(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Tiger Lily,

I believe more or less will have some effect bah

For my #1, i can't remember i read anything to him, i am a typical lazy mum. But now at least i join my baby for 1 hr lesson weekly and sometime read bedtime story, so hopefully #2 can absorb abit here and there :p


Yah, it is very stressful, especially when they keep crying and being fussy but we din really know what is the main cause. Hope he will recover soon


I engaged the CL from agency during my previous confinement, had gotten her number and contacted her in personal. I think you are right, if she is ok, i think she will be just entering sg by holiday pass. When i engaged from agency, they never mentioned about this levy wor, only said if necessary we need go for a round trip to bring her to stamp her passport.

try to soothe him. dun throw temper at him but i know it's hard. somethings it just get on ur nerves when he just cry for nothing...

but now that u know the root of problem, must try to soothe him. snapping at him and showing frustration is going to make him feel worse.

lim> i don't know where to inject leh, cos dr hasn't said. but yah, the injection should be to thin my blood...you're not alone when it comes to expensive lab tests..my blood tests are not cheap either [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jynnsan> if teething discomfort, can try buying those teething rings with water (there is a term for it i can't remember, basically the water is very clean). put the teething ring in the fridge to cool and give it to him. it's not going to solve everything but at least offer some comfort...


Thanks, i have to remind myself to stay cool especially now is the moment baby need our comfort, he also dunno wat is going on. We are making a guess that this is the main reason, but if this persist, will have to consult pd again.


it weird that the agent need you to go for round trip to bring her for stamping her passport.. making yourself more tired and trouble.. i think u discuss with ur hubby for the CL confinement cos most impt is they shld bring you an easy confinment period instead of making you more tired and trouble..cos i believe you need more rest during ur confinement period..

Thanks mummies

Snow baby

Will try to apply the teething gel, had tried to pass him teether but he rejected few days ago

badfifi-> hope that we will have a healthy baby.. i am quite sad over myself so many complication during my pregnancy.. do update when you get to neo abt your injection cos i am scare to inject when come to my 3rd trimester cos tummy will getting bigger n bigger..may i neo which hospital you choose to deliver??

Tiger lily,

Wah... you are so hard working leh. I only manage to play music (same one) at night before i sleep. They say if bb come out and hear the same music, they will calm down and know it is bed time.

As for massage, i am not so sure, but my spa therapist also say must wait till 5 mths before trying the prenatal massage. I will not be trying Mdm Suria's prenatal. I'm have already decided on postnatal 5 days with tummy binding. They say the tummy binding is very effective in slimming down and their breast massage helps to clear block ducts too. Pay per visit. Quite reasonable pricing too.

BTW, i saw that you order clothes from alpha mummy too. Can you share with me bout the quality when you receive your buys?? I only order a bit to try out first.

I have been experiencing stomach ache in the mornings. It will be relieved after standing and walking around for a while. Been sleeping on my back which is my usual position. Do you think is the womb pressing on the stomach?? Any mummies has similar experience?

hi lim (enya_lim),

I am also from SGH. I didnt take package but here's the gynae bills. Pinkyluv and I have the same gynae so I guess we shud be charged the same? But our consultant is senior consultant thus I think it's the most expensive...

Below are my fees I write down every visit.


1st Appointment on 20.02.2010

* First consultatation fee $80.95


Total: $142.15 with 7%GST $ 152.10


2nd Appointment on 20.03.2010

* Senior consultant - repeat visit $57.14

* Laboratory Investigation $39.70 (Vaginal swap for suspected infection)

Total: $96.84 with 7% GST $103.62

Multi vitamins x 2 months supply $7.20 with 7%GST $7.70


3rd Appointment on 17.04.2010

*Senior consultant - $61

*Detailed scanning - $88.50

Total: $149.50 with 7% GST $159.97


oh great!! BABY FAIR!

Can u believe I did not buy ANYTHING till now!? I'm so tempted... is this the last babyfair? or will there be anymore before Sep?? Anyone happen to know? If there's no more, I'll go for this expo fair ;)


I think my scan is closer to the girl one. Oh no. ... my hubby will be disappointed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I told my parents is a boy from the last scan, based on what the doctor said....

hi chrissy/pinkluv, the package u referring to is the delivery or maternity? coz what i understand is that sgh dun have the maternity package like tmc clinic, whereby they pay $600+ and they do not have to pay for the visit/scan.. whereas sgh we pay for every visit.. delivery package will have and as we choose snr consultatant, we can only choose B1 ward and above.. but B1 ward will it be too crampy if friends/family come and visit? my mum want me choose B1 so that there is ppl around but hubby want me to choose A1 so that i can have no disturb night as i am someone who can't stand snoring, hehe.. and he said he will stay overnight with me if possible

Hi all,

i have a Pigeon Multifunction Steriliser which comes together with bottle warmer and food warmer.

It is brand new, not used before.

Freebie include bottle liquid detergent.

Giving it up because i have hand-me-down from relatives.

Bought at $149, now letting go at $120.

Let me know @ [email protected] if you are interested.

Hey BBtigger

From what I know, you are right... SGH dont have maternity packages. We just pay as per visit.

I asked my gynae about delivery packages on 17th Apr so tt I can 'save' the money for 'deposit'.

But I was surprised when he assured me that there is no need to get a package. He advised me to take B1 ward which is 4 bedded, and it's 'affordable'.

If u and hubby can afford, I dont see why not with going ahead with warding in A1.. and with hubby around, with bb? That would be so nice!!

But I am the type who'd rather 'save' the money and just go ahead with anything. hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

type of ward> i kinda don't have a choice, cos i HAVE to get a single-bedded ward as i'll need my husband around the whole time. if you're easily disturbed, sharing a ward with others can be risky cos what if they have noisy visitors etc?

lim> don't be so worried. really, it's not going to do you or your baby any good. i'm quite blasé abt it, not much reaction. my take is if it must be done, whether i [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] or [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] it will STILL have to be done, so might as well not fret about it. i think for you, one of your biggest worries is harming your baby with the injection? in that case, it may help to read up on our baby's position in our belly, then speak to your doctor about your concerns. the doctor will be able to clear your doubts up and you'll feel more secure. i'm currently going to TMC as my gynae is there. as she knows my medical history and probs, i feel quite safe. she was the one who suggested i go to SGH to see a haematologist as a safe-guard measure.


Not hard working la. Due to my age, I am going to have just 1 baby. Therefore, I am doing my best to give my baby the best that I know.

Massage - which spa is that? Postnatal massage at what price & how long? Tummy Bidding for 5days enough anot?

Alpha Mummy - yes. I ordered quite a few maternity cloths from her. She has yet to reply my post & msg. She mentioned that she will send out the orders on 24/4 - so I should receive them sometimes next week. She is quite slow & don't reply post.

Sleep - my usual sleeping pattern is also on my back. But I have been learning how to sleep on my side - SOS. Sleeping on your left side will increase the amount of blood and nutrients that reach the placenta and your baby. Check out this site.



thank you so much for the info that you have provided, it's a great help to me at least i get to neo how much per visit i nd to standby.. but why on your 2nd and 3rd appt the consultation fee are different or is that the senior consultant are different?? but really thank you so much for the info.. :)


you are such a strong mummy to me ... hahaha.. ya i am jus afraid it will harm to my foetus hahaha... maybe will try the injection for few more days to get my fear away and make myself use to it... thank you so much ... you are reading my mind ... kekekeke..

but at least your doctor suggest you to go SGH .. at least you get to neo b4 anything goes wrongly...


thats the different btw SGH and private hospital, SGH nv come with the package but private hospital do have package and the baby room dont nd to pay cos is included in the package ... only today i get to neo that we nd to pay baby room for SGH...hopefull my baby arrive in full term. cos my doctor said he might do c-section for me if my baby doesnt grow according to the date which meant i might have early delivery.. woo then the baby got to stay in the hospital for a long period if she were born early..

Hey Enya,

No prob, I just copy and paste my document, no biggie.

I've no idea why the bill is diff for all the 3 consultations leh...

I will keep track and see the following month is charged how much and ask the cashier how they charge me. I also like to control my cash flow so I pay close attention to my money spent. Maybe, I can update u after my next appt on May.

Is ur gynae a senior consultant too? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i went to the expo baby on march.. regret that nv buy much durin the fair cos thier price are cheaper than the department store only get to neo when i went shopping for past few wk.. hopefull this coming fair will be the same.. got gd baby stuffs to grab..but i am not sure will there be any more baby b4 sept but is better to buy those stuffs that can keep(such as milk container,milk bottle etc..) i scare when my stomach getting bigger then it will difficult for me to go for crowded shopping..hahah

I see..

Well, I will still go to this expo babyfair... take a look and all... I already cant contain myself but have been holding back to not 'overspend'. hahha. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyway, stay strong, hope you have a smooth pregnancy and a bouncy and healthy baby!

I'm gonna call it a nite and ZZZ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] very tired from work!


on my 1st visit i paid 86 (excld GST)..hahaha we shall update again when we bak from next appt...

my gynea is a snr consultant too.. his is from high risk prenatenal central at blk 5 level.. not sure shall go bak to same place for my next appt got to check with them.. tomorrow gg to see my kidney specialist again... haiz... i have been visiting the hospital for last 1 mth..may ineo who is ur gynea?? i found some of the gynea ther are quite fierce and ya ya papaya... kekeke


86???? How come the bills like not standard ah?? weird... I think I better ask on my next appt.

My gynae is Dr. Tan Hiak Hoon. He is very friendly and I changed gynae from KKH to SGH cuz my doctor friend was trained under Dr Tan and she says a lot of staff in SGH goes to him, and he is highly recommended. He doesn't believe in breech/induce delivery, and I think that is important... (unless emergency)

I think it's impt for u to find a gynae u feel comfortable with... if u dont like, change lor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm not sure abt other gynae cuz I've only experience with 2 of them. But since urs is high risk, it's better to go to the doc that was recommended, from my personal opinion.

Well, look on the brighter side in regds to specialist appt, ur almost halfway thru the pregnancy and your body is 'strong' enough to grow a baby. That's already a miracle!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] U can 'breeze' thru the rest I'm sure!!

Alrite, niteee. ;)

Hi hi, some updates after on my tiger baby.

Hospital: Mt Alvernia

Gender: boy

I was thinking about hiring a confinement lady but it seems pretty expensive and i do wonder if they are good. Many of my colleagues fired their confinement ladies after a few days...

Also, i read some post above on letting the baby sleep through feeds. Well, for young babies, they should be fed often (at least every 2 to 3 hrs)and not be allowed to sleep through feedings until they are at least 4 weeks old.

Under fed baby may develop more slowly, but may appear "easier" to handle because they cry less and sleep more.

There's some really good baby care books that you can get from kinokuniya. I found the one below very informative and the author is a reputable organisation.

Your Baby's First Year (Second Edition)~ American Academy Of Pediatrics (Author)


enya> i don't think it's strong or anything, if anything, i think maybe it's cos i 麻木了... i don't know how best to explain how i feel also...maybe this is the best: www.makingpinklemonade.com.

chrissy is right! look on the bright side, you've made it so far! have faith in yourself and in your baby! friends tell me that our babies will listen to us and encourage me to talk to my baby. so i tell my baby that he/she must grow well and hang on until 20 Sept. when i first discovered i was pregnant, i used to tell my baby too that he/she must hang on tight and stabilise as a foetus...and i'm already in wk 17/18! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi guys. thanks. i went ahead with the detailed scan. baby is doing great, does anyone know what is "SDS of AC"?. for those interested, can check out the standards here: http://www.baby2see.com/medical/charts.html#Femur_Humerus

yvonne> my hubby felt bb movement too, although we din see it 'pop up'. quite surprised that its so hard. a friend says boys are more active inside, i wonder if its true.

chrissy > u mean the belly button will protrude for everyone?

Hey diamantz ,

That's what I thought initially... What I posted was more of a question, actually.. lol.

but from the answers, it seems like not every women has it protruded. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I was wondering why my isn't when I'm now in my 21 weeks.

Good morning mummies

Post-natal massage,

I did mine for 7 days straight, it was tough especially we have to bind our tummy for the whole day till the next morning the massage lady return. It was so tight that we must really endure. But it more or less have some effect to flatten.

Good morning Mummies

Sorry been busy so didnt log in. Think i may have miss out a lot.

just got my scan on monday and my doctor bet its a boy but he say it would be better to confirm after the detail scanned. He dont want to give me the wrong idea.

told my MIL, she is very happy about it. Does all MIL feel that way ?

Hey jocelyn,

I guess it depends on their preference! My MIL had 3 sons (including my hubby) so she wish for a girl so much to the point she almost exchanged my hubby (the youngest son) with a neighbor's daughter! So now, I'm having a lil girl, the in-laws are delighted [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So I guess, it all depends! Congrats!!

For my case when i told them I had a boy (#1), my PIL was like they prefer a girl, my mum was extreme happy for me, so i guess it really depends.

This round the pressure is having a girl as they keep telling my baby, next time must take care mei mei ok, blah blah blah

Hi Everyone~

Is our 24th gathering still on?

Detailed Scan:

Just went for my detailed scan yesterday, its confirmed to be a boy! Miss sonographer commented that my boy was so busy, tossing and turning.. cute! It is indeed that boys are just more active, my firstborn only started active somersaults at 7 months!


We stayed at TMC the last time in a one bedded because I elected for C-sect so I won't be able to do without my husband, and it was indeed so, had a hard time standing on my own, needed my hub to help me.. won't have the space and privacy if i opted for a 2 bedded. This time round, it would be a c-sect again, but am thinking of choosing Mt A instead. Any mummies here stayed in Mt A before? Will go for a tour I think :p

Have a good day everyone!


i am not sure why they fee are not standard.. will monitor again for my next appt in may.. for time being will continue with this gyne for few appt and monitor see how is it.. if not i will request to change since i'm paying snr consultant fee..

thank you so much for the encouragement...

bbfifi--> sorry to ask you a silly question, are you the one who wrote those in this website?? i read some of them ...

Morning everyone!


i stayed in 1-bedded Mt A when i delivered my no.1, enjoyed my stay there, the nurses are very nice.

re expo baby fair

i'll be going to stock up baby items too, don't want to wait till nearer edd, will need to rest more by then.

scarlett> congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i'm going to do what you did for the birth of your #1. elective c-sect at TMC. how was your experience there? my gynae is at TMC so mainly because of that, i'll be staying in TMC...

enya> yup. that's my website. i wrote the blog entries etc. i didn't write those media reports under "Pink Lady" of course, the journalists did, and the video was done by the Tues Report team.

Expo baby fair,

Do you think is getting milk bottles cheaper there or the Chinatown shop (forgotten what is the shop name cheong something)?

Little Cavin is using Avent, so we want to continue using Avent for this bb and milk bottle is not cheap if we get a lot, so thinking to save a bit.

