(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Portia - Is she senior consultant?? cos if i remember correctly, there are 3 different rates for different seniority of consultants.. i'm seeing A/Prof John Tee and his rate is tagged to senior consultant... i haven't seen my hubby's payslip yet, so i'm not sure how much is the actual amount... bill size IMO is almost similar to private practice...

are you a teacher?? i'm not sure what's the difference in "medical benefits" between MOE staff and SCDF staff... but there is a maximum cap, then after that will be full deduction...

clueless crystal - i added u on FB.. and guess what.. my shih tzu is called Crystal as well... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my younger shih tzu is called Jayde.. supposed to be Jade, so Crystal Jade (lame i know...)... but my sister's daughter name is Jade, so she "yelled" at me about it... haha...


BabyT, yeap, I am a teacher. I oso not sure of the medical benefits...mayb later i call up personnel and ask. As for Dr Irene I am oso not sure if she is senior or just consultant...lol....if I am not wrong should be just consultant.=)Pardon my ignorance

badfifi > do you still drink maternal milk now? its ok to start now right? so good your clinic gives you sample but mine dont [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

badfifi - i'm not here to play devil's advocate, but honestly this thing is getting way out of hand... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] well said, but ur the better writer.. my IDOL... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so u going baby fair later?? if i see u i'll come up to u.. don't get shocked hor...

portia - what i know is majority of my hubby's colleague's wife also use CSC card... cos it's more convenient, directly deduct from pay, then got offset too... maybe u can call up and ask TPS what's her consultation fees.. cos i've seen John Tee twice.. previously was seeing private gynae... then changed due to sudden change in my own company's medical benefits... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] anyway, my 1st visit to John Tee was almost $200, then blood test another $100 plus... then 2nd visit (last week) was just normal urine test, BP test, scan and iron pills.. about $80++... i'll email u my bills from private gynae and from TPS on monday... then u can compare..

Hi Ladies,

Good Morning and TGIF! Let's try to keep the thread friendly, ok? We are all here to share and learn from each other. Views can differ - but we should all respect each other's views. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Chill, ok?

Luvlee - I get breathless, too! It is normal, and it usually hits me when I am sitting in a certain position, talking or doing a presentation at work, or when I climb up a flight of stairs. The other day, I was having a heated discussion with an irritating colleague - and I could literally feel my blood pressure shotting up and I got breathless. I had to hang up the phone to catch my breath. Bad, huh?

Yvonne - Congrats! That is great. I did feel some slight movement like a flutter, too.. but I am not sure whether it is just the muscle stretching or gas in my stomach..haha.

pinkyluv - oh dear.. how did u fall.. take care hor..

yvonne - congrats on feeling baby movement for the first time...i'm still trying to confirm whether mine is gas, water, or really baby moving...

chin - i agree.. keeping this thread friendly is important especially when we are going through pregnancy together.. and need all the support we can get... strangers as we may be, but still mutual respect should be given...


Thanks for you advice on the leaking milk issue. Will definitely try to relax and not kan cheong about milk supply.


Think Dr Irene Chua is a consultant. So here charges should be what i have quoted you earlier.

Morning Ladies,

Had a long day yesterday. Morning brought my boy to excursion at 8am, noon borught him for jab, myself to gynea, then rush to work till 10pm. By the time i reach work at 5pm was so tired. What made it worst was the irritating customer i met.

Ask her nicely if she needs me to help her fix on a filter that she bought for her SLR, she replied;" then i buy for what!" Y is there such rude ppl, i explain tt some ppl prefer to fix it themselves at home. I jus feel like telling her, I"m not willing to sell you and get out.

What a day..

Pinkluv, Pls be careful. Take care


Oh, that must have hurt. Do take care.

Ladies, do avoid stepping on those metal drain covers on the roadside walkways. I nearly slipped the other day, even with my sport shoes on. Think it is going to be rainy for a while. So do check the traction of your shoes or slippers before going out.

BabyT> I am sharing the INFO with RESEARCH. And FYI, She is throwing GROUNDLESS info with NO LINK no anywhere that this and that is NOT HARMFUL. I really dont think that so called OLDER is a BETTER MUM. its the actions that you do.

And btw, as i SAID, their baby their choice. dont cry father and mother when harm is done. All i can say is DO your research to support your thinking and actions.

Oh and FYI I dont frequent here and seriously, If you`re using age to "turn on me" the table, It certaintly shows that even with age the maturity is way low Because you are unable to communicate PROPERLY.

Oh and dont worry i wont be bothered with you or how you treat ur baby or rather how u take care, to harm or to properly take care its your decision and i doubt i will be replying to your next msg, hmm, i want to save my brain cells from mass destructions

Good morning Mtbs!

I have been religiously following this forum/thread since I know I was pregnant in Jan. You folks have been most informative and I just wanna say thanks.

I just had a bad morning with DH and am typical provoked by the sudden hostility in the thread this morning and hence decided to log in n just wanna give kudos to all for all the experiences you've share!

I'm your typical silent reader at 15/16 wks with etd 01Sep10.

I seems to have grown with you folks during this period of time. I was kinda upset when I know I was pregnant then cos I have to give up my flying career which I really really enjoy after many job switches. But as the day passes, I read on your experiences, your silent joy of being a mtb, the anxiety of looking at every ultrasound scan just keeps me going.

pardon my long post.

Have a great Friday n weekend ahead!

babyt> btw i only see debate not wars, and if u`re so clearheaded, read properly what i typed. inside of saying oh you young girl respect bla bla bla..


is my own mother that cooks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But seems like nothing turns my appetite on, she doesn't like me have outside food so I requested noodle soup for my dinner.


Thanks for your concern. *touch wood* thanks for buddha's love, till date i don't suffer from MS. Only the food part turns me away. Maybe bb don't like to eat. hehehehe... I have been losing weight but I try to eat more on food that I can swallow into me - that is white bread and noodle soup.

karen> maybe u wan to get some supplements that help with appetite? Cause you should be around 14 weeks or so rite.. its the starting to gain weight period as bb absorb more


take care, if you feel uncomfortable please visit your gynae.


Welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks! I been to TCM, maybe my mouth is choosy so can't swallow anything that is not to the tongue's liking. i am only wk 11. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

karen> what did the tcm say.. u noe i have tis problem too.. recently i dont feel like eating kfc and hubby wants to eat, so we went and eat in the end i force myself to eat the chicken and immediately wanna vomit.. so had to eat another round of other food lol

Windy> me lao sai almost everyday, but for your case, eat more fruits drink more water... thats the only way


OSCAR is considered easier than Detailed Scan (20 weeks) coz mainly need to measure the neck thickness. Detailed scan need to scan all the organs, spine, etc. So need to scan from different directions. For my #1, my gal showed everything except her spine, no matter how we tickle her to move. So I went back many times (total 3 days). Super tired after that. I saw some friend's 3D pics. Nice leh.


Eh be careful. As we go along, our CG changes and we are no longer as balanced as before. Do take care. And if you feel unwell due to the fall, please see your gynae for a check hor.


No need to say thanks lah. The reason why you need to be relaxed is coz if you are too tense, you will find it harder to get letdowns, hence, get less milk. But of coz, dun heck care until you dun work hard for your milk supply also.


I understand abit of how you feel coz I also feel that I have given up a lot of what I want and like since becoming pregnant with my #1. Even recently, I had to give up a very rare chance at work because I am pregnant. But when I get home to see my daughter and hug her, the feeling that its all worth it comes very strongly. I believe you will have the same feeling when you finally hold your baby in your arms. So enjoy the journey and wait for that day. Trust me, the feeling will overwhelm you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


So exciting that u can feel ur bb's movement liao.. how many weeks are u now? and one more sua-ku qn, how is the feeling like huh? :p


alamak, be careful leh.. hope ur wounds heal soon. maybe ur toilet is too slippery and may like to put in some anti-slip mat..


Am doing my detailed scan next mth so asking hb to go along too. Will the sonographer let your hb go in with you to see the scan? So how long will the details scan take? My schedule is such that i am seeing doctor 30 mins after scan. Not sure whether i will be late for appt.

BTW, can you explain more about letdown? How to tell if you have got it correct or not?


Maybe i can share with u my experience cos i had terrible constipation during my 1st trim.. mine was so bad that i was stuck in the toilet for an hour, got a bit of bleeding and having to use hands (of cos cover with toilet paper) to literally pull out the shit. Beside my daily intake of fruits, i supplement it with prune juice.. it works for me so far *touch wood*.. but of cos everybody's body differs, no harm trying bah..

I think so mtbs suggested yakult oso. I have tried but it doesnt work as gd as prune juice for me.


For constipation - Dragon fruit and yoghurt work for me - I take them in moderation though, as with all things during pregnancy.


For this pregnancy, for the OSCAR scan, I spent 3 hours there as I had to go in 4 times before we got the measurements we needed of the neck and nose. Maybe it is because I did not talk the baby the night before - I really believe that it works. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So for my detailed scan, I think I had better do some prep talk the night before - I do not want to spend the whole day at the lab! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For my older boy, I only did the detailed scan. He was cooperative - it was done within an hour!

windy me too. and duno why after peeing tummy will be a bit pain... like the pain you get after never go pee very long. but i go quite frequently... once i went every half hour for 2 hrs lor.

i also dun like my mama's food anymore. and mil's food somehow taste better than pre-preg. -_-"

haiz. today is eat-a-lot day. 2 breakfasts and still hungry now. does anyone get this? normally not much appetite den once in a blue moon super hungry whole day.

Hi Shinchan, thanks for your advice. Wow, your case seems very bad. I had been taking yakult daily, guess it didn't work for me either. Looks like prune juice is my only hope now. Btw, any idea about those Sunsweet pitted prunes? I have some in the fridge now.

Hi ladies,

Went gynae yesterday and we know the gender liao. It's a boy! Was feeling a tad disappointed coz was thinking it'll be soooo sweet to have 2 gals and that it'll be so nice for Sophia to have a sis to confide in, etc.

But then again knowing me, I will be feeling the same if scanned to be a gal. Then I will be a tad disappointed that its not 1 boy 1 gal. hahaha... that's me, always not knowing what i want. ;)

But regardless of gender, very happy that baby is growing well. Somehow, I still can't totally shake off the worries I am harbouring. Cant wait for detailed scanning and oso to be able to really feel baby moving. Now its those "was-that-baby-moving?" kinda feeling. Hee me so blur.. and to think I have experienced it before.


Oic...no wonder u bo pian haf to stick w gleaneagles, despite the bad service.


When fruits/prune didnt help, my gynae recommended me some mild liquid laxative which can be bought from Guardian/Watson. I just cant remember the name!!! *pregnancy brain* All I know is it starts w "D". It works well for me. Let me check it up when I am home.


For my #1 zzz, I used the methods from The No Cry Sleep Solution - Elizabeth Pantley. My gal was quite a easy baby from this zzz aspect. By the 2nd/3rd step.. she already zzz.

My colleague is a great believer of d controversial Babywise method - Gary Ezzo. But she only managed to finally use it on her #3 child, coz its really difficult to harden your heart n let your baby cry it out esp for first time mum. I personally don't like this cry it out method either.


Nowadays TMC have this 4D scanning. 3D + movement = 4D. They will record and give u in CD form. Anyone going for that?


Due to that terrible experience, i became ks, bot prune juice, prunes, stool softeners. hahahha... Then one fine day b4 i can even start on my prunes, I LS-ed due to "overdose" of prune juice. I drank one cup instead of my usual half cup. So in the end, i dun dare to eat my prunes cos i scare "overdose" again. :p Maybe u can try first.. go step by step to test our body system lor.


I am experiencing the same as you. Bladder hurts like never pee for a long time. I am so scared i am going to get UTI. Kenna twice and am so phobia about it.


Congrats on knowing the gender of your babe. Now you can happily buy boy stuff at the bb expo fair.


So happy for you. I still waiting to find out on my next appt next thur...

Hopefully baby will give me a surprise by opening it's legs.

thanks for all the advice fellow MTBs! :D

Starluster> so nice!! how many weeks are you now? I can't wait to know the sex of my baby but I am praying for a boy, though I feel it's going to be a girl.


At KK, they allow hubby to go along for the scan. If baby is cooperative, very fast de. If like mine, they wait till cow come home lor. So night before, do sayang your bb and ask him/her to cooperate. If baby refuse to move, drinking water and peeing does help abit.

Whether is by pump or latch, milk flow is not continuous and even like a tap. Letdown is when the milk is really flowing and the milk really sprays out of all your milk ducts. In between letdowns, the milk trickles. The more letdowns you get the better lor.

Best is after you deliver, arrange a session with the lactation consultant who can really show you how to massage, show you how its like when you get a letdown, etc. Practical hands on is best for understanding your own breasts & milk. In the meantime, can also read some books and/or see if you want to attend some talks at the Breastfeeding Mothers Support Group.


Nice to have 1 boy 1 gal wor. I am like you. If I get a girl, I will think why I dun have 1 boy 1 girl. If I get a boy, I will be thinking that 2 gals would be better for company. Lolx.

Is the 4D scanning available anywhere else?

Noodle Soup sounds nice , i suddenly have the urge to eat that for lunch..

hehe, i realise watever food u gals keyed in here do whet one's craving

PS: ladies, thanks ") I must keep an eye on the floor when i walk , bad habit of not looking at floor , that's why i tripped over this elevated area..and my sec schol mates remember me as the gal who always fall down..sigh*

BabyT - happened in the course of work as I was doing a site recky for an event..was evening

Shinchan: erm it felt like some1 used their finger to gently touch ur stomach. I was lying on my back surfing d net using my iphone n "kiao kar" shake leg.. Then suddenly i tot some1 jus touched my stomach leh! I was like.. Dengz.. Then after a minute or so then i realise tt was bb lar! Lol..

Then whole night i cant slp well, was waiting for bb to kick me again but no leh.. Haha..


congrats ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


2 same gender for company i agree :p tat's y i wish for 2 gals 2 boys


i look at my past scans..can noe by 16th week


cool ! i wish to feel mine too..the fun part comes when u can see them moving in ur tummy in the 3rd trimester ..i showed my mum, hb my exposed tuummy for #1 and #2 and can seelor

pomme > u mean thats uti?! But i tot uti is itchy at V, not at tummy. going to read more about it.

starluster > fibregel isit? orange color packaging i think.




these socks are uber cute! Someone is selling them on FB. I wish I know the sex of my baby now!


Do be careful. I have the tendency to walk quickly and always end up bruising myself.

You want 4 kids? Wow..... you are awesome. My hb and I are stopping at no 2. Im a greedy mum and I want the best of both worlds. A career and family....so 4 kids are definitely out of the question.....

Pinkyluv> NTUC extra? wow. I hope they will still be selling it in another 1 or 2 months. though i'm tempted to buy just one set boy and one set gal each!

Pomme and BabyT

thanks for the info=)Recently I am very forgetful so pardon me if i do repeat asking same question..lol


Icic, i guess whether mums cook or dabao oso pros and cons, just like I am sick of eating dabao till i ownself cook plain porridge and mix wif pork floss eat.lol


Please take care ya...


Pinkyluv: yes! Cant wait for tt too.. Told hb yest n he ask bb to kick one more time to show daddy but bb ignored daddy.. Lol... So cute lor! Cant wait to see bb tmr morning.. Hopefully can knw d sex n buy d correct color at bb fair..

Oh yes i went to aussino to buy a set of comforter for bb. Hehe.. Khaki color one.. At least unisex.. Wah d quality is gd de lor. No wonder aussino stuff are so exp!

