(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Hi congrate to all once again..

So glad to learnt that there is getting more June MTB. So we can share all our experience here. This is my #1 so many things still dunno.. Need the experience mummy to guide me along.. Hehe..


congrats to all mummies

everyone must be feeling very excited

im now feeling extremely ill leh....like want to vomit but cannot vomit....and all those horrible smells....food really doesnt smell appealing right now

and so tired ...want to sleep..but cannot sleep ...coz i have a hyperactive toddler tearing down the place...

alamak...so tired!

Hi ladies, I suspected Im preggy. Missed period but haf nt tested yet. Shld b week 4+. I haf a 18mths ds. This wil b my 2nd. Hopg for a gal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi babyemma, I thk try to play safe we better dun carry no 1 toddler. But sometimes v difficult bcos he is carryg wana me to carry him... Sobbing.

Alot of new MTBs here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Woke up today with a tummy pain. Eat too much spicy food yesterday. Mee siam, curry and chili tuna.

babyemma, i feel very tired too but my son is jumping around me so can't rest at all.

I still carry my 22mths boy. No helper around i think can't avoid not carrying him when going out.

Hi bliss, I aso eat v spicy food. But u haf to avoid it bcos during preggy 1st 3 mths, wil haf a lot of wind in the stomach... W spicy food, it wil get worse. This time round, I wil b more guai.

Hi ladies,

keke.. have been keeping a lookout for this thread to be setup and was so happy to see it today! keke....

I have tested +ve on 27th September... keke.... based on LMP my baby should be due in early June 2010.

Just saw my gynae last thursday and managed to see the sac.... This thursday seeing him again.. hope to see heartbeat!

DanMum, i didn't know cannot take alot of spicy food! No wonder i keep burping this 2 weeks.

Anyway how do u all calculate how many weeks ?

Some people calculate from last day on mens. But accurate ?

Mine finish on 10th sept. So now should be about 4 weeks only right ?

Good afternoon ladies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This thread is getting lively ya.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_clap.gif]


Thank you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I am keeping my fingers crossed.


Calculate from the 1st day of your last menses.

Congrats to ahbui, DanMum, cottonball & mabel ! welcome aboard [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_welcome.gif]

Btw gals, anyone know if can/cannot drink fresh orange juice ah? I used to have 1 glass every lunch but heard its 'liang' so dare not drink now.. is it true?


it is really confusing I know if you go babycentre.com.sg you can put in details and it will work out how many weeks and due date.

babyemma it is really difficult to avoid carring your son around, I seem to think mine have got more clingy like they know and want to be picked up all the time, my gynae said be careful until the pregancy is stable, but it is near impossible to avoid I know,

welcome all the new mummies once we all get our due dates we will have to do a list!

cj junior you must have been typing the same time as me and beat me to the post button,

I drank oj with both my preg and it was fine I guess different cultures have different dos and donts,

cj junior, it's okay to drink fresh orange juice. Dont think oranges are considered 'liang'. For myself, I take more fruits now to ease my constipation.

babyemma, it should be alright to carry your son for a short while if he is not too heavy. But it's also good time to train him to be more independent otherwise it will be difficult for you when you reach your third trimester. I have a 4 yr old girl and I always have to carry her up to reach the public toilet bowl as she is still not tall enough.



hello mummies-to-be! i have tested positive last week. happy to join this discussion thread.

i will be seeing my gynae later this week. i think mine is still considered early pregnancy. not sure whether i will be able to see the sac or not.

by the way, check with you all.. is eating sandwiches fine? delifrance kind.

Welcome all the new mummies to be [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just went to see the gynae today and saw the sac liao..so excited tat my BP went up again in front of the nurse hahhahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my gynae say better to eat sandwich prepared by ourselves leh...mi oso love subway and delifrance one leh....

yo, wondering whether can we go for oxy facial huh? where by they put oxy jet into our face huh? hmmhmm i realli wonder leh..is by beyond beauty..anyone knows huh? i guess spa is realli out for now liao

how abt neck and shoulder massage huh? issit okie ?

When shld we go for prenatal class and start wearing maternity clothes huh? can we continue to wear normal office clothes first huh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

what are the respective tests that we must do at respective months huh? can experience mum share with me huh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

went to the gynae today. my pregnancy is not confirm yet. Although i saw faint line on the pregnancy test but doc didn't want to confirm my pregnancy as he can't see anything during ultrasound.

Will have to test again next week. Hopefully is positive.

I have been eating every 3 hours which i normally don't feel hungry so fast.

sunbelle, great that you are able to see the sac! Maternity wear can start when tummy is showing or when you feel your pants is tighter. I used to wear my jeans until 7 months but can't button up. Top wise i wear normal ones for those stretchy material.

If i can remember there is a blood test during the 3rd month. 4th - 5th mth there is a detail scan. That's all i did during my previous pregnancy.

Hi hi all mummies / 2nd /3rd mummy to be...

Hello everyone!

I have just tested today and it showed the clear blue line... but have not seen gynae.

DanMum, I am also hvg a 18+ mths boy. High Five...

everyone must take good care o!


best to go for prenatal class alot later on go to early and you will forget everything pregancy does that to you,

julyjuly congrats, best to stay clear of dellifrance sandwitches, I love there egg and mayo but sometimes it looks like its sitting there all day, not sure if it is refridgatered,

congrats cath

busy day trying to find a new school for my 3.5 year old, its proving very difficult,

Hi bliss and aven2009, thank you for ur advices ..

yeah i went to look at the maternity clothing, i tink they are rather expensive ..yeah i oso tot of getting normal bigger size clothes with strectable materials so as not to spend so muchie money on the clothing. will want to save the money to spend on baby instead.

yeah anyone know hw muchie is the delivery cost in gleneagles huh? cos my gynae is peter chew so i guess he delivers in gleneagles...so wondering how muchie? seemd like 6K Plus issit?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi everyone

I'm about 6 weeks. Haven't seen gynae yet. This is my #3. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning gals!

Thks aven & mabel for e advise on orange juice.

I may sound silly but anyone like me, feel e clothes getting tighter? I couldn't fit into my jeans anymore.. as in couldn't button up liao. abit stupid it may seem cos I am only 6th weeks pregnant, definitely not the baby bump but duno y like this.. anyone experiencing the same ah?


Yah maternity clothes quite exp. I am those quite KS type. Even when I wasn't pregnant but I found out that Cloud9 & Bellysima maternity wears shops closing down soon I went to buy keep stock hahaha so I alrdy have quite plenty of maternity clothes.. brought at very low prices.. you can keep a lookout for these kind of lobang to save $

Hi Gals....

I am New here. just went to see a gynae on 7th Oct n did e ultrasound. Saw a black dot abt 0.51 cm don't is it ok or not. but gynae told it seem ok so.... no too worry. now i am 6 week pregnt and edd should be begining of june. this is my second pregn... had a miscArrige on may this year.... N rite now is all worry...worry...worry..... and pray to Lord this time will be ok.

don't dare to tell anyone except my mon cos the last time i have the miscarrige during my 8 weeks so most of my coll n friend oredy know n felt very bad when i tell them i had mis..... so this time round decided not to tell until 3 month.my hubby say i "mi sing".

can i check is any one here going for polyclinic to do the check up? cos i felt very" siong" everytime see the private gynae. tot may be is a good idea to go to the gov one first. What do you gals think abt NUH?..... very confuse now need advice badly......Help....Beside i also wish to have MS cos it will make me feel more secure

Hi Cj....

HA ha u really ks but is better to get prepared then buying those expensive materity cloth that not worth that much. i also can not fit in most of my cloth liao. sometime wondering am i gain weigh or the baby.....emmmm... i think 6 week should not look very big but now a day in the mrt oredy got ppl give up the seat for me leh...hahaha... good thing of being pregn....

hi Jalgal,

do take good care of yourself this pregnancy and try not to worry too much, cos it will affect your mood which may not be healthy.

not telling anyone for the 1st tri a norm of being superstitious, but even my gynae say so dun tell too many ppl until the 12weeks, because, touchwood if anything happens, you may disappoint a lot of ppl, so best is after the 1st tri.

also if im not wrong, you can go polyclnic to do checkup, but they dun do scan for u, they check your BP, urine protein test and give u supplement. they will refer u to KKH for US scan instead.


dun worry, we are in almost e same situation.. this round I oso dun intend to tel our families & frez until I pass e 1st trim. Previously too excited, announced too soon. end up have to go ard telling pple m/c liao. I totally can understand that feeling.. cheer up. like aven said we shld have faith in our babies. This time, sure can make it de.

Not very sure abt polyclinic but if you looking for affordable gynae, dun mind I recommend mine. I choose him becos of his affordable rates too. Can sign up package anytime from e very day you discovered you pregnant. (some gynae can oni sign after 12 weeks or so) package is $550 b4 GST, (can pay half 1st thn pass 1st trim pay e other half) incl every visit scan, vitamin supplements, protein urine test & unlimited visits. Usually its 2 weeks once for 1st trim, 3 weeks once for 2nd trim & every week for 3rd trim.

Dr Adrain B Woodworth

He has 2 clinic, 1 in CCK & another in Sengkang. You can check this forum for his thread too.

Hi Linda,

Thanks for your comment. beside do you feel giddy now? cos i felt giddy and have slight ms this 2 days which i never experience during the last pregn at first i felt happy but my mum told me got ms mean the bb not heathy. it's true? is this ur #1 pregn. ur due date is? i use the culcurator from the babycenter and it show that my due date should be 10 june. how abt urs? which gynae u went for? sorry too many question hee hee

hi CJ,

Pray for our babies.... i am sure we wil have a healthy bb this time. whoa... the package is good and affordable. only thing is the location. how abt the waiting time? ur gynae got give you multi V ar? how come my gynae only give me hormone pil and folid acid. how many time you went for gynae leh? i only went once 2nd appt is next week. i think i can only rest my mind when i reach 12week. now still wondering is it true that i m pregn now.

i think sometime i really feel like telling everyone that i m pregn now cos i looking fatter n fatter... n feel very tire n giddy. yesterday i took mc then my coll can still sms me ask me i not enough sleep tot i keng MC. very angry lor.....


I went for my 1st visit last week. He was my previous gynae too. I used to visit him every week haha. last week he gave me Duphaston, a multi V, I din take folic acid cos I stil have alot at home. I seeing him this thur for scan. Dun need take leave, he will provide me mc. heehee

I tik once you confirm ur pregnancy as in see HB liao, you can let ur col know lor, I wil be letting my bosses noe only, no choice have to prepare them b4hand de.

hi jalgal,

sometimes i will feel giddy and MS is really common. giddy becos either low blood count or high BP, but is common for preggy mum.try not to get up too fast when u on bed or whenu sit down. get up slowly.

for MS, is perfectly fine as long as is not excess vomitting which may lead to dehydration. some ppl get MS but some not, we can MS because out hormone level are increasing. in fact having MS will lead to healthy pregancy, less possiblity of getting MC, preterm delivery. in some studies which i read, bb are smarter for those mum w MS then those without.


this is my 2nd preg, my girl is 20mth old liao. my due date is 29may, given by my gynae at TMC- yvonne chan.

Actually it's good to see gynae as soon as you find out that you are pregnant. I went to KKH for my first pregnancy. In the end, had m/c. Subsequent pregnancies I went to a private gynae and told him about my history. He immediately gave me "an tai yao" to help stabalize the pregnancy. Hang in there!

This thread pretty quiet today.. Guess by next week most of us would have know our EDD liao. Everyday seems to be passing so slow. Just wanted to clear my 1st trim asap.

yayaya.... i agree everyday seem pass very very slow. i always wake up and think how many week i pregn haiz..... only 5 weeks....

the last time i had my miscarrage is 8 weeks which i oredy saw there is a heart beat on week #6 i start to tell ppl after i saw the HB but the next week when i go back the the gynae then he told me the fetus stop growing n no more HB..... that y i say i only can rest my mind after 12 weeks n knowing my bb is fine.....

whoa cj... u went to see ur gynae every week? so he never charge u extra? i went to mt alvenia dr wen Lim last week n just went in less then 10 mins n the bill come out $248. that's y when she ask me "u wanna come next week or 2 weeks later" i said 2 weeks.

yip cant wait for that due date, by working it out myself mine is the 9th june will be interesting to see what date the gynae gives me,

sourfish is this your third child or third pregancy?

Hi Aven...

how u count it? using babycenter.com? i also use that n mine should be 10 june 1 day after u .....

hi cj

my gynae also give me duphaston.. wonder if any one else having same medicine as us.... my gynae say she give me duphaston to make the baby more secure. how abt u? u also have it for the same reason? may i know wha kind of multi V ur gynae give u? got many? cos she never give me. so at the moment i only taking duphaston n folid acid

Hi jaljal yip I used babycentre to confusing to do it myself,


I tik my EDD shld be same as yours. Someone ever told me b4 my last menses count back 3mths thn add 9 days wil be my EDD liao. Sounds complicated hor. You always give birth earlier or later thn EDD ah? I tik most cases pple give birth 1 week earlier de right?


Duphaston is a drug I think suppose to 'thicken' our womb lining thus stable the pregnancy. The other multi V I having now is Prenavit, bright pick colour de. I also having folic acid daily, in fact been eating for e last 19mths liao haha I think all these shld be enuf.

oic.... thanks cj... so ur edd also 9 june? then we are just 1 day diff. my sis give birth to her first 4day after edd. but most of the ppl give birth earier then edd i heard..


I am from 2009 June thread. I have a very good and responsible confinement lady to recommend to all. She was the second one I hired as I had problem coping with my 1 month odd baby. Madam Tan came immediately the next day after I enquired her service. She is responsible, very experience and helpful. She knows baby very well and most importantly, love babies. She is of no nonsense, so no need to worry that she will get too friendly or chatty. And the bonus is she cooks very, very well. The first day she arrived, she looked at my fridge, and managed to cooked 2 dishes and 1 soup for us. When my maid arrived, she coached her personally and explained every details. If you are interested, just call her daughter who is living in S'pore. 92382012. She is definitely one good person to hire for you and your baby.

I have been induced both times beacuse due date came and went and no sign of them wanting to come out, maybe different this time hope so

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. Wanted to share with you gals about this baby heartbeat monitor. I am very paranoid when I discovered I was pregnant as I had a miscarriage early this year.

Luckily, my cousin recommended the baby heartbeat monitor and I was reassured that baby's fine whenever I am worried about baby.

You can find out more at my cousin's website: www.mybabyinspiration.com

He is having a 10% promotion with free delivery for this month. You can also PM me if you need to find out more.

hey gals,

just to share, I happened to come across someone posting in May 2010 mtb thread that

"Thyme Maternity having closing down sale. Their branch at Taka already gone, now left the OG ones. I went to the OG Orchard one yesterday, storewide 40% discount for regular priced items, plus another 10% for OG cardmembers"

although early for us but going to buy from these closing down shops can really help us save alot. scrimp & save so can spend more on our babies mah

wah so qiao someone post abt e heartbeat monitor system. I have been thinking of getting one but I read that from week10 above then able to hear.. my purpose is to monitor during these period, 6th week onward. So doesn't serve my purpose well right? what do you gals think? is this worth buying? some comments pls.. thks

good question to be honest I find that towards the end of pregancy when the baby does not move around as much can be quite scary as well, I find myself poking my stomach to get the baby to move just to make sure it is ok so maybe this time I might think about it,

Hi gals,

i jus called to check the OG Albert is oso having the same sales leh hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good to go dwn to whatever outlet to take a look. anyone know how muchie is the regular price huh? hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] guess 50% is good hehe

it can also get guite scary towards the end of pregancy when baby doesnt move as much, I would find myself poking it to get it to move just to make sure its ok, so it is def a thought, am going to check out the closing down sale, thanks


Hi aven,

It's my #3 child and my 4th pregnancy actually. First resulted in miscarriage...

Was telling dh that I do not feel pregnant at all 'cos I don't have any symptoms.

But today threw up 2x and keep on wanting to drink isotonic drinks. Is it a good thing? Never felt like that with my other 2...

Anyway, just want to ask if any mummies are thinking of getting catered confinement food. My mum actually cooked for me but I think now it will be too much work for her on top of looking after my older 2.

Any recommendations?

