(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


gosh... i try to control not to cry after reading those articles from the webisite that you have posted...i am jus nothing compare with your situation!! but you are so strong to overcome everthing that have happened to you.. really.. very touch ...



be strong and moving on with yoru cheerful smile ok.. i give you my moral support... jia you..

i am gg to see my kidney doctor le.. chat again..

enya> aiyoh, pls don't say that! i just tried to make the best of a bad situation, that's all. anyway, now i guess you can better understand when i say that i'm not being strong abt the injection issue, but more 麻木了. over the past few years, i've had t do certain things, whether i liked it or not, so i've learnt to maintain a positive attitude, cos it can really make a difference to how i, myself feel about it... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you must jiayou too! and have an optimistic baby who will overcome the odds in his/her way! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good noon ladies..

On medical leave today due to bad eye irritation.. Left eye ball swell so badly and my eye lids all turn red from the rubbing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

something new i learn today, when we wanna use eye drop we shd press n hold the inner corner of our eyes (nearer to nose bridge) for few mins after we drip the eye drops.. That is to prevent the solution to enter into our nose n to our body.. Omg i used quite a bit of eye mo last nite not sure if its ok to baby.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi ladies,

Is anyone taking Pramilet Multi Vits? I was taking it for 2 weeks straight & i think my body cant take it. I had recurring sore throats! Any recommendations on how to reduce such "heatiness"?


Hey fische07,

not sure about ur vitamins, but I once switched prenatal vit halfway, and I fell sick right after that!

Now i've switched back to my old bottle of pre natal vit, and I am healthy... Never really believe in vitamins, but now I do, after seeing the change. Maybe you can try switching vitamins to see if that helps?

Haha, this made me laugh...

A Woman's Prayer

Dear Lord, I pray for...

Wisdom, to understand a man;

Love, to forgive him, and

Patience, for his obtuseness.

Because Lord, if I pray for Strength,

I'll just beat him to death.


Adelynn> I am having eye irritation also! this morning my eyes were half their size and my eyebags look like buckets of water. Eyeballs are so dry and have many red veins. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dear all> Are you ladies having nightmares as well? Last night i dreamt my hubby had an affair with someone called Lily (non existent in real life)! I was so angRY when i woke up and nearly kicked him off the bed. I read on babycenter that it's normal to dream of hubbies having affair as we are insecured with our pregnant bodies.




LOL. Yeah, that happened to me too... being in bad mood cuz of nightmares involving hubby and throwing black face at him for something he did not do! Hahaha


hahaha... my poor hubby too had to put up with my groundless scoldings early in the morning because of what he did in my dreams! poor thing!


guess that sort of reflects our 'insecurity' like u've mentioned. But at least he puts up with it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

windy and chrissy> hehehe i had a similar dream a few weeks ago and i got so agitated in my sleep that i smacked my husband and woke him up! (when i woke up, i was still upset and he had to cheer me up over something he never did!)

**hi Chrissy, Ya, went to the gynae to switch back to multi co eventually. How to tahan for another 5 months if so heaty? My boss will b upset with me if i go c doc so frequently de.

** bout the dreams, i had that as well! the next day morning i question my husband what was he doing hugging those two gals in my dreams he went "huh?" LOL!


I also face heatiness problem when i took the Multi Vits, think cus we're seeing the same doc. They switch me to Iberet Folic after the first trimester. You might want to check with the nurse. But i find that they recommend us to take the multi Vits in the morning so tt in the day we can take more water when we feel thirsty. I usually skip multi vits for a day when i feel the heatiness.

Yes the nurse also tell me to skip a day if i feel heaty... think i will stick to the multico tab first. I din have any problem with that. Gosh! =) Thanks for the feedback!

badfifi , fische07 ,

LOL.. i guess it's a common thing!!


Oh... pls share once u know how much SGH charge for single bedded room! but when the days r nearer, will see how it goes, and whether the differences are worth or not.. ;) Thanks!

hi chrissy

ok, after next week visit, i ask them to generate my 06 & o8 bill..if they can =p


i have PM u my number =)


u dun accept PM too..can u see my number in ur facebook under events


chrissy is absolutely right. Dr Tan is really a very good gynae and he delivered my son in 08. I heard tat most staff go to him.

btw: SGH has incrased their pricing fr April .Hope this round will be smooth as well =)


yupz, can u email me ur number

[email protected]


i m puzzled. how come din see all these in the bill u typed ? =)

i did this in my 2nd appt when i was about 12 weeks

ABO & RH(D) Typing Blood Group


Hepatitis B Surface Antigen

Full Blood Count

HIV Screen

Antibody Screening

First Trimester Screening

these test comes up to abt 200 bucks excludes consultation

Hi pinkyluv: Pls update my bb gender : Princess [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks.

Actually, the doc who did my scan say most prob gal, but my hubby feel he like not v confident. Just wondering any mums experienced doc tell gal, then later it's actually boy?

Thanks pinkyluv for the check.

i've no idea why he didnt perform those check on me. I think I'll ask him on my next visit..

He asked me to go for blood test to check for DS but I asked if there were some other way to check other than blood test? So he checked the BB's neck thickness. The ratio came out 'ok' so he said, no need blood test.

well, I guess, different practices for different patients?


hehe, on second tots, maybe because u r young , so he dun see the need =)

this shows that he doesn't ka3 patients unnecessary :p


I'm also taking Pramilet Multi Vits. Almost finishing my 2nd bot now, so far so gd *touchwood* But then again, everybody's body is different, try switching to see if others suit u anot.


Talking abt dreams abt HB, i oso dreamt abt my hb last sat.. i dreamt that i'm my hb's xiao lao po!!! hahaha...

morning! suddenli feel naseus this morning and generally unwell after feeling normal for many weeks...is this normal? i think i'm beginning to have backache at 20 weeks.... how ah.

hi clarissy thanks, i understand now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi pinkluv, for the single bed, did u take the delivery package?

And can I check with you, when u are with sgh, and if u feel sick, do u go back sgh to see gynae or go gp? My gynae is at O&G only on mon and fri so not possible for me to wait to see her so went gp and hope the medicine will be safe for bb.

I have coughing, and migraine, vomits yesterday.. the vomits are bad that I took rather long to vomit and is squeezing hard on my tummy that i cant even control my bladder.. plus the strain while coughing, that I broke down worrying for my baby.. at the clinic also broke down, luckily my doc scan bb is fine sleeping, heartbeat ok.. and before that, hubby finally felt the baby kicks with his hand.. but but but still cant help worrying because of the medicine and coughing esp I had 2 miscarriages before and took me hard pain to have this bb.. im so angry with myself for not taking care of myself

kris we're only half way through the pregnancy got backache liao! some mummies were talking abot bengal to relieve backache... where to get it?

how to sleep well? doc suggest for me to put pillow behind my back and sleep like 45 degrees but i feel very uncomfortbale. i really like sleeping on my right side and back now.... how [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

diamantz> it's bengay and you can get it quite easily. i forget if it's watsons or pharmacies... nowadays, i sleep best on my left or on my back, but usually sleeping on my left is the most comfortable

diamantz, bengal can get at any pharmacy, but must be careful, if you are allergic, (like me unfortunately) to Naprosyn, Voltaren, Ponstan (which is a common family of painkillers) you cannot use this cream. I checked with gynae before.

**btw ladies, can eat crab or not huh? I ate some yesterday. =P


i have that from my gynea, i hear from some mummy tt you can get it from pharmachy.

I sleep by the side, i read from some books thats its not recommended to sleep on the back, else got to place a pillow behind. Now i cannot lie flat, my back can feel instant pain.

Mine might be due to carrying my boy.

diamantz - i bought this pillow from The First Few Years.. it's only $29?? i think... it's a triangular pillow that is used to support our back or cradle our tummy at later stage... i must say after using it, it definately helps in my sleep.. i don't have a picture off hand... after work i go home take pic and show u k... it will help u sleep at an angle.. and my backache.. most of the girls here will know i bedridden for 5 days previously as i can't bend my back... can't walk... my legs gave way... but mine is old injury, aggravated by pregnancy... and yes bengay helps... my hubby helps me to apply to my entire back every night and i sleep until damn shiok after that...


got some old wives tale abt children more itchy finger touch here touch there :p i was more concerned when i was having #1..now i thhink it wun make a dif whether crab was eaten ornot =) cos children like to explore anyway


no maternity package leh, never heard of that, u mean when deliver tat time?

if sick, i go GP . SGH so far for me :p

cheer up and wish u a smooth journey ahead =)

fische> i eat almost everything lor but in moderate amts. only things that will give me pause is stuff that are too liang

pinkyluv - my MIL told me that crabs will cause skin allergies.. i.e seafood in general, not inclusive of fish... that's why i abstain from crabs... if she tell me next time my children have itchy fingers, i will purposely eat.. cos my children are humans, not crabs.. haha... anyway, my hubby has eczema, so i play safe, steer clear from crabs, shellfish, peanuts...

fische i ate crab liao . haha. old wives tale is eat crab the baby will be nottie... duo shou duo jiao... how to translate this... haha. hyperactive?

the problem is i feel comfortable lying on my back ... can i confirm this- lie on back is not good cos might lie on umbilical cord to baby and lie on right is not good cos the baby will rest on one of our organs.

thanks all. i just saw gynae and next visit 1 mth later, think will just check with the pharmacy. i also boy leh, don't know what it did in my tummy last night, kanna hit consecutively. i can only say it has a good sense of rhythm.

wah thanks babyt... the pillow sounds good. i have activiated most of my pillows liao. one for the leg, one for the back, one for the head and one bolster. haha. my hubby at night want to turn n hug also cannot find me. ;p

haha! then i wont feel so guilty la. My grandma says bb skin will no gd if i eat seafood.

I find slping on left side most comfy at this stage now. =D

Sleeping well:

Research shows (and from my own experience) that sleeping on our backs is ok as long as we don't feel discomfort. The reason why most drs suggest that we sleep on our sides is because of the weight of baby applying pressure on our internal organs, and by sleeping on our backs, we constrict the amount of space for our baby. In the first few months up till the sixth month, we may feel comfy, but come 7.8.9 months, we may start feeling backaches from sleeping too long on our back. It is also safer for baby if we sleep on our sides. A tip for our heavy tummies is that we put a blanket or flat pillow to support our tummies when we are on the side, so we do not pull our abdominal muscles too much and baby is well cushioned between the bed and the blanket/pillow :p

Eczema, allergies, asthma:

Both me and hubby have some form of allergy. Hub has sinus and I have asthma+skin allergies to seafood, so it is no wonder my elder girl has got both of that allergenic gene. Gynae deduce an almost 80% that we pass it on to our baby and true enough [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

There is actually no research that says some foods will cause babies to grow up with allergies, except for **Citric acid. We read up on many articles about citric acid and the acidic effect it has on amniotic fluid so we were advised to steer clear of citric acid found heavily in oranges, lemons and lime. Most of the time, allergy problems lie in the genes or in the bloodline so as long as we eat in moderation, should be ok :p

diamantz - the pillow is just triangular shape... it looks cheap, but it works.. haha... it doesn't slide off the bed too.. cos my sheets are silk sheets so whatever i use to prop up my back will usually slide off the bed... but this one doesn't... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya.. i got the triangular pillow for my back, bolster to kiap, and another pillow to lift up my legs when i got cramps... until my hubby pek chek... hehe...

badfifi - i scared my baby will have bad skin like the daddy... so i better abstain...

Hi Pinky~

Can you update my baby's gender status? Its a boy! thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]))


morning ladies

finally back to work today. yday finally felt the hard kicks of baby after so long.. 2 days to my detail scan! really cant wait..

today marks 20weeks of my pregnancy!! another 20weeks to go.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

