(2010/08) August 2010 MTB

QQ, ur ipad spelling really can not make it la... i laught out loud when see u spell eeyore to eyesore!! hahaha!

cheekrene, what is wet bag huh?? **suan gu face** :p

Morning all, today my boy will start to have teabreak time in ifc. Meaning he will be eating either puree or cereal at 3pm+. One more solid food and one less milk feeds. He has been drinking a lot lesser than b4 so teacher suggest to replace one more milk feed with solid.


how to cut down milk feed? my girl take 1 bowl of porridge to replace her milk but after one and a half hour, she ask for milk. she seem to take in a lot of food and milk.


y u wana cut down milk feed? she wan to eat or drink, let her eat la.. when she starts to crawl or walk, they will slim down de.

cheekrene, so far my boy ok leh. He won't request for milk after solid. 3hrs later then milk. Yesterday I change his dinner menu cos I wan him to drink more milk. I feed cereal (1/4 bowl), fruit puree (1/4 bowl) then 50ml of milk. I try again tonite, if it works, I will ask teacher to do that too. Drink and eat more is good wor. My boy is a small eater now. Even solid (porridge/cereal) he also only take half a bowl. Milk also drop a lot. No more 220ml for last feed and normal time only 130ml. I really hope he can eat and drink more.


i see her drinking 800+ml per day but 2 feeding on porridge. she can take 1 whole bowl of porridge and after that drink 130ml milk. gosh, i was thinking how come she drink a lot when she dun look that chubby leh.. lolx.

Actually I'm worried cos he drink even lesser amt of milk now with the additional solid. And he only eat so little amt of solid. Maybe mus try to give milk immediately after or b4 solid.


ok ma..mine also between 800-1000ml and 2 porridge feeding..dont cut lar..let her take.. make her chubby chubby heheehe


i tot she sells fabric leh..cos can choose the fabric we want..i also think the wet bags very exp!!!

anyone has lobang on disney character figurines? wana buy to deco cake.


oh, about the changing mat..very exp leh..my hb will kill me! but hor, i like the diaper clutch leh..u have it? gd to use?

i wana ask u about the pacifier rope u have..duno is it call rope haha..where u buy it..i wana buy..very stylo ! i think suika has also.


wow your boy still drink a lot. i still give her if she want to eat or drink... even at night, she still got 2 feedings especially 4ish in morning.

now the changing mat is $18.90 and i just order from tango. hehe! i bought the diaper clutch but i realise it is not very big. i dun find it useful unless i can find something to use it.

i saw someone selling disney character figurines in bp. cant remember where.


I don't have diaper clutch cos I use wet bag to store his diapers. Cheekrene has 1.

You meant the pacifier leash? I bought from "Leona Chia" in my fb friend list.

rachel , i also got my picnic mat from smallsmallworld , a mummy who got from her bp help me to purchase it , think its okay de lah , most mummy will be happy to help de...

Anyone bought stuff fr lele children shop in FB before? I order some stuff n made payments 2 weeks ago but still haven't recv my stuff.. Msg the person.. No reply for a few days le..

Mvh, eeyore

Saw ur items ready to collect on Jolene spree. Better email her ur contacts again as she mentioned she lost some contacts.

Nestle just release new GERBER® GRADUATES® Mini Fruits™, who's interested to win, pls pm me you full name and email address.

Rachel, I m a lazy mummy.. I only brush her teeth during bath time.. Most of the time only once in e morning.. Nite time now is wipe down coz she juz recovered fr cough..


can I check do any mummies here feed brown rice powder (chor bee in hokkien I think)? What brand to buy? I am thinking of getting from Eu Yan San..

Thanks MVH, Sheric

Will go and buy the brush.

Btw, anyone been to the expo fair? I heard there's a booth selling parklon picnic mat for $45. I wonder if it's the same as Smallsmallworld.

Hi all,

I have Mamil gold stage 2: for 6 mths, the middle size tin @ 900g. Selling at $26 and give away $5 mamil gold stage 2 voucher. I bought too many. I have 6 sealed tins so if buy more save more. Expiry date: 27 July 2012. If anyone is interested can PM me.


For me it's quite a good buy as my boy started crawling before 7 mths and it's good to contain him within the yard while we do our stuff. Also, with the play mat underneath, it helps to cushion his fall.

And now he is starting to stand, it's helps him to pull himself up and allows him to practise standing.

The 6 panel takes up alot of space in our living room.. hardly got room for us to walk. lol...


I bought four leaf brand from agape babies. Havne't try out yet though.


thanks for the review. Sounds like a good buy. My boy also started crawling (creeping) at 6mo. So we have been running after him to put him on the mat as he can creep to the hard flooring very fast. He is also attempting to get up now. With his hands and feet on the ground and knees off the ground. Ironically, he can't sit very well hahaha.

At this stage, im not sure if restraining him within the play yard will work or he will be screaming to get out. As the playyard is only available in May, not sure by then will it be still useful.

Do you think the playyard can be used till one year old?


I am not sure if any child would still like to be in confinement at 1yr old. lol.. but i would try to put mine in there as long as i can cos it would be dangerous for them to wonder around the house unsupervised. I guess if they have toys and can see us from time to time, should be ok. It may take some training. My boy knows who he can bullied into carrying him out of there (grandparents of course!) but he is ok when we left him in there.



ya.. my boy is getting choosy too and he wants attention most of the time. Don't know if I put him in ifc again will he be able to adapt. Very kaypoh also. I still can't decide if i want to get the 6 panels or 8 panels. 8 panels will be tough on the space available. 8 panels, think an adult inside the yard will be comfortable, 6 panels will be very tight right?

