(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Hey ladies,

I'm new in this website as well...and it's my 1st time being preg... wld like some advice...

My last menses date is 8th sept, and i tested positive a couple of days back... Am thinking if to visit the gynae within this week, is it too early? or should i wait till next week??


aven! morning!

So nice of you!! to see ur wellwishing 1st thing in e morning make me more confident too. I am really very very nervous now. Couldn't sleep well last night again.. toss & turn til morning. Keep thinking What IF ... I certainly hope & pray that I will come back with an EDD to announce to all of you. I wanna be inside e list too. Very very scare no HB or empty sac again..

Ok will check with sin post on e postage cost later.will discuss e size with you later.

Julyjuly & ahbui,

Good luck to you too. Come back share share good news ya


If you not experiencing any cramp,bleeding or pain, its ok to wait another week b4 you see gynae (that is IF you can tahan the wait,heehee)


the pain pulling thing you tik its ur uterus expanding? I have heard of this b4 though not sure if e pain shld be on e side.but personally i feel if its bearable,short pain & not bleeding, nothing to be alarm. Don't worry be happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

well... i dont know what to expect lei, if go tomolo, then go see nothing, then got to wait for another 2 weeks, like even more sian..

but if dont go, i also very sian.. hahaha

hi CJ, thanks for your advise. i've emailed my gynae to check. hope the spotting stops soon.

hi mabel, i felt it too. checked with my gynae and she said its normal cos more blood is flowing to the uterus.

Good morning gal....

Good Luck to u CJ.... Will pray for you...... hope everything is fine dun worry.

i also experience the pain on the side but my gynae told me is ok just my uterus is expending. so gals dun worry. may be it mean our bb is growing......


ur next appt is on 22th Oct ar? me also. still long way to wait hor. but lucky today oredy thursday. weekend pass very fast one so let count down together. i vomited this morning again almost wan2 throw out at the MRT but lucky can Lun until reach the toilet. hope my MS can be lesser now.

tiger bb,

u need take good rest for urself. i have spoting for my last pregn. it was just very light at the begining, then the gynae just say dun worry he give me MC n ask me to rest but never tell me it will lead to miscarrige if i dun rest well. so i rested 2 day n the spoting stop. n i tot everything is ok. so i start to go out n carried my sis's baby. after 1 day the spoting come back again n this time is more so i went to see the gynae again then he give me injection twice a weeks n let me have MC for 2 more weeks n he still tell me is normal most of the pregncy will be spotting dun worry so i dunno how serious it was until i went back on week 8 n he told me the HB is stop n have to do a D&C. i was so sad n blame myself y i be so careless. i just think if the gynae will have to tell me it is serious i will pay more attention n not to walk too much n really lay down on bed. bcos after 2 month when i went to see my family doctor she told me she had a similar situation like me but she rested very well from the begining so her bb is ok n she had give birth to a healthy boy. so dun work too hard even if the spoting is stop. ok? i just dun wan anyone to experience wat i went through.

oh, thanks for sharing, jalgal. i'll take note. my next appt is on 4th nov. i guess i should go earlier and hope my doc is experience enough in this sort of situation.

aven, CJ, TigerBB, jalgal, thanks for all your advice. I will monitor the pain and will wait till my appmt on next tuesday.

bigfish, my last menses date was 7Sept. Was told by my gynae if I want to see the waterbag and hear the foetus's heartbeat, i should scan on the 6th week. If you scan this week, you may only see the waterbag.

Mabel, its ok to haf pullg pain bcos I experienced tt for my 1st baby.

sharky, yes 7 weeks shld haf heartbeat. But it depends on when we ovulate. So the 7 weeks may nt b accurate for those hafg irregular menses. Thx

Hi gals,

I am back, gynae scan tummy but only see e sac, nothing else liao. He took quite sometime to see oso,like finding something. So he say must be still early,come back in another 2 weeks. By then I almost on panic attack liao. Cos exactly e same experience as my previous case. I refused to get up haha so gynae suggest V scan, luckily this round, managed to see e sac inside got a white dot.He say that is e heartbeat,but stil very early stage lah. I keep asking 'you sure thats a heartbeat hor, 100% sure anot?' I tik he oso irritated with me liao hahaha but now back home, I tik thats just e embryo cos I never see anything blinking. Anyway got white dot is definitely better than nothing inside. So now have to wait impatiently for another 2 weeks lor. I dare not confirm my pregnancy now oso. My EDD from scan is 6th June 2010.

At least I passed the 1st stage! There is SOMETHING inside e sac. Its enuf for now. Heartbeat will be my next stage.


Yah test +ve oso dun mean e pregnancy processing.. my last pregnancy was an empty sac. Even though I have some pregnancy symptoms too.

Oh gals,

Forget to share, just now I went OG albert check out e maternity wears. Didn't buy anything. Cos hor,although closing down sale but to me stil quite exp leh. Imagine a pants $79 less 40% discount oso need ard $50+. Last time I went REAL Closing down sale hor, a top or bottom oni cost ard $10-$20 nia. Design oso nicer then OG de. My hubby was mocking me oso say 'what you expect to find in OG?? OG stands for Old Girls leh.' *roll eyes*

linda (cinderelly),

Not sure if you stil frequent this thread, I saw your earlier posting. You at 6week+ can see a faint white flicking which your gynae said its e heartbeat. Can I check with you that time you at 6week how many days? My scan shows I at 6week4days +-10days. So is it 'normal' I haven see e flicking thing yet? Thks

Frankly Im thkg of gog for check-up at wk 8-9 bcos my 1st one I went for check-up at week9. Now tt I have been readg the check-ups some of u been, makg me v kan cheong. Now Im wondering if I shld go check-up soon too.

hi ladies,

tink i just tested +ve tis morning on hpt (guardian brand). had 3 M/Cs over a 1yr period (jun'08-jun'09) previously. went for a round of test n gynea said the cause of my M/Cs was PCOS coz not enough hormones to sustain the pregnancy. tis time round haf to start on Duphaston n Progesterone jabs once confirm preggie for precaution. really hope to have a smooth pregnancy tis time.

will be taking leave tml to get confirmation and referral to KKH fm polyclinic. actually i called to make appt at KKH for my gynea but earliest appt is 30Oct, but i guess i can't wait coz the Duphaston i have on hand can last mi till over the weekend.

the test line is really faint..


BluBeri I used that test and onlu got a faint line used clearblu as well and got a much darker line on the same day, but any line is a good line, 30th oct is quite far away, can you do at least one check up at the private suite at kk usually can get in straight away,

cj juniour your husband sounds very funny, good on you for demanding a v scan, why dont you do a google search for six week ultrasound you tube has got some great ones, something inside sac is def a good thing,

aven, i will request to do a urine test at the polyclinic to double confirm. i'm oni 4wks 2days, tink do ultrasound wun see anything yet ba. am tink if i shd buy clearblue n test again before going to polyclinic though.

Sorry gals, just curious to noe. If no heartbeat, how is the d&c done? Wat is the process? Bcos I dun haf any symptoms yet... V worried.


i will be going for my 1st apptm only after 8weeks. So long you got no spotting should be alright. By 8 weeks you shld be able to see heartbeat. i feel that it is quite wasted if can't see anything. Furthermore gynae consultation is not cheap.

Don't worried too much. Just treat it normal. I do not have any symptom as well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Don't worry everything will be ok de. Just stick to ur plan see gynae at 8week. If not cannot see anything now oso waste $ for u. You dun have any bad history so nothing to fear. Its usually pple like me then more paranoid heehee


Thanks, I tik I might pop over see gynae next week again if I cannot wait. Haha anyway oso dun have to pay cos under package mah. But hubby say best give baby sometime to grow. I google liao. getting confuse oso. I am going to leave it as it is..for now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw tried to PM you but you dun allow PM. Wanna discuss the dress thing with you. you PM me instead bah.

Now waiting for julyjuly & ahbuis' news. Guess their app is at night de bah...


i hv some left over Duphaston. pls pm me ur address and i mail to u. foc. hope ur little darling will stay with u.


congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cj junior just pm ya

Dan mum with my first I did not even know I was pregant untill 9 weeks

bluberi waste of money to buy new test, not like me did so many, even a faint line is a postive

Redtea, thanks alot! I've PM-ed u. :}

aven, yup.. i agree its a waste of $ to get a new hpt to nest. shall just go to the polyclinic n do urine test since i wan to get a referral.

HI cj Junior,

i was also at OG albert this afternoon. maybe i saw u leh with ur hubby heheheh ..are you a slim build lady huh? hehehe ...i oso find that it is definitely not worth taking a look cos the designs are quite obiang leh heheh...

hmmhmm almost wanted to buy the magic cooker whihc is on offer but then hor, better dun waste money lor hahahahha...

mi oso getting excited over the fact that the baby is growing hehee

i oso feel the pulling at my side too leh...yeah i guss is a good postive sign that the baby is growing healthy heheeh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how i wish i can exercise as muchie as befoe...now i onli walk ...did u gals read mind yr body todae? exercise is good for pregnant ladies leh...

are u gals exercising huh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] what sort of exerise are u doin huh?

Redtea, wa so surprised to see u here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thx. I really cannot make it. Feel preggy yet haf nt even tested yet. Oni 4 wks+. Was thkg wait for 5 wks+ then test.

bluberri, i have some leftover duphaston too as i only took one pill out of it, pls pm me ur mailing add, and i mail over to you, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] foc too.

hey girls! i am back. haha. cannot detect heartbeat yet. doctor said mine is around 5 weeks. so, next week going back again. next wednesday. yaya, counting down. managed to see the sac though. happy enough already!


received ur pm. will mail out tmr.


hv faith. u still early to hv ms. my ms start only at 6wks. thats y i din finished my duphaston. :p

btw, i sometime like to kpo other mtb thread. haha...

harlow all...

i got a shock during my gynae's visit today!!!!

I am expecting TWINS!!!! nearly fainted when my gynae told me....

When he was scanning away, he saw 2 heartbeats!!!! mine will be identical twins.

As twins, my gynae say high chance of delivering early....

ahbui THAT IS FANTASTIC must have been a big shock! identical twins how good is that,

thanks Redtea!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ahbui, wow!! congrats on having twins!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning!!

I've just tested positive.. this is my 2nd pregnancy, my first child also a june baby..

ahbui, congrats!!! That's a great news!!!

um ahbui just wondering what hubbys reaction was?

peck congrats as well.

wow congrats ah bui on having twins. did u see 2 sacs huh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

congrats peck! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] who is ur gynae huh?

mabel : tink your EDD is the same as mine rite huh? middle of june huh?

hi ah bui,

thats good news! settle 2 in one pregnancy...


I also haven start my nausea...when pregnant with #1..i started at 6 wks too...and not everyone gets symptoms...My friend din get nausea..

Morning gals!

ahbui, congrats! so nice to have twins. Envy woh. Must take good care ya.

Tiger Baby,

My V scan is free, I am under package.


Replied ur email liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ahbui, congrats on having twins! Is not easy to get twins!

I'm having cramp the whole day yesterday. Maybe i carry my son too much.. Going to bring him to class later on so got to carry him again.

Anyone start experiencing backache ? This few days i will have very painful backache end of the day.

Bliss I had really bad back and cramps thats why I made an early appoinment with gynae, he assured me everything was fine, just dont carry my elder two around, but this is near immpossible, my back was so bad that I would be in tears and my husband would be shouting at me to go do something about it, it has just stopped now at six weeks + now just the usual pulling cramps

Aven same goes for me. is impossible to carry my son. Don't know if i should go to the gynae so soon since monday doc can't scan anything so it might be too small.

Sit too long also will have backache. I only experience in my mid pregnancy last time. And i thought i'm too kua zhang this time round. haha

blu beri

hihi i m from the thread aug mtb 09

i try to pm you ,but u do not accept pm...initial from the same ttc thread as you,i also try for quite long before i concieve,and that time was so envious of u when u annouce u had strike...but feel for you when announce u had mc the later part,and the 2nd time also,i did not know the third time until i kpo come and see this new thread and saw your nick...really pray and wish you have a smooth pregnancy this round and carry your bundle of joy in ur arm at the end of the nineth month...u must jiayou...i admire u are very brave...

ylang ylang, thanks.. sometimes i really feel like giving up after the 3rd m/c, but the support given by my family (especially my sis n mum) gives mi the strength to try again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

juz came back fm polyclinic, doc confirmed the pregnancy.. but the referral appt is even later than my own pte appt at kkh. tonite will discuss with hubby on whether to go pte clinic or kkh 24hr clinic in order to get the progesterone jab n Duphaston. i'm travelling for 9 days in mid nov.. hope will have no problem.


Hi ahbui,

Congrate wor so happy to hear pple with twins. Do you have any immediate family who have this generic?

BTW anyone have any ways to cure MS? I always have my MS early in the morning and 3pm sharp. I started this only in week 6.. How long will this last? Really suffering...

