(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

Mrs Long, can do BW b4 giving birth de. I did that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Air conditioner to Zzz.

I can't live without it!! Not becoz of heat but becoz I stay near a road and basically I'm very sensitive to noise!!! Usually on air con from 9pm (my #1's bedtime) to 6am (wakie wakie).

But at 26 degrees [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


How I wish to deliver on my 39 weeks.. on 21 Jul cos its my 8th pa tor anniversary ....

have been telling my bb.... shall we see u on 21 Jul... hehehe...

Eliss -- havent order yet.. u want?

Outing -- dun think i can make it liao lei.. cause my SIL coming to pick the kids at 6pm.. then by the time i rush down is about 630pm.. by then the dinner is alr almost done liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yvonne -- im also hoping bb will come out on 6th July cause its my pak tor anniversary too! haha.. so now must make sure bb is in the right weight by that time..

Serene - if you have not order, its okay, since you are not joining us tomorrow, picking up the diapers a bit ley chey...


Wish you all the best... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am also montoring my bb weight too..


haha its almost time.. we have abt 2mths+ to 3 mths to go....

Nepia diaper: When ordering u can double confirm with them of can exchange. Cos i remember my fren told me that u can exchange for bigger size if you bb can wear. So as long the pampers is left unopen, dont need worry that you will waste it..

Serene - I stay simei... nvr mind, maybe I will order all my own...less hassle...

So listless!!! Heavy lunch...now wanna sleep...

phy >> Ya, can do BW b4 birth but will be more sensitive / painful. Strip customer service very good...she just provided me with the info for post-birth BW, in case I'm thinking of having it done after birth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Those mummies that bought baby cot already, does it come with mattress? The 1 I like from mothercare doesn't come with mattress. They sell separately for $300+. that's very expensive right?


Mothercare at Metro is having 20% discount as Metro running a sales. Maybe it is a good time to get it there?

I got my cot (convertible to toddler bed) during Taka baby fair in 2007. The same one is stil at the baby section in Taka mall. Guess what? My 28 month old son is still sleeping in it. Now in process of shifting him to his own bedroom and own bed.

Good to invest in a good cot if you need to use it for a few years or for more kiddos you intend to have [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs long,

Do it b4 birth is not really painful de. But I remember being able to stay clean downunder despite not bathing for a week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eliss & f8 mummies:

We are suppose to agree on the date and time then inform her.

So shall we stick to 13th June, Sun, in the morning?

suntan >> I tried calling Mt. A so many times, nobody pick up. Class is next Fri but till now no news leh.

That time u mentioned the person said will contact us nearer the date, wonder how "near" the date she's referring to. heheee.


U mean the mattress selling at $300++.. yap it is expensive...

maybe u wan to try ur luck at the upcoming bb fair at expo next fri???

Last bb fair at taka selling latex mattress only less than $150.


Haa, i think by next monday if they still haven call, i will call them again. But that time she did find my name inside the list. Like you, when i first called them to register, they also just copy down my information only. I did not send in any registration form.


can give me the name and the contact of the massage lady that you mentioned is better, again, cos i couldnt find the previous email that you have sent me.

hi ladies, i've emailed the organiser for next week's Baby Expo @ S'pore Expo to check if they will be hvg more info. published as I'm keen to know the participating retailers. Below is the reply.

Hi Junie,

Thank you for your enquiry. : )

Our ads will start from next Thur @ Straits Times Life section. Do look out for our special buys.

Best time to come is on 1st day on Friday cos many special buys. : )

Warmest Regards,


Ladies, u all got feel.. nausea? like.. keep oik oik oik.. but nothing come out.. jus like the 1st trimester like tat.. i feel that im having the same old symptoms lei...

Yvonne, phy thanks. Ya, thinking of getting mattress @ metro. But after disc still $300.

Serene, yup still feel like throwing up, at least once a week. I read it could be due to uterus pushing to our stomach.

sun_tan: I PM u liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Girls, what thermometer you all buying? I have not got mine yet.

Serene: SO far, me no nausea yet [TOUCH WOOD]. But i heard some ppl will ve that when in 3rd trim. Do take care!

Jolyn >> I got my thermometer from the BabyCare Festival the other time. It's from Cadi. Also sold in Guardian Pharmacy over the counter.

The thermometer can be used on the forehead, behind the ear & for adults, in the ear type.


Saw your pm. Wah, she is away har..i still thinking of getting her for a massage this weekend. Back breaking alr..

suntan >> I just emailed Mt. A, hopefully can get a reply by early next week.

For the BB Expo, next Fri to Sun, there's one. The June one is organised by Motherhood.

sun_tan: ya lor. Mon i jus get her to massage then she told me. I already give her $100 as deposit for my post-natal. No choice u look for Zaiton first lor. She is back fr Thailand le.

Hospital Bag - yup partial packed liao, throw in a set of BB clothes, my electric breastpump, left with doc's papers and my own clothes... anything else I missed out?

Sun_tan - think most of the F8 mummies can make it for 13 Jun, except Kepsis did not reply, think we can tell that date to Allison, scarly she can make it...

Jolyn >> Eh, I dunno if it's infra-red type...how to see? But it's definitely not contactless.

I bought it for $70+ which is a really good buy, cuz Guardian is selling now at abt $98.

I also bought CADI from the baby expo.

Hospital bag - not yet pack leh.. i think i'll wait till june then pack hahaa.. i'm quite a procrastinator =D

Thermometer: I order the Braun thermometer from BP section. Hubby say he wan to be the first one to test the thermometer. I don't know why he like to play with the thermometer so much.

Hospital Bag: I have not even packed anything yet. Told hubby I would use him Crumpler messenger bag as the hospital bag.

hihi mummies,

Just to share with u gals... my colleagues juz gave me this receipe for confinement.

Stir-fried Rice Wine Chicken

Confinement Ingredients 1

1small kampong chicken ( cut into small pieces )

50g ginger ( cut into slices )

50g spring onions

Confinement Ingredients 2

1tbsp oyster sauce

1tbsp light soya sauce

2tsp dark soya sauce

Salt to taste

2tbsp shao xing wine

2tbsp rice wine

½ cup water ( to thicken gravy with some flour )

Confinement Cooking Method

1. Heat up to 1tbsp oil and 1tbsp sesame oil in wok, stir-fry ginger until fragrant. Add in chicken, stir-fry well and pour on ingredients B. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes.

2. Stir in flour solution and spring onions. Remove and serve hot.

suntan>> 13 june sunday morning is fine with me for the PS.

Think PS on morning better...not so hot, i guess.

Maybe u can check with Allison if she's ok with 13 Jun, morning 1st? Thanks!

