(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Serene: I also had braxton hicks last time. Mine lasted for the whole night. Thought i had bad tummyache. Haha! First BB so i didn't know how a contraction feel like. Asked my gynae yesterday. He say it's common & now in 3rd trim will even feel it more frequently.

In my mind, i was thinking i hope i dun feel that again untill BB is ready to come out and those are real contraction.

Babycoco: I will drop by Mothercare to take a look then. Wonder is it non talc ones.

Braxton hicks are false contractions. You will feel your womb muscle suddenly get very very tight and hard and painful. If you use your hand to feel, can feel the hardness. After awhile, it will relax. Then it will happen again. Totally hate the feeling.


Hi MTBs...

Can i ask how long do we need to wear the maternity pad for after giving birth? Unsure how many cotton disposable panties needed & pads.

What do we need to pack to hospital? Or the hospital will give us the list?


u will need to wear maternity pads at least for the first week or so. after that u can use the ultra long nite pads. they will be sufficient. u may bleed from anything from 2-6 weeks, after which u will hv spotting...

disposable panties wise, up to you. i find it very useful for the stay in the hospital. when u get home, it's up to you. after my #1, i only used 2 packets of disposable panties and i used about 20-30pcs of maternity pads


the hospital will at least charge u a packet of maternity pads... if not, they cant earn anything. even if you dun use, i think they will charge u regardless...


Really? wah, i tot they wont charge us if we bring our own.. as for disposable panties, i alwasy find them uncomfortable. Will tear easily?

Serene swaddle wrap from TMC out of stock. Mrs Wong said available next wk. Can get from TMC. Thot could get them today. Bummer. Oh if u're also thinking of buying thier baby towels, also OOS ...sigh

Ann to know whether they're real contractions, if u're able to go to sleep, then they're not. hee...learnt this at antenatal class

ica -- oh.. will u be able to get the swaddle next week? If cannot then nvm lor.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I only intend to get the swaddle nia...

sun_tan -- ya, and normally, after they clean u up at the delivery ward, they will wear a disposable panties for u with the pad (all provided and chargeable)

Hey ladies.. how do you gals wash your ankles/feet? I am having a hard time even bending down to reach my calves now. think must buy a long brush !

Pris: Is the birds nest you are taking .. e dragon brand one? I bought 5 bottles free 1 bottle this afternoon. 1 bottle lasts only 8 days according to the sales girl. Spent about $280+ for 6 bottles.

What are diaper shells pris? Yes they do sell per bottle, but she says one bottle only lasts 8 days so I just bought the 5+1free promotion. Otherwise 1 bottle is $48+ (used to be $56+). Then can become their member and enjoy 10% afterwards and 20% on ur bday month. My bday month is July which is when bb is due so I guess can get more then! :eek:

Do you eat in the morning or at night?


someone is bringing in something similar to grobaby. chk the bp here: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/3882463.html?1272184853

i enquired about this. i feel that the diaper shell system is similar to regular disposable diapering... maybe my understanding is not there. i am choosing to semi cloth diaper my boy after his first month.


actually, there are cotton-like disposable panties from John Little/Kiddy Palace. check it out. it apparently is "recycable" too... u can wash it after 1 use, but i din lah...

non talc bb powder brands:

california baby


these 2 brands i know. if you want to save $, can use corn starch as well. that was what some of my friends used...

Jaclyn >> oic...take 1 big teaspoon mix with hot water first thing in the morning =)

Jellypurin >> I intend to be fully on cloth diapers the 1st month coz got confinement aunty to wash.

When baby wee wee the cloth diaper gets soak thru. So you would wear a diaper shell outside the cloth diaper to prevent leakage unto the bedding. It is washable and reusable.

Serene me going back to KL coming weekend. Today was my last class and I thot I could get both swaddle and towels, then dun hv to go to TMC [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Maybe I'll look for these items in KL, and if not good enuf then only will go to TMC lor as I'll only be free on weekends

Jelly/Sun: tks. Got to go check it out.

Jelly: non-talc bb powder in SG got sell? & where?

Pris: where to buy the diaper shell? is it cotton?

suntan: i tink leg warmers r v cute!!!

i emailed them & they told me the leg warmers can be worn till bb's 6 yrs old.

pris: this time rd we haf some daddies joined us as well...

smaller grp, but we get to spk to all =)

pics r up on fb!!

ica -- then its ok la.. bu yao ma fan.. TMC's swaddle really very different from outside de.. lol.. anyway hor.. thanks for remembering [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

when are u coming back?

Things to bring (From TMC Website)

What to Bring For Your Stay

For maternity patients, please bring along your:

• personal nightgowns (front-open types for easier breastfeeding)

• maternity brassieres

• cardigan or dressing gown

• bedroom slippers

• sanitary belt (optional)

• sanitary towels (optional)

• polythene bags (for your soiled linen)

Note: It is advisable to have a bag ready with these necessary items packed 2 to 4 weeks befoe estimated delivery date.

We will provide the following for your newborn baby:

• baby vests

• disposable diapers

• toiletries

• a baby bag

• wrapping blanket

• a pair of mittens

Basic toiletries throughout your stay with us will be provided. However, you may also like to bring along your personal clothing, cosmetics and toiletries for a more comfortable stay. You are advised against bringing large sums of cash or valuables.


• sanitary belt (optional)

• sanitary towels (optional)

• maternity brassieres

• polythene bags (for your soiled linen)

What are these? Sorry for being ignorant. Hehe.

bag i think plastic bag will do right?

• sanitary belt (optional) -- for the "looped" maternity pads

• sanitary towels (optional) -- i also dunno lei..

• maternity brassieres -- nursing bra

• polythene bags (for your soiled linen)

i think because they have ang mor patients.. so the english a bit the powderful also.. lol..


You guys are getting me excited in packing and buying for my #2!!! This week is wk 29 already. I still have not felt the "kan chiongness" of it till I read through all the postings!

So far only bought the maternity pads, pureen. I swear by it coz I used it the first delivery and I must say it does provide a soft cushioning for our sore downunder. After a few days I switched to normal ones. Think I didn't even finish 1 pack of the maternity pads.

For babylegs... ya, they are indeed very cute!!! Got 1 set for my #1 but didn't use it.. hmm, think I should use it on my #2 then. Actually babylegs are also sold at Spring Maternity.

The only thing that I want to buy is the karmy front buttoning sleepwear/PJ for myself. Very comfy for hospital stay and easy bfing.

Hmm, not sure about powder though. Read somewhere that it is no good for young infants to use body powder as they may accidently inhale it... I only started using powder (if necessary) on my #1 after he was at least 6 months old. If not, corn starch is also good.

Anyway, just my 2cents [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ceres >> Diaper shells...me still looking. Outter layer is usually a fabric but it has a plastic like inner lining to keep the cloth diaper from wetting the bedding. Saw Grobaby brand at the last baby fair at expo but felt it was quite exp since I plan to be on cloth diapers for the 1st month only but still will need a few of those diaper shells. Saw some at Giant, that one was less than $10 quite cheap but not as stylo as the grobaby brand and the one on the link Serene posted.

DQ >> ThanKs for loading pics! Everybody's belly has grown nicely bigger already =) When is the next kai kai gathering?

Serene i keyed into my phone as reminder, so i could remember lor..hehe...if not, sure forget de

only shortweekend, just to get more hand-me-downs + buy some baby stuff from KL lor, like the pigeon cloth diapers, RM28 vs $26

this morning woke up with a craving for wan tan mee but had to make do with econ beehoon. also had a cup of soya bean milk. sure will have lots of gas later. last nite already full of gas and kept farting the whole nite - hubby also cannot tahan. hahahahhaaa.

i think 1st tri is back again for me - i had really good appetite then and that was also the time that i gained weight rapidly. hurhur

pris>> no probbies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

im sure ur tumtum has grown quite well too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my colleague (fr another desk) commented on me putting on wt this morning... hahah.. wat a way to kickstart my monday!

had been binging over the wkened! aft finally knowing my bb's wt... i kept e.a.t.i.n.g...

the mummies were also talkin abt havin at least one last outing b4 we pop...

perhaps in June?

wat the rest of the mummies tink?

it's monday again... start of a new wk.... -.-||||

phy you're not the only one - i've not gotten most stuff either but have to start oredi. everyday at the office i kept looking at the checklist and say to myself that i must start getting them but i always procrastinate. hehehe

after the antenatal class yesterday, realise that taking care of babies is no easy job - everything got to sterilise and also must be careful when handling baby's stuff

oh ya, at yesterday's class, Mrs Wong said not to use microwave steriliser due to radiation - just her opinion la. She's nice, gave us her contact in case we need to ask her questions after birth

DQ yes, i second that! i've missed the previous 2 outings so will wanna go for June outing, if there's one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ica>> u r most welcome to join!!

in fact we were jokin on our last outing... cuz we need a bigger space to meet.

esp when our bbs r gg w us!

space need for strollers, baby chairs, etc....

morning ladies,

Wah, over the weekend also have so many posts.

Vomitted this morning & the flat taste in my mouth is coming back again (reminds me of my 1st trimester). Super sianz!

what is napisan, btw?

what are leg warmer used for?

Sorry very suaku here, heehe.


mrslong>> leg warmers r like 'open toed socks'.

quite cool one...

u chk out the link Pris posted.

btw, ive tot of another use for the leg warmers... we can use it to cover the area btw elbow to our hands... to SHIELD FR THE SUN!!!!

yay!!! so useful when we drive or when we're outdoors!

so when our bb haf outgrown the leg warmers, we can cont to use them~

hmm... u started puking again? sigh...

i dunno if mine will come back??

but i feel heavier when i walk... now walking much slower....

