(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

ann,by rite contraction wont go off de,mayb BH?monitor ya!im abt e same date as u,bb 36wk 3day,hope he gain wt..n b fine.i dun feel any pain!only below pain when i lie dwn n tryin 2 get up


babycoco: I really think you all who opt for C-sec are very brave.. be it with epi or GA, i just can't bring myself thru the idea of being cut open. Haha!!

cheese: Ya.. that's is what i thought so too abt contractions.. but BH for 1hr plus in the morning at regular interval also doesn't sound like BH to me. That's why rather confuse. I also dun wanna go back to labour ward again till I am more sure. So in dilema too.

i also want contractions and i wanna pop this week la.. hahaha... i so excited to see my bb girl.. dunno who she will look like... hahahahaha...

kan cheong liaozzzzzz

xbeanniex -- i will stand up and walk walk a bit, dream some warm water.. or sometimes, i will lie down and give her some space to move.. relax and take deep breaths.. sometimes they are moving into place, so will give them some space to adjust..

it jus happened to me earlier, i jus walked arnd the room...

xbeanniex, happened to me last week. i was so worried i thought of going to see gynae. but i found that when i stood up or walked, it doesn't hurt maybe you can try to do that?

ann, no lah, not brave. i'm more scared of natural birth. but gynae did say bb on the big side, might not be a bad idea to do c-sect.

Serene: Haha!! U want contraction.. for me, i just hope going into labour is more clear cut.. like waterbag just break lo. No need to think or speculate. Haha!!

babycoco: Now I also dunno how big is BB or did I dilate further than 3cm since on Monday, I am 3cm dilated... my gynae appt is tomorrow.. dunno can last till tomorrow or not. Hubby was saying the gynae package we took doesn't seem enticing now cos we keep going to hospital and then had to shift the gynae appts.


u can ask ur dr if she can just drug u w full dose then u wldn't feel a thing when she operates. also, if u r really afraid of the sounds of the instruments, chk w her if you can hv some music on...

i had nv been c-sect but u can always ask ur gyn i guess

Ann -- same la.. but i prefer contractions first.. then go hospital like burst... haha.. so wont so lei cheh.. later taxi uncle dun wanna fetch me hospital how? haha...

wah! so excited for those mommies who are gonna pop over the weekend!

babycoco, AK

happy delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahaha! your baby very cute


my gynae said if got mucus tinged with blood, no need to go hospital yet. only if combined with contractions that are 5mins apart, then go. so you better call up your gynae and check

saw gynae today. me at 36wks, baby's at 38-39wks, weighing 3.3kg. she did VE for me - not dilated but cervix is soft oredi. if i deliver today, baby was in good position - engaged with her back facing the front. but then, baby can still change position to face the front, which i hope not. 1 more week to go - can't wait!

gynae touched my tummy and said i was having contractions. i said "huh? i thot they were BH?" then gynae said, ya, practice contractions. real contractions will be more intense and painful. she said the more BH i have, the better for labour. okie

oh, my strep B results came back - negative but tested positive for yeast infection instead. so gynae inserted Canestan. no further treatment required and i also din ask

gynae gave me the hospital admission letter and told me about labour, what to expect, when to go to labour ward, etc

my bb move veri hard 2dae n yesterday.bit painful,bt other than tat,im ok eh.mayb bb wana stay til reali full term?i stop my work n boss ask me nt 2 start new stuff le,if nt hard 2 pass dwn.

babycoco: Yup my surgery scheduled at 730am so that my gynae can be back at her clinic by 9am. Oh you still have to see your gynae for ultra-sound ah. Btw hor.. I told my gynae to insert the catheter only when I'm at the OT after epi is administered so no pain.. she asked me to remind the nurses on the day itself. U might like to consider that as well. Also I was told to bring abdominal binder if i have my own and also the cord banking kit into the OT.

btw blood sugar can be triggered by stress level leh. So stay calm k..we are very near le! I stop during my finger prick le..since doc never say anything. Yesterday I had cakes, cookies and soft drinks!!but in moderation of coz..

Serene : you're so funny.. be patient be patient.. your doc not back yet remember? hehee... I also wonder who and how my bb with look like! My hubby and I have pretty contrasting features lor.. small eyes, dark skin, big nose, curly hair VS big eyes, fair skin, normal nose and straight hair! But we both have straight teeths w/o braces. My gut feeling is my bb gal is gonna look that her daddy leh...

Ann: You're really like a timed-bomb ticking away! So exciting!

ica: thanx!! wow your bb quite big hor.. I at 37 wks +++ but my bb only 2.7kg.. I havent stopped eating beef and drinking milk for few weeks liao!

jelly : Yes..I told my gynae yesterday that I dun want to feel the thread pulling when she's sewing me up! That was what I was told by some friends lor.. make my hair stand!

Thnx mummies!!!

but bb's movement hurts that I didnt wan to move at all... hahaha... this morning walking to work from bus stop (abt 200m lar) I almost wanted to find a chair just to sit down. then reach ofc bb still cant stop moving ard n the kind of feeling is so undescribable...

but now think bb found a nice spot to rest... not moving much accept a kick or two.

cheese: Your boss so nice...ask u not the start new stuff. Tomorrow my last day at work, today boss still forward me things to look at lor. Already hired temp staff, should just forward to the temp and maybe copy me for info / to brief the temp. Sian ah...


jts, my boy likes to put pressure on the nerves connecting to my pelvis and it feels like someone jabbed a knife into my hip. v painful. when that happens i cannot stand up!


ya hor...just now i was looking into my bag and realised i forgot to show gynae my blood glucose reading and she also didn't ask me. maybe becos we're almost there

ya lor, my big baby....i prefer your baby's weight - just nice. but for the past 1 wk, i'm very happy with her weight gain - only 100g, whereas i gained 300g. so hoping from now on, all weight gain comes to me, if there's any

i also heard that milk makes baby big coz i have a fren (very tall and big) and his mom told me she drank a lot of milk when carrying him. so now wondering whether it was the Anmum - i took it 2x a day and on top of that, i took calcium pills. i only stopped taking the milk a month back coz i was having too much gas

cheese: i already started to handover last week to the temp...teach him what to do, how to do, etc...then today got new things, then boss forward to me...aiyoh...should just forward to the temp (or at least both of us)...by forwarding to me only, as if implying that i should settle it before i go off like that...feeling so sian lor when i got that email...

the temp even tried to get my HP no...he said just in case...i told him a big NO...i am supposed to be on ML...if u r not sure, then check directly with boss...this type of temp ah!?

mummies who still works should know, handing over work to someone else is damn tiring and confirm got alot of shit to clear when go back to work.

I also got craving for milk, dont know why... especially cold milk... quite like meiji brand ... =x

cheese: the things boss sent me this morning is not something very major...but still...the fact that she forwarded to me as if the temp is not around like that and as if expecting me to settle it...anyway, dun care liao...whatever that needs to be handed over already done...just want to prepare myself and relax for the Day!

atomic kitten, good idea to get gynae to put in catheter after we are administered epi. i'll ask her when i see her Saturday morning. i bought the binder from clinic, so expensive $50+. your gynae doesn't sell?

ica, gynae still wants me to test my blood. oh, btw, did your gynae ask you to bring the glucometer to the hospital when you're giving birth? my gynae asked me to bring mine, she said if hospital check using their glucometer, we'll get charged, so better bring ours, since it's free.


my gynae din tell me to bring the glucometer. okie, thanks! one more thing to dump into the hospital bag.

my gynae said i've done my blood test, so not need. she just asked the nurse to make a photocopy. think she meant the one we did for the NT test? but the nurse couldn't find it in my file - so weird


oh sorry. blood test - now that i re-read, you meant the blood glucose thingy. hehehe. i'm still testing on my own regardless

babycoco: My doc never mentioned anything abt my blood sugar when I proudly present my "report book" to her. Told her my results very good and she was pleased. So I think i can stop finger prick le la. She also never ask me to bring to hosp. But if your doc remind u, you better bring leh. When I was admitted the last time round and the nurses tested for me coz I never bring my glucometer.. it was very expensive leh!!

As for the binder hor.. my fren passed hers to me and I showed gynae..she said its too big for me.. coz its Large... then she said she will try if too big then juz buy from hosp after the op.

xbeanniex: I ve been drinking meiji fresh milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So far so good for me blood sugar. But hor... remember dun drink the yummy meiji choc milk k.. coz it causes my blood sugar to shoot up. If u have craving drink more now.. think during confinement dunno can drink cold fresh milk or not. I ve this impression anything cold is forbidden.. including fresh milk, fruits etc etc

AK -- haha.. i cant wait to bf here and take care of her lei... lol.. everyday i talk to her... psyco her to get ready.. haha

my 3d scan hor, she look like hubby.. me and hubby both got double eye lids, big eyes.. haha.. both are big size.. his 180cm im 168cm.. he has strong genes for black thick hair.. haha..

cant wait to carry her man... how i wish... its today... hahahahahahahhaa... yay!!

serene : Oh man... big eyes, double eyelids, thick black hair and tall!!! she's going to be a hot babe!!

Now pouring so heavily.. later i going vivo city to get nursing bra and disposable cotton panties! so last min.. anyone knows where i can get the cotton disposable panties at vivo ma? yesterday went paragon mothercare..they dun ve! oh btw.. my hubby and I watched Toy story.. our last movie before bb comes along [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Serene: Won't la.. if waterbag burst, the more taxi uncle would drive you. My mum told me if hubby cannot make it to drive me to hospital, then call taxi company and tell them u in labour, they will give you priority queue one. Haha!!

ica: But my contractions real funny. So wanna be more sure before i head for hospital. Like now, I take a nap and woke up, I dun have contraction le. That shouldn't be the case if it is real contraction and I slept like a pig lo when I nap.

AK: Ya lo.. ticking human time bomb.. and a confuse one too. I always thought giving birth is just very straight forward.. never know contractions can be so confusing too.

Sigh.. today is already my last working day before my ML yet I have lots of stuff to do!

I was passed with this task on Mon. Everyone is expecting me to get my part done before I leave, I also wish to cos I dun wan to add on to their workload.

I doubt I can go home on time today la… sad.

regarding maternity cotton disposable panties, i got mine from metro causeway point. very comfy... the brand is carnation or something like tat.

AK -- i last saw some good and cheap ones at NTUC lei.. cotton ones but disposable types.. nursing bras i bought them from marks and spencer frm vivo..

Ann -- that time my water bag burst, i couldnt do anything but jus lie on the bed and flood the bed.. haha.. contractions still can stop 1 min, walk 1 min.. haha..

SK -- haha.. be happy.. tmr onwards, u can rest at home and chit chat here liao!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AK, we need to bring glucometer? for what purpose ah?i dun have glucometer wor..need to buy 1?

Serene, haha, im sure ur bb ll be a pretty gal ..double eye lids some more..mine i think ll be small eyes gal gal cos my SIL used to say my hubby n i both are small eyes :-(

nvmlah, as long as is a healthy bb then i ll be very happy..hehe

vernie, dun care abt ur boss, just forward the work to temp staff, i think ur boss ll understand gua..

I went to watch Karate Kid wit my 1st Son. Good show. The one in the TUm tum also moving about till i tell my 1st son, if i need to go hospital to give birth you call Daddy to pick up you ok.

He put his hand on my tummy and tell his small brother, please wait till show finish MAMA need to accompany me.. Please Please..

HAhahahahah.. So cute..

my bb is drilling downwards now.. and got this piercing pain there.. anyone got this pain??? she is really digging downwards...like wan to prick my water bag burst like tat.. haha..


glucometer is for mommies who have gestational diabetes like me, babycoco, AK.


hahaha! your boy is adorable! my ex-colleague's daughter once kept asking when was her little sister going to come out and the next day, she popped! what a coincidence. oh, over the weekend, met up with my cousin and she asked her daughter to put her hands on my tummy and asked her "boy or girl". her daughter said "girl" - amazing!


according to Mrs Wong, if real contractions, won't be able to sleep. so maybe your body is practising really hard to get you ready


my baby does that sometimes. no pain but very ticklish feeling

disposable panties

got mine from Guardian. have not tried them but they look comfy enough

ica: That's why I am confused abt contraction lo.

Carol: I bought 4 packs. But if not enough, hubby can go buy for me cos shop quite near to my house.

ah? u cannot touch water when u doing confinement lei.. then who is gg to wash ur panties for u? if buy and throw is more convenient ma.. and... lochia can last for about 2 weeks also.. some pple after 2 weeks of lochia will continue with 1 week of normal menses...

Jellypurin -- lol.. can tahan jiu tahan lor.. 1 mth only.. somemore this kinda things cannot rewind one.. haha..

AK -- lol.. i bought a size bigger for better ventilation and plus althou they are cotton, they are still "tearable" lol..

? cannot touch water ? then how are you going to wipe your breasts clean ? :p

weather so hot, must keep ourselves clean and hygienic for breastfeeding . somemore latch, our fingers, breasts come into contact w bb.

