 baby cot le... It's very sturdy and indeed a good and worth buy... Then I bought some clothes too cost me $54.. Haha.. Bought mustella anti stretch mark before and after cream... On offer buy both at $75... Will post pictures of my loots later..

Diamantz - I went expo fair... Not much variety of strollers and car seats... Alot of stalls selling clothes though... And those barang barang stuff... IMO it's better to go for both fairs cos it's totally different... Expo selling lots of diapers... Not much sterilisers too...


thanks for the advices.. last week, my gynae did the usual checks like length, heartbeat, movement, etc.. so when scan finished, i asked him if he managed to see the gender, he just laughed it off and said "no kn cheong lar, ur next scan is detailed scan liao, can see it then." so looking forward now.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

aiyo, i still thgt i wanna go expo bb fair to see the strollers and probably buy one.. seems like taka is a better choice liao. i heard taka will have another bb fair in Aug, is that true?

going taka later, and expo on sun. so tiring these 2 weeks ;p just finished checking out khaki bukit and jb last weekend. anyone bought the flat pillow? i tot it was a pretty good item which i didn;t know existed before. i wanna get a cot n stroller by march. oh yea, i quite like the winnie the pooh cot mobile at taka.

babyt u not getting those items with warranties later? thinking of the pigeon steriliser cum warmer ...

which brand of bottles is good for teeth?

is it necessary to get thermometer? or i can just use the normal one at home?

Shinchan - yup aug another fair... If u want strollers, go taka de... If u want pampers, free gifts, vouchers and clothes, go expo... I'll be going taka again with my sis to look at the strollers and buy bath tub, pigeon wet wipes and breast pad...

Diamantz - I'll be getting the pigeon steriliser during great Singapore sale.. Cos warranty starts from Date of purchase.. Don't wanna waste the few months warranty now... Then I'll be getting the medela freestyle pump from the overseas spree... Warranty items can get later ba... But it's better to start buying some items now rather than 3rd tri then start buying... Im exhausted after walking at expo fair... Imagine 3rd tri worse lor..

shinchan, yah another baby fair in aug. very near our deliveries leh. whats your criteria for stroller n cot? i really dunno how to choose. for stroller i ask for recommendation for light weight (den decide from there)...

Diamantz - my friend told me to try opening and closing... Then easy to move about not, so u must push to feel what the stroller is like... Then weight of the stroller, from infant to toddler, but what age toddler... Erm then baggage compartments like that lor... And also after closing is it still bulky not... My hubby prefers combi cos easy to open and close without bending down... Go taka fair, large variety of brands.. Expo only got combi...


I have also tot about the pigeon setriliser cum warmer set previously. Then realised that it is the electronic version with quite a few buttons. But if your mum or MIL will be taking care of bb for you, as the main user, they may prefer the rice cooker single lever press down type. My mum for one is totally tech unsavvy.

For warming the milk, i just got a metal container for pouring hot water inside and soak the bottle in it. My colleague says two change of water enuff to heat the chilled BM to right temp.


thanks for the info, will still go expo to see see look look lor.. anyway it is along the way to my fren's place too.. probably will leave the smaller items and warranty items till GSS or Aug taka fair, cos i'll most prob be shifting hse in July.. buying now means more things to pack.. lazy to do extra work since most of my things are alrdy in cartons.


most prob i'll be gettin combi too, due to the light weight. Although i'm big sized but no strength type.. hahaha.. so better get one tat i can manage w/o HB. moreover, i must oso take my mother into consideration. she will be taking care of my bb after i resume work, so must get one that she can manage lor. the criterias are very much like wat BabyT has suggested. Might be looking at combi miracle turn, but then will also see wat the salesperson suggest too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babyt > that day went taka fair i got pissed off at dh for not know what strollers to look at (actually i'm also at a loss as to what to ask) den we just went off for dinner... -_-"

pomme > can write down instructions on how to operate ;p thanks tho, thats an impt point. the price not much diff for 3-in-1 and just sterlizer tho.

shinchan > yeah. i'll take a look at combi. besides those practical criteria. i dun like those with trays in front, think dun look nice ;p and i also like those with the cover? very low.. cos i dun think i wanna hang cloth on the stroller when bb is sleeping as i see ppl do it. n my dh like 2 wheels each side... hehe

i'm very fascinated by the avent cook and mash machine. you cook on one side, flip it and mash on the other. haha. u wash only one thing leh! but now is too early to get. ;p


I am envious of you. My mum can't read and simply refuse to learn high tech stuff. My dad can read but can only read chinese though he refuse to read also. Sigh..... Always need to consider dummy proof kind of equipment.


I saw on the NUK website - Microwave Steam Steriliser. Not sure whether is it good & safe to use microwave to steriliser baby's stuff.

baby cot

yes,the baby cot babyt got very solid,i saw the salesman sitting on it.

I only buy bb food,the rest not attractive n also realise that some price increase as per the last fair.

Not much milk company taking part. Still remeber the 1st fair i went got a lot of free give but of coz that wat 2 years ago.lol

acutally im quite surprise that combi join in this year as the previous 2 fair,they didnt join in.

Considerations for stroller:

1. Lightweight vs Studier & Spacious

If you need to go buy public transport (esp buses) on your own often, then you may want to consider a lightweight one. If you have a car and will be driving most of the time, you can consider the heavier but sturdier (so that stroller can better stay stable when BB gets abit older and starts to rock/squirm/struggle) and more spacious ones. Basically if you want lightweight, they are usually narrower (so as child gets bigger and fatter, cannot use already).

2. 1 Hand Folding (i.e. open and close)

Get a stroller with this function

3. Reversible Handle

This is up to individual preference although there are some experts who advise that reversible handle such that baby can face you would be better for baby's development. They feel more secure because they can see you. You are also able to monitor baby's movement better.

4. Canopy Size

Get one with a large enuff canopy that shelters baby from sun and rain.

5. Basket Size

6. Wheels movement.

Ensure that you can control turns quite well (in both directions for reversible handle). Wheels shld be able to be locked.

For Korean/Jap brands:

Combi is lightweight but narrower. Good for those who need to take public transport or need to climb stairs to their flats (other than these, you seldom need to carry a stroller - you would roll the stroller so weight does not matter much). Capella is heavier but sturdier and more spacious. A comfy "throne" for those who drive.

I'm not that familar with European brands but popular ones are Graco, Aprica, McClaren (do check the recalled models), Maxi Cosi or Bugerboo Bee. (sorry if my spelling is incorrect)

Please dun get those umbrella strollers/buggies as its not suitable for infants - cannot lie flat, only sitting position.


i feel that best to use those ear thermometer,don like my PD clinic that use those mouth thermometer n put under the bb armpit.the bb keep moving n the temp is not accurate.


i don like the idea of using pill n microwave to do sterilise of bb stuff. Mothercare also got the microwave steriliser

Shinchan> my gynae was just doing a normal scan during my visit at 16 weeks - doesn't seem like she purposely scanned for gender (during the oscar scan, she said baby covered with hand so can't see - apparently she could see for rest of MTBs then already)... no harm asking your sonographer but gynae says confirmed will know during 20th week detailed scan...

kendra> your edd is the same as leo baby and me - do you happen to be delivering at kkh or mt a?

mums delivering at mt a> you can sign up for a mt a ladies card at $98, similar to the fbi/sbi at tmc but less comprehensive - think i mentioned earlier but anyway here it is again...

Hi Ladies,

Long time no input as PC down and now still just using hubby pc to input my findings.

I surveyed stroller and found Peg Perego piko p3 and inglesina zippy very good for ppl that drive. Because of Taka baby fair, peg is having 15% discount but similar brand inglesina is selling stroller and new born car seat at only $839 so i find that its a gd deal. you can u tube these two and there is demo to show u. I like the inglesina beacause 1 hand can keep stroller liao. Do chk it out. Promo is till 28 March.

Also, Taka is having 20% on a lot of stuff so good deal and avent product are cheaper and comes with lucky draw. I only spend $38 buy avent product and won the $300 worth Dect Monitor. Pay with Taka card can get point to exhange voucher and also when fair ends got lucky draw. Go chk it out. I prefer shopping on wk days less crowded and sale staff can give you attention.

tiger lily: for me definitely electric cos i have no microwave ;p tablet good for traveling. and i have same sentiments as phyphy. haiz. maybe just use hot water.

pomme : i think food wise my parents still quite receptive to new tech.. but camera and tv/ dvd all that *sigh* ;p

pinkyluv: the 'male' note there is so funny ;p

leo baby i'm considering piko p3 too. at first saw peg perego piko p3 and mclaren n prefer peg perego($644). then i saw combi and aprica- was sold by the 1 hand open/close n lightweight. (was deciding between combi miracle older version smaller wheel n lighter $529 (newer version 629) n aprica laurer 799, ex but nicer looking. came back n surfed on aprica n combi.. realised that lightweight also means more filmsy. now deciding between peg perego n combi old version ;p will be checking out ingesina...



Which brand of bottle would mums recommend here - BPA free and anti-colic? While I hope to breastfeed majority of the time, I also intend to get bb used to bottle feeding so I will not have to around 100% of the time...

