(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

hi milkymouse, i see. at least i feel more relieved. cos i am a first time mum. no experience at all. haha. looking forward to tomorrow! my appt with gynae. how many weeks is your baby now?


hi July

i hv sore breast but no so serious and still can bare with it.... em how long it will last no sure leh.... have to ask experienced mum. i dun wake up middle of the nite to pee but will wake up 30mins ealry then my usual wake up time to pee. oso go toilet very very often in daytime.

Good morning gals [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CL queen & mamamiffy,

If cannot tahan y not go for a blood test? a blood test can be +ve even if urine test is -ve. Blood test is 100% accurate de.Hope to have you gals in our thread soon too. Good luck!

I rem there are another 2 gals seeing gynae tmr also. I am very nervous, couldn't sleep well for e past few nights. Hope the 3 of us will have gd news to update tmr.


its common, I oso having sore breast & would wake up to pee 2 times every night. But i am very glad for all these little little pregnancy symptoms. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi July

now i m in my week#5. my fisrt day of last menses is 3rd Sept. n i m CD28. i went to see a gynae on 7th oct n she told me i m 5weeks EDD should be begining of June. i saw a black dot abt 0.51cm but still can not see HB. my next appt will be 22nd oct by then should be albe to see HB i hope..... i also very gancheong n feel everyday pass so slow. plus now a day i felt giddy n wanna vomite lor.


You also ah? what time ur app? luckily mine in e morning, alrdy waited very long, very impatient liao haha I got mix feeling, very nervous, excited & worry...

hi july,

what abt u? tmr is ur first scan ar? whoa u can lun so long then see gynae ar? ur last menses is 4sept? so how abt ur CD? how u feel now?

Beside... anyone been to the closing down sale at OG albert yesterday? how's is it? i wanted to go but was very giddy in the evening so i give up. if it's good then may be i will go today.


me shld be in week 5. hv not seen gynae yet. had make apptm to see on week 8. hope by then can detect the heartbeat.

Gd luck to those seeing gynae tmr. do update us. me waiting anxiously for my turn as well.

Btw curious how to tell the week we r in? Can somebody explains to me. Say if I haf my last menses 1st Sep. Then cycle is 31 days. Then now which week am I in?

Hi Mummies,

I just went to my GP for a check 'cos of my gastric problem and she helped me to calculate. I am roughly 6 weeks already. Still have not gone to gynae yet 'cos I think can't really see anything for now. She calculated my EDD to be 7 June. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I feel hungry yet can't really eat or want to eat. After I force myself to eat a little bit of food, I feel like throwing up. Yet stomach feels so empty and windy. Anyone feeling like that?

hi all, mine is CD31 i think. haha. sometimes 30 sometimes 31. tomorrow is my 1st gynae appt and mine is in the afternoon. i am not sure my baby is in which week now. blur. i think if we calculate from LMP not accurate leh. hahaha.

hi, Calculate from 1st day of ur last menses.. this is how gynae will calculate too.. thats y we offically pass 1st trim is week 14 & not week 12 cos alrdy add in e extra 2 weeks from menses to ovulation period liao. but then using scan gynae will see how big e sac & measure to give ur EDD

Hi Sourfish,

i also feel like vomite n wanto eat cannot eat but i can still force my self eat a little bit. i took medicine 1 hours b4 i take meal dunno is it bcos of the medicine that'y i never trhrow out just feel like la. my mouth is bitter. n feel very tire.

oic... Thx ladies. All of u r really v nice & helpful. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ok I wil go check from the website. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw gals, I have a concern, as I am working in an automotive industrial hor, everyday breath in those exhaust, do you tik will affect e growth of my baby? not sure what to do leh, wearing mask oso won't make much differ.

aiyo wanted to go OG one, but suffers a bit giddiness and hubby oso worried..so wun be goin todae i guess.

the giddiness came on and off..so tired and sleepy nowadays leh..do u gals experience that?

oh..... finally got many mum to be have the same symtoms i have...... sunbelle, my conditon is the same as u. but me stil feel vomiting but lucky never vomite la today.


I know. Taking sips of soya bean or milk and have been eating b/fast, lunch and dinner... in between just feel empty but yet don't have the urge to eat.

I had it worse for my #1. Threw up almost immediately after eating dinner. And my MS lasted a whole of 4-5mths. #2 was not that bad...

My GP says that it's the pregnancy that's setting in that's why my stomach has wind and that's why I am feeling this way. It is not a very good feeling though!

tested positive this morning again so i guess is positive!

mamamiffy, i'm thinking to visit the gynae after 2 weeks cause monday he can't scan any sac so i gues is very early pregnancy

Danmum dont worry different pregancies different symptons, Im not feeling to tired either, try to force myself to have a sleep during the day but cant, I was feeling lightheaded, but that has wore of now, only symptons feel a bit sick if I dont eat, but its not to bad, and cramps other then that feeling pretty good!


My sale price: $100 (Negotiable if self collect at Seng Kang)

Condition: Excellent (Assembled but never used. Comes with silky blue sarong. Washed but never used.)

Bought from Kiddy Palace.

Please PM if keen. Thanks.


hi gals,

im 6wks preggy... saw a small black dot last week, going to gynea next week to check.

i had ectopic in dec 07, so im quite worried...

aven2009, thx for sharing w me these. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Im stil waitg for 2 weeks to test.

Sharky, dun worry. A lot of times lies down to fate. Just leave everythg to God. U just pray & hope for the best. Events we cant control. Worry aso no use.

CL Queen,

Ha..ha.. It's not that I can 'tahan' not knowing but because I am currently working and pursuing my part-time degree, I had attribute the lateness in my menses to stress. Maybe you should really do the blood test to confirm....


Dun worry about being energetic. When I was pregnant with my first child, I do not have any morning sickness symptoms, no cravings and was up and running upfront training programme right up to 8months pregnant... However this time round, it is totally different. I am feeling so tired that half the time I just want to sleep, having mild cramps and totally no appetite to eat. So it's true, every pregnancy if different.

actually for me.. i have to keep sucking on sweets or sour things else the after taste in my mouth is real funny... don't like it at all..

CL queen: actually blood test is the best.. i used clearblue to test 3x... 2 was blur and 1 +ve.. so i went to see my gynae and took blood test....

the next day the clinic called me and informed me that blood test shows that i am pregnant.

tomorrow is my appt with my gynae.. really really hope to see my baby's heartbeat!

cj junior I really love the floral dress no 15 would you post it and just charge me extra for postage,

dear all,

i just had my AF..failed again..sob sob.

thanks alot for the informations given [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i hope to be back soon.


Thank you. What size you looking at? If you happen to stay in Jurong/Bishan/Bt Merah or nearby, I dun mind delivering to you. Cos I not sure how much is postage oso. Otherwise I will find out tmr at e singapore post.

anyone experiencing spotting?

i went to see a gynae on mon and confirmed that i'm in my 5th week and the foetus implanted in the right place...

however since then i have been having spotting though light...


Anyone feel pain (short ones and pulling feeing) at the sides and not at the abdomen? Keep experiencing it today...I am about 5+ weeks pregnant and my gynae appmt is next tuesday.




mabel I have been feeling pains at sides and in left thigh as well but if you are in doubt see your gynae, there is also kk hotline where you can talk to a nurse which I have done a couple of times 1900-9155515 just to put mind at ease,

cj junior and july july good luck for scan today, let us know

cj junior I live on the east, so prob easier to post, im not sure what size my daughter is 17 months but only 9kilos usually fits 1 year old,

let us know your due date after your app think you will be the first to offically have one, I still have to wait eight days good luck really hope everything goes well today for you

