(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Jo, you can bring back to the shop, tell teh staff the sipper lid can't fit. Check with them whether can do exchange? You still keep the receipt?



I read in some websites, it says that these sipper lids have a plastic part at the bottom, that controls the no-spill. u try see if can take that out.

me going to try on my avent one tonight.

Hi mummies...

Ya, probably really monkey see monkey do... maybe i should try using straw infront of him.

This morning, I tried to give him milk in sipper lid, rejected again. Then I change it to ring lid, basically like our cup, accepted. So he drinks and partly when onto his body... A while later, I change it to sipper lid. He drank from it! Super happy! Because no valve and no suction needed, the milk just flow and partly went onto his body as well.

Next, I secretly switch to soft spout. He drank! Wahaha! Still partly went onto his body. Means, he's all wet with milk after everything! I am so going to let him try again tmr! Yeap!

Hi Mummies

I have two singtel web mobile to let go...

pls email to [email protected] for more infor

preloved mobile web cameras only used for 4 months..

excellent condition!

can use it to monitor ur toddler or maid simply make a video call =)

thx you =)


Very unfortunately my baby rejects FBM too! Cos it has a fishy / metallic taste, so I gave away to other moms. He is super MA FAN! If your child accepts, good for you! Save milk powder $$$!!! :D

If you can TBF until 12 months, then can convert directly to Fresh Milk / UHT milk. Cheaper, and nicer taste.


I have given my boy blueberries at 6 months. Among all the berries, blueberry is one of the safest to give, but because it’s so tiny, I puree it with steamed apples and pears and freeze into cubes – which I gave him everyday.

check this out: http://www.homemade-baby-food-recipes.com/blueberry-baby-food-recipes.html


Yes my mom & mil also against Freezing. But I do it when they are not around :D

Mrs N,

Thanks for the info. It’s true that iron in breastmilk is most digestible, but only in the case of exclusive breastfeeding. once solids are introduced, it seems a different matter. So just to caution BF mommies here, because my friend didn't know about iron deficiency and now she had a difficult time caring for her toddler who is anemic. Yes, i ensure my boy has a good amount of iron rich foods daily ( thanks for the webbie, the list is very helpful!)

Re: egg yolks

Hmm, since some of you tried and kena rashes, think I’ll try when he is 8mths or later.

Re: Sippy cup

Oh just take out the no-spill ring, but will the baby choke since it'll be free flowing?

Cool...i'll try it out tonight, will start on water 1st until he's skilled using then will switch to milk ( my milk very precious!! haha)


I wanna buy 1 set of the combi training mug... let me knw how to pay n collect frm u ya...


unfortunately, my fussy gal also rejects FBM since 1 mth back... getting cleverer i guess... so what i do is i thaw 1 glass bottle of FBM to mix into her cereals... that is abt 70-80ml to 8 tablespoon of cereals... and the bal FBM i spoon feed while feeding cereals n she is okie leh... u wanna try this method... and she is bottle-fed chilled BM that I pumped the day before lor...


the non-spill rubber stopper on the avent sippy cup is removable one... budden the flow could be very fast if u remove it leh... my #1 using the sports spout for drinking water only... n he still drinks milk from the milk bottle n not any sippy cup leh...


the mag mag soft spout,i tried using thumb and index finger to press, it just drip out. Dont have to suck.

so basically my girl bit with the sprout, water just come out. She didnt drink, all comes out from the corner mouth.

bcause our mouth bigger, so the lip will cover the upper part of the sprout,thus u have to suck.

For BB, the lip will cover the mid of sprout. so they exercise their jaw, the water will drip out


i wonder, because is not sucking motion, so not use to drink from training cup..

u try out the straw tonight, let us know what is yr boy reaction if he likes it :>


thank for the recipe.

previously give her squash blueberry alone.

took away the tiny seeds and skin , Add water to the juice and spoonfeed her.

i like giving her fruit juice not puree.. Haa haa

JSP, you want self collect from me? So don have to pay extra mah. You pass by orchard on weekday?

I can pass the mug to you anytime but the straw cover I will only received next week. You want to collect together or pass the rest to you 1st?


i collect all from u at one go... i can alwys pop down to orchard during lunchtime to collect frm u... which part of orchard u working at?? we can go lunch also if u can...

Somerset. Can no problem, let's meet for lunch (^^).

Meet you next week, I think I have your number SMS you again, maybe next friday?

oh yeah these mug item all got box one, brand new (^^).

JSP: me going to try the cup with water first. milk can continue with milk bottle lar. cannot waste milk! water still ok. haha. at least wet only, not sticky. else must bath and clean.

jasmini: free flowing and choking. i think all bbs will learn to control lar. just like how we change the bottle teats from small hole to bigger hole to many holes mah. just need to get used to it can liao.

ah yeah after read the traninig mug topic from here loh, I want to start tonite! Hopefully my boy at least bite and not siam haha


u sms me ya... i dun think i have ur no leh... heehee... i cant wait to see the cute mug... thks gal...


ya... very troublesome if milk spill hor... budden fyi my #1 dun like the avent spout last time so he used to drink water frm the milk bottle also... n he transitted to straw bottle when he was 9MO lor... n it was a breeze frm then on... so if u gers wan also can follow my method to transit straight to straw bottle when our kiddos hit 9MO...


good idea! but ay, i gave away most of my FBM liao, hee. i'm now using pumped milk for his cereals.

actually i don't like using BM for cereals, cos it makes the cereal watery very fast if he doesn't finish within 5-10min! Cannot keep at all. I'm attempting to use formula milk instead but he rejects, that's why! *grrr*


you're SO powerful! how did you remove the skin and seeds of that TINY little blueberry?!?! I'm way too lazy to attempt something like that :p

I bought Organic Blueberries from NTUC (so no chemicals used) so no need to peel skin. Anyway the price is about the same (i think) so why not! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: HELP!!! Changing of hole size in teats

Chloemum, oh no, i never change the size of the teats hole! Is that why my boy feeds so slowly and always don't like to drink much??? I've gone back to work and feeding him expressed milk in bottles (it's the same teat size as newborn). Do i need to change hole size (since breastmilk very thin & watery)? Any mom who is feeding expressed milk in bottles can advise???


using FM to prepare cereals also will become watery one... the trick to preparing not too watery cereals is not to add too much liquid initially n dun keep stirring... if u keep stirring, it'll become more n more watery one...

aiyo... u nvr chg the teat size at all?? no wonder ur lil boy dun drink much coz too slow for him lah... my lil ger is using pigeon L-size teats since last mth lor... wat brand of bottles/teats ur boy using??

Jasmini: you should change the size of the teats le.. And u will realize that will cut short the feeding time cos faster flow.. Maybe u should start from teat no 2 since he's used to teat 1 and gradually upgrade. My girl is using teat 4 now.

Luckyone: I bought mine at robinson, me no time to ho back there wo..

Lin: ya.. Initally I got press with thumb and water come out.. So I Tot if she bites on it, should be no prob.. Who knows, she dun want it..

I use mag mag jus for drinking water.. Too wasteful if feed our ebm with that.. I'm hoping she'll be interested in the new bottle and start drinking water.

Jasmini: i am feeding Chloe EBM and FM using the same hole teat... Avent no. 3. I changed to 2 holes when she was about 2 months old (when i decided to go full bottle feed and no latching) then 3 holes when she was 5 months i think.

and yes.. small hole, slow flow, of course will drink more slowly. and depending on bbs, my ger gets real frustrated with slow flow. (that's why i stopped latching).

dun suddenly change to big hole ok. must slowly progress. initial change sure will get messy feeds, but bb will get used to it slowly.

drinking cups/sippy cups: i am using for water only. no milk. except the 1 time when i accidentally put the wrong spout on the bottle and gave to the bbsitter. haha.

jsp: hmmm... maybe i try the straw one later. already buy the avent soft spout liao. and i got 1 hard spout free. cannot waste. just use first lar. if can, maybe i just remove the no spill valve and continue let Chloe use lor. Straw a bit hard to wash. haha. me and my laziness again.

Hi Mummies,

I hv one tin of Nan Pro2 and Nan HA2 to let go at $12 each or exchange to Karihome stage 2. sms me at 90600514 for fast deals. Thks!!

My poor gal who's 7mths plus been couging for a week le...see PD liao stil not ok...haiz...at nite cough more..any advice hw i can help her feel better?

Porridge with brest chicken meat.

Pumlin & broccoli


Lunch Box for IFC!

Porridge cooked with egg yolk, pumkin, japanese green bean (edamame) & yam.

Tea Break for IFC!

Kiwi fruit


Dinner tonite!

Porridge cook with salmon fish.

Cabbage & Potato soup.



Phoebe Lim, you wan to try Ang Ai Ting from Thomas? But expensive and quite long Q.

If you wan to go, the clinic open at 8:30am, go there 8:15 to get the Q no. Dr Ang normally come in 9am. The other male doctor, also Dr Ang but I don't know the his name, hear also not bad.

Hey luckyone, how do you cook them? just throw in altogether and boil?

Mrs Teo-- Thanks for your interest. I will start the spree after CNy ok? So just enough time to coordinate [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

michelle actually I've not seen the full set yet in the shops here either. The children's centre that I bring my kids to had a box full of these cups with the three different lids a few months ago and were offering ... actually practically begging the parents to take them away as they were occupying too much space! TT must be doing really well if they can give away so many cups for free! Otherwise the cup with the flip spout is readily available in most supermarkets, pharmacies and also on amazon but the sipper lid (the one with single hole) I've not seen them on the high street but only online from tt or amazon. Makes you wonder why they don't make it readily available as it is such a fantastic tool for transiting to open cup drinking. My #1 mastered the technique within weeks of using it.

chloemum my #1 never took to the avent spouts. I had to remove the rubber valve so that he would drink from it but yes very very messy with water spilling every where. So in the end I just stuck to the tt cup for everything. I got him the tt explora the one with the straw when he was 9 mths which he still uses as his spare water supply when we are on the go! And ya straws are harder to wash even when you can take them apart! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/lol.gif]

jasmini yup the onus is on us to provide a varied diet. Anyway a good reminder that iron is an important element in our baby's diet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So sayang not to use your FBM. Have you considered using them to make smoothies for your baby?

My #1 was fed mainly on EBM and he was on newborn teat until I weaned him off bottles at 14 mths. I tried to change to a faster teat but he always ended up sick. My #2 doesn't seem to like bottles very much even with a faster teat he takes a very very long time and he won't finish all the EBM! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies who are interested to feed your babies yoghurt , Yoplait now has baby yoghurt suitable from 6mths onwards , it comes in a set of six 70g pots with vanilla , peach and pear flavor for $5.20

I bought it at NTUC Xtra at Nex mall , not sure if normal NTUC will have it

morning mummies.... TGIF to all!!!


u let chloe use the avent soft spout 1st lah... dun waste... she might like it lor... pigeon got sell one brush for cleaning straw n that solves the hard to wash part... heehee...


does ur gal have running nose also?? it could be back flow of the mucus leh... what i do is i prop my child up using a bigger pillow at nite so that she is not lying flat n it helps... u try??


i also feed my gal this bb yoplait yoghurt... i got it at the ntuc at city sq mall... n not all ntuc have it... there is actually a more ex brand of bb yoghurt called Yo Baby that cold storage has but it cost more than $10 for pack of 6 lor... super EX!!!

JSP / Michelle,

U guys feed the yoghurt cold straight from the fridge? okie i know yoghurt supposed to eat cold but i can envision my MIL making noise about that...

Good morning mummies,


u motivate me to try more food on my girl.

Where did u get the edamame. Cant find in my usual marketplace NTUC.

How many times a week do u go market-ing ? i gg to learn from u to be a hardworking mother:>

Dinnerbox is to IFC too? or u keep at home for tonight feed?


i squash 1blueberry a time to feed her.

take off the skin first, cos the skin will cause the juice to be sour. remove the seed first before put water.

if cannot remove fully , nv mind cos the seed will be sink bottom with water added. then i just spoonfeed her .


no straight frm the fridge coz my fridge quite cold... i usually take out for 10mins then feed... my #1 last time also take so shld be okie lah...

morning! wooooooooooo! so much info to read. ok one by one.

sippy cup:

i hav the avent magic spout. some time back let S try. but seems like she is not drinking much fr it. perhaps to difficult to suck. m gg to take out the value n let it be free flow for her. haha! make her drink more water.

weaning fr bottles:

i read that to wean bb fr bottle at age 1. then how do they drink their milk? fr the straw cup? or like how we drink? urgh.. really sua ku on this.


ok i tried the nestle rice w fruits. damm sweet. plus my puree.. lagi sweet... n it runs out pretty fast. if i gg to stick to that brand gotta buy like 4/5 boxes in one shot. is this norm? haha. they say to feed 5 tablespoon (tats like 50g) to 150ml water. but i only feeding 3 tablespoon plus add my puree (70ml) n tat also comes out to b a big bowl... m i underfeeding her? ntuc cereal is limited. wat other cereal to recomm tat can be bought fr ntuc? nestle really runs out fast.

egg yolk:

not more then 2 yolks a week. yes gd for brain development. i puree it tog w her fruit n veg purees. now making these puree less smooth n w some tiny bits for her to get used.


CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!! dun worry abt the tummy. after 2nd one can lose weight n tummy. dun worry abt not being to handle also. yr hb is v hands on. he will help u. gong xi gong xi! take care ok.


i wanna rant! OMG! it is so difficult to change her diapers these days. she keep turning and moving away. changing her diaper is like fighting world war. sweat after finally changed her. grrrrrrrrrrr!


u wan arrange meet ups?

AR, just boil and mash then mixed all together with soup (^^)

Lin, 2 times per week. If you use kitchen paper towel or newspaper to wrap the vegetables, if can last longer (5 days) so fresh!

Skmama, you can try airport T3, the shop near food court there, beside Ya Kung Toast.

They sell baby organic baby cereal and don have to pay GST (sorry can't remember the brand).

The brand selling at Vista Kids and Cold Storage but not much variety.

T3 there a lot of diff cereal and veg/ fruit puree.

Lin edamame I bought from takashimaya cold storage. $4++ per pack. Use new paper warp up can last 1 week, still fresh.

If not, you can get the frozen one at $7++ per pack from Taka cold Stor.

Michelle, Thanks for the yoghurt infor.

Will try to get it for my boy's tea break.

If not always biscuit and fruit for him only.

Chillimum: i get Chloe's cereals from http://www.agapebabies.com/ They run BPs in the forum as well. They sell organic stuff, but cheaper than from stores outside. I checked already.

Also selling a lot of other stuff as well. Can go see if you are free.

Diaper Changing: Yes... It's getting extremely tough to change diapers these days. I need to use another diaper or yuyi oil can or some other stuff to distract her so that she stays still for as long as possible.

egg yolk: think i will try with Chloe's porridge tmr! weeeeee.... but... cook together with porridge? or hard boil and mash into porridge huh? =D


T3 too far for me. i wan ntuc. haha convenient ma. :p


i used to order fr her. but alr stop giving her organic cereal. but indeed, for variety she really has a lot of diff brands. seems like non organic only few types. see how la. maybe order somemore fr her.

she used to be able to stay still playing w a diaper/wet wipes. nowadays she flip and cont playing. boohoo...

u hav to get the yolk only. so hav to hard boil the egg then take out the yolk then u can mash or cook in the porridge. make sure the egg is cook well.

ChloeMum, have to boil (above 12 mins) then mash the egg yolk. I only give me boy half egg yolk.

You can mixed with porridge, cereal or white bread.

Chillimum: me not an organic person. but then non-organic can only easily find nestle and it's super sweet! bad! so i got the organic stuff, less sweet & more variety. Very boring to eat the same thing every day leh. but i seldom give cereal unless going out lar. will try to cook porridge when possible. but i do like the biscuits and corn flakes look alike stuff. if she dun want to eat, i eat them myself.

diaper changing: i learnt how to put on diaper when her on stomach liao. hahahaha... then just flip her over to velcro.

otherwise, you want to try pull up pants. But more expensive. And i read that pull up pants being training pants in nature, do not contain as much as normal diapers, poo is also bad. So maybe can use when going out?

eggs: oh... i was thinking can take the egg yolk out from the egg, pinch it up. den cook together with porridge. 1 step only. easier. lazy.

haha no la. it will kanna the egg white. no whites before 1 yr old.

sigh i will try to put on her diapers when she is on her stomach then. she is like a worm during diaperchanging.

wat else can we giv for breakfast now? im giving cereal. lunch will start cooking porridge soon. after i shift hse. dinner? same porridge? can keep fr morning to night? im gg to use the forgotten thermal pot for her porridge.

Lilstarz29, I also take out the yoghurt from fridge and leave at room temp for abt 1/2 hr before feeding and sometimes when I go out I just take 1 pot out with me and feed like 1-2 hours later also no problem. Very convenient and healthy food for the baby.

I don't think yoghurt spoils so fast , have googled and think it's safe to keep at room temp for up to 4 hours, but to play safe I guess should feed within 2 hours lah for babies.

Mummies who are going to the Baby Jumper Gym tomorrow, may be good to just bring socks for adults and babbies. Cos I went for Gymboree trial last week and had to purchase socks cos we forgot to bring socks for adults.

Hey Anne ,

We are in the same class tomorrow for BJG , Sally did not have your email, so wanted us to let you know that payment tomorrow is by cash / cheque only and also term fee is 380 for 10 classes if you decide to sign up and Toys R Us card got 15% off . See you tomorrow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies.. i need advise on bring bb overseas.

How do i prepare myself if the tap water is not safe for drinking ? ONce the water is boiled shd be safe?

What do i need to prepare for airtravel?

