(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Hi Ahbui...

Congrate..... ho i wish i also have twin hee one short "kao dian" and so special when u bring them out everyone will be look at them....

Hi pooh pooh,

me also having MS but will feel better after i take the medicine doc give. it is for vomite and nausea but too bad only can take max 3times a day. but today i feel better cos yesterday nite i try to rest early. i think if you have enough rest ur MS will be lesser. try to rest more. ya i hope the ms will go off soon.


yeah jalgal,

i share the same sentiments as you leh.haf two at one go can also help to close the factory liao hehehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi pooh pooh, no worries, the MS will stop after 1st trimeter leh. i heard my frens said.

mi having dizzy spells quite often. anyone of u have the same symptons huh?

bluberi : congrats ! is a wonderful news when confirmed.

cj junior : yo, issit u at OG yesterdae huh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wondering is it normal to have dizzy spells on and off leh? i monitor my Blood pressure closely leh...hmmhmm wondering whether issit high blood or low blood will cause the dizziness lor ...

do u gals tink is normal huh?

Hi Sunbelle,

i do feel dizzy last 2 day but today is better. yesterday i still told my hubby i felt like finish 10 laps of roller coaster. i think it should be normal if it is not too serious.

hi gals,

thanks alot... mine are 2 embryos in 1 sac... therefore identical twins...

immediate family no such trend.. v v distant relatives have.

i still can't accept the news yet..


I dun tik so hahaha cos I dun consider myself as 'slim' build lady hahahahah also hubby wasn't with me as he went Sim Lim. So in e end you got buy anything? abit waste of time go there hor.

julyjuly & ahbui,

So any EDD to share or still too early?

I guess e rest all seeing gynae next week ah? tonight anyone?

CJ, my gynae never tell me the EDD. haha! i forgot to ask also. next week i shall ask him. cos i have another appt next wednesday. looking forward! at least it's not too long a wait. after weekend, just need to countdown 3 days.

yesterday when i went, almost got a shock when the gynae couldn't locate the sac. so he twisted the vagina scan equipment here and there, and finally found it! so small! hahaha. but at least i know that the sac is in the correct placing. thank God! :D

sunbelle, thanks.. it was relief aft doc confirmed coz i really scared is a falsm alarm. seems like most of u already into wk6-7 liao. my EDD is 23jun.


So fast noe ur EDD liao? Mid Nov travelling must take extra care. 1st trim must rest as much as possible.


Er..ur scan printout leh? at e bottom shld have bah?

Hi all Jun-10 MTB, I tested positive today too! Was surprise, happy and a little worry. After 2 years of trying,I felt like giving up recently. last year even went to KKIVF but decided to hold on the IUI treatment due to workload. And I was overweight somemore. so i was really really very surprise!

As this is my first time, can anyone advise what should I do next? Any food to avoid etc? My last memes was 5 Sep, so how to know my EDD?

Hi all

Tested positive last friday and got confirmation from doc tat am ard 5 weeks pregnant.

Hope to join in this thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya i took clomid as I have PCOS..

my gynae say it was not due to clomid as I only had 1 mature egg... as mine some more is 1 sac 2 embryos so it is more like hereditary....

CJ, i forgot to ask for a copy of the printout. haha! this coming wednesday i will ask for it! countdown countdown!

i had bad symptoms today. Giddy spells and poor appetite. just started this afternoon. Though hungry, don't feel like eating anything. Luckily i had a super good lunch before these symptoms started. Sigh, i had very bad morning sickness for my 1st preg for all of the first 5 months. Hope this preg will be easier to handle.

CJ, yup... checked the online EDD calculator the EDD was 24jun.. but the polyclinic doc calculated 23jun. best part, she nv use any calender to calculate the EDD. the nov trip was planned since late aug coz its a working trip, had extended the trip for leisure purpose. will make appt to go gynea check up b4 travelling.

ahbui. mi also got PCOS and on clomid.

ahbui, congrats for having twins!

aven, bliss, I am also experiencing backache which I did not have when I was pregnant with my first child. I feel it when I am sitting, walking and even lying on the bed. Hope this will not persist throughout the pregnancy as there's still 8 months to go....

faithe, your EDD is 12Jun10. You should be around 6 weeks pregnant. You can make appointment to visit your gynae next week if you are eager to meet your BB. For some, they wait till they are 7 to 8 weeks pregnant.

Hi mummies, i have few bottles of NeurogainPB Fish Oil (for pregnancy) to let go. Selling at $26 per bottle. PM me if you are interested. Thanks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

poohpooh, i heard there is such thing call "pregnancy pop drops" to ease MS. I didn't try it before but if i'm going to have morning sickness i will try it out.

Mabel, me backache will come if i sit too long or walk too long. By the end of the day when i lie down the pain is very horrible.

Today instead of taking bus from redhill to bugis and walk to beach road to attend class with my son in the sling take his short nap, i took a cab instead and cab back home. After 1 hour of sitting down i barely able to stand straight. Not sure if i'm able to carry on going class with him till i delivery.

bliss, may I know how many week are you pregnant? Do you experience this when you were pregnant with your son?

oh dear, I just ate maggie noodles for supper. dear mummies, what do you munch on when you feel hungry at nigt? anything that is both healthy and yummy?

hi all, which gynae you visit?

I went for my check last wk, and no sac. Doc say too early, was so sad at the point of time and now still thinking and hope everything will be fine. I will be going for my next appointment next friday. So scare and nervous.

Anyone encounter the same problem as me? sian..

morning gals!


Oic, just wanted to see if its true that taking clomid can result in twins. Guess yours is not due to clomid then. So when is ur EDD? You at what week liao ah?


Y not try to sleep earlier? Pple who tend to sleep late usually have to eat supper. If really no choice maybe can stack up those healthy snack bars? or bread?


Don't worry, like what ur gynae said,its still early mah. 1st visit usually nothing much to see de.


Yah better consult doc 1st. If not stable yet you shld ask ur co to let someone else replace you.. no point risking it.. you are very brave hor, 3 m/c yet never give up. I cannot imgaine how you can go thru tat, so tis time you must take extra care.

Have a great weekend ya everyone!

Hi mummies.. sorry to interupt..

I have a set of BN Medela Pump In Style Advanced Breast Pump In Metro Bag for sale. Reason of selling, my fren passing me her set thus going to let go mine..

Imported from US.

Un-used and in tip top condition

Letting go at $420

Interest party, pls PM me. thanks![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3119563.jpg]

CJ, i'm now comtemplating on visiting dr. adrian woodworth or dr. adelina wong whom i've seen for my 1st n 2nd preggie.. tis is the fastest way i can see the gynea n get medication coz the kkh appt is two wks away.. sians.. feeling crampy at times.. mi will nt be brave if nt for family support which is very impt. but everytime when the date of m/c n EDD of each preggie comes i feel sad too. but nw most impt is to stay positive n happy for tis bb.

do ur continue with housework?


suddenly i realised that the advantage of private gynae is u sure able to get an earlier slot. of cos the trade off is that u gets to pay lotsa more compared to the public gynaes.

yes, i still do some light housework but not mopping cos my hubby forbits me to do it lor..yeah is a dilemna for me esp when i like the place to be clean yet at the same time, my hubby is so busi with his work such tat he has no time to housekeep the house. i bei taihan like jus now start again to house keep and he asked me go sleep hehehe i guess is good to sleep but jus not too muchie of it lor.

yeah do u gals intend to hire partime housework helper huh? may tinking of adopting tis approach cos i oso understand my hubby is so tired after his work. he is out for his appointments now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My gynae is Dr Adrian too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you visit him in CCK or Sengkang clinic? Yah on e D&C/EDD date part I can understand. Cheer up,its all in e past liao, you got a little one growing now. Look ahead [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yah I have a part time cleaner who comes every sat. both hubby & I lazy to do housework ourselves haha and I too like my hse to be clean & tidy,cannot stand dirt & mess. heehee but I intending to change to full time maid when my little one comes.

Maybe you can consider engaging part time maid to help out during this period. Pay a small fee for some peace [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi All,

Thanks for sharing... I'm still suffering from extremely bad MS. I vomitted 3 times aday. My aunties ask me to play mahjong to ease. I've played 1 round but I went to vomit again.

Bliss, Ive not heard of "pregnancy pop drops" no idea what is that. Really feel like trying it as long it can ease my MS.

adeline, my gynae is Henry Cheng. His clinic is in Bishan. How many weeks are you pregnant now?

cjjunior, I cant sleep at night. I sleep around 1+ every night. Terrible huh? Good idea, think I will store up some energy bars.

Just came back from a visit to KK 24hour woman clinic. Around 5 something noticed some spotting and got a little panicky. The gynae did a vaginal scan on me. Saw a blur image of waterbag and some blood clots. The gynae said as I am only 5+ weeks pregnant, so cant see the baby so early. He said the blood clots will gradually clear on its own. As my spotting is slightly brownish, he said should be okay. I think I kind of over reacted...

Hopefully, got to see the baby this coming wed.

mabel, i'm not sure how many weeks i am too. I went to gynae on monday and i should be 4 weeks but gynae said chances of not pregnant is very high or maybe is very early pregnancy. But i tested and tested and still positive so i shall wait for another week before i visit the gynae.

adeline, i'm feeling nervous too and disappointed when gynae found no sac. Wait for another 2-3 weeks before you visit the gynae. Sometimes you may concieve end of sept so still very early pregnancy.

Re housework i'm still doing from laundry, sweeping, mopping, cooking etc. Can't leave it alone if not i can't stand it. Need not to say i still got to chase after my son, bathe him etc.

Part time maid is a good choice and i'm going to hire one after i move next month!

Poohpooh, SG is selling http://thebirthshop.com.sg/item_26/Preggie-Pop-Drops-Herbal.htm

You can try it out.

For my first pregnancy i'm like you. I start sleeping when i'm 4 weeks. Can't eat anything. Will vomit once i THINK of what to eat. See, smell, think of food will puke. I stop vomiting near end of first trimester. Understand it can be very terrible feeling. Try pregnancy pop drop or sour orange skin that is cheaper. I ate one pack a day during that period of time.

sunbelle, yup.. there are pros n cons of seeing pte gynea.. still can't decide.

i'm still doing some vacumning but not mopping. my hubby forbid mi fm bending down (he tinks it's nt gd) to vacumn underneath the bed or on/off tv powerpoints. leaving the washing of toilet to my hubby too. he's tinking of getting a part-time to do some spring-cleaning soon coz i can't help him liao.

CJ, i used to see dr. adrian at sengkang coz i'm staying at sengkang.


So ur spotting is abit or? so ur gynae any other advise? I started having spotting this afternoon too,quite worry & panic. Sms my gynae,he told me to double my doseage of Duphaston & to see him on Mon...sigh.. mine oso light brown de but slight. how ah? very sian have to wait til Mon.. simply no mood.. so worry [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

CJ : Dun worrie, you will be all right. rest in bed all day and dun move so muchie.

mabel : hope u r feeling better now. are u working huh? if yes, can take leave to rest at home first.

gals, guess the onli way to realli create time between hubby and ourselves might be to engage a partime helper to clean the house. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yeah housework is also a common project between me and my hubby cos we always believe in working as a team to get the house clean. like in the morning i fold all the clothes and stack them while he mopped whole house.

yeah i helped iron his clothes too. yeh i stopped when i am tired. yeah gals, my MC is ending soon. but somehow felt happie that my baby grows another week more heheheh ...so eager to see the nxt scan again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mabel, Actually, i had a very back pain on Friday, is an old injury and comes back, the pain was so bad that i went straight to AH A&E, they gave me a jab to reduce the pain, after which they wanna take xray for me, and ask me whether i am pregnant, i say i have not tested cos i usually had late menes, so they did urine test for me and is positive, and they also do a blood test to reconfirm. Although i ask the doc whether the jab is ok and will it affect my bb, he say is fine, but my sis working in a clinic told me he shouldnt have jab. But i cant blame him cos he also dont know till i did the urine test before the xray. now i am worry abt my bb...:-(

my next apptm referral by AH to KK is on 18Nov, which means by then i might be 10weeks? shall i look for a gynae myself?

i do feel slight cramp though..anyone can advise? i am very worried

I have consult another gynae through email and tell him about my early pregnancy that no sac can be seen on monday and asked him when is a good time to see him and he replied that a normal pregnancy should be able to see the sac and he thinks my pregnancy is weak and baby is growing at a slower pace. Advise me to see him asap.

This is getting worrying. I keep having bad feelings about this pregnancy. sigh ...

Hi ladies,

I found out I was pregnant 2 weeks ago, which puts me at exactly 6 weeks tomorrow. Was wondering when I can see/hear the baby heartbeat? I haven't visited my gynea yet as my hubby is out of town, and I am too kan cheong to go alone.

Glad to come upon this thread. Congrats to all mommies-to-be and hope all of us gets through this smoothly!

Hi bliss

at 4 weeks I went gynae n could not see the sac too. Gynae prescribed me folic acid 3 times a day! N on wk 5 I saw the sac. I think probably it's too small to detect. I dunno if folic acid will make the sac grow bigger but he told me it's to help stabliize n prevent spinal bifida

Hi all~

I'm also trying for bb#2, now past my menses date..but has been trying for it since a few months back. Hope I can succeed, and join all the Mummies-to-be in this thread!=)


At 6 weeks should be able to hear the bb heartbeat. Last friday just visited the gynae and can see the sac already so i guess at week 6 you should be able to see more hehe...congrats to you!


yah i also ask him that..but only he ask me to take 3 times a day till wk 5 when he saw the sac..then eat 1 day one time....

Morning to all mummies to be,

I've just past 6 weeks, going to 7 weeks. Had a previous MC a yr ago and then hasnt been active in trying until recently. plus i have irregular cycle so difficult to find my O dates. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

This cycle managed to find it and so happy to be successful.

Like some of the mums here, the first scan was really an ordeal... so nervous and scared... when gynae was scanning, i was also nervously looking for something in the sac.....

thank god, gynae's eyes is sharper than mine and said oh there u see, blinking strongly... ahahaa... that finally set my mind at ease. but gynae said i develop a polyp, extra flesh near the entrance of the cervix.. this is non cancerous and its due to pregnancy hormones... when the baby is more stable then gynae will try to take away... asked me not to worry first as she saw all the positive signs, correct place and heartbeat.

Also, my morning sickness is kicking in... just the mention of food or pictures of food makes me wana puke.... whole body like no energy... i need to take hormone pills leh...

oh then my smell is super sensitive.... i cant stand any smell... now i have my tiger balm and orange peel right next to me.... and i look so sickly, every one in the office is asking and i cant tell all leh...

congrats Ms vain did your gynae give you a due date, does tiger balm and orange peel help ease ms do you just smell it, my nasua is just starting to kick in at around 7 weeks,

Thanks Aven.

for me it helps coz i'm used to smelling all these since young.. hehe... like very auntie.. but i heard may not be good for bb.. so only when i feel terrible then i will smell, else i just leave it...

the best thing is hor, during my first visit last week, when gynae asked if i have bad MS, i replied still ok... biangs... i didnt realise last week was mild... in fact, i was on week 5 when i travelled to HKG... thank goodness the MS wasnt that strong... then gynae still give me hormone pills, scared my preggie hormones not strong...

btw, did anyone change from Pte to Public Gynae? i'm thinking of switching coz when i see the bill for Mt E, i almost faint. My gynae only operates in Mt A or Mt E lor. and my first visit to her last week was ex.. over 300...

Hi CJ_Junior,

clomid can result in twins.. but generally is fraternal twins (i.e. 2 sacs with 2 babies)as you may have ovulated more than 1 egg.

I am not sure of my edd leh.. if it is a singleton, should be 3rd june... but now my gynae says as identical twins he will not wait for full term as the placenta nutrients and the amniotic fluid may not be enof for the 2 babies.. so most prob will c-sec out earlier....

ms vain that is damm expensive, heard mount E is the most expensive,

hi gals,

im seeing mmy gynea 2mrw night, am in my 7th week..........

very excited but yet worried................. hope that everything goes well.............


hi everyone,

I've just tested positive.I'm preg 6 wks preg.I'm very very worried now becos of my age..my gynae told me i'm having high risk pregnancy..

Anyone can give me some advice here?

