(2010/07) July 2010 MTB

swetkiss, my baby was away in KL for 3 wks in Dec, then 2 wks during CNY - both periods without her parents. The 1st time, when she saw me, she could recognise me instantly. the 2nd time, when she saw me, she looked kinda stunned (she was on her tummy on the bed) and kept looking at me. so i started singing her fave song (itsy bitsy spider) and she began to smile. it was less than 1 min but it felt like so long to me. i was thinking "oh no! don't tell me she has forgotten her Mama". but when she came back to Spore, the moment she saw her Papa, she was beaming. quite unfair hor? hehehe

conclusion: they may take some time to try to recall. no worry lah

now, everyday when she sees me back home after work, she'll beam me her gummy smile and start flapping her hands and legs. really make my day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Chez (chelz_mum) -so far i boil the grains for 10mins over the fire first b4 transferring to the jar and then wait for an hour or so and then its ready.

So far haven try to just sock with boiling water.. dun noe if that works a not.. the grains too expensive, so i dare not experiment it yet... hahaz.

Agree with u ica! at times I go fetch him @ IFC, he like dont reg me lei... though he see me everyday... then happen to know, he just wake up, haven warm up yet! nid time to recall and reload.. LOL.

His smile always melt me.. and i had deeply fallen in love with him!!!

Sweetkiss: I bought sweet green peas for Baby G and I just steam and puree. No need to take out the peas else the yield is very little and very troublesome.

I went to USA when he was 5mths+ for 12 days!!! Super miss my baby. But I skype everyday with him. U might want to try that hehehe. Don worry he din forget me when I got back =D

ica: yaya!! same.. she will be happier to see her daddy than me.. she sees me, mostly smile.. but when my hubby reaches home and opens the door, she will be flapping her arms & legs like wad u said.. more excited than seeing me..

cheese: haha! ya me also, i cant live without my girl.. she is more impt to me than my hubby liao, lol.. i will be very sad if she sleeps at my mum's place coz i worry she cant sleep well.

cheese: I like those silverfish, I will try, maybe it is not as salty as ikan bilis? lol. Yes, bb's smiles are really heart-melting! :p

Turuko: agree! my porridge cooked with love and sweat for a few hrs, but bb rejects and prefers HB! haha. My mum also laughs at me.

jaclyn: ok thanks! the peas are frozen ones? what brand did u buy?

i'll try if i can skype with her, but wont be bringing laptop coz im going on leisure trip. hahaha! wanted to bring her but not convenient..

Sweetkiss: Nope leh not frozen one. I bought it at AMK hub NTUC... (gotto find NTUC finest or at least XTRA for a good range of produce). Brand is ZhenXin... they sell alot of nice veges. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yup yup, when i reached home after work and if S sees me, he would beam and stretch out his arms and wans me to carry him. And if i just walk away, he will start to cry. A bit mafan, but really makes my day =D

Btw, mommies who fed their bb peach, do i need to steam the peach first? Or can just blend and feed?

Tried broccoli and he totally hates it. This is the 1st food which he hates. Used his tongue to push everything out..faint..

Jace: Shows that diff babies have diff tastes! My son absolutely loves broccoli and spinach. He hates pear and avocado. hEhehe! Last night I added a satchet of mango puree from happybellies into his brown rice.. he keeps opening his mouth for more !

For peach, I just steam it awhile and blend it. Cos I bought frozen organic peaches for him thts why need to steam... if urs is fresh I think can just blend it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Annie, my sis gave me de.. she say market sell those smaller version, think is pre-cook just keep into small plastic bag for each comsumption will do.

Btw, the.. vege(forget how to spell) it, that smell take mango taste like potato?? Javion eat 1/2 and then after that his neck got red patches immediately! lucky it went off in the morning already. maybe he allergy with that


Haa got vege tat smells like manage but taste like potato?! So interesting.

Jaclyn, Ann,

K. Will go buy n try it out.

Jonas: Oh.. you mean parsnip? Ya.. maybe he is allergy to parsnip. Then don't give him liao.

Pre-cooked silver fish? Ok.. maybe I go chong pang tomorrow to see see.

Ikan bilis powder: Do you all know how to make this?

Charliebrown: yeah totally feel sucky when u mess up e kitchen, spent e time preparing and they prefer e instant HB my maid gave her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so unappreciative. I bought threadfin, spinach juz for her.. Threw them away. Trust dat I even drove to e fishery port to get her fresh fish!

green pea puree: I used the frozen ones, soak and then remove the skin one by one before steaming & blending. Hard work! But bb likes it, so worth the effort.

peach puree: I bought fresh ones - steam and blend. I think after certain age (7 or 8 mths), no need to steam the fruits?

spinash: Saw a lot of organic ones at Cold Storage, Zenxin brand. Got Chinese spinash (red & white version) & English spinash. Which one to buy?

Little tots fair at isetan starts today... Weanin demo at serangoon central event hall 11-3.30pm on 6march with Phillips avent..

turuko, wow! you went to get fresh fish? never mind lah, try giving the same thing to your baby in a few weeks' time, maybe by then, she'll be more open to the taste? my baby dislikes pear and i'm going to let her try again

Alot of spinach type! I bot the Sharp Spinach... not sure if it is phuey leng. He seems to be quite ok with it but had to dilute it with milk.. sounds and loooks totally unappetizing to me but.. whatever works! haha

baby poo

is it mushy or tubular (like adult) but soft or tubular and hard?


re tiger jar - will porridge be congee type? or u still have to put it thru blender?

And your description of parsnip has just made me very keen to see what a parsnip is like! haha...

oh i just read another web that u have to try getting the cleaner ikan bilis, best is without head and tail if u are using them for consumption and not just flavouring.

ceres ng,

Play yard: I bought 6 panels consist of 1 set normal and 1/2 set Japan (orange + green + biege color). For the half set you can choose to have 1 door or 1 activity panel and I chose door. I asked about the Melody set was told it might get spoilt as bb always press on it and additional $10 for Melody set.

Can see the play yard picture from this link:


Claudia Owyong -yes! like hongkong that kind.

Ok i try taking photo when i do that next time, veri good! but have to estimate the water level.. if not will become watery or become like rice.. but softer.. i agar agar one. after that I nv blend liao cos its veri smooth. i just add puree and feed him will do! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha.. annie describe that to me and I was so eager to try! but BB J cannot take it.. bad mama still give him the whole 30ml.. nv wait and see if he is ok with it anot.. but he likes it leh.. eat within a min!

Ica: ya! Went in e unearthly hour... Anyway was a good experience.. Hahaha.. Nvr been b4 ma... Worse they haf no tags so u gota figure out e fish types!

Mine likes everything with apples..-faints- so haf banned apple and replace with pear.. Lucky she likes dat too. So fun makin baby food!

claudia, my baby's poo is tubular but soft, and sometimes can end with mushy poo

this is parsnip - hehe. got it from wikipedia as i was curious too. i thot it was half white, half purple - i wonder what vege is that?


i've been wondering - can our babies eat salmon now? i made porridge + steamed salmon for my niece long time ago (she was 1.5yrs then). that was my 1st time steaming salmon and it was really sweet and soft

cheese: haha, parsnip does look a bit like ginseng! but they are from the carrot family...i tasted the parsnip puree i made...taste a bit like sweet potato to me... =)

Turuko: Omg the philips avent is the best. God sent! When I show my maid how to use, she even said thanks to me for making her life so easy. Haha!

Ica: I made parsnip.. Yep same as vernie.. tastes like sweet potato to me!

Attn Julie and Geri!!: Your teething blings are still in my shop, will you two be going to Pris function this sunday? If so, I can bring for you gals!

Yes Jaclyn, agreed with your remarks!

I love my avent blender too~ haha.. so easy! the vapour is just enough for the texture I wanted! only pumkpin i pour away the water

Avent blender: me too! I love it to bits!!! Greatest invention ever...Bought it immediately after seeing demo at Robinson some time back. Hee!

yeah yeah heheh best invention ever. I sometimes use to steam my own veges. Shioks!

Steam broccoli, zucchini and asparagus then drizzle with japanese sesame sauce.... delish!!

Vernie, i still tink for a few hours before buying lei!

we can do other things and just set the time to let it steam by its own, and when times up, its ready to blend! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The Avent demo aunty even said can steam 2 small chicken wings...haha...never tried though...When she demo-ed, she kept saying that the steamer-blender is not just for making bb food. Adult food also can!

Vernie, its true! I steam my own food too lolx!

Wonder if I should try steaming pau and siew mai ... hahaha but i dont want it to be oily !

this is way much cuter! haha


haha, im in my WEEKEND MOOD NOW!

Actually hor...i think our bbs damn "high class" these days...i never even tasted parsnip myself till i made the puree for bb...haha! I found swede (ang mo turnip) at NTUC Finest, going to let bb try this weekend...oh, and also my first time tasting it when i made the swede puree...

Sweetkiss: Thanks. Will go see the link.

Jonas: Why parsnip give birth to rabbit?

beetroot: Any one give bb this?

Hahahaha u guys so funny lar! So many funny pics!

I love my avent too! Best ever!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies... I MIA fr here for a long long time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wow happy to see the threads here so active! Hey if I ve known the avent blender is good then I would ve bought it instead of buying two diff brands blender! I find babies these days need a lot of gadgets hor!! Since before delivery... Buy until now still got things to buy one... Like never ending! I am still battling with baby's reflux. I m trying very hard still.. Working very hard... But sadly baby is still very underweight! At coming to eight mths she only weigh 7.3kg nia. Each time go pd I will come back feeling very very down n heavy hearted. Each time my poor gal vomits my heart sank. But whenever I see my happy n naughty babe I tell myself that there's light at the end of the tunnel... Keep going keep going! I will Jia you! I m looking forward to join you ladies n babies for outing !!! But if my gal vomit hor.. Pls forgive me! Whenever I go to my brother's place hor... They will put towels everywhere my baby n I go but u know what.. My gal still vomitted on the area which they didn't cover properly!! And it's their new custom made sofa!! Dunno to laugh or to cry la...


Hey I juz saw the list of names!! I wanna join! Still can? Think I try kindermusik first... I saw the pics of little gym ... Aiyo my gal cannot one.. Sure vomit!

