(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


Aiyoh. Do take care of yourself.

You mean TMC? Yah its true that for emergency cases, all will be transfered to KKH. But the risk then is #1 the journey & #2 whether KKH has sufficient bedspace to accomodate.


Actually for milk bottles, the key is the teat and not the bottle itself. If you are BF, then not all teats are suitable as some of the are too hard. BB will find drinking from the bottle so much easier and then may reject breast. This is also the reason why if you are BF and intend to latch, try not to intro bottle at all till after 4-6 weeks at least.

Re: Alcohol in confinement food

My LC said that you can take coz all the alcohol evaporates when cooked but you need to time your feeds. Its just like you said. Eat after feeding and refrain from feeding again with 2 hrs. But if you are worried, then dun ask your mum/confinement lady to tone down the alcohol.


Its coz you din eat breakfast + maybe the hawker centre was too stuffy/warm. Hunger will make you black out (so i advice to always keep some snacks in your bag). Places that are too stuffy & warm will make it worst too.


No. There are different sizes of mattresses for different cots, especially those old models. Some are more common, some not so.


Pomme> Don't worry, not pressurized - was just wondering :) din realize we have the same edd (like leo baby and kendra) - yah, confirm the taka fair will be too late - guess will just settle all the stuff by GSS as last resort...

Badfifi> you mind sharing the price of the cot mattress?

Fifi> Thanks for the advice on at least 4-6 weeks - my plan is to expose bb to bottles (now I know when with your advice) so that I will have option of popping out a couple of hours if need be, without bb being 100% dependent on me

Fifi> which teat is better based on your experience? A lot of mums swear by nuk teats but my sister totally against them but said pigeon teat is the best so I'm rather confused...

cost of mattress/cot> sorry, just logged in. the mattress alone is $109 (after 20% discount). the cot (4-in-1) with mattress is $348/$358 i think...

shopping early> i'm just buying the bigger items now and then i won't have to think abt shopping for baby stuff until august.


The price is as what badfifi shared. Price includes cot (russian pine wood convertible to junior bed), fibrelux mattress, bonbebe 7 piece bedding set and a play mobile. Free delivery and installation. You can get a munchkin diaper organiser (handing utility holder kind) for $30 (usual is $59). Delayed delivery possible. Have scheduled mine on 3rd week July. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

is anyone an expert on bottles? i have totally no clue what to get. should be getting 2, 4 oz and 4, 8 oz. nuk? pigeon? avent? pros and cons?

morning mummies..

i am into my 15weeks already.. was feeling very sick over the weekends.. headache, bad bad flu.. tis morn wake up and vomit non stop again! this time round its some yellow liquid??!?~~ sigh. i wanna stop vomiting~ feeling really sick in office now.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yeah, i agree =) my CG has always been bad, but now worse :p..uni days they implement this open book exam system and i carried so many files to flip till i fell down the stairs b4 entering the exam hall


hehe, actually when we 1st saw that scan, we also find it amusing tat they print the word down there

btw, i usu but bottle up to 8 Oz, cos 2oz or 4 oz not enough for my baby after a while. I used pigeon..ok leh


do take care poor u, still kenna food poisoning !


had a bbq on sat, so much food but the fire keeps failing..was so looking forward to BBQ chicken wongs but din have any in the end :p a lot of things like not fully cooked and i was advised not to eat in case kenna food poisoning


do take care and try to drink more liquid

me also heading towards my 15th week now..still not my usual self, this morn was telling hb i wana puke in his car on the way to work

i still standby plastic bags

yday been sleeping full day too, last night also sleep thruout..

now headache dun noe is it due to oversleeping

Pinkyluv: thx.. i also duno what happened. sudd like machine break down.. and i am having cramps on n off.. my fren told me is not OK that we are still having cramps now?

my headache is due to frequent sneezing.. my nose seems to b dropping anytime. ha

Thanks for sharing the prices badfifi!

Adelynn> I also have the same dilemma - Fifi has advised that teats are more important than the bottles themselves hence my question on which teat is recommended

MTBs with confinement nannies - would you express your bf and let nannies feed your babies in the night or just latch on?

Good Morning All

Anyone having backaches? I have been having a bad backache since Sat - it is bothering me a fair bit. I think it is due to my posture when I stand as I lean backwards to stabilize myself..

I had it the last round during my last trimester.. this time, this is a bit too early!!

Good morning mums,


We are talking about the rocio bb cot at taka fair. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For bottles my colleague advise get wide neck ones so wun spill when pouring BM in. They say the tommy tippee and NUK teats are more similar to the real nipples.

I bought two 4 oz and 2 8oz ones from pigeon.


I think i will be latching on day and night to get the supply going in the 1st two weeks. Standby those nipple cream. My colleague advise 10 mins each side is enough for 1st latching.


Maybe get a back rest to put on chair helps? Helps to keep the S curve on my back when i sit.

Good morning Mummies,

I have a question to ask.

Yesterday at home was to free and nothing to do, i tried to squeeze my breasts to see if there is any milk..to my surprise something else flow out., it was transparent, sticky and abit oily..

Whats that, i had them for both side of breast and it flow out easily when i squeeze..


I don't experience what you have. But i believe it may be colostrum (first flow of breast milk). They say BM is oily, that's why there is a slimming effect for mums who are breastfeeding.

BBL - please don squeeze anymore.. i dont know to explain but if i not wrong by squeezing it, u are signalling yr brain to start the milk flowing~! as pomme says, it may b colostrum and if it starts flowing now yr baby iwll not get to enjoy the best milk already..

i have frens whose milk started flowing way before they are due and its not good i heard.


i understand cramps is not ok..


personally, i have it on & off for both my previous pregnancies and there was once the cramps was so bad tat i broke out in cold sweat in my gynae's room for my 1st pregnancy..but she could not pinpoint the reason

so for me, i have accepted cramps as part and parcel of my life, alto i noe it is not normal but even my previous gynae cannot explain y when i was in her room and she did an immediate scan for me..

all i noe is i was walking hunchback in pain when i left her room ..

so far 1st two preggies were fine..have the same cramp issues in my 2nd pregnancy ..really beat me why

Good Morning Mummies,

I wasn't feeling too well over the weekends. Due to heavy rain on Sat, I gave up the idea of going to Baby Fair at Expo. Ended at United Sq, brought a pair of shoes (Bata Comfit) and undies from E2. I got so tired after 2 hours at United Sq, went home with a headache. I had to be in bed the rest of the day and Sunday as well.


Do take care.

Portia Thia,

Suggest you have a cup of milk first so yr tum tum won't be empty. I do that, cos' sometime, I take my breakfast in the office to avoid fainting spell, I drink a cup of milk before leaving home.


Try to avoid BBQ food cos' if food is burnt, is no good for baby as well.

pinkyluv: ya thou its my 2nd preg.. last time i don have any prob at all.. thats y tis time round i am quite freak out.. all the morning sickness, vomiting stomach acid, spotting, and now cramps. getting me very worried..

yday was at expo and i cld feel the cramps as i breathe.. face turn pale and freak my bIL and sister out. haa..

hopefully i could last till next tues gynae visit.. do not wanna take anymore Medical leave.. had too much of them...

morning ladies,

adelynn, today, i logged in to my HR system and was commenting about the no. of medical leave applications so far to my collegue...

only 1Q of year, and only half of the medical leave taken. haha

Ok i wont squeeze them..but kinda amazed to experience that.

I was at expo yest..not alot of people..also nothing much to buy...got 2 pairs of booties and diapers...

hi ladies,

good morning..

Aiyo, seems like many of us have headache over the wkend.. Me too!! mine persisted from Sat to Sun nite and having no choice i took 6 panadols over 2 days.. wat a lousy MTB. until now, i can still feel slight tightness in my head :s

Hey, i have something similar as BBL too.. My nips will surfaced some whitish substance. Initially u can see that they are inside the nips then slowly they will "pop" out after a few days. I will usually clean them when i'm bathing. I scare I will hurt the ducts if i'm too rough.. any idea if my case is same as BBL?

was at the library and now i'm stressed about BF [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] not so 'simple' as being able to latch on or not. (that is already one prob) also have to take note of what you eat cos some food not good for baby will make it cry... so have to keep a log of some sort... if the baby cry then can't eat that. the book says things like strawberry/ brocolli/ dairy products cannot eat...

cream to heal cracks? also have the gel pack for sore nipples...


I think nipple cream moisturise nipples to prevent it from cracking/blisters.

I think better apply one week before birth, so the nipple is moistured enuff to survive the latching after birth. Previously they were sharing that BM can be used for cracked nipples. Bleeding nipples need to use nipple cream

I am also Another Headache MTB during the weekend.. could it be the cause of raining days?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dun stress =) i din noe abt the cons of brocolli only after i finished my 2nd confinement and i ate tat daily steamed with cheese !

heard it carete a lot of gas in babies ?

no wonder my son keep wailing thruout the nite during my confinement :p


good tat ur colleague has a sense of humour abt the medical leave

in this office of mine, besides myself, no one take maternity leave

when it comes to medical leave, majority of the managers takes less than 2 days annually

and when i took just a miserable day of MC last yr, my d.boss asked me y u take so many days of MC

i replied and said only 1 day for the whole of 2009, and that was my 1st and only MC for 2009

think he added all my childcare leave inside too, cos my kiddos also kenna HFMD in 2009

lousy weekend

spend it with a sorethroat , a headache, a toothache and hot reddish painful knees

headache mums

hope all ur headaches r gone..mine is still there..sigh*

coupled with a toothache

and the thought of visiting a dentist now with all those things placed in my mouth make me wana puke..how

Ladies - it is best to stay away from too crowded places..think some of us may experience fainting spells or bad headaches esp when air is thin and blood pressure of our bodies drops. Take care - for all those feeling unwell.

I slept a lot over the weekend - finally I am sleeping much better than before. And eating better as well. Officially 16 weeks 2 days today.

Pomme - thanks for your suggestion, I shall bring a small pillow to work tom.

BF - I am not sure about other hospitals, but at TMC, the nurses are pro-breast feeding. They were very helpful last time - came to help with the latching on, and kept checking on me to see if I needed any help. I did not start applying any cream before I delivered. Supply was not good the first few days then - but after I got the momentum, I managed to BF my boy for 9 months. Of cos, I had my fair share of engorgement, pain, stress etc. So, please relax and take things as they come. Don't worry too much too early.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinkyluv > yes create gas. u mix cheese n brocolli- double whammy ;p

am thinking of getting a small stool to rest my legs in the office. isit overkill ;p


I dun have much experience with teats coz my LC asked me to get pigeon ISOPRENE teats and so I used that all the way. Never really tried others so cannot compare.


That may be colostrum. Dun squeeze anymore ok coz if its colostrum, that milk is full of antibodies which is really really good for your baby. Furthermore, as Adelynn says, asking your breasts to produce milk now may not be a good thing.


Dun stress dun stress. Some food items have some "side effects" but its not that bad. You just have to take note what your baby reacts too (i.e. changes in baby's behaviour). Frankly, I din over bother except I apart from alcohol in confinement food & I stayed totally off alcohol. For cracked and sore nipples, the best is actually breast milk for healing. Relax okay.


nipple cream is for healing and soothing sore and cracked nipples. However, breast milk is actually a more natural and better healing agent. Only if you have milk blisters, then using lanolin may be better.


They had a Mount Alvernia booth at the expo baby fair over the weekend promoting the ladies card. I believe you should be able to pick up the brochure at the hospital. It cost $98 bucks for 2 years and is quite a good deal. You get discounts off your total bill ($100 for single room, $80 for 2-bed room) and other discounts off ante-natal course and healthcare services.


If u cant find stool, u can get those boxes for putting A4 papers, i am using that as a stool, quite good.


I was at Expo but i didnt see. Only saw TMC.

Did i miss it...have to go hospital and get ah, is it available online where i can find more info about it?

Hi all ladies,

Long time no post. So much activity here!

Been bz with house shifting last week. Now I look at the boxes to be unpacked and I can really faint. On leave and back to work this Wed - sianzzzz.....

I'm 16+ week now and happy to report that puking has somewhat eased since last week and tummy has grown bigger. Appetite and sleep has improved. Now I no longer need to eat my anti-nausea medicine to make me z. Was initially worried that I need to depend on medication for the rest of my life to help me z! :D

Cheers to all here... and I'm back to my unpacking...

Hi BBL, it was right behind near the too-too-train ride. I think you missed it. They were giving cooler bags with registration that looks quite nice. Why not you can try calling them at 6347 6788 and see if they can send to you a copy of of the registration form?


Yap think i miss it...cos i avoid th too-too train area..too crowded there..

thanks for the link..will explore that...

Seems like not much offer leh..was thinking i could save more if i deliver there...cos my doc is from TMC...of cos all the scanning package will be from TMC...so dont really benefit from the $80 off for 2 room


BBL, i think if you are delivery there then the card will be worth it, since the discount offsets most of the card fees. If not, then really nothing much. I should be delivering at Gleneagles so I didn't sign up for it too. But most people are telling me to choose Mount Alvernia instead of Gleneagles. Haiz... decisions.

