(2010/07) July 2010 MTB


it's ok one...my niece on 100% FM since birth. now 3 years old - strong, healthy, very inquisitive and can talk you to death! also very tall for her age. the main thing is baby does not go hungry


Guess what i am doing now!?!?! Hiding in my room..cos i just washed my hair (cannot tahan alr..5 days since i last wash my hair) so now trying to blow dry before anyone finds out!

Hi mummies

I feed my bb (13 days old) with FM last nite, about 50ml. He spit out some after awhile. Does it mean that the FM is hard to digest? how does spit out differs from vomitting?

I am also trying to latch my bb. He will suckle awhile and drift off to sleep (he is a sleepy baby). I find myself frustrated/ very tired having to wake him up every 2 to 3 hours for latching. I also find myself not relaxed at all as I have to keep watching the time, waking baby, etc..wish I can be more relaxed. As his suckle seems "weak" as he drifted off to sleep, I find myself wondering if he has enough. He poos quite a lot, but urine less than the 6 wet diapers.

For mummies who do latching 100%, do you still pump? TIA!

Cheerymum n Ica - really? Then maybe I should really change to 100% FM. But wouldn't u all have engorgement? Need to see doc to get pulls to stop milk supply anot??

Sigh. I spent so much on breastpump n now I'm thinking of stopping! It's brand new!

I m thinking of stopping but I feel very selfish to stop giving her sth which I know it's best for her just because i'm in lots of discomfort. Pumping n latching make me v stressed n depressed...

Need all of ur advice!

hi cecil, think you should try all those methods to heal your nipples before deciding ?

if you follow those method, your nipples should recover with 2 days. in the meantime, you can stimulate pump at low suction setting , best to your comfort without hurting the nipples.

Cecil, what makes u wanna give up breastfeeding? I didn't bf due to several reasons. I took pills from Doc to stop the milk supply. U consider carefully. Most mummies here will help u if u hv any bf qns or issue. Don't be stress.


its delphalac, u can get from outside

my milk is in liao but it seems like my girl no really wans mi like that....suckle awhile oni then go back slp n pushes my nipple out at times too....haizz so sad esp when nurses came n say bb cry again seems not enuff coz pee little oso

My nipples have been hurting from day one despite me airdrying n wearing breastshields... And also my supply is inadequate to meet her demands...

All these pain are making me moody n I can't focus in taking care of her... Thank god my mom is helping me take care of her...

I've been crying everyday n I'm worried I'll fall I to post natal depression

suika - my girl has the same prob as you: too little pee cause my BM not enough. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i remember once in hospital she suckle for 2 hours & still crying! the nurse no choice but to let her drink some glucose water. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] now my baby doc told me to supplement with FM to prevent her from getting dehydrated. Me using NAN FM + BM now until my BM is enough.

cecil - dun worry... BM follow the demand-supply formula, so ur supply will definitely increase to meet her demands =D hang in there!! Breastfeeding can be very painful, try doing some breathing exercise or listen to music or watch TV to distract your attention away from the pain??? I will sing baby songs when it's very painful...can help calm baby down too =D


Actually me n my sis are also on 100% fm since born. I dun find myself more stupid or unhealthy than those on bm. We grew up ok. So far my bm only kicks in today n supply very little too. So i just give my boy watever i have n supply the bal with fm. A good pt on bm is tat can burn more calories so i use tat reason as a push factor to pump it out even thou i couldnt latch.

But just to check, do u mommies get backaches when pumping? I do, even though i have alr placed a pillow behind to support it.

Cool: I haven't pop yet. Went for CTG scan this morning and doc told me i'm 1.5 cm dilated. Gonna be induced. Mum told me to pop a bottle of essence of chicken b4 delivery.

Gosh....when I came back, had to show my parents how to use the steriliser and warmer. I'm craving for my creamy chicken spaghetti and yearning to have that.

Ling, I drank a btl of chic essence before going hospital to induce too. I hv a pretty easy labour and the strength to push. Have a smooth delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cheerymum: Thanks! How long was yr labour? how do they induce? i was told by doc that they will insert pill 1st.

i pray that my labour is smooth.

Ling, it was a 3 hrs labour for me. As I was already 3cm dilated so no need insert pill. Only burst waterbag and put on drip.

Cherrymum: Tat was fast, doc told me after the insertion of the enema at midnight, then induction takes place, delivery might take place next day afternoon.

cecil, i was also crying alot during my #1 time over BF. my gynae's advice which till date i remember, if you are feeling so miserable and not even enjoying your baby, stop then. BF is great but it's not everything to motherhood. if you are not even bonding with your baby , what's the point.

there is nothing wrong with giving FM! we ALL grew up just fine with FM.


Do what you think is best for your baby as well as yourself. If you're unhappy, then you'll come to resent motherhood, which I hope you won't come to that stage. Let your nipple heal, then take it from there. Maybe by then, you are feeling better? Take it easy. Motherhood is not all about breastfeeding. Also rest well. Insufficient sleep will also make us cranky (not only babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) and on top of that our hormones are not quite balanced yet, so we're still a bit emotional - I know I am coz I had a blow out with my mum today...sigh... something which I regretted... oh well

I agree with what Pillow said- my sis and I grew up on FM and most if us did and we're fine adults right? Happy mothers make happy babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cecilia: My boy is now 11 days old. When we brought him to the doc on the 8th day, doctor say he’s not having enough milk. Doc says he need 60-80ml but when I pump, even when I pump for 1 hr, I can only get about 40-50ml. So no choice have to top up with FM. Don’t be too stress. Just continue to pump and hopefully soon our milk supply will increase =) as for the nipple problem, it is probably due to improper latching. Apply some nipple cream to help ease the pain. Don’t need to force yourself to let you bb latch. Some of my frens, due to various reason, couldn’t let bb latch so all the time they express out and feed the bb. It’s still BM =)

Suntan: my milk supply also kick in on the 5th day. Usually colostrum for the 1st 3 days then milk will kick in. for our case, I think the first 1-2 days we do not have any supply, colostrum only comes on the 2nd – 3rd day so everything kinda delayed by 2-3 days. Now I working hard to latch my bb and pump as often as I can to catch up.

re pumping volumes

i read an interesting article which says that with pumping, you are just measuring what you can pump out , not what your breasts can produce [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

not everyone is responsive to pumps so let's not be too obsessive on pumping vol of ml. instead, we should spend our effort observing baby's cues. if crying, unsatisfied after latch, burp, etc,etc, then top with FM ?

Hi, Mummies

Envy those can pump at least 100ml at one go.

Now into 3rd week, I can only pump at most 60-70ml of BM from both breasts. worse, sometime only 40ml. so some of the feeding, I give FM.

so now what i do is i try to latch as much as possible, if not i pump out, at night i give FM.

I try to breastfeed as long as i can.

Thanks to all for ur encouragement. I will discuss it with my husband... Basically his point of view is the same as u guys. He said he rather I spend my time bonding w the baby then pumping n crying [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pillow == u r right! pumping doesnt equals to the amt we can produce. we can actually produce MORE than what we can pump. dun give urself unnecessary stress.

because i dun wanna know how much i can pump to give myself unnecessary stress.. i only pumped 5 times so far because of engorgement. i jus pump, know the amt, pack it up and forget abt it. because i latch, i dunno what the amt. i jus know that i have enough for bb cause of the poo colour, amt of wet diapers and bb feeling satisfied after feeds.

mommies, dun stress urself over bm.. today, i realise that there are many things more impt than bm that i shud be stressing over. bb is getting more aware of her surroundings and whatever i do will have an impact on her. she have preferences even. so all the more i need to think before i act to avoid cultivating a habit in her...

dun worry too much ya.. can de can de.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


remember the safety instructions on a plane? Mothers got to attend to ourselves first b4 attending to kids. Why? Coz if something happens to us, who then can look after our kids... and... Really, can bf, good. Cannot, perfectly alright. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do what makes u enjoy motherhood, not resent it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


coz a breastpump can never work exactly the same as bb's latching. I also marvel at our bodies, the ability to house a little being till maturity... Then now producing to feed the little ones...

Let's enjoy being mothers ya!!! Cheers!!!

cecil == dun worry too much abt FM or BM.. our ultimate goal is for a healthy and safe bb right? There are many more things we can do besides giving BM to achieve that. jia you. u are doing right, dun fault urself.

Thanks guys... I'll think through it tonight and let u guys know abt my decision soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cecil: If you have been bfeeding baby for sometime already and still feel the pain.. then it might be that your latch is not correct. Consider going to visit the parentcraft centre at TMC or MAH.. they will really help you alot with your breastfeeding problems. I also had super sharp pain whenever my baby suckle during my starting days.. was so upset! Then I went to see parentcraft and now its alot easier for me.

BM vs FM: Both my hubby and I are FM babies. I dont know why but it doesn't seem like a trend last time for mommies to breastfeed their babies. But now every mommy at least will try which is good. I'm sure overtime (compared to last time 20+yrs ago), the FM have improved much more.. so FM mommies dont be so hard on yourself!

Breastfeeding: Today i am having problems latching my son. He latches awhile.. then unlatches himself and wails. I know he is hungry so I keep trying to latch him... aiyo it is really a fight with him all the time!! Only when he is super duper hungry then he will guai guai and suckle. Otherwise... its war!

Really feel like giving up on latching and just feed EBM100%. But latching with baby is like my precious time with him.. sigh!

Hi mummies/mummies-to-be!

I have a brand new "myBrestfriend breastfeeding pillow" to let go here as I have an exact one already, it was a gift.

It costs $81.40, willing to part at $70.

If interested, pls pm me. Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I have low supply too but now I try to latch all the time and pump every 3-4 hours in the day.

I have pain when latching and finally seen the LC at Parentcraft. I won't say it solved my latching prob immediately coz ultimately, still needs practice but at least it is improving.

Currently, my supply is also very low at only 60-80ml per pump for my 3-week old. Quite upset about it but according to the LC at Parentcraft, i have enough milk for her so i continue to latch on.

Also a war for me coz when she cries for milk, she is very kan jiong and hands will keep moving, so i am unable to latch properly...

sigh.. i just pumped and emptied my breast and now she is crying again, cant latch on le.. have to wait for the milk to be warmed..

Jaclyn >> my little one won the neh neh war..haha..he's usually bottle fed wiith EBM, I still hv to supp with FM for 1-2 feeds coz me still cannot catch up with my supply. Nowadays juz let him latch a while coz I really do enjoy the bonding time even if itz just for a few minutes.

Phy >> where do u get the slimming pants? How does it work? Can we gather more orders here n get a discount ? = D

Conefinement Aunty leaving next thurs, I'm abit worried coz I realize I keep forgetting to feed baby. Everytime he cries I'll check his nappy n try to coax him, totally forgetting tat it's his feeding time! Happened like 3 times today. Think I beta record down his feeding times so I'll remember...poor baby.

Pris - Is better to record down your BB drinking habit... so that u will know roughly when is BB next feed... easier for u when CL left... I also record my BB no of poo...


i'm still in hospital now n my milk has already kicks in but duno y she sort of rejecting mi like that....


dun give up, during my 1st bb mi oso like that....my mil even said lotsa awful things lor....i even broke dwn in hospital n at hm bb cries so much i thought of throwing him away or even to stuff him back into my tummy....heehee no joke lor....u hv to keep telling urself to think positive n for someone to pour out all ur unhappiness....say them all out can helps to relieve the stress in u

alot of us r not on BM when we're young so for mi i feel it's ok....my main reason is coz it's cost saving

try to stay positive....u can latch n pump at the same time...then when u hv enuff for 1 feed then give bb lor....my 1st is like that till slowly got more but still nvr enuff to mit his nids so daytime on BM n nite on FM


record dwn when's the last feed...then u noe wad to do if bb cries....like that can ease the trouble of the 'lost' feelings when bb keep crying


some1 posted the webby here


think some1 mentioned b4 it is very effective? I am thinking of trying lor.

Maybe if more of us r interested, we can ask for group discount.

Got tortured by my little one fr 8pm to 11pm.

In the end found out tt he just missed his daddy's cuddles! At 11pm I surrendered and went to wake hubby up to help. All it took was cuddles and pats and tt's it! Sound asleep within minutes! Aiyo!!! Manja King!!!


Keropi, thanks for your tips!, what i have done is to:

(a) see GP - She gave me some antibiotic cream to fasten the healing

(b) reduced the no. of times that i pump [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

(c) use lower suction cycles for breastpump

(d) air the nipples

after doing so for 1 day, seems to be less painful, hopefully the milk ss doesn't decrease too much, if not have to rebuild

Mrs Long & Cecil & mummies who are concerned about their BM SS

don't worry too much! It is normal to feel a bit moody post delivery - i still remember being very upset with EVERYONE'S comments about BM when i had #1.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4302067.gif] This phase will pass. Write down positive statements and re-read them, it helps.

I still managed to partial breastfeed my #1 prince for whole 9 months. He is now a cute little boy at 22 months, with very good weight at 14+ kg. Hehe, partial breastfeed is not bad, cos you give the best of both worlds...tok about being kiasu.

For my 2nd prince, i am going for partial too

cecil: don't be too upset over the breast feeding issue orh..if really BFing is making life so miserable then go on full FM..in the olden days, most children grew up in FM..nth wrong also..

if u really wanna BF bb, take small steps and try bit by bit..pump n feed bb wateva u have then top up with FM.. u still doing yr part for BFing. we know how much we produce and argar argar feed bb the FM first then latch on on both side if BM is low. bb will drink until fall aslep n it's really worth the pain n wait for tt satify look on their face.

alot of mummies here very "qing lao" in pumping n latching bb..i think i m the most lazi 1 around liao..haha..if i m too tired or nipple feel sore, i will just put him in FM whole day or for a few feeds then let him latch the side tt is nt sore.

it's not easy to BF totally, every 1 is trying n giving their best for bb.

BB Cries, my boy will scream then follows by cry n sob..it n really goes on n on until food reaches his mouth then stop 1.. imagine while preparing the pillow n getting myself into a comfortable position while he cries n cries..sometimes just feel like taking a plug n chuck it into his mouth..but after feeding him n he falls aslep with a satify smile on his face, duno wanna cry or laugh loh.

woa..didn't know so many mummies still wide awake and online too..hahaha...seems like we mummies had a hard time getting to bed without past mid-night.

Suika, keropi >> Yepzz, me beta start recording all those stuff tom. Now all I record is my breast pumping times n qty.

Phy >> will go check out the website tom.

Goodnite mommies = )


haa i m awake too, pumping away. Luckily still got forum which i can surf..if not its damn boring... but pumpming milk makes me very hungry..


mi oso partial for 8-9mths...n my boi now 19mths weighs abt 12kg....heehee we shd give ourselves a good pat behind...coz i feel it's already a very good job done liao lor....ekekeke


dun record ur pumps n amt lah....it's oni gonna make u sad....amt it's not impt, i stop pumping for the 1st is coz i fell sick v long coz of virus in ofc...ends up my amt drop till each pump oni 30-50ml for both breast...sad rite n during that time he's drinking like 150-180ml for each feed liao lor....i juz keep pumping till i've got enuff then give him lah...which means 1day 1feed of BM oni...till it dropped further then i decided to stop...then see doc get med for my cough

sun tan,

mi juz finish latching my gal....mi oso feeling hungry...had been munching biscuits since after dinner time here @MAH....siao liao lah

my pre-delivery weight n after oni difference of 2.7kg....that's not even my gal's birth weight lor....haizzzz juz like my 1st delivery....haizzz


Huh how come only 2.5kg? I dropped 7kg once delivered. But I still have another 11kg to go to get back pre-preggy weight.. So even though I m hungry now, I dun dare to eat, unlike when preggy, when hungry, I just eat.



When was the last time u weigh before u deliver? Maybe tat time u alr lost weight? Btw, I tot our "memory" shld come back after we give birth? But apparently my memory still very bad. Just now after pumping, I went to wash n place my equipments in the steriliser, then in the end I forgot to press the button! It's only until I walked back to my room , lie on my bed n was playing with my iPhone tat I suddenly realised I forgot to on the machine ..: duhz....

