(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

We got a peg perego pliko p3 for the road and a combi for light walks.. be careful with combi-s especially if you hang your baby bags on the back.. mine toppled backwards a couple of times as I lift my daughter up.. while my peg perego can comfortably carry at least 12-15kg of shopping and my bag with ease [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hi mummies

i am interested to get this for my bb, do pm me if anyone is interested or go to this link to place order:


Black, White & Red Infant Stim Flashcards - "Smart Art for Babies" by Genius Baby Toys. High quality laminated flashcards, with complimentary hanging clip. Front features expressive baby faces and the back side features high contrast, black white and red infant stimulation graphics. Inlcludes complimentary travel clip for on-the-go.

Researchers have discovered that infants not only prefer to look at high contrast graphics, but that such images can help:

increase concentration skills

stimulate the creation of synapses (brain cell connections)

increase an infant's attention span

calm and soothe a baby (when she is bored)

enhance natural curiosity.

one set is USD4 excluding shipping


Pinkyluv - help me update.. BabyT is 90% girl... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will update


so sad leh, cos i was telling hb tat we can order it ! din read the T& C


nice top leh ! made me tempted

17th week pic

taken today after my visit to SGH ..love this dress my mum bought in Korea, made me look deceivingly slim despite gaining 2kg in 4 weeks ,wish she has bought more :p or maybe it is the good old mirror in ikea hehe


Gender of BB

guess i have to continue to stay curious lor, bb either crosses legs or closes legs despite scan and scan

anyway, had a happy lunch near SGH @ Ikea =)

wish it is nearer my house, also bought some cute stuff to make flower ice and ice lolly


Hi, im new to this thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nick: BBTigger


LMP:8 Dec 09

Gynae: Dr Yong


Baby #: 1

EDD: 14 Sep 10

Location: West

Gender: Princess

does anyone has recommendation which bb cot brand is good, safe and sturdy?

Welcome BBtigger, Mabel & Junyi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_welcome2.gif]


we share the same EDD [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just came back fr SGH today and still got suan by the lady in the ultrasound suite where got so early can see gender

i told her a number of mummies whose EDD after mine in my motherhood forum noe already leh

then she asked me is this my #1, y cannot wait till detailed scan


yupz, very yummy..lucky my office not near there, otherwise i will probably have them as lunch everyday liao..just like my KFC porridge breakfast ..

hehe, thanks. like i said, i really love the cutting of the dress and wished my mum bought more of dif colours of tat version during her Korea Trip


i share ur view that not necessary mummies must gain a lot of wt to ensure bbies gain wt

I really envy mummies who put on so little and all the wt goes to the babies..

1st preg i gain 18 and 2nd preg i think 15-16..yet the bbies all turn out skinny and less than 3 kg ! when i saw my skinny newborn son ( born @ 39 weeks plus) , really wan to faint..so thin and i noe immediately all the wt has came to me instead


lucky u , wish i can gain single digit wt but i doubt so lah given my greedy nature and declining metabolism


is ur backache getting better ? hope the pain goes off soon

Shinchan & BuBu MaMa: Hello I'm expecting identical twin gals! Will be going for detailed scan around the same time as BuBu MaMa. You know your genders yet?


I tot u r refering to orangebear for poor quality. I misunderstood in the previous post. Anyway if u all not sure abt the quality of the spree than i think its better if u all can juz get 1 or 2 pcs 1st in case the outcome is not wat u expect.

Hi Pinkluv, thanks for the update [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

we are at SGH too also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i was talking to my bbtigger to open her leg and let us see her gender so that mummy and daddy can start buying things for him/her, and indeed, during the scan she's showing her backside with legs open..

its true the sonographer at sgh wont want to reveal its girl or boy until the detail scan but probably yesterday the sonographer was quite new and i told her we are ok if she is wrong, but just wanna know if possible.. she said she saw 3 lines and no sign of boy, hee.. anyway, she said she wont indicate the gender in the report.

so i rather confirm its girl because when i went for my monthly checkup on my thyroid, my doctor has scanning machine and he also told me most likely its girl and keep saying she's so active etc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, since yesterday u went for checkup, did they check on bb weight? mine no longer on length, and is by weight, 231g and seems rather alot for a week 16+ bb right? i read from internet that 230g is for ard week 19 bb


My baby's weight was around 170g during my 17 week scan - my doc said that it is within the accepted range. At that time, my weight gain was 2kg. So, yes, I guess 231g seems like a good weight for week 16 baby... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] For me, as long as my doc said it is ok, or does not say that it is not ok, I am not unduly alarmed. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi chin, i see.. my gal still much heavier, haha.. for me, i have lost 3kg and manage to put on that lost 1 kg back.. ok, its true, since my gynae mentioned everything is ok other that placenta abit low which may be pushed up as the weeks goes by, then i take it as fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i shall stop my durian intake as i have taken durian 3x :p

hi mummies / mummies to be

i am 1st time mum to be and new to this thread. I am currently 15 weeks preggy.

My Nick is jocelyntsm,age 25, Gynae is Dr Anthony Siow of KKH, The Private Suites.

My EDD is on 26 Sept 10.

I stay in the east, so any mum in the east, we can share or even meet up for coffee if free.

I have yet to know my baby gender, hopefully about to know when i go for my scan on 19th April, when i am 17 weeks - Do you think will be able to tell. I am so excited over it although i am stress by my work as well.

Anyone has any idea if 17 weeks can know the baby gender ?

Pinky @ Thats a nice dress! And you look really petite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jocelyn @ Really depends on baby~ My dr was able to tell at week 15 as baby was lying in a nice side portrait view and we could see a white speck (boy). Same goes for my firstborn.. it was clear as we could see 3 lines (girl) around week 15 as well.

Good morning ladies and welcome to all newly joined mummies.

Counting down. 2 more days to seeing bb. I can finally feel baby's movement liao. It is definitely not gas or bowels. It is like a something brushing my tum tum from the inside.


Thanks for sharing the write up on confinement food. Defnitely good review. This will be my back up plan.

oh i see.

Hmm.. i am just anxious to know if can know my baby gender. its kind of curious. I am more kind of dreamer person, so if i know about my baby gender, i can start to imagine how he grow up. Oops :p

Maybe its mum nature ! i start to think when i can feel my baby movement and how will it feel like, Bloated ? Cramp ? Pain? hmmmm mummies with experience - around when you can feel your baby movement ?

Scarlett - you mention white speck ? is it like something standing in there ? is it very small / long that can read very clearly thru ultrascan. sorry i dont know how to properly descript it . Hope you understand and dont mind

I also think I felt baby's movement twice, it felt like bubbles like what some of the mummies have described... But I'm not sure....

But when I lie on the bed and change position from lying on the right to left, I feel as if something is moving in my tummy from right to left too. Is it my own imagination?

Hi Luvlee (luvlee), mine not known yet. Went for 16 wks on the 27th March, but gynae sd can't tell yet. So hv to wait tillthe 24th April detailed scan then will know, but mine is not identical.

Jocelyn @ Instead of a line- which can sometimes be V shaped, or 3 lines sometimes, we saw a white round dot between baby's legs, definately not long or thin white line :p

oh ok. Thanks.

I know what and where to look at when i get my scan on 19 April. hmmm under pressue. My in law already keep asking when will know ? it is boy ?

Hmm but me and hubby dont have much preferance, whether its boy or girl we are ok. Just that we want to know early as we can start prepare things for them.


Jocelyn @ Ohhh i see.. Don't get too pressurised.. i know how it can be when your ILs are breathing down your neck.. as with a friend of mine. I had my first baby when I was also 25, still got ample time for a second one dear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maybe you can check out my (outdated) blog on what to buy for liitle girls/ boys :p.. http://pebblezproject.xanga.com/655772775/preparing-for-little-baby-girls-newborn-arrival-gear-checklist/

My ILs are both just happy that they have a grandchild to start with so I guess I am lucky.. In fact they love my elder daughter very much because little girls just have that special magic with the elderly.. and this time being a boy.. I hope I have done my due!


so lucky =) i still want some more !


this is interesting, i was there at SGH too yesterday, what time were u there ? =)

yday was not told the wt leh


thanks =) is ur gal on ur blog page ? so chubby and cute !


in my case, not at 17th week, as bb din open legs

Welcome ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will update later

Hi ladies.. Jus went to gynae n cfmed my bb is a boy! Hehe. Length is 130mm and weight is 229g. Im in week 18... Lol..

Pinkyluv, kindly update for me! Thz.. Im 25 this yr.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinky @ Yes, thats my girl on the page.. just 4 months old.. she's 19 months now though!

Hi mummies,

As more and more of us know the gender of our babes, we will be starting to gear up our purchasing engines for bb stuff. I have started a new discussion topic in facebook "Best buys - source and prices" So let's share good lobangs with the everyone there. It is easier to refer than posting it on the threads here since the postings move so fast.

Me is waiting to know the gender too! Hope can know this sat when I go for my check up. By then its 17 weeks le. =D

Yes yes, Pomme Low, need to do so la, cos absolutely clueless where to find and buy good stuff, how to join this facebook thread please?

Hi Chin, I am also going to the same Doc for my detailed scanning. Mine is on 15 Apr =)Is this your 1st bb?


My friend has send me a link to buy babies clothes - under motherhood forum.

They are buying together and its cheap.

I will put in the link later as now in office cant access to hotmail/facebook [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

if i am not wrong, 1 piece of jumper is like US$3.99 = $5.985. and some is on sales items.

Scarlett - saw your blog. good listing for me to knwo what to buy. can i check if 8 pieces of clothes is enough, as i know baby may poo poo / wet their clothes.

badfifi: ic! thanks! kinda worried for d report la.. cos delay till week 21.. then if got anything (choy!) might b a little late lor..

yvonne> i just checked. i think mine is wk 20/21... sorry, i'm terrible at anything remotely connected to maths, including counting! hmm the window may actually until wk 21, cos the scan is done ard wk 20, so they do plus n minus 1 week?

Yvonne: my scan only on 20~21 weeks also le.. don worry too much ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning mummies

Have not been logging in for the past few days, not feeling well, just return to work today

Welcome all new mummies and congrats to those who had already know baby's gender.

Had went for a check up last Monday but baby leg din open, so din manage to see anything yet. I gained abit of my weight to 57.2kg, baby is doing well that is the most important thing ^^


My detailed scan is only on 21st week. I read in a book "what to expect when you are expecting". They shared that detailed scan is schedule between 20 to 22nd week.

I love gelato too. But trying to cut down on cold stuff cos am already induldging in cold drinks liao.

All mummies,

I found a BP thread selling mummypoko diapers (NB 28 pcs) at $9 and S (48 pcs) at $15.30 with mass collection points all over singapore. They have huggies too($15 per pack). I am intending to order through this thread and tot you gals might be interested.



Can share with us your bb weight and size? I am going for my gynae appt tomorrow and think i din put on much weight since start of pregnancy. Worried my bb size may be small.

Pomme, noted. haha.. actually my frens told me ice cream is ok la.. so once in a while to kick d cravings.. =P

By d way, i tot someone mentioned another brand of diapers.. er.. tt can be ordered thru phone one.. cant rem d brand though..

which brands u ladies considering?


Previously one mummy shared that Nepia is good. That one can order on the phone, but must order 4 packs and delivery on weekdays office hours. I am not ready to order so much for trying and need to take leave to wait for delivery some more. So not getting that.

Scarlett: btw, what is baby mittens as mentioned in ur blog? those that we wear on bb's hand? what is square wash cloths? for?

and whats d diff between receiving blanket and hooded blanket? i bought 2 of the blankets with hood.. tats for bringing baby out one isnt it?

sorry for my ques ah.. hehee..

Dear all, I am new to this thread *waves*

My details

First time mummy, age 28

My gynae is Dr John Yam from Gleneagles but I am looking to deliver at Mount A.Will be going for hospital tour in the coming weeks.

ETD is 14 Sep 2010.

during the taka baby fair, we had alr purchased stroller, breast pump and other electronics. its a bit early however i heard from saleslady that the next fair is in Sep/Oct (close to my ETD) so we decided to get during the taka baby fair.Any other mummies did the same thing?

I used to be 45-46 kg . now still almost the same. before dinner, 46.6kg . after dinner and snack,becomes 47.7 , then morning become 46.6 kg. dont know why? any idea...lol...

any mummies having pelvic area pain pain? My pain starts from 5th week only and stil continues to ache...its always a dull ache. I wonder if pre-natal exercises will help. Any mummies going for pre-natal exercises?

Sorry for my first looong post ^_^

Like bb tigger, I also gave my bb the nickname of "tigger" :p

Looking forward to know the gender soon! My next gynae visit will be during my 18th week.

