(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

BBL, my friends are telling me to opt for Gleneagles only if I have a lot of spare cash as the medical bill could be horrendous should complications arise. Tat kind of scare me a little. Will try to arrange for the maternity tour at Mount Alvernia soon than make a decision.

dont worry too much..everything will be smooth..dont think of the bad parts first..to me...should anything happen, then we decide so no pt worrying myself with all this now.

Hey Jynnsan, did they pay 2.5k cash after all the medisave deductions? Any idea what the rates will be like at Mount Alvernia given a similar situation? My sis gave birth at Gleneagles 2 years ago and she paid more because she was in the delivery ward for too long. And if my memory didnt fail me, she was charged $10 for each extra set of milo and bread.

Chin-> I also got bad backache since week 6, now am into my 13 weeks liao. Stil pain till i cant even slp well at nite....today just went to see gynae...gave me a rubbing gel to rub on ...see how it goes...

Tiger Lily->

Ya, thanks for your advice


vic ma: Thanks for the advice. I think I'm constipated cos of ms and so didn't dare drink too much water. But when I do go toilet, my stools are not hard and it's not painful just takes a very long time to come out and so I think that strain led to my piles coming back out again. Now with ms easing, I am able to hydrate myself more and have been going toilet more often but the piles are still there but no bleeding and not painful. Hopefully will ease up by itself but will check with gynae on fri.

Shinchan: What u described abt ur nipples sounds like mine. Crusty whitish/flaky stuff on the nipples. Like dead skin and when I rub they will drop off and below will be tender nipple skin. I remember experiencing this in my last pregnancy but not so early, only towards the end like 3rd trimester. Maybe my body already knows what to expect since my first pregnancy and is now preparing for it? Will check with gynae on friday too. But he's male so dunno if he will want to inspect my boobs, a bit shy to do so leh...

Gd morning ladies!

May I know if any of you still on folic acid?Coz just went to see gynae yesterday due to my giddiness, gave me iron, DHA n continues to give me folic acid...i still tot folic is only for first trimester?Or throughout? Seeing the DHA medicine so big size, i really want to faint le...very scared of big pills...difficult to swallow =(

I am given 2 days MC anyway to rest as my backache is really terrible...last nite applied the rubbing gel and it feels much better today le=)

Good morning all!



I heard from my hubby that he spent over all $2.5K and after deduction, still get back $300, he actually recommend us to go to Gleneagles, sounds very good rate.

Am in my Wk#14, still on and off nausea like rollar coaster, appetite not much improvement, no craving, hmm...now my tummy looks like as though i am 5 mths. I am still wearing my normal outfit but i think soon will not be able to fit le.


Gynae no longer prescribe folic acid since last visit 2 weeks ago, i am now on GNC multi-vitamins.

Morning Ladies...

Portia - i brought my bills to work le.. but i can't find my latest bill leh.. i scan and send to u shortly hor...

jynnsan - so envious that u look preggy.. friday i went babyfair, nobody bother to approach me to give brochures or free gift... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning Mummies.

I will have backache if i stand for more than an hr..and no more shopping for me..yest went jurong point to get an ipod for my sister..only shop for an hr..my back start to give me problem and made me so pek chey that i wanna go home and rest..really spoiler lo...


I am still on folic acid...currently wk 14 n 3 days..doc still ask me to carry on and ask me to start eating fish oil...

BabyT, also nobody approached me lei, maybe i look fat...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

BBL - have u tried applying Bengay?? it soothes backaches.. i'm using it daily... even on my ribs.. cos not only does my back hurt, my ribs hurt too..

jynnsan - now is the stage where people look at us with the "is she pregnant or just fat" face... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Bengay,hmmm nv hear b4..where can i get it? watson n guardian?

Jynnsan, at this stage i think we look fat more than we look preggy..

My hubby keep saying i look fat not preggy..i was like duhz...thanks for the comment..

Morning to all,

Rainy day, hope none of you got caught in the rain.


Two of my friends gave birth in Mt A for both their two kids. The feedback is really good: friendly nurses and yummy confinement food.


I have the same condition as you for my nipples. But this is my first pregnancy leh. My gynae is female, but can only ask in apr.


My SIL and colleagues (medical doctors but not gynae trained) says that folic acid should be taken throughout pregnancy. Since it is water soluble, excess not used by body will be pass out, like vitamin C. So no worries on overdose. I have folic acid in my multivits but only 1 mg.

Yup, my fish oil capsule is very big also. But must eat them cos it is brain food for the baby.


Your gynae prescribe you with GNC multi-vits? My gynae gave me the Obimin pink packaging one.

My tummy is still small, like 3mths even though i am going to 17th week by this thurs. So no one is giving up seats for me in the MRT.

BBL - the bengay can get from watsons or pharmacy... it's approved by gynae... i've got lower and upper backaches.. so every night before i sleep my hubby will halp me apply...


My gynae prescribe that to me after 2nd appt, so started taking it since 10th week. But i din get any iron pills leh, even though i am thalasemmia minor (alpha 1). Maybe my blood test results are good, also no giddiness too.

Pomme Low,

Maybe u should go straight up to those people sittingon priority seat and say hey i need this seat cos i am preggy, i think they wont reject u ba..

Hubby drove car to msia and i am on my own to work..i realise taking mrt and bus in the morning is not easy task for pregnant lady. have to be super kiasu then u r able to get a seat in MRT..then i tranafer to bus..after i alight from bus i starting to feel giddy n out of breathe...hate it man..


Thanks for the advise..will pop in to watson later at lunch

BBL - no prob.. my friend had the same prob when she preggy too.. and Bengay was the only solution... the good thing is it's not oily or sticky... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


interesting article on price differences of diapers

babyt > i'm envious of the mummies who look preggy too. everyday i will ask my hubby look fat or pregnant with the day's clothes. the answer is mostly fat. -_-"

yesterday u guys were talking about discharge from nipple. i went back to squeeze my boobies leh, nothing.

morning ladies..

haaa diamantz don go squeeze! u don wanna have milk flowing out now! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Erm.. i am one of those with v big tummies le.. don feel envy mummies.. look preggy doesnt mean ppl give me seats! all push and rush into the trains and sit immediately ignoring me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

babyT and jynnsan> no one gave me anything at the expo fair oso. i was siting down and with my bag covering my midsection, nothing can be seen at all! instead of flyers, i got a few curious looks, like maybe i go to the wrong expo fair :p

jynnsan> did u buy your own multivits? i got multivits but some unknown brand 1...

Pomme Low,

No, actually i got this GNC bottle before pregnant, in order not to waste, i double confirm with Gynae whether can consume or not, she look through can give me green light, most probably after finishing the bottle, she will prescribe the multi-vit to me.


Diaper, up till today, i personally think Mamy Poko is better compare to others. More absorbant, had tried dryper, pet pet, pampers, huggies and drypantz ( i think i spell wrongly :p)

Haha, i remembered someone approached me at the baby fair, if i am not wrong, should be talking about slimming down de, argggg

Good morning mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Questions for BM,

1) How long can we leave the BM capped in the room temp?

2) When do we need to freeze the BM? Can we just fridge it?

3) When is the expiry date for the freeze/fridge BM?

4) What is the temp to warm the milk that is suitable for consumption and not damaging the nutrients?

5) Usually newborns will sleep a lot, when is time for milk and they are still sleeping, should we wake them up or let them sleep?

6) How do we know if they are latching on sucking milk and not sucking for comfort?

7) Is 10-15min on each breast enough for them?

8) If bb finishes drinking one breast, is it necessary to pump the other breast or can we wait till next feed then feed the other breast?

9) Is there a way to lie down latching them on instead of sitting up and carrying them? So we can also rest together mah...

10) What should we eat to boost up the milk supply? Drink more liquid or drink more fish soup?

Sorry for the long long questions asked....

Personally I feel mamy poko is very soft, I like the softness but is ex leh.. Once in a while, will go to JB and buy. Little cavin is using huggies since birth cos we are lucky to get a whole carton of free S-size huggies. But this time round no more free, have to buy....


I feel for you cos i see the same thing everyday too. Everyone pushing each other.

Anymore MTBs taking train to work?? The east west train is so crowded everyday. What are you all going to do when tummy gets bigger?

Most of my colleagues have hubbys to fetch them when preggie. Those who have preggie wives also get cars to drive their wives to work.

looking fat or preggy> i think at this stage, the clothes we wear are very impt. clothes that are obviously maternity wear will make it quite obvious. the prob is, nowadays, lots of the maternity clothes sold try to look like "normal" clothes, then pple blur blur when they see us...

morning ladies

great weather to snoozing. alas i am work so can only dream about it.

BabyT - thanks for info on Bengay. my lower back has been a killer. will go out to get some

Ladies - anyone of you still or have been consuming Green Tea (powder type)

I am a tea junkie and i was wondering if anyone still do consume any tea.

badfifi > i also got multivits,dha n calcium from gnc. my ex gynae say can just get over the counter is safe. Then i went to get another set from GP cos i find GNC pills very big. i just finished everything before visit next week. now i'm eating free multivits from abbot from the first mummy n daddy fair. and i din ask anyone wether safe or not. haha. i think my the time 2nd kid, will be super relax.

the east west train is really overcrowded always get squashed like anything. mummies taking train pls take care. maybe can go to work earlier or later to avoid the super crowd. else can take back a few stops to get seats, but that only works if you're near the end stations. i have direct bus, but the drivers are really scary.. really have to hold well.

Any mummy tried GOO.N jap brand diapers before? Can get free sample from www.diapers.com.sg.

Some review says it is as good as Pampers NB but cheaper by half price. Really wondering if i should buy the S size.


I got my multivits and DHA fish oil from gynae, cos i can claim through my hubby's company since it is charged under single bill with consultation. I have checked the prices of multivits and DHA with GNC, guardian and unity pharmacy, seems like the price is cheaper by quite a lot if i get from KKH.

As for travelling, i am planning to take cab to work for the last two months and reach work around 7.30am. My hubby wun be getting car, he say the most i work part-time or be SAHM than to have two persons working just to support the house, car and two kids.

I was hoping my tummy is the small small one, then wun be so tough on me when i travel back at 5pm on public transport.

I am also given Mulitvits, Fish Oil & Calcium Pill. Gynae says take Folic Acid until 14 wk. But I am still taking since I m left with 10 Folic Acid, don't waste ma.

My hb & me works in same office so we go to office together except sometime, I go back myself if he got meeting after office hours. I usually takes a cab cos' can't stand squeezing with ppl esp. during rush hour. Furthermore, I need to walk 15mins from train station to my house.

I also don't look preggy just fat at my tum tum. I am still wearing my usual cloths except those super fitting ones (which I cannot force myself in anymore)

Stretchmark Cream

I keep forgetting to apply the cream. Must make a point to remember everytime wfter shower.

Backaches & Neckaches

I also having aches all over - could be due to bad posture. I used apply yoko yoko not sure whether safe anot. Will go buy Bengay this evening.

tiger lily - i don't think yoko yoko is safe or not... but it's better to consult ur gynae first before using... if u can't get ur gynae, ask the nurse, the nurse will convey ur msg to the doc.. even normal medication like flu and cough, those prescribed by GP, better to inform ur gynae too.. very ley chey, but it's better to be safe than to be sorry...

BBL: don worry bout it.. really love the internet can help us get so many information and let us share some knowledge :p

Hi Gal,

My Laptop is back and looks like i really have a lot to catch up with all of u.

Yesterday had needle like pain and went to KKH 24hrs for chk. Confirm as UTI and felt slight aching pain at back and lower tummy too. Dr said mostly cause by the infection. I will be seeing my dr only tmr to see if i had gotten better. Advise for all ladies pls keep ur water intake consistent. When my laptop is down i wasn't sitting at desk a lot and thus never drank from my water bottle at desk. was bz shopping and talking abt shopping, share with you all what I had bought.


Kaki bukit hyperstore staff are at the taka fair and if you plan to get any things might as well get at Taka and there will be some form of discount and taka points.

