(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

yeah... Scan finished liao. It's a GIRL!

Think my dad must be happiest with this result. He really favour girls even though he has 3 girls alrdy.

Pinkyluv, can help me update. Thanks. }


Good noon ladies,

I just came back to office from my gynae's appt. It is a boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 120mm at 19weeks. Gained only 2.5kg to date. Yeh!!

Pinkyluv, please help me update. Mine is Prince Gideon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I asked my gynae about bb's weight, she said only measured at 6 months onwards. Now too early.

congrats shinchan!!

Ladies.. Sorry ah, me is super troublesome as doing lotsa research today..

What brand of strollers do u all recommend? Combi? Mclauren? Aprica is way off my budget lor...

hi all, been a while since i last login.

down with flu for past 3 days.. jus return back to work

i wont be joining in the gathering. Planning to attend the cord blood seminar.

Congratulations ShinChan,

You get to do more shopping than me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yvonne, i am looking at Combi and Capella for strollers... those reversible type.

still looking ard... prefer something more stable which will mean a bit more bulky.

congrats pomme and shinchan~~~ i'm stll waiting waiting waiting for 24th Apr..... :D

badfifi: yes lor.. i rem yday some ladies asking bout it and found it this morn wanna share :D

i read the sgmotherhood thread in May going to organise a spree again.. lets remember to join!!

adelynn> yah, i think pomme was asking abt maternity clothes...

what spree? for clothes from this site? can post the link? the clothes are so cute right? i'm very tempted...cos i'm not able to fit into my clothes liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yeah, i wanna join in the spree too.

maybe we can start our own spree if we have enuff take ups. haha...

but wonder how the mailing charge is like... since it's shipped from Taiwan right?

Dear all,

Sorry to interrupt... As everyone know that consume of Bird Nest is good for pregnant mum to be..  

We are buying in bulk from a local wholesale supplier who imports this Bird Nest from Surabaya Indonesia. Therefore, the price is much lower than outside retailer.

Do check out my BP for more infomation..


Do feel free to email me at [email protected] if you are interested...


hi mummies,

have yr gynae prescribed you with DHA softgels? #1 was taking Neurogain and this time round gynae recommended Dhaxtra Softgel.. Just to check what are the brands recommended now for comparision.

badfifi: yeaa when in May the spree start i will post the link here!! now post link no use cos her spree ended~~

Count me in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1st SEP 2010 MTBs Gathering

24 April, 2010 (Saturday)

Venue : Suntec City

Makan : Kenny Rogers ?

Timing : Noon or 5 pm ( depends on majority)

Attendees {Pls confirm

Pinkyluv (either noon or 5pm is ok)

Pomme (either noon or 5pm is ok)

Leo_baby (5pm)

Phyphy (5pm)

Tigerlily (Noon)

Shinchan (Noon)





Letty (5PM)


I want to come... But will only return fr Tokyo on that day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] will definately join the next gathering.

Pomme & Shinchan,

congrats. I can't wait to see my bb gender tml.


Ya. Remind us in May. I m also interested in getting some more maternity clothes. I got quite a few for 'Perfect Mum' very expensive leh. Taiwan style also nicer lor.


Have been very emotional lately. Little things can make me pissed off, frustrated & even end up crying a couple of time.... Wat's happening to me? Am I turning crazy???

Worst still, instead of being an understanding hb, I get "scolded" by hb for behaving like that!!! Haiz.. 难道我想这样的吗?

Hi hi.. I'm new here Can I join the Sept'10 list

Nick: einney


LMP:8 Dec 09

Gynae: Sim LN


Baby #: 1

EDD: 18 Sep 10

Location: Hougang

Gender: Shy baby doesn't want to expose it yet at 16 weeks :p

Hope to learn more about pregnancy and baby care fr all of you.

Hi JoKris, me eating Dhaxtra Softgel,

compared with nerogain, Dhaxtra softgel DHA & EPA levels seems to be higher..


I m oso emotional too. I even burst into tears while complainning to my mum abt what happened at my PIL's place ytd. Just relax. If you need to let got, can always post here. I find it a good place for me to release stress and learn from other MTB. I m oso learning how to ignore & have a bo chap attitude esp. towards things or statement that irritates me.


I have not decided on epidural or not for this baby. I din want to have epidural for #1 but ended up taking coz due to the pain, I was not relaxed and my dilation was way too slow (dilated 1cm from 2cm to 3cm after 3.5hrs). Midwife recommended me to take the epidural else I run the risk of (1) no energy to push baby when its time and (2) insufficient dilation leading to e-csec since my water bag already broke when I went in.


Capella if you want stability and able to live with abit more weight + bulk. Combi if you want lightweight and slim but willing to sacrifice some stability.

quina11, yr gynae selling how much.. they told me outside RP ard 60plus, they selling only 38. Have yet to check out the price at Guardians..

hi ladies,

thanks for all ur wishes. Now that I know it is a girl, oso happy in the sense daughters tend to be closer with own parents even after they get married.

Baby is 140mm at 19wk+.


ya gotta control my desires to buy, otherwise will definitely buy non stop for girls.


for stroller, I will be getting combi, most prob miracle turn. But I haven decide which model yet. I choose vombi is bcos of the weight as my mum will looking after my gal, so gotta get one that my mum can manage.


I'm felt as if I'm losing my mind. Ever since I preggy, I became a siao za bor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] once I was sooo upset that I told my dear fren, if I ve more courage, I would ve kill myself cos I'm so tired with my life now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] erm, prenatal depression???

Yup, I'm glad to ve this forum where I can just post whenever I'm unhappy. Thanks gals for letting me to vent here! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats Pomme and Shinchan


Welcome einney!

Fifi/ shinchan: thx ! i will be going to Tai Sing on sat to see see look look ! =)

Mango, o, pls dont think of that! Can u have a nice talk with ur hb?

mango> don't get too wound up! you're welcome to come here and vent whenever you need! it's all the pregnancy hormones at work right now...hang in there! *hugs*


Good support group is important - like yr hb or best friend. My hb ok la - but he can be quite defensive when I complain too much. Don't think of those silly things - not healthy hor. Later bb oso got depression. For the seek of yr bb, shut those silly & unhealthy things, ok. I know is not easy but must do our best to try, ok.

Mango: HUgs* pls relax and don let yr emotions control you.. anytime u need someone to talk to u can vent it out here. u got my fbk? u can msg me too i on it 24/7 at work. Whoops =x

Hi ladies, just wondering did any of you travel during your pregnancy or planning to travel? I was planning for a cruise initially but just received a lucky draw win which I won a 3d2n stay in Bali.

My hubby not very keen on me taking airplane, so just like to hear you gals opinions. Thanks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


2nd trimester is fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u r so lucky ! congrats =)

Shinchan and Pomme

wow, will update [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1st SEP 2010 MTBs Gathering

24 April, 2010 (Saturday)

Venue : Suntec City

Makan : Kenny Rogers ?

Timing : Noon or 5 pm ( depends on majority)

Attendees {Pls confirm timing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinkyluv (either noon or 5pm is ok)

Pomme (either noon or 5pm is ok)

Leo_baby (5pm)

Phyphy (5pm)

Tigerlily (Noon)

Shinchan (Noon)

Windy ( Noon)

Letty (5pm)



bb> i think some time ago, someone here talked about a babymoon (like honeymoon)...like a period for daddy and mummy to go and spend quality, relaxing time together before baby arrives. it's usually done in the 2nd trimester, after all the discomfort of the 1st trimester has eased and before mum gets too heavy in the 3d trimester. airlines will also be okay with MTBs travelling in their 1st and 2nd trimester, but not 3rd trimester...if your husband is worried, maybe fly with a more reputable airline like SIA (can't remember if they fly to Bali)? and let them know you are expecting so they can make sure to see to your comfort? which part of Bali are you staying at? Kuta? Nusa Dua? Nusa Dua is where all the atas hotels are, quite restful. Kuta is in the town centre (where all the ang moh tourists like to go), and that can be a bit rowdy... if you go, be very careful with your belongings. for 3D2N, if possible, just bring carry-on, don't check in luggage. that is like playing very safe liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


kan4 kai1 and vent here whenever u need !

hope u will feel happy soon

wow, Tokyo is so cool..i so miss there


very nice clothes.

but i must not be tempted * chant*


i like Perfect Mum clothes, bought a lot in 2006, design very trendy and young..


thinking maybe we can have two session so as no to disappointment both timing mummies,

wat do u all think?



I have check wif my gynae and she is happy tat we r travelling and she even encourage it. I was suppose to go bkk next week but we have cancel due to the mess they r having nw and we change it to taiwan instead. Hopefully everything will be fine. Remember to get a letter from ur gynae incase the airline dun allow u in.

