(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

hi CJ

just got back from cruise, haven been logged in for awhile. when i took the scan, i was 6weeks3day+/- 11days. the gynae told me the flickering white dots is the heartbeat, but when she try to detect hearing the heartbeat, is too faint, cannot hear anything yet.


Hi cherry,

Just take it easy. My gynae always say, "what will be will be.."

even for me altho can see the strong heartbeat, still need to endure the first trimester to make sure all is going on smoothly. Which is why i was given the hormone pill... so the only advice i can give is to think positively... always talke to your baby...


Yes lor, first consultation consists of ultrascan, consulation, pap smear and the hormone pills.. 300+

which is why i m thinking of switching to SGH. I have a recommendation for a male gynae. still thinking...

hi ladies,

i still can't decide to go back pte gynea or stick with the kkh gynea.. was checking the price of Duphaston i gotten fm kkh from previous failed preggie, it's slight more expensive than the pte gynea (Thomsom womens clinic). kkh charged $26.40 (excl. GST 7%) for 20tabs and thomson charged $25.00 (all in) though nt sure gt increase tis yr anot.

am 4wks 6days today, still gotta wait till next fri for kkh appt.. really dilemma on choosing the gynea. the kkh gynea i'm seeing is only a Registrar so his experience is not as much compared to dr. adrian of thomson or dr. adelina wong who was formerly a senior consultant fm kkh.

no is for 60tabs... still if u multiply shouldnt be that ex right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ms Vain, yup.. it's more expensive at $30 for 20tabs.. but Mt E is really exp.. u considering changing gynea?

Hi CJ,

mine not due to clomid... my edd i forgot to ask as last thursday was in shock... haha... think i most prob will deliver in May 2010 as gynae say sure must c-sect early. as of last thursday (measuring the size of the 2 embryos... i am in my 7th wk now.


Oic, just wanted to see if its true that taking clomid can result in twins. Guess yours is not due to clomid then. So when is ur EDD? You at what week liao ah?

Bluberi, yes lor... thinking of changing gynae... coz the nearest hospital to me is AH/SGH/Mt E. i have recommendation for SGH. At least my hubby's sis in law ever used one of the male gynae there so at least know someone there lor.

Heard so much abt KKH/Thomson but a bit far for me. so choosing something that is nearest to me and yet affordable. i duno how much the total cost is going to lead to so im afraid if i stick to this Mt E one i will pay alot, altho my sis uses her so in a way is safer. But my sis can claim from her co. so she doesnt feel the pain as much as me lor...

Ms Vain, for mi i can't claim from co., so every cents count plus previous failed preggie already spent 3k on antenatal+tests.

i tink sgh n kkh dun have antenatal packages.. is itemised billing.. oni consultation is cheaper fm 2nd visit onwards. tis is for pte patient at govt hospital, maybe subsidies rate is a little cheaper la.

thomson womens clinic antenatal packages tink is $550 (might have increased a little nw) and can start immediate fm 1st visit (might depends on the branch u visit). need oni pay 50% upfront.. balance after 3rd/4th visit. include consulation+scan and folic acid+vitamins... Duphaston n fish oil is additional cost. but i guess it might works out to be cheaper than kkh. where are you staying, there might be a thomson clinic near u.

Bluberi you are right kk can get more expensive, I am going to the private clinic there, as my hubby is on employment pass here, we can only go private, I delivered my child there in B1 class in 2008 and each appointment cost between 90-130 plus test on top of that and medicine were more, delivery was around $4000 for natural I am considering going somewhere else this time only problem is I like my gynae there, so not sure what to do!

aven, u going back to kkh tis time or changing to other pte clinic? i tink if every time pay $100+ at kkh, i might just go to those pte clinic outside liao.

Bluberi am really thinking about changing I just live down the road from East shore so it would make sense to go there, But my gynae from kk is great,really like him, so im seeing him on friday and will decide from there, but in the meantime am going to look around, might wait for hubby to get back from overseas and drag him with me to look around.

im staying near queenstown area. there is a specialist labour ward in SGH. ive been there before so i think they should have antenatal package ba.. i can call to ask but only when my boss is not ard lar. Heee...

one thing is i also scared those public hospital service is not that gd leh...

aven, which gynea u seeing at kkh? i was tinking if i stick to kkh, i wan to change to a more experience gynea (senior consultant), though muz pay more la. but i'm nw like 80% tinking of going thomson womens clinic. ask my hubby for opinion n the only answer he give is "i dun koe which is better, u have to decide urself." *bleah* ask liao like nv ask.

Ms Vain, perhaps u can go to the Thomson womens clinic at tiong bahru plaza.

my fren delivered at Mt. A last yr but her bb have some problem which needs immediate operation. Mt. A refered her bb to kkh and they had to pay $8k deposit to kkh upfront b4 an ambulance was sent to pick up her bb fm Mt. A. so my mum n sis tinks it's still best to go back to kkh. haiz.. so difficult to make up my mind.

thats right if any thing is to go wrong kk is the place to be, im seeing dr wee horng yen, he is a consultent, my husband was well impressed with him during our delivery last time, the service was good though, I was in four bedder a little noisy during visiting hours, but thats what you get when your husband wont let ya take the one bedder, ha ha will try to work on him this time,

Hi gals,

Went gynae this morning, was given a jab & mc for whole week, have to rest but very happy today can see heartbeat! But my EDD push backwards liao. today only 6week1day +-6days.EDD 13th June.So strange.

Ms Vain,

Like what BluBeri said,you can consider Thomson women's clinic. I am not saying it is e best but as far as I know it is very affordable. $550 b4 GST (can pay in 2 installment) package includes unlimited visits,blood pressure checks,urine test for sugar/protein,routine blood test,ultrasound & printout every visit,antenatal vitamins & postnatal visit. Delivery package for normal is $850 only.


Yah Duphaston still at $25. I am very glad dr adrian prescribe it to me from e beginning.. I guess it really does helps in some way.


How have you been? managed to see another gynae liao? Don't worry,perhaps e sac grow liao. This visit can see liao. Do update us ya


I too feel that the doc shldn't have given you e jab. You shld go find a gynae now & check to make sure everything is ok. Let gynae know what jab was given to you & see what he say. Take care


Thks for ur reply. I see heartbeat liao so now fan xin liao.


You still wanna e dress? email you haven got a reply yet.

Many of you seeing gynae tis week right? Hopefully by end of e week most of us will have our EDD liao.

aven, my hubby definately wun allow 1-bedder.. 2-bedder is fine with him though.

CJ, nw the package $550 but have to pay GST liao ar? The duphaston $25 muz pay GST anot ar? Besides Duphaston, did he give u progesterone jab b4? My hubby cannot understand dr. adrian coz he speaks very fast like machine-gun. :p everytime the session went so fast until i can forget abt the questions i wan to ask. hahaha..

Hey ladies… Am new in this forum, hope to make more friends. We have something in common. Yeah… You are rite, Im pregnant with my 3rd baby, guess this is my 5 weeks. ** Haven visits any gynea yet. I have just moved to Red Hill not long ago, any recommendation on a good gynea around there? Previously my gynae was Caroline Khi in TMC but I find it quite far. So thinking of somewhere nearer.

CJ Junior, BluBeri: Thomson women's clinic is it good ? Any particular doc to recommend? Thanks

Hi Icey, wow.. 3rd bb!! i've only seen dr. adrian woodworth fm thomson clinic at sengkang before.. have nt decided to go back to him tis time anot. there is a thomson clinic at tiong bahru, but it's a different gynea there.

CJ, thanks. I think everything should be alright cause i have MS today! I will visit the gynae again this week to confirm everything is fine.

Not feeling very well today. Having sorethroat and flu. Feeling very hungry but feel like vomiting after eating. Don't dare to take medication so got to see a doc later on.

Icey, you stay at redhill ? I'm staying here also but i'm moving next month.

i know the women's clinic like super crowded at night one... plus i feel thomson abit far for me leh. which is why i thinking can consider SGH, which is like very "len-men" heheeee...

im thinking last time our mothers also go to the nearest hospital and deliver hor... now we have so many choices also sian. LOL

so i thot the gynae at SGH not that popular so shd be more free lar. THen my hub tld me the gynae i want can only see him in SGH on Tue and Thu and most of the times he is busy... waaaa... like got some popularity hor... ahahaaa... trying to comfort myself lar...

Ms Vain, yup.. thomson womens clinic is over-crowded.. tink due to the low package price. i agree sgh seems more "len men".

feeling so hard to decide on gynea.

Hi fellow MTBs... I supposed I am eligible to join this thread (haven't been to gynae)...

Anyway, for those considering MA or GE, I think my gynae is very good - Dr Christopher Chong. He took care of my first pregnancy, and super "on" e.g. calling me on weekends to follow up, calling the nurse station every hour, etc. His clinic is at GE

Bliss, Im staying opp Red Hill MRT. Where do you stay? So which gynea did you go? I also having the same problem, feeling very hungry but feel like vomiting after eating. Feeling so bad...

I got 2 gals already, hopefully this is a boy. I WANT BABY BOY!!! Anyone got any "Mi Fang"???


Now everything oso got GST liao.Today took a jab but duno what jab it is. on e thigh de. very pain. jab cost me $45. Yah I agree he tok very fast,most of e time i oso forgot to ask my qs heehee but tik it this way, for patients no prob,chop chop scan & go. like tat those behind in queue oso dun hav to wait too long.


You might wanna go thru this forum.There are many threads on differ gynae.Can choose one closer to ur home. Currently I am seeing Dr Adrian in cck clinic though I stay in Jurong.


Good good. MS is a gd sign. I was feeling nausea e last few days too. Until my spotting come,the nausea feeling totally disappear, make me so worry. Y dun see gynae now leh? tot he say see him asap?

You gals will hungry very fast anot ah? I very jialiat leh. 1 day can eat many full meals. like 1pm I just ate 1 bowl of porridge then now eat a bowl of maggie mee..alrdy tot of my dinner wanna eat what liao.. cham.. I scare end up I overweight haha but my stomach will growl very loudly if hungry..am I eating too much?


Too late for any Mi Fang liao lah. haha you shld check while TTC. Can I just check something with you? Do you eat every meal? take ur breakfast daily? prefer meat to veg? Cos hor recently I read those who eat their meals regularly,take breakfast faithfully & eat more meat de hor, likely to have boys..not sure how true. Just doing a survey

CJ Junior, how many weeks are u into now? Wah, can eat full meals and many meals? so envy u... i couldnt eat much, really like going on a diet kind... a few mouthfuls enough liao, else will wana puke... just now feeling pukey, quickly eat my orange peel... sigh....

Icey, u stay in Redhill, i stay in queenstown. hehe...

But i have one question leh, if we suddenly change gynae, will they be angry??? will they ask why?

CJ, i tink the jab might be progesterone.. pain coz it's oil base thus need thicker needle. OMG!! if $45 for dat jab.. expensive leh.. but maybe the dosage is high. kkh 24hr clinic charged $0.93 for 50mg progestone.. dunno why so cheap leh, nt sure if the jab given in kkh clinic is the same cost anot.

it's nw dr. adrian (thomson) vs dr. ben choey (kkh) vs dr. adelina wong (adelina womens clinic). or should i juz change a new gynea??!!

i tink i wun haf MS again coz my hormones not enough.. i wished for MS everytime but it nv comes.. at least i feel bb is healthy if gt MS. my mum n sis said i'm crazy coz both of them dun haf MS when preggie. but they dun haf PCOS before preggie mah.. cannot compare!

Blurberi, think u might have inherited your mum's gd genes on not getting MS. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

At first i thot i dun have much MS, but last THu onwards ive been feeling very pukey and giddy, instead of saying sleepy, i think im restless... really no energy sort... thus when i went to see gynae last week, gynae have to give me duphaston leh... think she scared i not enough hormones...

then i wanted to skip it but was told not to since gynae gave me must finish, for the sake of bb... what the hell lar... MS just come lor....


i also had progestrone jab on my backside near tigh...super pain till now still abit painful when i lie on that side of the buttock.

cj I text you this morning, have been wondering why no reply, will ry again now, also thats fantastic news about seeing the heartbeat, hopefully will see mine on friday.

icey this will be my third as well have a boy and a girl, take it from me girls are easier!

also cant stop eating,

Ms Vain,

I am just into my 6th week. Can eat might not be gd thing oso hor, at e rate I eating, next time wanna slim down very hard liao. Moreover I am not slim from e beginning. $$ is urs, wanna change gynae its up to you mah, they too many patients to care who stop coming oso lor.


MS is good hor, I oso hope to have but some pple just dun have de. Guess we are e 'lucky' ones. But sometimes feeling nausea is a gd feeling oso. You got too many gynae choices, haha making urself too confuse. Just pick e one you comfortable & stick to it lor, very simple decision only mah


You got sms me this morning? never receive woh. Perhaps you sent wrong hp. I just check, rec'd ur payment liao. Now only need ur address. You sms me again k or drop me email. Thanks

CJ, i'm definately confused.. i went to different gyneas for the 3 failed preggies. i'm most comfortable with dr. adelina, coz i've seen her for yrs, she was the one who diagnosed mi with PCOS back in 2004. but cost wise, she is the most expensive of the three.

Hi CJ Junior,

mi oso went to see the gynae just now. just came back. same as you leh. into 6 weeks now. can see the heartbeat like flickeing jus now in the scan image although is not so clear. doc said shld be clearer next week lor. yeah praying for next week can get a strong heartbeat hehee ...

my appetite oso veri good leh..can eat a lot lot hahahah ..better than before i am pregnant leh...heheh

i oso had the jab todae.any doc prescribe the jab and ask u to go to the neighbouring doctor to inject for u huh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmhmm does everyone mus have MS huh? when can MS start huh?

mezzo : i am feeling the same way as you. the nurse say pls dun go rub on the swelling part or it might get worse.

hi Bluberi,

i guess the most impt tin is that u have to be comfortable with the gynae which u are seeing so that u can share all ur concerns with the gynae [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am oso seeing a pte gynae which i paying more compared to my original choice of seeing a KK gynae. but i guess it all boils down to comfortablness in toking to the doctor. i tink is okie to pay more cos can save on other tins to see the doctor i guess.

Hi all, im new in this thread. Recently found myself pregnant and thinks im in my 4th weeks. I have just moved to Red Hill not long ago, and have not seen any gynae yet. anyone can advice me on where should i opt for?


very happy to see e HB hor. Gynae inject for me de. Urs oso on e thigh? Not everyone will have MS de. So when is ur EDD?


Mine not on e backside de but equally pain haha

congrats Juliana, it all depends on ur buget cos pte gynae one time fee include medicine like today i incurred $280 as medical bill. guess public doctor shld be cheaper i guess.


CJ : same as you leh . 13 june hehehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the nurse injected for me. mine is on the backside. will become blue black for mine hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i jus dun care abt it cos the blue black will go away.

but i had bad experience with kkh, therefore, i will not go there again. this is mine 3rd pregnancy, 1st one miscarriage, 2nd - aborted due to abnormalitlies and having my 3rd one. so i think i dont really wana go to KKH, coz i find them not trusworthy

bluberi : take ur time to tink and consider . jus one word of advice is that all top famous gynae will definitely have to wait at least an hour. so you have to be patient during the wait cos lotsa of people are just willing to wait and pay high amt.

anyone knows of the website link to buying of the stretchmark cream huh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tot of ordering the clarins brand one. can let me have the website link huh? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I oso using Clarins now.. morning using e Stretch mark control night using the firming body oil.. recommended by e sales de. but I start off with abit now only cos exp mah, thinking when e bump shows will apply more heehee

