(2010/05) May 2010 mtb


Oh yes, i found the class cramped with too many things to learn. Baby get distracted easily, wander how the teachers manage. Anish was tired and hungry by the end of class.

Im in sengkang, all the branches out of the way. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Anne, what's Anish's favorite solid food ? Sometimes my boy doesn't like to eat porridge so I will feed him a few spoons of his fav food like apple/pear puree or yoghurt first to get him in the mood of eating and then feed a few spoons of porridge and then keep alternating.

Have you tried to feed Anish yoghurt , cos the consistency is smooth and tastes like milk, so he may like it and then can just add in some fruits too.

Michelle, of course not only tomato, you can cook with other vegs too.

Acidic ah? Maybe raw one yes, but once is cooked, I don think so leh.

Hi Ailin, count me in for the Swimming Lessons for babies..i m interested..I saw the video at fb before, I m impressed n thought only western countries got tis..we can form a group of 3-4..the price is resonable..thanks!

Michelle: he likes sweet potatoe, but when i gave him, he doesnt want and kept spitting out. I have not started on yoghurt, cos he has nasal congestion and catches cold very fast with very bad block nose. Thats the reason he had ear infection.poor boy.

ChloeMum , I am also interested in baby swimming lessons , count me in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] What is the min no of babies they need then can form own class ?

Hello mummies!! It's been a long time because of the holiday season, I realised I became more popular after Thea came along, I had to go to 3 house visiting on Christmas Day itself. So tired, been trying very hard to catch up with sleep. Flying really drained a lot of energy, cos got jetlagged then come back also cannot recuperate, damn tired. And just got back from Tokyo with my hubby for holiday. Too many things happening already.

Chubby tiger, how's everything now? Sorry didn't give you the contact of my agent as I read Mrs Teo had given yours hers and I can't really trust my agent cos she can be quite $$$ face also.

Solid food: For lunch, I'm still doing BLW way. My helper tried to incorporate our lunch with Thea, today she cooked chicken, celery and carrots, so she took out Thea's portion before adding seasoning. So much easier, so far so good for Thea.

Dinner, I'm giving porridge, I'll just add everything into slow cooker and cook for 3 hours, I love porridge so will finish all the leftovers.

Chloemum: I'll like to bring Thea to swimming lessons as well! Count me in!

Teeths: Have you all started brushing teeth for your kiddos already? I read that once have teeth have to start to brush teeth before they sleep means after milk, but my girl falls asleep right after milk and have no heart to wake her up, how do I incorporate into the routine?

Re: avent cups

Chloemom, i’m using the soft sprout sippy cups, not straw le. Think straw is for older babies…


A lot of flash cards?? Wonder why they call it GYM….my boy prefers STEPPING on the card lor. LOL.

Re: swimming

Hee, I saw they conduct the Aquaducks class @ Suntec before. The parent will hold the baby and do ‘quite bo liao’ actions like turning round and round and splashing a little water on the baby head ‘to overcome fear of water’. Some babies are distracted and cry and cry.

I brought my boy to swim (using a neck float) when he is 5mths. 4 mths I put him in the bath tub with the neck float cos I can give him warm water and no chlorine! He loves to swim but get distracted / bored after 10 min.

Conclusion: I’m keen to let him attend the class, but I’m not sure if he can reap the benefits cos I think he may be a bit too young. Moreover, will need to buy the thermal vest which is expensive cos weather now very cold!

Re: weight rain

Woah michelle, your baby is a good chubby weight! Mine is tiny lor – he drinks about 600 – 700ml of BM a day, with 2-3 meals. No weight increase!!!


i read somewhere that chicken soup is good not just for the soul (haha!), but for colds, even for babies :D

so i made him some chicken soup when he had a cold ( i double boiled for 4 freaking hours) and used it to cook cereal or can just feed him, very nutritious!

worked well for my boy. u can try too!

Swimming lessons:

i think the pte groups go from 2 to 6 babies. check the website for the prices. can i suggest mummies in different areas do their coordination so that you can get pools in your area? mummies in condos, not sure what your condo policies are, but u might want to check if you can do it there.

pinnky: i suppose we can organise one for the northerners. haha. or maybe civil service club @ bukit batok. let me find time to call up to ask for more details.

teeth: no teeth no need to brush. haha. i bought toothbrush for chloe already though. comes with gum massager. but haven't try.

Haha thanks ladies for sharing about your BJG thomson experience, pretty much same as mine at BJG Bt Batok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Which was also why i didnt sign up.

But would love to do something with baby for fun leh, thinking of trying Bibinogs next. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi ChloeMum, I'm keen to try the swimming lesson for Castiel but got trial first? cas i don't want to scared him. He doesn't really enjoy the swimming pool, most of the time, struggle with the neck float, tried to pull it off his neck. And swallow water a few times. I like swimming and very keen to have him enjoy the water like me. but he is kind of afraid of it.

haha, i imagine all the babies rolling around on the floor, crying and seeking parent's attention while the teacher at the BJG still continue like all the babies is invisible.....

Hi mummies,

BJG: I share similar views with Chloemum. Partly, the instructor was not very experience. But if mummies are interested can try the bukit batok branch.

Michelle: I was about to make some tomato pasta sauce, then I came across this, http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/tomatoesbabyfoodrecipes.htm

But I have already started tomatoes on Lucas and he just had it yesterday. So I change my plan for his dinner today. Maybe one or 2 meals a weeks is fine, just don't give it on daily basis.

BLW: Lucas will reject after picking up anything purée, soft or mushy..... Zzzz

Edie..I m still surviving. My new maid just came on last thurs. U remember my previous maid, right? Some of the mummies were praising that I have a good helper which I agreed. But, she needs to go back on urgent leave cos her bro passed away after that she texted my hubby not coming back which really upset me and disappointed with her. THe last weeks was like a nightmare to me taking care of Megan, cooking, housework and picking up louis from childcare. The most tiring part is at night when Megan will wail when she toss n turn not sure is she looking for pacfier or she miss her auntie or is it becos she sleeping in our room. And she wails quite frequent at night lor. I not sure how the previous maid take care of her in the night cos she told me megan can sleep thru the night but when I take care with her is different leh and I have to wake up so many time to pat her back to sleep..

Nw training new maid the basic routine schedule so likely these 2 days will let her try to take care M baby. Funny things is now used to the wake up often at night to pat her slp so a bit reluctant to let go.

Mummies, anyone having the same situation like me, baby waking up or cry when they toss n turn and then after that when u pat them they can go back to slp (like insecure the way she cry). I was thinking could it be the meal that i prepared for her hv no meat so the meal could not last her til morning..so only veggie porridge so could it be she hungry? I will wake up to give her milk btw 5-6am after that she go to Llalalal land.

Thanks Ailin, if just u, impulse41 & me..then we can hv it at nearby swimming pool.easier for 3 of us..hehe..by d way, i duno how to swim le..hehe..i think i should tk up d course too :p but my hubby can swim with bb..hehe

teeth: I got buy the toothbrush too, is 3 in 1 in a package..firt stage is for 2-3 milk teeth. I help Brayden brush his 2 little teeth in morning and let him hold d brush for a while to explore..he seem likes it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]but I skipped night brush, cox he will sleep after milk..like Thea..

Hi chubby_tiger, actually that time wanted to warn u about some of tatics that maid used to go home and most of them do not want to return back to spore after going back. Reason, not sure why, maybe they want to enjoy themselves before coming back to work. But scared of making u panic, and u sound so frustrated from doing all the admin work to get her back. and i was hoping that your previous maid will come back eventually and it just all the small small hipcups along the way and she is not like the rest. actually for such suitation, throw back to the agent to seek advices, best. i hate dealing with maid and they really have a lot of patterns and chu patterns once in a while.

My maid also giving me problem recently. last time scold her, she guai guai redo her task. Now everytime, cry cry cry, and show me black face. My cousin help me to shake some sense into her, if cannot work, i think i will stop hiring maid and put my baby with my cousin till he is 18mths, then childcare.

Hi Chubby_tiger, my boy also like tat..he kept on waking up at night n cry for the past 2 days (duno is it played too much in day time)..after pat and called out his name, let him know tat i m just beside of him..then he will just stop..i just read from mumcentre, at this stage, they r "begin to show signs of extreme attachment to main caregiver — also called 'separation anxiety' ..so should be normal and nothing wrong with the meal baa..

mummies..i hv introduced blueberry to my boy yesterday, is it okay? I peeled off d skin but very diff to tk out the small seeds..is it a must to tk out the seeds? and same time, I also gave him one cherry which i know is fine..

impulse: haiz...true lor. SOmetime when i think abt the whole incident we felt so stupid to let her go back and disappointed with her. So now everything have to restart again, hv to train my new maid again and also heartpain n pity my gal need to adapt to a new care taker. If really bo bian I either send her ifc or I got to tender.

Pinnky..separation anxiety! I called my mum asked her whether can i start intro meat (minced pork) to my gal she ask me wait til she 1 yo. How abt u, u started to intro meat to ur bb?

chubby_tiger, yes, I did..I intro chicken meat..as for pork, hvnt but i use pork to cook d stock..dun think need to wait until 1 yr old le..or u want to try chicken first?

Hi chubby_tiger, i don't think it's because u are stupid, don't feel that way. I think it's because u are soft-hearted. We always think that if we treat them nicely, they will treat our babies and children nicely. recently, one of the school teacher told my cousin that her children was abuse by her maid for few years, and everyday, the side was pince until blue and black. The child was so scared of the maid that he didn't dare to tell the parents. the mum only discover it when she help her boy to change clothes when he accidentally dirty his clothes.

I felt so sad after hearing the story. I always inspect my baby's body and question my maid for every little scratch and mark on his body. I don't even hit my baby or abuse him. If i caught my maid abusing him, i don't know what i will do.

Aiyah, my entry didnt get posted the other night!

skmama Playdates/meetups not a problem since i'm a sahm. the only schedule to check is my housework schedules!haa.. when/what do you prefer?

Any mummies wanna meetup?

Chubby_tiger My boy also wakes up during the night for comfort.For my case, it maybe due to teething as his cries are cries of pain. it happened when his 2 bottom ones tried to appear. And when they did,he was happy and slept through the night again. its happening again as the 2 on top are trying to come through ;p

Want To Sell: 2 X M Size Mamy Poko (44 piece Each)

Dear all,

Want to sell 2 packs of M Size of Mamy Poko with 44 piece each. Brand New. My son has outgrown it.

Usual price is $16.80. Selling only for $23.00 for 2 packs.

Interested parties, please sms me at 97421248 or email me at [email protected]

Self collection at Suntec during work hours or Jurong West or Bukit Panjang after work hours.

Picture as follows:


Want to buy as above.Budget ard $18. Giant is selling one big tin - 1.8kg free one small tin 900g at $68.pLSE MSG ME at 94311188

Hi Mummies,

U r welcome. Ya the BJG trial is kind of disappointing in arranging such a young n non-experience trainer for us. :-( I have feedback to them after the trial. My no 1 time, the trainer so much better. Trainer realli plays a part. Must make sure good trainer for any classes.

Chloemum/lucasmummy, nice meeting you both.

For those who are keen in swimming, can also check out Marsden as well. http://www.marsdenswimschool.com/home.htm

bb-bao, congrats. :)

chloemum, thanks for putting the pics in FB. Akiden notti notti, keep touching Chloe. hee

Michelle, let me noe how is shichida when u start. I will enrol onli around 18mths. Have u check out GUG or JG? I lazy to sign up Akiden for GUG. My no 1 was with GUG from 10mths. The session, music, zoophonics, storytelling, arts. Ya I agreed with the gymboree. I rather go for the gymboree freeplay instead of their classes. My no 1 was with gymboree n tumbletots, I prefer tumbletots better. Too bad now tumbletots not near my area. :-( I might check out other gym like JWT n etc.

Sally , what's Gymboree free play ?

I bring my boy for GUG now, but he's the youngest in class and all the other babies can walk already, cos the class for babies from 8-18 months.

Good thing about GUG is it's a 1.5 hr class, so got music and movement, chinese, phonics, discovery activity. But think will be more beneficial for baby when they are older like towards 1 year old and easier for mummy when the baby can walk cos now Nat can't sit still in class, everytime want to stand up and I have to keep on supporting him and maybe the class a bit too long and a bit noisy , so sometimes he cries. But since I sign up already, I'll just finish this term, kinda an excuse for me to get out of the house too haha

I think I might try out JG next term. I think for gym I'll wait till Nat can crawl then more fun for him.

Hello mummies!!

JTS!!-- Raihan can stand on his own!! Yeyy!! For a good whole 30secs! So exciting! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jasmini: would chicken cause phlegm ? Wanted to intro chicken.. But hb say it may cause phlegm.. True anot??

Me also Tot of bringing my girl for swimming.. Nearest swimming pool- Toa payoh or tessenhson civil service club.

Mommies.. Can I feed cereal with fish & tomato? Cos wanna intro 3rd solid feed but wanna try with cereal lst.. But I also wanna try feeding fish..

Any Mommies going to bring bb for 9mth assessment next mth?? Bb health booklet nv mention the 9mth assessment lei.. But anyway my girl is due for her pnumoccal jab next mth.. Still thinking whether to go back to her Pd or jus gp.. Pd got to wait very long and crowded.. Can gp do 9mth assessment??

Michelle, Gymboree free play means play gym, where there is a schedule timing by gymboree that you can bring your bb to go n play using their facilities for tat hour. Of cos u have to pay as well. But better than structure class. We can go together if u wan. :) GUG-u mean they group bb Nat with the veri much older ones? Last time with my no 1, they grouped around the same age, but that time my no 1 motor skills veri advanced n mobile, so he's the onli bb cruising n messing up in class while the rest lying n sitting onli. Mine such a terror tat during class, the teachers needed to tape up the drawers/cupboards to prevent him in opening n exploring. Ya older will be better for GUG, esp when they noe how to walk. U go try JG trial, I prefer JG prog better. Heard comments that Evans Road better than Forum.

Morning mummies,

Re: BJG trial, felt that the gym area is quite small and not enough physical activities but the instructor on sat is quite good - when some of the babies didn't pay attention during the flashcard session, she will go in front of the baby and flash individually.

We went past the "My Little Gym" at Marina Square on Sunday and the gym area is much bigger so quite keen to bring baby there for trial - only timing is on Sunday around 4:30 pm...

Re: swimming, i'm keen to let bb learn. Mummies in the north east zone, wanna form a group? Saturday preferred

Impulse: ya lor, on n off we have to inspect our bb. Have maid also got problem no maid also got problem...will be good if our govt can do something abt it...long maternity or work from home. I worked in stat board wished that our office hv a child care centre but due to space constraint so it is not feasible. =(

Me too..staying North East..can pm me if wanna form a group.

Jo: do you mind helping to check with tessenhson civil service club if they allow us to have lessons there? and if the participants' parents and swimming teacher no membership, how?

i don't mind going there cos i have the membership.

personally i would try to avoid public swimming pools for classes if i have a choice. cos very crowded at some pools.

Jo, my boy always cough with phlegm, I still feed him chicken breast meat.

Doctor also said "old grand mother story" so I continue to feed him. So far ok.

Maybe you start with a little bit (1/4 spoon) 1st, see how?

All my training paid off. I always hold his hands and encourage him to walk alot then the sofa and the coffee table very near each other. So he will walk around the area by himself using sofa and coffee table as support (of course fall many times). But fruit of his labour! hahah!

Luckyone, me was also thinking of swimming.. if u coordinating for East mummies let me know.. after CNY. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maggie mee, you boy quite fast learner hor. That day i saw him crawling around already.

Mine just learned how to sit and craw on stomach haha

Re:chicken & phlegm

Jo, i only heard they say when you have cough, avoid chicken, otherwise wont recover. Honestly this has no scientific backing but it's a common old wives' tale. i do cut down my intake of chicken for myself when i have cough la.

for my boy, i experiment and found out he did better when i feed him chicken soup when he has flu ( not cough though).

if your boy has no cough to begin with, no worries la...feed him for 4 days straight and see if he has any allergic reaction. likelihood is very low since chicken is low in allergy. if you wanna play safe and willing to spend a bit more, buy the SAKURA chicken from NTUC, steriods-free so your child won't take in so much chemicals by-products.

Re: swimming

Yeah, i can join u luckyone! where u stay in the east? very east? yup agreed, swimming only after this rainy season over. i don't want my boy to catch a cold!

babygi, baby swimming course. + you, we have 4 babies already (^^).

How many babies in a group? If we have more babies, can get cheaper rate?

Pinnky, bedise milk, it better not to feed your baby same food everyday. I know yogurt is good but..still cold right?

Even porridge, I don feed everyday, I feed white bread or wheat thin noodle too.

