(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

quina11, many daddies that I knew ALL love their princess as compared to the princes. When princess is out, he will love her very very much. Like my dad, he already had 4 daughters at home and the most loved grandchilden are the gals. My mum is taking care of my boy and my sister's daughter, my dad will nv carry my boy but he will hold on the the gal dearly. hahahaha... see the difference?

tigerlily, don't be sad with their words. We don't want bb to suffer the hunger, we eat cos bb want us to eat, so eat all you want now and lose weight later. This is the only time that we have no guilt in gaining weight! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi Pinkyluv,

I order the pie from : http://theshepherdspie.com/

Ordered a black pepper chicken pie due to the gd reviews from hungrygowhere webby !

If u guys love potatoes, u must try tis !!

Oh ya it takes one hr to arrive =)

Karen - Certainly hope daddy will sayang on my dearie princess !

oh man, Hungry again ! gona drink my AnmUm !


dun bother abt those 无聊的人. I felt ur sil is rather insensitive, wat u eat is definately none of her biz!!! *hug hugs*

Went window shopping at Marina Square today. Walked into Mothercare, seeing those sweet little pink outfits, hair pieces n shoes... Haiz... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

When I was sharing my thot to my hb (abt my regrets for not being able to shop for bb gal's stuffs), he "niam" me, telling me that my bb boy will b so hurt. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I know I shd accept the fact... But still a tiny bit of "遗憾" (esp hb already told me that it will b our last bb). I think I'm getting mad liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning mummies... I'm wide awake at 6.18am... Not going to work... I think I sat on the floor for a long period ydae and I can't bend my back after 8 hrs of sleep... I'm walking with my back at an awkward angle and can't walk properly... Anyone experiencing pregnancy backache till this extent??? It hurts so back I don't wanna walk at all... Hopefully I can schedule an earlier appointment to see my gynae... But honestly there's nothing he can do... *sobs*

Adelynn,Optimus Prime,Pinkyluv,clueless crystal, karen,quina11,mango>

Thank you so much for your encouragement. Indeed, is not easy living in big family. Although, they are only here on weekends mainly Sunday. I can feel the tension esp. when I m expecting now. After the evening incident with my SIL, I lock myslef in the room and refuse to eat cos' all my SILs are downstairs in the living room. They only left when Majong game is over at 12.30am. Lucky, my hb persuaded me to bring me out eat supper. (minced pork noodle soup) Otherwise, I probably need to sleep with my hunger.

I regretted living with my PIL. I not only have to handle deal with my SILs - who yucks & talk nonsense, I also need to handle maid issue. Married for only 2yrs+, I have change 3 maids so far all bcos my MIL says they are lousy. The maid is hired base on my PIL's request, MIL don't train then say they are lousy. I am really stress out and my hb can see that I have been crying & crying these fews days cos' once I seat down at the living room my MIL will starts complainning about the maid. Ytd morning about washing the car pouch - MIL refuse to tell the maid where she has missed out. I had to go walk on the soapy floor to tell her, I almost slipped and fell, lucky I held on to the gate. MIL saw but also didn't care. I should have insisted that we move out when married - now too late le. Can only plan after baby arrive. I really eny those who have their own house. I felt like a convict cos' to avoid my MIL, I normally hide in the room.


Hugzzzz... try to let those unwanted comments "one ear in and the other ear out". Why should your SIL care whether you are growing fat or not.

I think our tum tums will vary in sizes. Most accurate is bb's weight and size is normal range and growing well. My tum tum quite small now and i hope it will be small by delivery too.


I din buy any stroller. But i tot there is this combi miracle turn not bad. Most prob my friends will buy us one. Can mummies share what you have got?

Pinkyluv and Quina11,

Wah... your appetite is so good. I doubt i can down some much. Am still eating small meals and can't finish all my food as usual. Had porridge and yong tau foo, some vege and fried egg for dinner. Sigh...


I have some lower backaches yesterday but it was like for a few minutes only. I think i read somewhere hormones are released to "loosen" our bones for birth, so i guess that's where the aches came from.

tiger lily> *hugss* hang in there ok? it's never easy to live with PIL, esp if you have ji1 po2 SILs...don't let them get to you. how you deal with ur pregnancy and in future raise ur child is ur biz, not theirs. maybe when your SILs come, you avoid sometimes by going home to ur parents' or going shopping. ur husband doesn't always have to come with you so he cannot complain that you are keeping him away from family time... as for your MIL and her issues with the maid, see if you can get ur hb to talk to her tactfully? MIL will listen to her son... whatever it is, don't be too upset ok? crying and feeling stressed is no good for your baby. if your husband needs a good reason to act, that is your good reason. i think extreme stress etc can even trigger premature birth etc

Tiger Lily.. Yes, ignorance is bliss! For d sake of ur bb.. heck them !

babyT, i have very sharp piercing pain when i walk ard e.g. shopping for about an hr or 2 .. lower back.. pain til cant walk .. then i will need to rest..

going for my gynae appt tmr.. will ask gynae abt it and also hope i can see my bb's sex since im 19 weeks plus liao!


I msn my hb le. He very defensive abt his family de so he says just ignore my MIL & SIL. So I am going to do that - don't say I m rude lor. Really ar.. stress will trigger premature baby..then I will start learning how to act blur and stay cool. Thanks.

pinkyluv> i just read the Ts & Cs on the shepherd's pie website. wah, min of $100 orders for delivery to Bukit Batok...sigh. i think Bukit Panjang won't be any better...the shop is located in the East, so [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

morning ladies...

Lily, I hope everything will get better soon on ur side. Ignore ur MIL and SILs. they ar jus a grp of idiots.


I got a quest to ask. Are u all suffering from stuffy nose yet? I read in book it is common in 2nd trimester.

I start to be suffering from it. And during slp, it caused me to have sore throat cos cannot breath properly during slp and breathe with mouth in air-con room.

I am now in pain lo. Even body is aching like it is breaking apart. I wan to cry liao.


The mayoclinic website states the following:

As pregnancy increases your circulation, more blood flows through your body's mucous membranes. This causes the lining of your nose and airway to swell, which can restrict airflow and lead to snoring, congestion and nosebleeds.


My sinus is more serious now and am sneezing more too. Maybe you can try to sleep with the fan instead. I feel fresh air helps to give better sleep.

Hi ladies,

I find singapore's maternity clothes very limited in design. Anyone got any lobangs on where to buy online??

I just ordered some pants and shorts from VS last night.

Lizzie, i have difficulty breathing when slping in aircon room and my throat gets all so dried up that i will wake up gasping for air and water.. haha..

so its save the electricity days for me..


I am experiencing something like u. But not grasping for air. I woke up with a very bad sore throat cos I guess I slp with my mouth open breathing instead of my nose. hai.

Lizzie.. Yes, i think its something like snoring.. those who snores will wake up feeling very thirsty cos they breathe through their mouth..

guess our nose is blocked .. tts why.

pomme> i seem to remember a link for maternity clothes from Taiwan that was given much much earlier on. was it by leo_baby? i forget. i remember though that the clothes are really cute and not at all frumpy...maybe you can check back or ask for the link again... someone also mentioned the brand orange bear or something...

Hi mommies, I'm from Jan 2010 thread.

I have the following I wish to let go:

Via post or Self collection will be @ my place in Aljunied.

Nursing Bra size 40C (Nude(brown) and light beige) - $8.50 each including postage

Washed not worn. Bought wrong size. Ribbon in the centre has been removed.

For pictures, please visit http://www.flickr.com/photos/23825906@N03/sets/72157623457485138

Brand New Unopened (without box) Medela Purelan $10 including postage

37g Expiry June 2012

Brand New Unopened Avent Nipple Cream $14 including postage

30g Expiry June 2011

From Little dreamers

Healing bottom spray $13.50 including postage

Brand new unopened 120ml bottle Expiry Sep 2011

I had to go for c-sect thus selling this off.

Dry confinement Powder (for hair) $7 including postage

3.4oz bottle Expiry Oct 2011

Used 30%. Tried using during confinement but end up washing my hair. :p

Do PM me if keen. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinkyluv, thats alot of food.

I only have

1. 1/4 cup cereal

2. home made tuna sandwich - 200 calories nia...

3. some plain crackers...

Today will be a tiring day...was in sch at 7 am ....and later got meeting till 6 plus....

Pomme Low,

Usually orangebear will have bigger clothing but their r not exactly maternity wear. But i still order from them lo, cos its cheap n nice! I juz order some last week. Below is one of those tat i order, i think can wear till tummy quite big ba. U can try old navy, they r gd too!


Hi Luvlee, you have your detailed scan already? Wow won't be known till the 24 of this mth. So both of urs are princesses? Congrats. U hv a elder son and 2 little princesses.

Bubu mama: u going for detail scan this mth 24th? i am going tMC 930am for the scan.. where are u scanning yrs?

hello everyone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just joined after reading so many info from the mummies here when i was googling for more info on babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi ladies im kinda worried, that time around 13wk+ i went and see my gynae then i found out that from 57.8kg i gained till only 58kg at that time, did anyone else gain so lil too?? Infact from 57.8kg i went to 58.8kg then 58kg!

Dont know how come so jialat..

Good afternoon, mummies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just had a pack of vegetarian rice for my lunch. Been having veg food since whole of last week.

Every time I am hungry, I told hb to get me food. But sad enough EVERYTHING he suggest I don't want. Then he complained about my food intake, this no appetite, that no appetite. hahahaha... My tastebud totally changed! Now only going for plain, sour food. No spicy, no salty, no sweety. I told him bb is not fussy, bb likes plain food. Finally he is happy yesterday cos he suggested Ajisan for dinner and I happily agreed almost immediately! hahahaha...


can share with my ur thots abt the quality of orangebear clothes.

I've ordered before fr the "wholesale" thread (can't rem whole thread name), the quality is pretty lousy n cheapo looking, but I must agreed the pricing is v appealing though. Abt 10 bucks or so for a tunic!!!


As long as bb is growing, n gynae din expressed concern, I think it's ok bah? Dun stress urself.

Weight gain for pregnancy,

one of my fren only gained 5kg!!!! N her bb was like 3kg+ when born.


Oh? hmmm cos i have been ordering from orangebear quite a number of yrs liao and their quality is always good for mi. perhaps different ppl have different requirement? Hehe. Anyway, u can try old navy next time cos their quality is beri gd.

Hihi everyone,

Linda@ Don't worry! I was 51.7kg when I was 12 weeks, then 51kg at 16 weeks..now i am 18 weeks, still 52kg only! When I had my first baby, i didn't put on much until around 28 weeks and the weight started piling at 75g a week.. Gained 8kg in total and baby was 3.18kg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Everyone is different, sometimes genes, sometimes just because we are smaller.. chill!

Gender@ It is going to be a boy this time! Although we had been wanting another girl for my elder daughter.. i guess a brother would be just nice for our little family.. heading for my detailed scan on the 20th at TMC soon, can't wait to see baby again!

Yvonne/ Lizzie@ I have 2 air humidifier in the room plus 2 bowls of water.. helps the stuffiness and dryness in the throat. Not only I can't sleep without the aircon, my daughter and hubs will probably melt inside the room without aircon..

Hi mummies,

Been quite busy over since end last week due to work + helping out with a BP, so din login here much. What did I miss?


Dun be too upset about your MIL & SIL. In-law relations are always tough. You can always come in here and rant whenever you are frustrated. We'll listen. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: Rainbowcandy's mosquito patch

Yes they are quite good. I used for my daughter during our overseas trip. No bites. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I got a Capella for my gal. It is well used and we are very pleased with it.

Re: Capella Strollers, Baby Clothes

Sidetrack abit, relative's shop is having sales on Capella Strollers, pediped shoes, baby clothes and more. For those who have these items on your shopping list, can visit www.debabyshoppe.com. Please do your research onto pricing first ok so that if you find better deals anywhere else, dun blame me.

Re: Aircon/Fan

Our body temps are now abit higher so we tend to feel hotter. I am sleeping with fan on too. Buay tarhan. Hub's does not like aircon so no aircon for me unless really too hot.


Thanks for sharing. Can you share where's the thread or website to order orangebear's clothes?

BTW, i found SMH thread selling taiwan maternity clothes in the for business section. Here's the website to the clothes selection: http://store.pchome.com.tw/30vivi/ and the BP thread is http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/450761/1651667.html?1270440681


I am interested in ordering some from the above website and thread. Is this the one with the lousy quality you mentioned earlier?

Yeh!!3 more days to seeing baby. Am so looking forward to it.


Don't fret so much about your weight gain. Most importantly is bb is gaining and of right size. I only gain 2 kg since pregnant. You will gain more till you want it to stop in the 3rd trimester.


Been having lousy appetite too. Still haven't figure out what bb want to eat.

Pomme Low,

I order it thru the website itself. Nv go thru any BP. www.orangebear.com.tw

The one tat mango was mentioning is orangebear lo. So u have to see whether u wan to try n order 1 or 2 pcs and see if u r ok wif their quality 1st.

Hi Adelynn (adelynnn), mine also at TMC, think also 9.30am leh. my gynae is on the 3rd floor, dr paul tseng. Urs? Hope to see u on 24th.

Hi Adelynn (adelynnn), mine also at TMC, think also 9.30am leh. my gynae is on the 3rd floor, dr paul tseng. Urs? Hope to see u on 24th.

Hello Sep MTBs! This is my very first post here. I am having my 1st bb and I am into my 18th week. My gynae is WK Tan from TMC and I will be doing my detailed scanning next week. Big hello to you! =)

BuBu Mama: oh i will be going to the Fetal Assessment Unit for the 20weeks detail scan..



Welcome! Finally - one with the same gynae as me! She delivered my first one. Will you be seeing TC Chang for the detailed scan? Mine is on April 19.

