(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


It's not for flu, u r right.. But it seems to be a pass down generation that it helps to clear blocked nose bcos of the contents it has. I guess its an indirect impact when u apply on bb's chest and back. think it wrks the same as adult vicks, sooth the throat and clear block nose. It does wrk for my boy. after 2 weeks of medications still not improving, so I give vicks a try.. I apply religiously and it's cleared after a few days.

Winnie, Eeyore, sunflower..

I ask e seller the measurement.. She said 80 for 11 kg, 90 for 13kg, 100 for 15kg n said her bb @12mo still wear 80.. So I buy a mixture of 80 n 90.. So disappointed wif the sizing...

I bot one dress online before size 100.. Super big till my elder gal also cannot wear.. Size tag r so inconsistent.. Sigh.. Waste $$

Ohhh I apply the Vick on my bb n let her sleep w/o aircon.. In e end, she got rashes on her skin

Tink Mayb the bb Vick doesn't suit her..

duckling thanks for hosting the gathering today.. had fun watching all the babies crawling around..heehee.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi gals..

Can I check if our bb can eat green leaf veg like cai xin, Xiao bai cai etc.. N French beans, lady fingers?

What about mushroom? Cant remember when I intro these to my elder gal Liao.. Memory is rusty..


Actually I'm not sure too.. But my mum already introduce cai xin and French beans .. Very strange with cai xin on porridge, but she says it's fine.. I find them too hard, but my boy has been eating for weeks, so I just let it be.. Anyway everyday spinach and brocoli also boring


Sorry I didn't hv the contact as my pd says my boy no need to see the specialist. I will only visit the pd in June for his acid reflux review. Maybe those visiting pd can ask for referral?


After feeding my boy losec for a week, his appetite has improve alot. Can drink more than 850ml a day. Sometimes hit 950 to 1000+ ml. But I also saw one upper tooth coming out. So now duno if his refusal to drink milk for a month is it teething or acid reflux. So confusing.

Hi mummies,

Wanna ask for a 8 month plus old bb, how much shld her daily milk in take?

My ger drank only ard 600 ml per day

Plus Eat cereal n porridge ..

Too little?

All of ur bb seem to drink alot

Morning all, for vegetables, my Mum say Bb can eat all vege. I intro my boy with Gou Qi Cai when he 6mths. Hmm.....I'm still not too sure whether really ok so I only give once. I think this weekend have to intro other veges. My boy also sick of spinach and broccoli.


Ok thanks. I'm just worried he will have diarrhea if eat too much. I got him the vanilla flavour. Is the banana flavour nice?


My baby didn't drink much for about a month. Each day barely 500ml, hardly 600ml. Then after I gave him his reflux medicine for about a week, his appetite went up so much, there's one day he even drank 1.5 litres. PD said he might be compensating what he missed out. These two days he weighs alot heavier and with one upper tooth coming out, can see the white color on the gums.


your baby taking semi-solid well? Can give those cereals with milk if your baby refuse to drink. That's what my PD taught me.


According to wholesomebaby foods website, not all veg can be eaten. Have to introduce by age.

I am more cautious as i have food allergies myself and may pass down to my son.


Are you feeding solids to your baby? Mine only takes like 3-4 milk feeds per day, with 2 solids for lunch and dinner and a snack in the btw meals.


yes, feeding him solid too. 60ml puree and 3 scoops of cereals twice a day. Now just started to introduce cereals in the morning as PD recommend to go more on solids. Snack wise only yesterday gave him yogurt. Sounds like im overfeeding him haha, but he didnt gain much weight for the past one month, so i just give him what he wants now, will moderate down starting this week.


I only saw banana and vanilla in PWP CS. Where did you find peach or plain? My boy enjoys it, but don't think he can finish one pack at one go. Have to split twice.

Hi Rachel,

May I know which PD you went to? My boy also has acid reflux problem like yours, refuse to drink milk, fuss and made lots of noise when put teat into his mouth...really don't know what to do with him. If we force him to drink, he will throw up later. So now, no choice, sometimes have to use dropper to feed him ar! In the past, he used to be heavier than his twin sister, but no longer now. You mentioned your boy taking losec, what is that? Can buy from pharmacy?

Sunflower, bakaholic, french beans can ah? Need to blend rite coz too hard..

I have given my gal broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, red pepper..

1st 2 she farts alot.. Scare her tummy not well, so cut down..

Red pepper gives her loose stools everytime after feeding.. So going to intro some time later again.. Left wif asparagus n spinach nia.. So boring.. Ok I think I wanna try Xiao bai cai n kailan.. But kailan a bit bitter n tough..


It is great to heat that yr boy is drinking so much!! 1.5lit wow.. Alot sia..

My gal yesterday sudden eat more solids.. Lunch 4 tbsp of cereals (usual 2-3 tbsp as small eater).. Dinner 5-6 tbsp of porridge (usual 2-4tbsl).. So happy but I think I make her hungry n stretch her meal interval to 3-3.5 hrs.. Dunno issit ok or not.. But then again, she seems not having enuff milk in e day, nite time keeps waking up n latch.. Super tired sia..

Babyhopepath, losec is a very expensive medicine. One tablet can cost abt $5-8 depending one dosage.. Normally need doc 's prescription to go pharmacy to buy the medicine.. Hence I would advise u to see a pd n evaluate yr boy's condition..


my mum nv blend..chop finely and cook in the porridge. i stop broccoli liao, after experimenting, i think it cause my boy to constipate and rashes..


like what MVH says, my PD prescribe losec mups, needs prescription. My PD didn't prescribe losec mups as the first choice. He gave my boy Zantec with motilium, but it didn't help my boy and he needs a stronger medicine. Losec mups actually blocks acid production. This is what I gather from the pharmacist. I can PM you my PD's contact. He is from KinderClinic. The cheapest losec I can find now is from NTUC unity pharmacy. $66.70 per pack for 14 tabs. I cut half as baby only needs 5mg. The other half i kept in air-tight box for his next dose. So one month cost $66.70. However, have to take note that if you dont feed the baby losec every day, the other half of the losec can't be kept. It will turn black after 2 days.


maybe your gal like my boy now, can drink more. He can drink more than 150ml each feed now. Last month only drink 40-60ml or at most 100ml each feed, make me so worried.

Thanks Rachel and MVH! Seems like losec works for your baby. I'm contemplating to bring my son to see PD and check why he refused to drink milk, at times can even throw up after feed.

Rachel, is it the kinderclinic at Paragon?

today v quiet.. a Blue monday..slpyzz

enjoyed the gathering at duckling place last saturday ! and saw the one at chamaine's! it's a WOW!! so many pple sia..


how come nv see u? i wanna see ur sumo boy. hehe.. his weight like my #1.. wanna compare him and my #1. hehe..

the gathering at charmaine's house is really many many ppls! 14 babies, 14 mummies, 6 daddies and 7 maids~

Jerrenz was v obedient at cheese's house but at charmaine's house, he kept whining. cos he's sleepy but too noisy to sleep.

the next gathering is dreamz's house or fumiko's house??

Jasmine> next one should be fumiko's one.

Anyway mine maybe have to change date, 21st got wedding to attend. Just received the bomb.

No problem babyhopepath...

Sunflower, where do u stay? Me juz open my last pack of pampers L... Need to stock up.. Yr boy outgrow size L?


Does the Carters US online sizing chart true to the dimensions stated? i just realized i bought like 24M size which is for 83-86cm but my boy is just 74cm.

Come in and say hi!!! After so long..

Sunflower, wow..... He is big. I tot my ah boy big big le, he is using L now. We stocked up a lot of L for him... Now worried he will outgrow soon.

Must bring him out join us next time.

Duckling, thanks for having us that day.

Ah will developed running nose on that day, coincidentally. Haha.... Dun worry... It is normal de. Today he ok le. His crying is super loud right?? But once I brought him out to gai gai, he ok le. And now, still cannot crawl after meeting other babies.. Terrible. Haha



Woodlands.. But I can meet u at sembawang mrt or sun plaza ?

Mvh and QQ ,

Ya need to use XL Liao.. Waist and thigh areas tight Liao, tummy flowing out, very kelian


I think I mentioned before leh, the siZe is small but just long. And my boy is tall too, so 24mth can fit .

