(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


U tried mummy poko before? It looks cheap...I swear by Pampers NB for their 'moisture sensor'.



Yvonne and Chelsa,

I am going to try all three brands, each brand on pack. Nepia, Pampers amd Mummypoko. Thinking of buying Nepia NB from Mediya or BHG or Isetan instead of ordering. My colleague says pampers will buldge in the base after bb pee. So am just trying all three to see which one i like.


I have a similar question like yvonne. Your posting stated both baby socks and bootees. They serve the same purpose?

Earl Blue,

My weight fluctuates through the day like you too. Lightest in morning at 60kg and then by evening is 62kg. Think should be ok bah, looks like we are digesting well and not retaining much water. Sounds good for me.


Just came back from my gynae and was told is a boy! Thou abit skeptical but happy.. #1 girl now boy.. 好! hee..


is our forum meeting confirmed as 24th? as there is a talk on 24th itself so wondering what time is our meeting. the talk is on the whole afternoon.

Dear Gals,

Another fair is on on 30 Apr-2May 11am to 9pm at singapore Expo Hall 4A Seem to have more items then the previous expo fair

Jokris: congrats!! 1 boy 1 girl is the best of both worlds.. hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wat talk, wat time @ where ? =)

ours is Noon at Suntec [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


taht BP sure looks yummylicious

Self Made Ice Lolly

have successully made my own Ribena Ice Lolly using the Ikea stuff, will be making coffee ones and iced milo one..a substitue for my ice blended drink :p


good news indeed ! =)

I have a concern about diapers which I'm not sure the rest of you share. Many many mothers nowadays use disposable diapers, but somehow, I keep wondering if there is a good alternative. I've heard that babies who are breastfed have very liquid/soft stools and poop very often throughout the day, and that is why disposable diapers are a better option (unless I want to be doing cleaning up all the time). But I just can't get over the fact that disposable diapers are totally not recycleable and have to go to a landfill somewhere after I'm done with it. I'm not some green nut that only uses eco-friendly stuff but the thought of using something that is so completely not good for the environment really bugs me. Is there a good, practical alternative?

1st SEP 2010 MTBs Gathering

24 April, 2010 (Saturday)

Venue : Suntec City

Makan : Kenny Rogers ?

Timing : Noon

Attendees {Pls confirm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]}

1. Pinkyluv

Leo baby: where did u find out bout the fair on 30th Apr - 2 may? i went to see the expo website don have any event le.. only Borders fair

Adelynn, got an email from friend and its confirm as i call the organiser to chk.



The baby clothes - www.babymallonline.com.

Scarlett -Thanks for the advice. I think i will get 1 pic at a time in case i buy too much as all look so adorable.

My mum got her friend to buy bulk Huggies diapers at $11 per pack, no matter what size, NB (44 pics), S & M. I think she order from her friend who work inside the factory. They are giving her $500.00 to buy every month. If interested, i will check with my month on location to pick up if we order from her.


Dear Jocelyn,

When I had my first daughter.. i was just buying and buying :p 8 bodysuits/romper is a rough gadge, just enough for our newborn until they become one month old. At 2 months, you may like to consider buying separates so when the shorts get wet, you can just change the shorts. I ended up buying more, as more nice stuff caught my eye.. in the end, we ended up with a mixture of bodysuits, rompers.. skirts, dresses etc etc. It will definately pile up through the months, so don't worry about having too little to start off with.

Dear Pomme & Yvonne:

I find that socks are a better buy.. bootees tend to drop off very often as our baby feet are too small.. in the end we drop bootees altogether sometimes over my daughter's socks when we go out.. kind of like mini 'shoes' :p

Thats right [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Baby Mittens are gloves for baby's hands and are for preventing our baby from scratching themselves.. You need a lot of wash cloth because newborn regurgitate a lot.. especially after a feed.. you need wash cloth for times you wish to wipe baby instead of going for a full shower etc.. I got 20 wash clothes in the end, had to top up!

Essentially the receiving blanket is for swaddling and need to be un-stretchable since you don't want baby to break out of their swaddle. A hooded blanket is more stretchy and more for going out and for general use.

Diapers @

We use Mamy Poko and Fitti 360.. Used to order Fitti through the mail and it is only $10 per pack.. great value and great quality. Tried nepia, huggies, pampers etc.. huggies are always a size smaller and does not hold as much water same for nepia, which is not as absorbent as Fitti 360. The pee pee indicator on pampers is good, but we find that for newborns as they pee pee so often, the indicator is always blue meaning wet, LOL. We use Mamy Poko Pants/ Fitti 360 for days and Mamy Poko Normal for nights now. When it comes to diapers, best to try the brand for comfort and fit, drypers gave my girl bumrash often as the cover is not airy, huggies is always leaking from the sides.. but it varies from babies to babies..

When days go by, you will find that budget will become part of your consideration, and you will start dividing $ with the no. of diaper per pack as baby wet so many diapers in a day. A newborn will use up to 8 a day sometimes 9 or 10 depending on breastfeeds and milk feeds.

Do consider a good diaper rash cream whichever diaper you buy such as Desitin/ Sebamed Diaper Rash Cream..

Buying Stroller/ Sundries etc @

We swear by baby kingdom (at ubi) and cheong choon (for suppliers) at chinatown.. Combi wise, we go down to Tai Sing (Combi distributor) at north bridge. They give extra free gifts sometimes if you buy combi strollers + other stuff. Baby kingdom is the official distributor for peg perego and they usually have older models strollers up for sale at a 20% discount or more. We got our car seats from baby kingdom too- a peg perego prima viaggio and a britex both at 10% off. As for supplies- bottles, breastpump, playpen, detergents, wipes.. cheong choon is usually 8-20% cheaper..

We compared prices at Taka fairs, baby fairs.. still find more value at the abovementioned places.. Though, do consider buying in bulk to save even more :p

Leo baby can forward me the email? the pic is too small.. i wanna see see.. lucky you mentioned else i tink i going to buy some stuffs this weekend already :p

This was the listing from March

any changes ?

1st SEP 2010 MTBs Gathering

24 April, 2010 (Saturday)

Venue : Suntec City

Makan : Kenny Rogers ?

Timing : Noon or 5 pm ( depnds on majority)

Attendees {Pls confirm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinkyluv (either noon or 5pm is ok)








hi Leobaby, i am ok with any timing =) we see what the rest say ?

Welcome new mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So long never come in and there are so many topics going on. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I can't make it on 24th, morning have my checkup and noon will have to go in-law hse. Mummies, enjoy the chat!


Thanks for the comparison on the shops. I should have not gotten my car seat from Taka fair, limited choice and little cavin don't like the shoulder pad that has a plastic backing. So everytime he will sneak his hands out, ended up the buckle is holding on to his tummy and his hands are freely waving in the air.


really $11 per pack? Oh... can you email me when you are ordering. I want to consider this brand. Need to do more research first. Thanks![email protected]


For my case, I only use diaper during outing and bedtime, usually at home, we use cloth diaper, no doubt we need to do more washing, but this is definitely a better and comfortable option for baby delicate skin.

Hi ladies, my MIL just told us she is not helping us look after our baby and my mum is working full time so cant help either.

actually at first, my stupid MIL told us that "pls hor, where got pple dont look after the own grandchild one! somemore is "inner" grandchild leh.. aiyah, i will look after one."

Then now tell us what her hand pain, this and that la.. ask us employ maid. Wtf. Im really damn pissed off lor. she stay with us, but everyday cook in our hse and take a bus and bring food to her daughter hse to look after her 2 grand children.

summore ask us employ maid. very clever lor, we pay for everything then HB's sis can bring the dirty clothes and use our electricity bills to do ur child's stuff. ARGH! make me so pissed off.

everyday MIL cook and travel to her hse in d late afternoon and come back after 9pm as her daughter always work OT in bank.

what im very angry with is she got the time and effort to look after them but no time to take care of her grandson. then the sis also very smart, mother stay with us, they can enjoy their family life YET at the same time got a free maid to help her clean her hse and wash her clothes.

wahh... my hubby really bo hua lor! GRRRRR.

Now im looking for infant care. die die wont employ maid. 1 thing is scared of maid alone with bb, 2nd is later her sis can make use of us again.


I had been through what you are experiencing now.

In the end we employed a maid to look after Hugo who is now 16.5 mths le. My MIL reason (before that she is not working), she need to take care of her house (FIL, SIL and BIL) who are already old enough to take care of themselves, we even employed a maid, just need her to stay at our place to monitor and supervise nia, she at first say ok, then after a while say see how, then in the end keep quiet when we asked her. So we are very pissed off with her, sigh, what can we do. We can only think that way, baby belongs to us, it is our own responsibility to find a solution to take care of baby ourselves. Now my father whenever free will stay at my place during office hours. My dad's friend also asked,"How come inner grandparents dun take care, end up you take care?" But my dad really help us a lot lor.

Dun be upset, there sure be a way out ya


Dnt be disappointed. Maybe it might be a good thing that your MIL is not taking care of yr kid. Most MIL and DIL have disagreements on handling the baby. Maybe you might want to hire a confinement lady for you to rest during the confinement mth and from there you can learn alot of useful stuff from the CL. For me, my MIL tell me her back ache la.. say my baby heavy la.. comment alot yet neber action.. she stop carrying my #1 since she was 4mths old cause she scared that she hurt herself. So i dont depend on her anymore.

Fifi, to stay environment friendly you can consider cloth diaper, but not during the first few weeks for newborn as they poop way too often. Maybe after the confinement mth you can try cloth diaper.


may i know where you order fitti 360 online ? how do i get to know more ?

Yvonne - FYI - infant care order until 7pm only. if you end work early then is it ok. I know that Government have subsidies quite a amount for infant care. My sis in law send my nephew to infant care since he is 3 month old, each month bill is $1200.00 before subisdies, after deducting, she is paying for $600.00 per month.

Then now he is 18 months, been transfer to playground and only paying $300 ++ per month for full day care.

Have you consider caretaker? meaning those aunties who help ppl look after babies at home ? They charge quite cheap and are quite good as they are very experience and cook good food for your baby, some of them only charge $400 to $800.00 depending on the age of the baby.

My MIL is looking after 1 baby since he is 3 month till now (14 months). My MIL has been looking after babies since 30 years ago. I think she charge them $500.00 per month and she will cook porridge for them and talk to them.

Maybe you can find one near your house ?

They may be of good solution to your worries and headaches.

P.S: I am just giving some suggestion for consideration, if i say anything offence anyone please forgive me.


Congrats on getting a "好". I hope my first is a boy too.


I can attend the gathering. Ok with kenny rogers. Let me know the time again ok.


I think for newborn quite unavoidable. Using washable diapers translate only to water pollution (detergent included) plus extra electricity usage for drying. If you want you can try Bumwear. They say it is easier to wash and dry faster than traditional cloth diapers. I am intending to get it after my babe past 3mths. Best is to get your babe toilet trained soon.

My friend's 6 mth old son only use diaper at night. Day time they just used potty and sometimes pee in the pants just got to wash more lor.

Leo baby,

Can email me the baby expo leaflet too? Have pm you my email address. Thanks.

jynnsan and jokris> thanks so much! actually, that's what i was thinking. use disposable diapers during confinement then when baby's diet stabilise, switch to cloth diapers, unless going out. jynnsan, did you do that for did you use cloth diapers from the beginning? and if use cloth diapers, what are the things i will need? nappy liner?


At the beginning, we used disposable diapers for about 2 months, after heartpain whenever baby get rashes, we decided to switch to cloth diaper, we did not use the liner, just the nappy cover (there are sizes) cos we do not want to take the risk to use safety pin. We will check and changed when wet, this really need alot of effort though, especially the washing part because sometime they poo and raining day will be problem as the cloth might not be able to dry on time.

yvonne> don't get so upset, not worth it. actually, my personal preference is to get a confinement lady, because as jokris said, MIL and DIL can have disagreements, and a good confinement lady can really teach you many tips on caring for your baby. also, with a confinement lady, i don't have to pai seh when i feel too tired to do things, i can just rest and let her help out...

jynnsan> aiyoh, then for this baby, are you going to get a confinement nanny?


My previous CL haven't get back to us, i will wait until May and by then if she can't confirm, i will get another CL. Will definitely get CL to help up, cos tis round i am thinking if possible get the CL to do a 40 days confinement as this will be my last baby le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pomme> yah, i've heard of bumwear but they are quite ex right? they have quite cute designs though so may get a couple later.

jynnsan> my aunt told me that the liner can help because when baby poops, the liner will separate the "solid" stuff from the liquid, then it'll be easier to wash the cloth diaper. which nappy cover do you use? (i'm very swaku, i don't even know such things existed)

jynnsan and yvonne> my friend recommended me a confinement lady but i'd already hired one by then. if you want, i can give you her contact. my friend's sis had her for just 1 day (cos didn't book her in advance and the baby for her next case was born earlier than expected) but apparently, in that 1 day, my friend's sister learnt quite a lot. she works/worked for agencies i think but cheaper to contact her direct.

badfifi: jus share with u but i have used cloth diaper + nappy cover [bought from kiddy palace] since my son was born till he was 5mths old? i cant rem.. reason is bcos my mum is kinda traditional and she hates disposable diapers.. she said last time me n my sis use disposable diaper till all diaper rash v heartache so she make sure my son only use cloth diaper and only at nite when slping she allows disaposable diaper to help bb slp longer.

yea cloth diaper is quite troublesome in the sense of washing and esp when baby poo.. alot of ppl give me the disgusted look when i said baby use cloth diaper and poos there. but actually baby's poo are v clean until they start to eat solid.. so i think there is no issue and most impt cheaper as we save on disposable diaper + nappy rash creams :p lastly yes must put liner inside!!

jynnsan> thanks so much!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i must really go and find out more, but i never seem to have enough hours in my day anymore... by the way, did you decide whether to change gynae? i just took a package from dr chen...11 visits i think...

adelynn> ooh thanks!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yah, i'm also worried abt the skin sensitivity issue, because i have very sensitive skin and i'm afraid baby will inherit that from me and not deal well with disposable diapers then get rash etc...


I have got the traditional diaper cloth, nappy liners and snappies as back up for cases where my bb get diaper rash. I also very suaku.. What's the nappy cover for??


Yah, bumwear quite ex. Think i will just buy 2 prefolds and 2 pocket diaper and alternate with disposible diaper. Hopefully will prevent diaper rash in babe. Luckily i got dryer at home, can quickly wash and quickly dry it for use.

badfifi: if yr CL or the person washing yr laundry doesnt mind, i suggest u use cloth diaper ba. i ever use that bumwear too.. its good alternative when baby is older. i tink i used it when my boy was 6mths old but my mum already start to potty train him.. she train him as early as 3mths like whistling him to pee etc so i had not much issue on wearing disposable diapers..

Thanks ladies for ur great advice..

was just thinking, during confinement are we allowed to be in cotnact with water, like for e.g. bathing our baby?

i was thinking, since MIL so much probs, i may consider going back to my mums place for confinement but order tingkat confinement food for lunch daily.. Then dinner mum will settle for me..

What do u all think? my concern is can touch water not lor?


Traditionally, our parents use safety pins to pin the nappy cloth, now we use the nappy cover (another cloth) to cover the nappy cloth itself so that it will not come loose. Safety pin i dun feel secure lei...scare will poke baby haha, just ownself scare


I decided to stay with Dr Chen, maybe will get the package during my next visit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dun mind can share with me the CL number, maybe can keep in case. Thanks


During confinement, from what i know is try our best not to touch water, but i did to wash my face and shower using warm/hot water that time :?

pomme> where did you get the diaper cloth and snappies (what are they?) from? i think i will get them at a later date. i don't even know what are prefolds and diaper pockets from bumwear...i am more swaku than u! hee

adelynn> my CL will be doing laundry for both baby and me. i think ah, i will just use dispoable diapers for the confinement period (unless baby's skin really can't tahan) and switch later. i'm scared CL say ok, but internally not happy, then unpleasantness occurs. if baby's skin rashes and i have to switch, then at least she herself can see it's all just for baby's good nia...


badfifi: good idea [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yvonne: i didnt bathe baby till after 40 days.. my mum don allow she say to avoid touching water.. but i did shower in hot water + some herbs thou.

