(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

morning mummies... been very busy with the kids... n shopping of course... heehee...


congrats... u have a bb bunny in the making... dun worry abt coping now... when the time comes, u will sure be able to cope one... trust me!!!


strawberry is one of the highly allegern causing fruits... can only introduce aft 1YO... n kiwi can cause choking due to the edible seeds so dun intro so early just in case bb swollow the seeds without chewing...


i dun recommend serving orange as it will cause alot of phlegm... apple/avocado/pears/papaya/banana also contains vit C...

JSP, so far my boy is ok lah lucky~~I know that why when i 1st give him hor, start with 1/4 spoon then slowly increase the portion.

Kiwa fruit I remove the black seed and center part (white? colour), only give him the green colour part (^^)

below 1 year old, no seed, no skin.

cholemum: taks for the info. so wat i shd do is to leave him in his high chair and give him some food eg carrot sticks and etc for him to explore and bite on it right?

Can we feed grapes and cherry?? Cos i did let my girl tried a few bites when I'm having them.. Of cos without the seed and skin.. Will they cause phlegm? Cos nowadays she will cough a little.. Maybe choke on saliva.

I tried feeding my girl water with spoon and milk bottles. But she will blow bubbles.. When tried feeding her directly from cup.. She's okie.. But also wet her clothings cos too big gulp.

Wah so happening here...

bb-bao, congrats!

Luckyone, can share more about the chinese doctor at Elias Mall? Is it a chinese physician? My elder onw keeps having cough with phlegm and western medicine doesn't seem to help much.

mattsmummy, haha the one at Elias Mall not Chinese Doctor lah.. Western Pediatrician.

If you want to try chinese one, can try Yu Ren Sheng at Paragon, Dr Xia Rong Tel:6738 9796. Have to make appointment in advance. She only come S'pore 2, 3 times per month.

My SIL brought her daughter to see her, also on coughing case, feedback not bad.

If not, Tan Bee Gawh, Tel: 6256 8774.

Have to make appointment 1 month in advance.

If not, try 冬虫草. My hubby nephew was very weak and cough a lot 2, 3 years old, SIL feed him twice a week.

Luckyone, oh I see. Yup, I've heard of Dr Xia Rong but her waiting time quite long, need to book months ahead. The western pediatrician at Elias Mall good? I'm going to move near there later this year.

um..not bad but also a bit slow effect on medication.

The other one is Dr Ang Ai Ting fr Thomson, super expensive but fast effect loh. You can see the diff after see her.

Re: brown rice

yup my PD says brown rice and unpolished rice harder to digest cos it's not processed ma - more fibre!

so i bought the Happy Bellies brand which has pre & pro biotics to help baby digest. Really very good, poop twice daily [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But super expensive. So i feed him breakfast brown rice cereal or oats and at night i mix jap rice + brown rice + unpolished rice! I blend them finely and put in a container, super easy to use and cook! each batch can last me 2 weeks or more!

Oh ya IMPT, if your baby is on 100% breastmilk, make sure she takes IRON-fortified cereal or high iron foods!!!

I have friends who breastfeed like siao (2yrs or more), end up anemic! cos she din know that after 6 months, the iron in breastmilk hard to absorb ( due to the solid diet)

Re: new rice

Michelle, I bought the new rice from Cold storage, it’s JA brand from Japan (orange packaging, NO RINSE – so easy right!). But siao lor, it’s like 27 bucks for 2 kg! Realize only at the counter, cos it’s last packet and it was placed anyhow so I didn’t know the price. But it’s the BEST rice I ever had. Every grain is glistening and shiny! It’s imported from Japan, not Japanese rice but grown in USA (which I used to buy and it’s half price!)

You can ask around for New Rice, it’s supposedly meant for porridge.

Re: Vege stock

Lucasmummy, you may want to make stock every week and freeze into cubes. I usually use 2 cubes + some water to cook porridge. It’s a compromise but still more nutritious than just using water, and saves time!

Wow amazing, your boy can eat so much! Good for you, that means he loves your cooking =)

Re: Egg yolks

Any moms tried egg yolks yet? It’s very nutritious and I’m keen to try, heard whites not supposed to give until 1 yr old, but any moms tried yolks yet?

Re: orange

My PD don’t recommend Oranges or citrus fruits leh. You may want to check with your PD first.

See link: http://blog.homemade-baby-food-recipes.com/baby-food-allergy-introducing-different-foods-within-one-group/

Moreover, citrus tend to induce phlegm and I hate to see my boy cough. But I did let him TASTE my orange juice 1 time before I learn about this la, hee, his reaction super cute lor. He cringe cos so sour! Haha!

Best fruits according to my PD( as what JSP recommend): avocado, apples, pears, peaches, honeydew and papaya ( if too much wheezing, can avoid banana cos too sweet)

HELP: my boy rejects formula!

Attempted to put an end to breastfeeding so i tried to mix a bit of formula into his milk or cereal feeds and kena rejected by him many times. Tried Nan HA and Similac ( i tasted Similac.. it's a bit fishy ya?!). Any milk powder to recommend?

thank u for the fruits sharing session..

anyone tried blueberry.is not citrus right? i let my girl tried 2-3times before cos is high in antioxidant. not sure should i continue. ..

i also heard alot for older kid to take 冬虫草 so will make them stronger(pu3)

but for infant taking 冬虫草 not heard before.

better to ask the TCM.

Recent news talking about TCM... Someone claim himself/herself is specialist so overcharge. just for yr info.http://www.channelnewsasia.com/cna/cgi-bin/search/search_7days.pl?status=&search=tcm&id=1102692


its common for tbm bbs to reject formula... alot of the mummies here feed their bbs enfalac... my #1 takes S26 so i'm gonna stick to the same brand for #2... brought a tin but still thinking of when to start... coz still got a freezer full of FBM...

i've yet to give egg yolks too coz too kiasi lah... but can start giving by 8mths... i'm planning to start giving only when my ger is 9MO...


egg yolks, my pd asked me to introduce egg yolks to my boy when he at 6mths, she said good for brain development but must observe any allergy..I hv tried few times n realised he got rashes after ate..hv stopped now..might continue to feed him again soon..

luckyone, I also feed my boy strawberry..he likes it so much..duno is it cox i ate a lot during my pregnancy..some i fed him w/o skin, and some with skin..i gave him the whole strawberry, he can finish it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i read somewhere if really no choice(kana rejected)

ask someone else to feed him FM.

or else have to use military method..

Feed him when he is really hungry. When they hungry will drink anything...

egg yolk> I been giving my boy since 6 months. So far ok.

egg white> yes, at least after 9 months.

blue berry> after 1 year old.(but if you baby is ok with it, should be fine)

冬虫草>yes 7, 8 months can give but 2 or 3 small pc only, no more than 3 times a week.

Actually I did check with the PD at Elias Mall,

he said can take citrus fruits and chicken meat when coughing or phlegm.

He said "ah yeah! don't listern to those grand mother old story lah!" haha diff doctor diff words.

Pinnky, I also ate a lot of strawberry during pregnant(^^).

indeed, so far I been giving my boy this foods and when he cough or phlegm, still recover.

BTW, what causing my boy cought is he shout when he's crying, immd cough.

Phlegm, we suspect is fr FM.

During pregnant time I drink Anmam also caused phlegm after I stopped, its gone.


ya... FM also causes phlegm... coz my #1 also super phlegmy kind...

as for my BM ss, still okie lah... not not so much as 2mths back liao but still can TBF... so not supplementing until probably when my ger is 11MO lor...

Hello mummies!!

Whaoo... only 5pm and its super dark here at Tampines. Raihan down with flu again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I think bec he ate too many grapes at a wedding last sunday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Whenever his highness is sick, he must sleep on me. Wakes up instantly when i put him down.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

On the other hand... I have started a BP thread.. do check it out and let me know if u are interested. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi mummies!

AR: checking out your BP now... hehe...

jasmini: hmm... my mum and mil is strongly against freezing. my hubby also asked me to give freshly cooked food as much as I can... Uh.. I have nothing about freezing food! I am totally IN for it. I even bought extra avent cups for it but in the end I didnt quite use them.

Anw... to save naggings, I just try my best lor... but on some days, I will secretly freeze puree. However, because now I dump everything in and I am also giving him lumpy food, so pureeing and freezing for later doesnt seem really necessary at this moment.

Sippy cup: I bought this http://www.mothercare.com.sg/productdetail.asp?pid=106112.

But my boy hates the spout. He turns his face away when he sees it coming. siam and siam.... but if i change it to the sipper lid... he will drink. But it's too fast a flow, so he kept choking on it... zzz.... Luckyone, any tips on how to train them to it?

Hey mummies!!

Just want to ask your opinion. i am sure almost all mummies would be celebrating your babies' 1st bday. i was thinking of getting some balloons and party items for the US online shops like party city and




Anyone wanna join if I host the spree? Am not comfortable posting a spree on the spree page bec some spree organizers have negative publicity. Would be comfortable to host it among ppl i already know. So is anyone interested? If yes, when would you be keen in starting to spree? After CNY?

Hi AR,

I ordered something on ur BP [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] quite interesting stuff.

Lucasmummy: i bought chloe a similar cup but Avent one. I bought the spout only lar. Cos can reuse the Avent small bottles. hehe... She likes it leh.

I gave her that like 2 months back when she tried to reach out to my cup or yakult bottle when she saw me drinking. I gave her an empty yakult bottle and she imitated what i did. Lifted the bottle to her lips and tilted it, just like how i drank mine from the bottle. After that incident, i bought the spout and fitted the bottle... and surprisingly she immediately knew what to do and drank the water. Learn by example. =D

Or u want to try Mag Mag? The straw kind. Pinnky's bb know how to use straw already. The other day i got nothing to do, give Chloe straw to try... but she only know how to push the straw out of her mouth with her tongue. Very funny...

Chloemum: I have mag mag straw. I used it to let him drink water. He places his lip there, not sure if he is sucking, for awhile, he starts to bite the straw. I have the mag mag 5m+ spout also, which he turns away also. He only drinks if I remove the lid..then water will fall all over his body.... and start to get choke.

That's y I got the mothercare one. I want to let him drink milk with it. But he hates the erecting spout somehow..haha... drinks it only after I change the lid, then milk pours all over him.. and choked again.. super shake head.

My mum urged me to train him using straw, but I simply do not have the time in the morning to do so... xian... I don't ask my in-law to teach him new things... cos I scared they will think I am very troublesome.... soooo..... only when my mum looks after him, he gets more taste of straw....

Bb-bao: I almost join ur bunny club.. But Heng ar.. False alarm. Gp said most likely bcos I'm still bfing, that y menses irregular.

Luckyone: before I see ur thread, I jus went to buy the mag mag bottle ( comes with the nipple teat, sofT spout and the straw.) then I went to buy a separate sipper lid.. But guess what.. The lid can't fit the mag mag bottle!! Too big for bottle.

Anyway, I've let her try the soft spout.. She didn't even suck.. Jus put into her mouth for awhile then push out.. After that she siam and siam.. Tmr let her try straw.. But I dun think she noes how to use it. Gotta go and get a bigger mag mag that can fit the sipper lid le.. Sighs..

Anne You can read more about BLW here: http://www.babyledweaning.com/

This one has a downloadable booklet which you can print out and use as a start up guide. Gives suggestions on what to give when starting out: http://baby-led.rhgdsrv.co.uk/

I give J basically whatever we are having for family meals so it can be anything from fish curry, samosas to pasta, roasted vegetables and rice porridge. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I just make sure that there is always something which he can pick up for every meal so this may mean cutting some vege like carrots or potatoes a little larger than normal. For things which are runny like porridge I load a spoon up and hand it to him so that he can feed himself. He's so used to feeding himself now that he makes a big fuss if anybody tries to feed him. Of course more food seem to fall out than go in but the aim of BLW is about learning and exploring more than it is about getting food into the baby. So milk feeds are still pretty much the same as before weaning though there are some occasions when he does takes less milk. So really that's basically it. There isn't any rocket science in it just as a parent you'll have to learn to let go and relax a little where your baby is concerned and trust your baby to use the natural instincts that he was born with. Of course that doesn't mean that you'll have an excuse to skimp on safety where feeding is concern! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jasmini iron in breastmilk is more easily digestable than other forms of iron. Kellymom has quite a good article on the necessity of iron supplementation. If you're worried that your baby is not taking in enough iron you can give him food that is high in iron and cook it with a little orange juice or something high in Vit C as Vit C aids in iron absorption. Just a tip I got from my baby cookbook.

lucasmummy I think most babies will be taken by surprise by the fast flowing sipper lids the first few times. J was the same. But continue offering and they'll get the hang of it. J is now better at controllong the flow but he does enjoying tipping the cup over and pouring water over himself!

I'm using this cup which is highly popular in the UK. I've let him use the fix sprout too and he is ok with it. But I'm letting him use the sipper lid more often as it's one step less to drinking from an open cup.

re: Kiwis

I've given kiwis too without the hard middle but left the seeds! I think the kiwi seeds are too small to be a choking hazard. I'll be more worried with grapes, cherries and cherry tomatoes though as they are one of the top choking hazards so it's always advisable to cut them into half or quarters so they won't lodge in baby's throat.

re:sippy cups

Go for those free flowing ones which don't have a valve. Those valved non-spill ones where baby has to suck very hard to get the liquid out is bad for their oral hygiene and speech development.

Hazards of sippy cups

Mrs N: the tt cup looks more or less the same as I got from mothercare. Oh ya... And talking about the valve, and yes, it's the same info shared with me by the lady from mothercare in sin.

Chloemum: you may want to consider to get Chloe another sippy cup?

Hey mummies ,

Which brand carries the cups with sipper lids ? I have not seen the Tommee Tippee sipper cup that Mrs N has shared , the ones in Singapore are valve type leh and come in either hard spout or silicone spout and are not free flowing kinds

Jo , the sipper lid that you bought is what brand ? I tot Mag Mag got only one size ?

morning mummies...

Please vote for my 2 babies...

Here is a step by step instructions of how to vote for my 2 babies (since alot of my frds find it abit too complicated)

1) go to http://www.facebook.com/todaysmotherhoodfans

2) Click 'like' on their profile page

3) go to their photos

4) click christmas kids/baby contest

5) Scroll to #49 (Anya Quay) & #51 (Ernest Quay) & click 'Like' on their photos

Thanks all for the votes!!!

morning mummies..

sippy cup, my boy doesnt like the soft spout, he will just bite it w/o drinking the water..and 2 weeks ago i introduced him with straw, surprisingly he likes it so much and he can finish a whole cup of water if we don't stop him, which worry me :p

Chloemum, me n hubby showed Brayden the action how to use the straw(sucking action, ended up we suck in lot of air..hehe)..after few times trial, he can handle it well..think just within 5mins..u can show Chloe the sucking action..she is such a clever girl, she will learn it fast too..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies,

training cup

i also bought mag mag (pigeon brand). Soft spout.

Pinnky, my girl also bite without drinking water..But when i show her, mummy drinking water from cup. then pass her mag mag cup to drink... She will drink...

I think this is called role play... (monkey see monkey do)

Lucasmummy: i think i am going home tonite and try to drink from the avent magic cup! see how easy is it to get water out from it. if it doesn't require much sucking, then will just use that. else, i will try to operate on the lid to see if i can remove the plastic thingy underneath which is controlling the no spill. =)

Hey Mummies, I selling brand new Combi training mug (only selling in Japan). 1 set @ $30 (original price more than $42). Interested please PM me.

1 set come in:

** 300ml mug - sterilizer & microwave use, cold-resistant-30 & heat-resistant 130 (refer to same picture below)


** Step 2 cover, 7 months onwards - sterilizer & microwave use, cold-resistant-30 & heat-resistant 130 (refer to same picture below, the dark yellow cover only)


** Step 3 cover (straw), 9 months onwards - sterilizer & microwave use, cold-resistant-30 & heat-resistant 130 (refer to same picture below, the dark yellow cover only)


** Step 3 cover, 9 months onwards - sterilizer & microwave use, cold-resistant-30 & heat-resistant 130 (refer to same picture below, the dark yellow cover only)


** + Free gift: I will throw in some extra replacement parts for the cover (check with me the details if order confirmed)




Combi training mug link:



Michelle: I bought the pigeon brand. That's what I Tot too.. But apparently not.. The sipper lid couldn't fit in the one I bought that come along with 3 other lids.

Monkey see monkey do: my girl see me drink direct from cup, she also want to try.. But the water will come pouring down and wet her clothings. Then when I tried to "drink" from the mag mag with the soft spout.. She dun follow.. But I did try it myself.. U need to suck in order for the water to flow out..

In fact I did a small cut to the spout, but still need to suck..

How ar??

