(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Hi all,

Just wondering how did u gal do ur glucose test?

I am in my 29/30 wks and will be seeing my gynae this sat and was inform by nurse that need to do a glucose test.

So instruction to me was to eat b4 6.30am cos my appt was 08.30am. Then come and do the test.

i tot normally to do glucose test need to fast the night b4??

Totally blur on this..


anyone preparing a song list? I am in the midst of preparing a song list to get my hubby to put into my ipod or burn into a cd... i call it "my labour song list" haa. Its to play during labour time cos i feel music really can relax me!

vivi >> Is it firstly put the EBM in the cooler bag?

I'm so lost I dun even know the sequence how to prepare EBM when outside, hehee.

btw, ebm can drink room temperature so dont really need to warm it or cool it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just thaw it beforehand at home, put it into a bag (thermal bag if you want), then its ready for baby when he/she needs~

May oh, i think yours is just using the glucometer. so what your gynae gonna do is measure your blood glucose after a 2-hour interval from food intake to see how efficient your body can process sugars. i'll be doing this same thing at all my checkups from now on as i failed the OGTT.

the other more "serious" test is the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) - this involves fasting the night before, 3 times blood samples taken + 1 super sweet drink to be consumed. this will happen in the lab

Jaclyn>> I see, tks. So for the shortcut, i can just put the milk bottle (with thawed EBM) in the thermal bag to keep it warm, then when needed, can just take out the milk bottle for BB to drink.

just read from Yahoo! News that Carina Lau is 3 mths pregnant at age 44.

And she was rumoured to put on 9kg & look swollen.

Wonder if the news is correct...3mths preggie and already put on 9kg?!?

Jaclyn >> I shld be using bk the CD i used for my wedding.

Compiled a list of jazz/bossa nova tracks & burnt them into a CD to be played throughout my wedding dinner then. So since it's my fav genre of music & soothing enough, will be "re-using" the CD again, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Woah.. the thread seems to be moving fast this morning.

Red rice wine: Anyone buying? My in law bought me a bottle of DOM for confinement. Dunno if that is enough for the whole confinement or not. I also not sure if I really need to get the red rice wine or not.

Music: I don't really listen to music. I think I will bring the laptop to use internet more than listening to music. Or bring DVD to watch movie. That is if I am still able to concentrate. Haha!!

ann -- for DOM, only can be used for cooking if u are bf-ing... then if u wanna drink, u have to drink 2 hrs before bf-ing and try to express out the first cycle of milk after drinking DOM(neat).. if cooking, jus make sure its cooked long enuff for the alcohol to evapourate. i used 4 bottles last confinement, drinking and cooking...

Rice wine, my friend's MIL is making for me... i think about 5 bottles.. it would be even better if u know how to cook hong zao chicken...

EBM -- ebm can be drank under rm temperature.. too hot will make the milk lose its nutrients. for me, i will be bringing nursing cover when im out...

keep ebm into a icebag containing ice pack to maintain freshness

to be on safe side, keep unconsumed warm ebm (maintain temperature) up to 4 hours. if ebm been consumed, keep within an hour.

best not to allow the ebm temp to fluctuate cos bacteria will breed easily.

EBM must be consumed within 4 hours

Dome/ rice wine:

I only drank less than half a bottle of dome during my 1st confinement. Can only start drinking dome after 12 days of confinement if I rmb correctly. Often forget to drink it before I sleep. Not keen to finish it anyway.

As for rice wine, finish a few bottles as I had it every meal cos me hakka and the rice wine was made by my mum.

Wah.. seems like we consumed more rice wine than DOM lei. I dun like to drink DOM lei. Most likely will ask my CL to cook it with food ba.

I scared if I buy the rice wine and my CL dunno how to cook food with it, then waste of money. By right, all CL would know how to cook food with rice wine right?

DOM can only consume 2 weeks after confinement starts. heard that it's better than rice wine coz it contains herbs? dunno how true

Breastmilk should be defrosted overnight in the fridge or thawed by standing the container in a jug of warm water.

so if u are planning to go out, plan in advance on the thawing of bm.. it would be best to latch the baby when u go out with a nursing cover.. this way, u no need to bring so many things and can stay outside for a longer time...

yup.. 14 days after confinement then can drink alcohol stuff and fish... and hor.. for mommies gg for csect, dun take ginger too.. let ur CL know that u had a csect..

bear in mind that CLs can be quite lazy too.. i heard bad stories too.. so make sure u know a bit of stuff instead of letting her do it..

if she doesnt know how to use dom, jus ask her to add it together with the vege and cook slightly longer to let the alcohol evaporate.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sames goes to the rice wine ya..

oh, talking about breastfeeding in public...about a month back, i saw this angmoh lady sitting down at starbucks suntec, with baby close to her body. from far i couldn't make out what she was doing - they way she was holding the baby was a bit weird. as i walked nearer, saw that she was breastfeeding her baby, without any nursing cover whatsoever and she was facing the oncoming crowd! she looked like she couldn't be bothered. hmmm...i was thinking "wah! so brave!"

ya, some CLs can be up to no good. e.g. make chicken essence but they'll consume the best portion (the top layer or something like that) and give mommies the rest. so at the end of confinement, CLs have rosy cheeks whereas the mommies still look pale.

Serene: Thanks for the advice. Ya.. i also scared my CL lazy and dun cook good food for me. I am quite particular about food lei.

So how many bottle of rice wine should I buy?

Serene >> Tks for the info. But if already thawed and then put into an ice bag again, wldn't I need to thaw the EBM again?

confinement foodstuff --

1. Prepare more sesame oil to replace normal cooking oil

2. Fish - threadfin, 午鱼

3. red dates drink

4. store up milo sachets

5. brocolli - very good for confinement mommies

6. Pig Trotters with Vinegar - Zhu Jiao Cu

7. Ginger to expel wind for natural delivery moms

8. Vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, kai lan, lady finger can be consumed even in the first 2 weeks.

9. no cabbage cause it will cause more wind

** eat warm food at all times

** if u really really want to drink plain water, please drink only warm - hot plain water

** avoid ginger if u are gg for csect

oh my mum also said, during confinement, we must eat only freshly cooked warm food.

Say if lunch cannot eat finish, then want to keep for dinner to eat (just make warm). DON'T. Cuz this will create more "wind" in the mummies.

confinement catering anyone going to order? i'm thinking either Natal Essentials or Florence Gourmet. i showed my mom their menus and she prefers Florence Gourmet coz they serve more traditional confinement food. so just wanna know feedback on these 2. Thanks!

OMG!! More and more rules coming up to take note for confinement.

Oh ya hoh.. i nearly forgotten about sesame oil too.

Recently I heard about a story about this CL who is so horrible lei.

She dun allow the mum to feed breast milk and psycho the dad and MIL that feeding FM is better cos BB will be fuller. Then BB won't wake up so frequently and disturb her. The dad and MIL actually fall for it. Mummy actually got sufficient breast milk lei.

Then when the CL cooked, she put in all the meat and vegetables into one pot and just boil like soup lo. Then the mum just eat with rice. Everyday also like that.

The mum got so depressed that she cry and cry. Poor thing right?

ann -- ya.. some CLs they want convenience for themselves.. some are really very pro de... some kek siao and try to smoke u here and there... so must be careful and lay the rules well before u start with them also...

Ann horrible CL! so kelian the mommy. so i guess even if she protested, they wd have fallen onto deaf ears...she must be one fierce CL - getting paid but bossed the mommy about. and on top of that, lazy too

thats why i am not getting a CL... but also to save some $$ cos we decided on getting domestic help instead. the $2k spent on CL can pay for 6 mths of domestic helper salary le ...

but of course CL is much better and experienced for that 1st month... thats why i am getting my domestic helper earlier and sending her to my grandmom's or mom's place for training first.

I am not too particular about confinement, i probably break alot of the 'rules' cos i dont really like most of them hehee.. i guess i will suffer for it during my later years, but for now.. rules like no bathing really terrifies me so i probably wont follow

Serene: Ya lo.. So now trying to equip myself with more knowledge abt confinement so that i won't be mislead by the CL.

ica: Her hubby dun even know she had been crying lo. Her hubby just stupidly listen to the CL. When she complain to the hubby, hubby ask her to just bear with it lo. If I were her, I would have scream at the CL liao lo. Pay you close to $2k and tis is the treatment i get.

The CL doesn't even cook for family lei.. family still have to buy food for her. The maid also do all the washing lei.

Jaclyn: For me, although getting domestic helper is more worth it but I am still more comfortable with getting a CL. If my grandma wasn't that old, I would have engage her to help me out on my confinment le. I felt more comfy with grandma.

ica: thanks for the explaination.

ann: think the lady who's selling the red rice wine will provides the recipe to teach you how to cook the food.

ann: tat was a terrible and lazy CL.

Same sentiments... me too, I think i will go crazy and start screaming at the CL liao if i kanna tat kind of treatment.

jaclyn: i might break some of the rules too.. i hv chk with the CL agency and they say can bath la but must be during afternoon and with herbs. maybe 3 days then bath once ba!

wow..u gers already talkin abt confinement..can't wait to give birth..haha..

Btw is anyone visitin the gynae recently??can help me to ask your gynae is it true as long as bb kicks it is okie no matter hard or light kicks..because i am now at weeek 32 i can only feel very light kicks..but my gynae say it is fine coz bb is small 1.3kg at week 30.i see all of u takin glucose test at week 30..when i go see my gynae, i did not take any glucose test..so kind if worried that i missed some tests and scans.. thanks!!

hi Eunice, my baby is the same weight as yours at week 30 - he is also 1.3kg. He also doesn't kick as hard as earlier in the pregnancy. Nowadays, its more than "vibrations" or fluttering with an occasional hard kick now and then only.

As for baby toiletries, my PD told me that newborns dun need shampoo or powder. She also commmented that Johnson's baby bath is too drying for skin. So i have been using Sebamed or Balsem for my #1. Baby lotion is California Baby Calendula cream.

Hope this helps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pris: wah you considering it? So brave. The thought of it makes me gag already hahahaa. Really can't imagine eating my own placenta although I heard it's super nutritious

ANn: ya I figured out the CL will probably drive me nuts so that's a deciding factor for me why I choose a domestic helper instead. But also surely have it's pros and cons lah

Beware of some CLs. My SIL tot hers was good until everything end and few mths realize that some of her bb stuff gone missing. Her CL feeds her newborn with 200ml of BM to make the bb sleepy and puke. My toddler dun even take 200ml of FM at one go. Newborn should start with 45ml and slowly up to 90ml for the first mth.

During her stay, she oso ask for 1-2hrs time-off to go nearby shopping as she is fr msia. She arrives with one bag and left SIL place with four bags. She oso ate alot and used up 4 big bottles of sesame oil in one mth whereas my mum only used one bottle…


i came across a website last time... wait ah, i go search... i will post later...


i heard just as many horror stories about CL as u... so, i rather do w/o 1... i already hv enough prob w my maid...

CL: I also heard some horror stories, and i agree on the BM part. cos really read abt how some CL tell the family that BB not enough BM and want them to give FM instead. Just for her own convenience.

DOM: i nv drink DOM before but the smell is really strong. i dun like it.. i dun even drink beer! so dunno how am i going to survive. for rice wine, my mum is getting 5 bottles for me.

Eunice: My BB is also about 1.4-1.8kg at 31 weeks. Usually i feel light kicks as well but to me as long as BB is active with many kicks throughout the day, i dun worry about it.

For BB toiletries, i bought Johnson's Top-to-Toe wash since baby may not have much hair to use a btl of shampoo. read that few drops of soap into the bathtub will do rite? Body lotion i will use the samples, dun intend to buy unless needed. cos BB will apply lotion powder, like too many layers of stuff on the body.

Clothes detergent & softerner i bought Pigeon, but i think as long as it is baby detergent not much diff.. since they get used up very fast can try different brands along the way.

Pris: No.. dunno how to handle it. saw a blog teaching it before but seems like a lot of process to be done. (wash, dry it for days, grind, put into capsules) ..

for mummies who intend to donate BB's cord blood, can call SCBB at ur 32nd week.. i did my telephone interview and will be meeting them to do the questionnaire.

