(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


Can see that yours is trying to lean forward, should be crawling soon but mine still no signs. Just sit there quietly and watch.


After knowing that Serene's little Jovie is wearing Fitti L size, I also go buy L for my ger to try. End up got a big lobang, too big for her. Haha.



Btw, I don't think my boy is 83cm haha.. He less than 80 leh.. But can fit the rompers leh.. Tonight I go hm let him wear, take pic show u

Wah, you Bbs super leh. Using L and even XL liao. Mine still M. Haiz, my boy slim down a lot after 2 sickness (gastric flu and running nose). Somemore after the running nose, his pattern changed a lot. Now drink 1oz less then what he usually take b4 running nose every feed.

QQ, xuan,

good that they don't know how to crawl yet... mine keep crawling to mummy's kitchen to look for us liao... we very busy, kep catching him back to the living room...


thanks for hosting the sat afternoon for us... sorry my gal keep requesting for things and boy keep crying, maybe unfamiliar place he scared... after your house, these few days, doesn't want to leave me, even though daddy is carrying, lucky still want ah ma...


same here. My boy still wearing M. I don't think he is even 9kg yet. Hopefully he can catch up soon. He has been sleeping alot these few days.


My boy did poop 4 times a day when he didn't drink well. No urine but got shit. Duno why. Now he is back to 1 or 2 times a day. There's a period he only poop once every 2 days.

morning mummies!!

finally got some time to chat in here again :)

seems like i've missed out quite alot during my absence....so what's the latest update now?

Rachel, My boy is only 8.5kg when we bring him to see doc for running nose 2weeks ago. I think now shld be still 8.5kg, cos he lost weight during that period and maybe now gain back so equal same weight as b4.

My boy's pattern keep changing de. Sometimes poo once everyday, sometimes 2 times and sometimes 1 or 2 times every 2 days. Sleeping pattern also keep changing, sometimes sleep thru, sometimes wake up 1 or 2 times, every 1 hrs, cry and refuse to go bk to sleep (even after milk) and like last nite wake up 2 times only wink a while and I pat pat he go back to sleep.

How to make than settle with one pattern ah. We all don like pattern changing rite.

mine doesn't sleep through now. Kept waking up and cry . Have to carry him and pat him back to sleep few times. And now he doesn't want to sleep in his cot now. Had to let him sleep btw us on the bed these 2 nights.

Guess tonight must make him sleep in his cot.

ladies who ordered from jolene, i just check her thread, some of the shipments arrived liao..

bakaholic, saw urs hehe

susan, alibaba, xuan & eeyore, QQ, NP! happy to see u gals & ur babies too...

QQ, alamak! Ah will got running nose huh? so sorry if the germs was passed down by baby S :S hope he is ok now... ya, he really cried loud when leaving my house, till my girl asked me what happened... haha

Sunflower, ur boy size really make u spend $$ ya... XL size diaper more expensive cos lesser piece per pack... haha...

Rachel / Jasmine, ur boys weight are ok la... my boy born on July & till now havent reach 8kgs ok... but i think is ok mah... as long as healthy can liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sunflower, thanks for the info, I bot from Jolene too & i think mine is batch 46 if I rem collectly... who is in the same batch with me huh? may be we can collect together :p

morning mummiessss...

yday, brought my lil one back to my mum's place, he was so super active n keep crawling around, even wanted to crawl underneath the coffee table! he was like trying to grab himself up to stand when he managed to hold on to a chair.. super tired sia..

today on mc le cuz my cough went very bad, last nite even cough till vomit...n lost of voice!! :'(

duckling, but my PIL and SIL commented that my boy very skinny wor. SIL even say can feel his bones and she carry him. Feel so bad after hearing that. Thats y my PIL keep asking me to give FM.

jascmy, aiyo, why you SIL & PIL say that... I saw ur boys photo in FB, he looks ok & quite chubby leh...no that super skinny type... just ignore their comment will do... we mummy know what is the best for our child...

My boy is so small size compared to his good friend, Gen.

Many of the bb in Aug forum is bigger and heavier than him also..

But as long as he is healthy, im blessed. Now he down with cough ..sob, dun noe where is the new virus from...yesterday went PD and waited for 2hours! so imagine that there were many sick bbs! even some mothers are also wearing mask.. so imagine that there were many sick bbs and mothers..

Pray all will recover soon!


ya.. XL expensive.. think gota train hard on toilet.

i have 2 batches, 46 & 49.. where u wrking at? how u meeting her to collect?

Sunflower, I just went to recheck on her thread to find which batch I was in, paiseh, is batch 47 instead of batch 46. Anyway, she said BATCH 47,49,51 WILL ARRIVE ON SAT. so ours still reaching on the same time leh....

I work at woodlands... intend to ask my hb go n collect at JE... or any north mummies collect from her, then may b I can tumpang... hehe

cheekrene, her thread run very fast la, below is the info she udpate yesterday :

Posted on Monday, April 18, 2011 - 7:17 am:








i collect for you next week when my 2 batches arrived..but now batch 46 seems to gone missing haha.. see if u can wait [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


that mean mine is arriving soon.

yup, i work at JE and i can self-collect. anyone who need to collect, do let me know.

Sunflower, I can meet u at sembawang mrt.. What time ah n when?

My batch is 50.. Can someone stay in north collect for me? Thanks! Btw, will Jolene email us on how much to pay her for e remaining cost? Coz I lost track of her post Liao.. Depend on her email leh..

Susan take care. Go see doc..

I also coughing since sun.. Yesterday went to see Chinese physician n drink Chinese medicine.. Today cough out phlegm is green in color.. Now e virus very strong.. My whole household down wif gastric flu last month n now all down wif cough.. Now my 2 kids recover Liao left daddy n mummy..

Oh cheekrene, can tum pung u to collect as well? Then pass to me at jwt or fumiko's house.. But can u manage wif so many clothes n jovie?

Susan, MVH, me too. WHole family down with gastric flu then now flu and cough. Bb and daddy recover liao. Left me and my mum. Yesterday went to see Chinese physician n drink Chinese medicine too. Which one u go?? I lazy and don know which is good so jus go Eu Ren Shen. The one beside at HDB office jus opp sembawang mrt. Very ex leh. Then I'm still coughing now leh. Nvr improved but having headache ever since I start with the med yesterday afternoon.

have to depend on how many you all order!

if i can collect it on time before JWT, then i got help from my husband, if bring to fumiko's house, then it will be tough for me.

if anyone want me to collect from , please let me know the quantity of order but provided my items are ready for collection too.

if go JWT, the maximum i can help out is only 3 mummies as my husband can help me. we are traveling by mrt and may be bringing stroller along as the place there is quite inconvenient.

if i go fumiko's house, i won't be able to help out as i will be alone carrying my girl and a big bag there by mrt.


just to let you know if you wanna buy yo baby yogurt, buy those with flavors ones.. don't buy the plain yogurt cos it's super sour like yoplait, if not more sour! just let my boy tried but luckily he's a "sour" boy so didn't waste my $$.


oh then it's okie... gg fumiko's house alone with so many things very difficult... I see if convenient then I ask my hb to collect, otherwise opt for postage...


i can help u to collect..but going to Fumiko hse is TBC for me.. else u can collect from me at woodlands [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ok noted..but i probably wont buy yogurt..he has enough calcium..just need more fruits

Sunflower, can you help to collect as well? I saw Jolene said batch 46 will be arrived this weekend too.

Cheekrene, think no need to trouble you cos I just reliase that we go for difference date of JWT class [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks anyway.


can.. PM me your loots detail.


mine worse, sat leh..haha...most likely im collecting from her next wk at cityhall.

sunflower, PM you, Many thanks ya!! I am still waiting for Jolene to post on the remaining postage cost... think she will only allow for collection after we made the remaining payment.


thanks for the advice. can't feel any teeth yet. and i've changed 3 different teats size and 3 different brands. and changed bm and fm. she had milk strike for 6 weeks which seems long. i think she's less than 7kg. will check with the doc tomorrow.

anyone can recommend any enrichment classes? thinking of sending her to one during weekdays so she gets some interaction.


Sunflower, ok can.. U have my number? We can arrange time n date thru SMS..

Can u help me collect my loots as well? Btw I remember I opt for registered mail, can last min change?

