(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

chillimum I started my #1 on sippy cups with water at 6 mths and when he was about 8/9 mths old I started introducing milk in the cup. What I did was to replace one bottle feed with a cup. I started with the morning as that was the easiest one for me and gave him his milk during breakfast. The first few times you might want to start with just a little milk (~50 ml) and gradually increase as time goes on. Slowly replace a bottle feed with a cup feed every couple of weeks. My #1 was down to one bottle feed by the time he was 11 mths. The last bottle feed which was just before his bedtime was the hardest to drop. I tried giving him in all forms sippy cup with sprout, bottle with straw, cup with sipper lid but he was very resistant to any change so I let the matter rest for a couple of weeks and tried again with a sipper lid when he turned 14 mths. He took to it straight away and that was goodbye to milkbottles forever! He's been drinking from normal adult cups eversince. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Talking about letting baby drink with a straw from a cup.... she was chewing chewing on the straw... didn't know how to suck from it no matter how we demonstrated... suddenly she got it..... and she was so delighted... she kept wanting to do it.... then she swallowed too much water and was choking and choking.... and refused to go near the straw after that..... i wonder if thats the end of her straw drinking ;P

Hi mummies,

It's gg to be a quiet weekend here. Mums and babes to BJG today, have fun!

Lucas is drinking from straw! Despite at times, he still bites! For the past few mornings I just let him had the mag mag cup. He banged and turned and dropped it, sometimes put into his mouth. When there's a chance I tucked it into his mouth. I guess this is how he gradually realizes it.

But getting him to hold and drink by himself is the next challenge. He plays with it more than drinking from it. In the end I still have to help him hold.

Looks like I'm quite ks even though I know they will learn it sooner or later but I'm still very eager to get him to do things by himself. Zzzzz....

Btw, I'm also in the process if weaning him off his pacifier. I started from his car rides. He cried for a few car rides till now he doesn't need one anymore. Once, my mil gave it to him in the car, after she left, I drove and parked on another side just to remove his tutu. Tadah! We had a smooth ride home!


I'm thinking of wean my ger off fr pacifier. But the sight of seeing her crying non-stop for more than 15min is unbearable. She looks really pitiful. How? Heartache to see her crying this way.

hehe... me too weaning off pacifier since sometimes back. no need for car rides and shopping and going out already. now limited to sleep time. which i think is ok since she spits it out once she falls asleep. now, to get her to sleep without it so that she won't wake up in the middle of the night to look for it. haha

NHK: My boy will toss and turn and rollover and cry for his pacifier during bedtime... It's quite hilarious to watch! He will even crawl to me crying for his tutu... But ya... I have not really succeeded. Cos in the back of my mind, I am only considering to wean him off pacifier for bedtime when he reaches 1 year old.

Chloemum: Same same... I also try to not give him his tutu when we are out. But we still give it to him when it's his nap time. Actually, the one who gives him tutu often is my in-laws. Even my mum isn't a tutu supporter... That's y I think there's a need for me to take a week leave just to stay at home and help him in the weaning when the time comes.

My girl only needs her tutu during bedtime.. After falling asleep, it'll drop off from her mouth.

Today I tried feeding her water from a bottle opening while in her bathtub.. She drinks!! But also water dripping down.. But luckily it's her bathtime!

Tried feeding her porridge and fish for 2nd time.. She only took 5 mouths of fish.. Then plain porridge.

Will try again next sat.

I think the tutu is the best invention ever made! I only gave it to her during nap time and bed time.. though i am not too sure what they do in IFC... then after that it became during mealtimes when i want to eat in peace.... and then now is whenever we are out and she starts to make a lot of noise.... she loves to babble non stop and yell and basically make herself heard....

strangely though sometimes she just falls asleep without it... so i know she can... i still haven't figured out when to wean her off... too darn convenient... hahaha.... but yeah i think i will need to take leave to work on it too...

Lunch box to IFC!

Lunch:porrideg, salmon fish, tomato & carrot.

Tea Break: Pigeon branch baby pumpkin biscuit.


Dinner:Thin Wheat Noodles, salmon fish, white carrot & edamame.

Strawberry juice (mash strawberry mixed with water) & Graduates puffs - peach flavors.


White bread with sweet corn n Chicken breast meat, chinese cabbage & carrot.


Luckyone: how do you prepare the fish and make ur boy eat?? My girl jus refused to eat her fish!!

Refused to eat fish, refused to drink water!! Sigh.. My girl has been quite cranky today.. Dun want to take any solid, only want milk today. Dun want to sleep, dun want to stay in her playpen, dun want to eat in her stroller or high chair, and dun want to take her afternoon nap! She only want to be carry today..

Porridge with sweet potato n Broccoli & tofu.



Mummies, you baby show any sign of "handed"?

My boy confirm right handed cause he doesn't like to hold thing on the left haha

Jo, I boil the fish together with vegs (to get the soup stock) but mash separatly, so I can mix here and there something like my menu above.

My boy also "hate" water. Everytime I feed him water, the moment water to his mouth, he will cry haiz...

Tutu is a great invention, I totally agreed. Imagine, my ger can cry, toss when demand one (just like Lucasmummy boy, thou she can't crawl). n once the tutu is pop into her mouth, she sleeps immediately!

Just that the back of my mind tells me tutu is no gd n I shld stop giving her. But 'you xin mei li'... *sigh*

Now, she has trained to look for her tutu in middle of the night when it falls out during her sleep . N she really can suck all night. Really afraid that it might cause teething problem n not easy to wean it off due to her dependancy.

Hmmm, I do not know which 'hand' my ger is. She simply doesn't like to hold things. When feeding her biscuit, she will lean forward with mouth open. Even her milk bottle, she doesn't want to hold it. She will play with her hands n use her arms to guide the bottle in place *sigh* simply lazy ger. She even wanting me to hold the teether for her! €£%#)$&?@ nothing to say...

NHK, haha my boy same sama! when he "wa wa wa" tutu pop in his mouth, he will "um um um" sucking his tutu but make complain sound haha


Ya ya ya.... My ger acts this way too. Complaining while sucking it. Feels like :"stupid mummy, I cry so long and yet u dun understd me or puposely din want to give. Since u going to give it to me anyway, why can't u do it fast or give me immediately when I show sign of it"...

NHK, I thoug only my boy is like this...din know he got "kaki" haha..

Recently, my boy also change the way he's crying.

When I'm not around him or he can't see me hor, he can cried like the world going to end..haiz..this whole evening hor i have to sit beside him, accompany him to watch baby tv and can't do my house work...

NHk: my girl also the same.. Lazy..she will open her mouth and lean slightly forward when feeding biscuit or fruits. Which is why I can't do blw with her.. Even when she wants us to carry, she also won't stretch her hands to us when lying down.. We gotta to make the move lst.

Think my girl is right handed but she always suck her thumb and hug her bolster with left arm.. And also grab the feeding spoon when she's done with her meals) with left hand.

Think ny girl favorite syllabus is "mum and Ma". Cos regardless she is calling for me, asking for feed- she will call mum mum.. But when she "scold/complains" it'll be Ma Ma Ma in different tone and pitch.



Ya ya... Cry chg. Sounds like it's end of the world. N her expression.. Lagi worse, look like someone has bullied her badly. I do not know whether to laugh or to sayang her. N my ger is much closer to her dad, make me sad. By looking at her dad, she can laugh. Whereas she only smile (those entertain type) when I try to make her laugh. Anyway, they begin to ve separate anxiety at this stage.


Ya lor. My ger is those learn once n won't use it again. She will throw tantrums if we force her. What an attitude. N she's lazy to learn too.


Zaidan can crawl and now is cruising... non-stop! Dont know how many times he fell on his bum and a few times on his head. on the hard floor. he escaped from his mat countless times. have yet to buy haenim panels... SUPER tiring...

am happy but also very worn out. whats with the work and courses and housework.. am soooooooooooooooooooooooooo drained...

And, hes 7 mths and 10 days today. no sign of any tooth yet.

--just need to let out some frustrations... uurrrghhhhh--

hey mummies, for those who went to the Thomson BJG trial, can pls share the experience and did you ladies sign up after that?

Brought baby to the branch at bt batok for trial but didnt, so wanted to see how it is like at the Thomson one. For bt batok, trial was $42 and full term of 10 lessons is $400, more ex than Thomson, or you ladies managed to get a discount? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks!

Tinospora: I qwqent to Thomson BJG. Trial was $38 and 10 lessons was $380 on the same day if we sign up. I didnt. Thought of trying a few more. It thought it was good, but its out of the way for me. Any suggestion of other BJG?

Michelle: how did u find it?

Lucyone: how did you train your boy to eat all those declicious food ah? mine dont want to eat since his ear infection. So i stopped soilds for a week and today starting with white fish and soft rice. any sugesstion?

Yo morning!


Nice pics. N damm funny captions! U ah... Haha! I like the one w bb nat to open his eyes so he can see mum. Lol!

Sippy cup,

I took out the value of the avent, water is free flow. Conclusion, she drinks more. But more spillage. It's ok la. Now she drinks abt 50ml of water. Actually, if we dun take out the value, she has to suck to get water, I dun see the relevance of it being a training cup... Cept it's not a nipple but spout. Hmmm I'm glad I took out the value. I think it will train her to drink fr cup better. Next up, I'm gg to get the straw cup. Does avent has one? Which one r u mummies using?

good morning mommies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so sian monday again...going to miss being with my baby for another 5 working days.

Re: teats

i'm using Medela bottles and teats( comes with the pump). finally upgraded from newborn to medium flow teats. SIGH, he still drinks so little [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]((

Re: sippy

Tried on the sippy (w/o the anti-leak), the bottle is colored and i cant see the level of the water and sometimes i poured too much and he choked. alamak! how to solve this???

Re: eggs

i made a perfect egg yolk for my boy!! no grey yolks when hard-boiled, perfectly yellow and nice. hee. Made a porridge with salmon and egg yolk, think this combi is very nice :D

check this out: http://www.ehow.com/how_2047398_boil-perfect-hard-boiled-egg.html

Re: zero weight gain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]((

big sigh, i fed my boy 2-3 meals everyday, and he eats 5oz per meal, to my horror, ZERO weight gain for 3 weeks liao!

What is happening? my hubby says maybe his tummy got worm, my helper laugh and say got snake or anaconda, not worm la! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif](((

ps: i give him meat, veg, fruit, carbs - what could have happen?? when he is on exclusive BF, he gains weight every week, i know the gains will taper off, but no gain in 3 weeks despite his incredulous appetite? *faintz*


yup using the Avent one (blue color). cos it's BPA-free! kekeke. he drinks 50ml if it's milk, if it's water he drinks like 25-30 only, then he'll push away despite my further attempts.

good thing he likes to chew at the sprout, so at least gives me opportunity to put into his gaping mouth. lol.

Re: BJG trial,

mommies, can share what were the activities done during the trial? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear all,

I have the following items to let go in exchange of either similac, enfapro or a small token of $10

1 tin of 400g Nestle Nan Pro 2 (expire on Nov 2011)

1 tin of 400g Nestle Cerelac Rice (Blue Color)- expire on 27/9/2011

1 box of Nestle Cerelac (Rice & Mixed Vegetable)- expire on 16/11/2011

Kindly email me at [email protected]

skmama, I got a combi brand straw mug to sell (new one. only selling in Japan), will throw in step 3 cup cover with a small hole.

Please PM me if you're interested, I show you the picture.

Good am Mummies,

Lucusmummy, thanks for sharing the straw experience.Maybe will let her try when she is 1yrs old.

Luckyone,u have motivated me with more creative cooking..

I tried Salmon , potato, Carrot porridge on weekend.

While preparing, the fish smell fishy.. Wonder if my girl will eat. But glad she likes it..

Tutu- at night is a must must have thing... mid of night she will close eyes and cry for TUTU..

sometimes playing with toys not suitable to put in the mouth, i will also put TUTU. Or else she will lick the toy. (my way of stopping put things in her mouth)

Jo, my girl also start calling mum, mum, ma, mum . when she wants to be feed or carry by me.

wonder is that grumbling or really calling mummy

Alina,Congraz on Zaidan start crawling on the mat. will he push himself behind... My girl often do that and will end up hit her head..(heartpain) .

NHK,my girl also will laugh when just looking at her dad..i am so jealous..

Bet, i just open a BP thread on http://www.singaporeparentonline.com/forums/showthread.php?57-30-1***Art-amp-Craft-for-your-Child

do support me yah

Anne Raj, um...can mix with veg when you cook the fish? I feed my boy solid food since he's 5 months. Heard that if you start early and give diff foods, normally they won't refuse to eat later. So far what even I give my boy, he eat and he can finished all (only small dried sardines he doesn't like).

Lin, rub the fish with salt and wash away the salt b4 cook.

You can only use tomato sauce (fresh tomato, mash and remove the skin and seeds) to cook with fish. sweet and nice.

Hi morning mummies,

SN, tks for coordinating the trial at BJG. There is an increase in price for the baby gym in thomson as well.

I didn't sign up. Find the class quite okie, makes me wonder whether the babies can reap any real benefits from it.

BJG Trial

The trial is not really a trial lar. it's the 1st lesson. So i suppose all lessons will be conducted in a similar manner.

i attended the thomson trial on sun morning. we felt there were too much flash cards, too little time for gym. the bbs were losing attention after about 30 mins. chloe managed to last till about 45mins and after that was extremely distracted. same for the other bbs. either tired or hungry.

we also thought the instructor for our class wasn't good. subsequently found out that the experienced instructor was for the sat's class, and that was full. the instructor for sun morning class didn't use to teach crawler 1.

i think i will go make the materials/flash cards myself and teach. classical music i have a lot at home also. will be good as interaction with bb also~

shall also go check out other trial classes like gymboree and kindermusic. Any other kind of classes mummies try before? I think i gonna bring Chloe for swimming lessons too! Something like Aquaducks! hehe.... I prefer physical activities. Flashcards i can do at home myself.

jasmini: avent got cup with straw? i never see before leh. later i go check it out!

jasmini: BJG is mainly flash cards. and alittle play at the gym.I agree with Cholemum, we can do it at home.

Luckyone: I too started from 5th month with Heinz food first then i gradually intro veg and fruits first. He was ok, at first spit and all but gradually took it well. But now, he dont want soild food at all. Now i asked my mum to try. I gave him a break for 5 days. see how hes taking it. So sad.

Hi Jasmini, regarding the BJG Trial

Ya i agree with ChloeMum about bbs losing attention. My baby was fussing after about 20mins into the lesson, he wants to take the flashcard, he wants to climb after the teacher, anything but sit there and watch the teacher.

This BJG trial was about Arts. From my understanding, there are altogether 10 lesson, half of it in Chinese/Mandrian and the other half in English. Normally, one lesson in English, next week will be the Chinese one.

First start with a hello song. The teacher sing and flash the words. The speed is quite fast. Then hello to everybody in the class. Then flash some words related to "Arts (topic of the day)". Like Artist, Crayons, Paintbrush, etc. Then play some classical music and let the babies play with the scarves and bells. Then Flash some pictures of famous artist. (I don't even know half of those in the flashcards, famous artist like Da Vincci) Then some maths cards, red dots numbering from 1 to 10. Then play with a balloon. My boy super excited with balloon. My hubby and me so afraid that he will burst it. another activities to make the baby follow the light, dim the room. Teacher use a lighted rod to attract the attention of the baby. Hearing exercise, two bottle with different sounds, shake it to attract the attention of the babies.

Then 5 exercise in the baby gym. Hanging on the monkey bar, swing from the monkey bar, bounce on the ball, cycling exercise and i can't remember. A lot of bye bye gym, bye bye bells, bye bye flashcards.

Then bye bye song....

I think i can only recall these.

impulse: at least u got to bounce on ball and cycle! we only get to do the rocking chair and monkey bar. think the teacher spent too much time in the classroom.

seems like not very standard right.

our class started at about 1140. but at 1230 we are still flashing cards! Lucas was crawling around by then... Akiden is fussing... and another bb is also screaming. Chloe also started to roll ard. And yet, the teacher continue to teach! OMG!

Swimming Lessons for babies

Mummies who are interested...

Happy Fish Swim School has quite good deals if mummies can form groups for classes. i.e. can choose venue and such.


Another school with prefix schedule


Hey Anne,

I also thought the class was too much flashcards, and for flashcards, I'd prefer Shchida.

And for the gym part, Gymboree got bigger and nicer equipment for them to crawl around.

So in the end also didn't sign up with BJG. Ethan, the other baby boy, also didn't sign up

Where you stay ? I think BJG got 3 branches, at Thomson , Bukit Batok and Kembangan.

I went for Gymboree trial but then also didn't sign up cos the lesson only 45 mins then the teacher spend like 5-10mins to go around asking parents to introduce themselves and the baby and then only got 10 -15 mins to let baby use the gym equipments and the rest is sing song, music and movement and play with bubble.

Luckyone, why can only use tomato to cook with fish ? Can use fruits too and other sweet veg like pumpkin or sweet potato ? I read somewhere that tomato is acidic , so not so good to give too much to baby , any idea if that's true?

Later I'm thinking of cooking fish with white peach , hide the fish in the fruit puree so that my boy will eat it hehe.


Jasmini, my boy gains about 100g a week and has been consistent over last 2 months. He's now 9.2kg at 7mths and 1 wk old. 2 weeks ago went PD to weigh was 9kg.

He eats about 2 - 2.5 solid meals a day , about 120ml of solid food each meal and for milk, he latches on 3 times plus one dreamfeed FM (~250ml) and one small FM feed of 60ml at 6am.

