(2010/08) August 2010 MTB


I read before, for vegetables , usually they go straight down .. meaning wat they eat, will poo wat out.. When their digestive system not read for that particular vege, they won't be digested , so poo out as pieces .. Until the system get used to it, they will then be well digested and poo like an adult which the poo is more formed..Don't know why it happens to vege mostly.. That what I read.. Slowly k



What medicine did ur pd prescribe?

If ur gal is more interested in porridge then can give more. My pd said reflux babies will grow to dislike milk as they associate discomfort with milk.

Hi mums of 2010 babies,

Excuse me for posting here but I'm doing my Phd thesis(with NTU) on the effectiveness of teachers' interactions in infant care centres, my research is under the MCYS family grant and I'm given a budget to ask any of you mums who have children in infant care centres about your end-user experience with the centre and teachers.

If you don't mind participating in a focus group (joining an email discussion giving your opinion on 5 questions relating to your experience placing your child in infant care) in return for a token of $10 Popular Book store voucher, please pm me. It shouldn't much of your time as I know most of you are busy women.

No worries, this is not a hoax as I'm a long-time member of SMH and won't risk my reputation by misleading people. I'm a 2006 mum.


Jasmine, yes.. I intro those 3 vegs as individual puree before.. Last week juz start red pepper puree, she ok leh.. So I thou can mix veg..

Rachel, I start red pepper when she is 8mo...

Sunflower, so does that mean my gal ok wif mix veg puree or red pepper puree? Ya I know sometimes I saw pieces of dark veg leaves in her poop.. But this time so fast come out.. Some more afternoon she already poo once Liao..

Sunflower, jasmine.. The deliveryman is a couple issit? I was shocked juz now to see a well dressed couple standing at my door wif 4 tubs of ice-cream.. Lolz.. My hubby said they come fr wedding dinner issit..


BP closed Liao.. Maybe ask my hb to buy since it's near his office.


How bout chopping the capsicum and vege finer for better digestion? Maybe let ur gal try a few more times before u conclude?

MVH, haha ya..my hubby oso say the same thing..hw come dressed until so nice to delivery ice cream?? hubby oso asking me..do they really make money by sellin these ice cream?? cos is like delivery jus a few tubs of ice cream to so many different locations..seem not v worth while...haha


This is marketing I guess. If their brand not so well known, they can take this chance to populate ard islandwide. Pple like it, they spread the word. Word of mouth and personal recommendation is stronger than anything else. So they dun mind doing free delivery for now bcos it's not easy to ask everyone from faraway to drive to one-north area to buy thir ice cream

Jasmine, red pepper is not spicy, but sweet... She loves eating this mix veg puree for e 1st time... Eat abt 70ml of e puree..

Sunflower, I use blender but coz I cook in small qty, can't blend well.. I cook 2 shares, so I have another cup for tomorrow n I will try to give her n see her reaction again.. Thanks!

Rachel, it is simply shoik ice cream, can be found in smh forum.

Calling for

Jasmine, chocochips, xuan82, jascmy, crescent

I need yr name n contact number for the JWT trial class.. Thanks!!

Calling for white_lady,

R u still interested in the JWT trial class on 7th May?

Rachel : Forgot the name liao and i already discard them cos finish the medicine, she's still merlion so nv buy the medicine anymore from pd.

Yes, that's what i worried too that she may dislike milk as time goes by.

which i think now she alrdy dislike milk.

when she saw milk, she will start to cry and crawl away from us even before we start to feed her.


It's simply shiok.. U can go closed BP thread. It's closed Now , but u can try asking if she still take in orders. Everytime she will open new BP again. Got website, but if u order directly from BP , got free delivery above $30. It's sweet , so only those who like very sweet ice cream will like it


aiyo, I'm still coughing like hell, until my tummy very pain, wonder if I need to excuse myself for tomorrow's gathering...



i also got abit of cough leh but my boy is almost recover liao, also dont know whether i shd go for tmr's gathering anot..

eeyore/susan, actually my cough still not fully recover too but very much better than last week. U two just come la, 3 of us wear mask together, how?? haha...:p


hahaha.. if u dont mind, im fine to wear mask while interacting with the mummies n babies.. hehe.. ok, i shall see u tmr ya.. heehee..

Swimming Lessons > so far checked all the schools, they dun offer trial class, they only like allow for instead of signing 10 lessons, we can sign up for 4 lessons. anyone still interested?


Sorry, I can't make it for the gathering in ur hse tmr. Just cm back from e doc, having fever and bad cough, doubt i can recover by tmr. U gals enjoy, hope to join in next round.

Magic Fiddler> Just meet up with the magic fiddler person earlier on. Waiting for her to get back on the available time and dates. Will update once she gets back.

She gave me a brochure on the music together class, it shows the child's journey & parents' journey through the class. Anyone want, pls PM me your email and i email to you.

hi all, bring gen to see PD ytd..

she got gan mao.. sob sob..

haiz, no gatehring tmr...got to bunk at home..

she got running nose.. hai, pray she recover soon..

Hello all,

So many babies sick.. Hope all recovers fast..

Feel very worried for Xavier because when hb brought him to the PD yesterday, the doc mentioned that his right eye is not rolling normally. Then after some check, he says he might have seen wrongly, so it's normal. But still, am starting to worry about it.. Anybody with the same problem? How to check for Eye blindness in infants? I need help [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

penguin, since doc say he see wrongly, then no need to worry. Maybe u can bring him to the normal spec shop and ask them to see. They shld be able to tell bah.


Think can cancel the gathering Liao.. All babies sick.. Let's meet up again in next gathering at Fumiko plc ba

hihi, just bk from meeting...

why today thread so quiet? strange...

Wah, so many mummies cant make it tomorrow huh?

Sunflower, ur bb still sick?

Well, let me see who still avail now, me, QQ, alibaba, chocochip, xuan, susan? eeyore? mvh??What u all say?

Btw baby Vick is Tat baby balsam?? I used on my bb but running nose still stick wit her le

The guardian pharmacy say is not for flu, jus act as a massage cream to make bb feel comfortable


Calling for

chocochips, crescent,

need yr contacts for JWT trial.. I need to email the list to the school.. Thanks!!

Anyone can contact chocochips thru FB? She doesn't accept PM..

Calling for white_lady,

r u interested in the JWT trial on 7 may?

Hi mummies,

I wanna sell off new pp pants that I have bought from kidzspree.. Size 80 for 2 short pp n 1 quarter pp pants.. I let my gal wear size 90 n it is already very tight at her waist.. Dun think can wear size 80.. But I have already cut the tags n wash le.. Juz haven't wear yet.. Any mummies don't mind n interested?

winnie , ya been 2 wk but I nv bring her see doc cos no fever n her mucus still clear type..

And the flu been passion ard in my Hse ..

So when I saw mummies here say use baby Vick, I went guardian to buy but the phamarcist say not for flu

Mvh: gen is wearing the largest size for the pp pant leh.. Of cuz angeline can't wear size 90..

Fumiko: mine also flu. But gen got murus green n sometimes clear color.. I gt apply the bb vicks for her.


My boy at 6 mo PD also say left eye intermittent squint. So few days ago brought him for review seems ok liao. Last time pd mention possibly muscles not fully develop so one eye not moving in sync with the other. Do continue to monitor. Cos may lead to lazy eye. My pd last time told me got eye specialist able to check for lazy eye and even eye sight for as young as less than one year old. He said can be treated. So don't worry.



My boy was wearing size 90 2mths ago and it's already very tight.. In the end I also gave up on size 95. I only open one , the rest Unopened and now in cold palace..material too hot too.

