(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Rachoho and Tiger lily,

How firm is firm? My tum tum is below my belly button. It did looks like fats when i sit down and i can still pinch an inch of skin and fats leh. I can still press it. Though when i tilt back or lie down, i can feel my uterus pushing on my bladder. You too?


yea i don know how to define firm or not.. my tummy already showing as early as 8weeks.. even my mum tot i having twins~ haa

my tummy at 17weeks:


is it big???

Hi ladies, good holiday!

Hmm, looks like a lot of mummis have princes here. Really hope to know my bb's gender in 2 weeks time so I can start my buying spree for bb clothes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jokris: Thanks for sharing the cordblood banking.

shirin: Welcome, don't be scared. I'm also a 1st time mummy so I understand how you feel. Think only when bb is safely delivered then we can have peace of mind, but in the meantime, we shld try not to think too much. At least you are much younger than me!

Autumn: I've a few colleagues who were preggy aged above 35-40, but they did not do amino test. They did the scan and blood test and once these tests show low risk, they decided not to take amino test cos there's a chance of m/c for amino test, though most of the times I believe it's quite safe.

badfifi, what is type A?

mummies, fret not, as long as bb is born healthy be it boy or gal, we shall wait for their grand arrival. Boy or gal is still our own child right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I always want to know if this prediction is accurate. The "rice prediction" taught by my sister. Do you think you want to try it out? Take a small pinch of rice, separate it by two grains, two grains, two grains, till the left over, if only one grain left means BOY, if two grains left means GIRL. Don't take too much, if not you will separate till you are very tired.

Once you have done this "so-call-test", wait for the doc's announcement to see if this is correct. Do share with me if you know if the result is the same. For my #1, I left only one grain and little cavin is here. I did the test again and my #2 still left one grain. I am waiting for doc's announcement in week 20. 7 more weeks to go before I know the result.


I did not buy any cot for little cavin so he has been sleeping on the floor. I have two matteress stacking on it beside our bed. By the way, my flooring is wooden but beneath it is tiles flooring, heard elderly say is not good to sleep on the floor so I stack up two matteress, hopefully is high enough.

tiger lily and pomme, yea same. whenever i sit down my lump of fats is there.. but as i stand up will have a red line formed to differentiate the upper and lower layer..

last time b4 preggie i also have a small belly but no "red line" appear after i sit then stand.. its like the crease.. sorry i a bit dunno how to explain hehe

Hey Adelynnn, mine is 'slightly' smaller than urs, and I am in 17 weeks exactly today! (Friday). Mine also start to bulge as early as 2months +...

I guess, it's normal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Good to see pictures of other ladies on the same week!!!

me too wan to join in the fun. mine tum tum as per 17 weeks 1 day.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3807907.gif]

karen> my use of "type A" is not strictly the type A they define...i mean like everything must plan, quite kancheong, must be in control of the situation etc... which is really quite like me...i'm more "proactive", i will plan for the different possible scenarios etc and i'm not good with handling out-of-the-blue events. my husband is the opposite, he will react to whatever happens. so we balance each other out quite nicely...

counting rice grains> i had 2 grains left leh, which means girl! the gender prediction chart also said girl...but u/s scan showed a probably didi between baby's legs (even tho dr not 100% certain)...

Adeylnn and Phyphy,

Your tum tums are so wonderfully bulging. Mine s half size at 18th week and 1 day.

I crave for zhui kueh and png kuehs.;)


YOur description describes me too. hahahaha...All angles must be analysed and contingency plans put in place. During my wedding, i told my hubby " no surprises", everything must follow the plan. So he told me he will recite a poem for me and when will he do it during the wedding dinner. All our helpers "peng" when they knew i knew, cos it is in the helpers programme. Of course, i don't know the contents of the poems.

pinkyluv> eat chicken in a biscuit must brink a lot a lot of water, ok? i found a substitute. i dunno if it's healthier but now i eat chicken curry biscuits by meiji. (there's a chicken on the box)


oh... so that is type A. I wonder what type am I? hehehehe... maybe the bb's finger is there. hahahah... so might show didi, wait for the detail scan in wk 20? Then everything will be clear. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pomme> png kueh can get babyT to make! the yummy pic she put on FB really made me drool..

haha, you know, for my wedding, my husband more or less left the planning to me. and before the wedding, i met with my jiemeis to just run thru what they had in mind...then on the actual day, it rained very heavily in the morning...pengz :p luckily the rain didn't last long.

karen> sigh i don't know...one of the baby's hands was near the head, dunno where the other one was... if really that's just a finger, like i was telling my husband, definitely, this will be a very cheeky kid! :p

pinkyluv> i meant DRINK a lot of water...and the curry chicken biscuit is one of the Petit Brunch flavours by Meiji. so far, i've seen two flavours: chicken and curry chicken i think...

badfifi, hahahaha... i think yes... bb is just playing a trick with you. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my bb simply cross the leg, very obvious. wanna hide from us. hahahaha....

pinkyluv, isn't chicken in the biscuit is very salty? so long I never eat this already. I ate this when I am very very young, i think this is very salty and tasty. or maybe the taste is milder now?


that is a nice tummy =)

Chicken in a biscuit

(i crave for this traditional pack)


i think it is unhealthy cos rather salty..will try to my best to eat in moderation =)..now try trying to battle my daily addiction to ice blended drinks with pearls..

dun noe y this pregnancy keep going for heavy taste food, a bit scared i will get diabetes & high blood

anyway, i am also craving for sausage with cheese in the centre (salty again) and harshbrowns..went to the nearest S&S & NTUC and both these neighbourhood marts dun have..sad !

think have to go all the way to westmall one liao


I read that adding lemon to water can help curb addiction to sweet things like bubble tea....u may want to try it. I have been having this all day everyday because it is supposed to add digestion.

for me, I love Coke zero....hahaha...

Hi Pinky Luv, will you add me to your list too please?

Nick: Fische07

Age : 30

LMP : not sure

Gynae : KK Ho

Hospital : Mt Alvernia

Baby : #1

EDD : 19 Sept

Location : Yishun

Gender : unknown

Thank you!


kindly help me update. I'm expecting a Prince n Edd is 17 sept. Thanks so much! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my eldest gal was the most disappointed person in the world when she heard the news despite pior to that, I've been brainwashing her, telling her the sex of #3 is just like lucky draw. Mummy can't choose it... Just like I can't choose the sex of her n her bro.

Still, in an almost crying tone, she told me "mummy, I want mei mei. Why is it always boy? Boy? Boy?" Haiz, my poor gal.

Though I ve been pretty neutral abt the gender of my #3, I can't help feeling tiny bit of disappointment. I simply missed shopping for gal's clothings. They r so sweet n cute!!! Boys' choices r simply too boring..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hey phyphy,


Abt the same size as Adelynn... I took a picture today too, n didnt realize its bigger than I thought.. ;)

Mine's also 7 weeks 1 day today (sat) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how do u post that picture up like tt?

fische07> i have no idea but they don't mention MSG in the ingredients...there's shortening though, which almost certainly means trans fat

mango> your girl is soooOOO cute!!! :D

Jessica and Mango

I chose Coke zero because of zero calories...but its super unhealthy as it has artificial sweeteners. Hahahahaha

You know when I am not pregnant, I cant even finish half a can of Coke...now that I am.....Oh God, I can finish one can in a short while.

hi ladies

will update the chart tmr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks ! i will get a few lemons tmr @ westmall tog with my cheesy sausage =)hopefully it can kill my ice-blended drink addiction

compared to coke, i prefer A&W root beer..managed to resist it today


welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i can emphathize with ur gal ...i think my son, daughter and myself will be disappointed if this round not a gal..only hb will be happy cos he is happy to have another son

Ironically, when i was 5 and my mum called me up fr hosp saying that my baby sister was delivered, i cried into the phone immediately. i wanted a didi so badly cos my k1 classmates all have didis. last time, scan for gender not common..


thanks hor =p i am as old as u lor ;)

so hard to resist junk in my pregnancy..haiz


i have not been taking the greens , but no constipation cos my breakfasr of iced milo and warm kfc porridge alsways caused me to end up in toilet after the meal

and i am still asking my mum to cook me curry veg everyday..now going to microwave some for my supper liao

sweet dreams to all ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hihi... posting on behalf of a friend, she did not breastfeed for some reasons, so she have a brand new set of AVENT ISIS UNO electric single pump to let go at $199.. she bought at $300...

Please PM me if you interested..thanks

I have the following to give away as I am nearing the end of my current pregnancy and I cannot take the taste of powdered milk.

- Similac Mum sample pack (50g) x 2

Expiry: 14/04/2011(both)

- Anmum sample pack (37.5g) - Original x 2

Expiry: 17/10/2010 & 30/01/2011

- Anmum sample pack (37.5g) - Chocolate x 3

Expiry: 18/10/2010 (x2) & 14/02/2011

Please PM me if you are interested..

Thank you!

However, why isit tat guys like baby boys huh ?

Hubby little disappointed when the doc says that I'm having a little princess..

nevertheless i believe that no matter boy or girl, daddy will treat his baby like bao bei

Oh ya, what strollers are you mummies getting for your babies ?

any recommendations ?

saw one selling at Spring Maternity $699.00.

comes with car seat too.

It sure look like Quinny Buzz..



Tightness of tum tum - mine is like when u touch, it bounce back. As for my upper tum tum - when i touch, the reflects slower. I am wk 16 1 day now, tum tum still look small compare to Adelynn & Phyphy's pics.

Hi Ladies,

Really upset today. I throw up again this morning at 11plus. Then I have been arranging my maid to do the cleaning and checking on her - cos' MIL complain that my maid is lousy. Close the 12noon, my MIL hasn't prepare lunch so I got my hb to go buy wanton noodle soup cos' I really can't wait. If i waited for MIL to prepare lunch that will be 2pm - I really can't wait. (Then she was angry say I waste her effort) I had a dragon fruit at ard 4pm. By 6.30pm I was hungry so while the maids are preparing dinner - i start first (only had rice, 1 fried fish cake & 2 chicken nuggets) Then my 2nd SIL came saw me eating in the kitchen, then asked me why so early. Told her I throw up this morning & my last meal is at 12noon so I really need to eat. Then she told me off saying I am eating too much sure put on weight and become very fat. I m so sad... She saw what is on my plate and yet she can say such things. My hb is playing MJ now, I think even if I tell him he won't say anything to comfort me.

phyphy: nice tummy!! :D thx for sharing! hjaaa

Tiger lily_ hugsss.. don care what others say bout u ok? its yr body n yr baby how u wan to feed yrself is not for them to comment.. hugs cheer up ok? u knw ttt u eat bb is happy thats enuff... take good care and rem to eat on time.. i believe u puke bcos of hunger.. i have tt too..

Tiger Lily,

Aiyoh... *hugs* They are so not understdg and bo-liao! Try to ignore them and don't be too upset. If eating a bit of rice and fishcake and nuggets can grow fat, then pls lor, your SIL will grow fat just by breathing air! :D

tiger lily

really tough to live with a lot of people *hugz* dun care what the insensitive ones say.

mummies to be with babies inside shouldn't go hungry !

within 5 hrs plus in the early part of the day from 8 plus am to 1 plus, I already had

1) a big red bean bun

2) KFC porridge

3) milo

4) a chocolate bun

5) Yu Kee duck porridge

6) Ice blended Coffee with pearls

7) lobster crackers

and i din throw out any of it :p


rainy morning feel so hungry, just had 2 super big plates of curry veg with yong tau hoo and nice agar in egg shell plus watermelon

Tiger Lily >> indeed, don't care what they say. Of course they won't understand. becos they are not you!!! Just do what you want. Tell ur husband that, if there is no food at home, i ask u go takeaway don't deli delay.. its not me who is hungry, is ur baby. *which is the truth by the way* he should definitely understand this. As for ur MIL and SIL, let them say whatever they want or whatever remarks they give. U are the one pregnant not them! what do they know hahaha what u have to go through..

Ladies, this friday i am going for my 20th week detailed scan. How is it like? doing it at TMC. do i have to drink a lot of water again before go?

My dinner for tonight is: Mee Goreng with 1 sausage, 2 big prawns and some vege.. and 1/4 glass of A&W Root Beer with 2 cube of ice.. hahah feel so "satisfied" hehehe

hihi mummies, i have 2 sterilizers so wana sell my Philips AVENT Electric Sterilizer (brand new). Sterilises 6 bottles in 8 minutes. Still in box, not opened, bought in Mar10. Retail price $149, selling at only $115.

Interested please PM me.


Tiger lily, they shouldnt do that to you man!

just eat what u like and wat u want! get fat first and lose wat u gain after giving birth to a healthy and chubby baby ! tell them ur baby will drooooool if mummy didnt get to eat wat they wan.

I have a huge appetite man!

MOrning had 2 Big Pau

Lunch had Fishball noodles

Evening 3 servings of Sheperd pie (did an online order and delivered at 5.30pm)

was hungry again and ate a sneakers bar!


Hubby always complaining i Fat.. I just dont care cos i'm hungry !

take care huh. (if hungry order macdonald ! cos 24hrs delivery)


clueless crystal

Sausages with A&W root beer sound really shiok , i love this combi !


where u order ur shepherd pies from ? =)

so far only noe secret recipe has ..love to buy them fr city square when i go JB

