(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

ChloeMum, me after sick, no more energy to do house work liao...

Last Sat I was so sick still slowly finished sweep, mop whole house, cleans the kitchen..but then...MIL cook and fried chicken wing on Sunday!

Some more after cook never clean the stove!

(If my SIL bring her maid, I'm lucky enough to have someone help me to clean).

Water kettle and basin etc so oily~~I just clean and wash on Sat, using my last left energy to do …haiz..really don’t know what to say..only can show my black face to in law, BIL & SIL.

Really hate MIL cooking, always left extra work for me…



thanks for the crawling clips. very cute boy you have!! very very big eyes and thick hair! :D where did you get those 'buttons' for him to pick?

i have a prob with my boy - he tries to stand up on his feet when he is supposed to try to crawl..so he ends up falling sideways [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i have an extra F&P rainforest jumperoo for sale @ $180 (neg).v gd condition. v useful when u want your boy to be 'safely' entertained while you spend some 20mins cooking. Interested moms, pls PM me. thanks.

Luckyone.. take care.. no wonder nv see u last wk at IFC ..

Anyway why must u do the hsework?... can let ur BIL& SIL & MIL do lah... since they dun care.. u also dun care..

mummies.... wat r signs of bb teething? my bb last friday fever for 1 nite.. den crying on n off (like in very pain state).. esp at nite... den sunday till now .. ok... me dunno what's wrong wif him leh

Jasmini, the buttons comes with a finger training toy. It's from my boss. X'mas present for my boy (^^)

My boy also trying to stand now, but worst is he still can't sit still hehe..

Just let them be bah..Slowly they will learn by themselves one.

maggie mee, BIL his wife, daughters n maid already moved out last year Aug.

But almost every sunday will come back + my hubby's sister and childrens.

MIL always said "every time eat outside food no good" but hello they all have maid I don't think they eat outside often loh.

Me n hubby are the one always eat outside...

maggie mee, my boy also the same last week.

I guess is teething bah (he's growing the top part). Buy teething gel to apply, my boy now seem ok.

lucus mommy,

i use normal stainless steel pot to cook japanese rice porridge. takes at least 20min. realised that if i grind the jap rice, it takes only abt 5- 10mins.

ps: buy the NEW RICE, it makes the perfect smooth porridge! now my boy can eat 1 whole bowl of those! ( previously if he gobbles down 2-3 ounce of puree, i can laugh my way home liao)

yeap.. i suspect teething.. so put teething gel n put ru yi oil... haha... cuz duno stomach or gum pain.. so all apply [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i like the buttons! do u still have the brand?

just read that you're looking for a PT maid?

my experience with them is very bad, worse if you got an agency who randomly sends one over who fits the time slot. then u need to re-instruct them all over each time.

i'm now finally back to work proper and got myself a FT maid. i think so much more value for $$$, now that i have come to acceptance about living with a stranger.

The toy can't get it from S'pore yet.um..maybe some baby fair you will able to see it.

I saw it from Takashimaya baby fair last year Sep.

...my hubby don't wan maid after read so many bad feeback from newspaper leh..I don't really like too.

I will try 1 time 1st see how bah.

Found 1 agency sending someone over this Sat.

Mummies, please check with your part time maid want to do extra one at Pasir Ris hor. Thanks

maggie mee,

most white rice has its bran and germ removed - which are the most nutritious parts of the whole grain. hence the nutrients are largely lost, but still retains a low amount of protein, vitamins and minerals [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

see link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_rice

hence most parents feed the baby Unpolished rice (red rice), brown rice or mixed grains to boost the nutritional value!


brownrice is better than white rice.. is good for the digestive and immunity.


where can i see the clip about the button with finger training toy

jasmini... duno where did i read that brown rice may not be easily digested by small baby... not sure how true...

Now giving my boi bellamy breakfast oats to try on wkend..

maggie mee, Thanks!!

Lin, yeah brown rice some babies can't digeste.

According to the baby food magazine that I bought, start brown rice after 1 year old.

The clip is from me lah, I took video when my boy learn crawling haha

PT maid: i use the randomly assign kind. i think i sent the contact to several mummies before as well. $50, 7hrs. However, i also put disclaimer when i send out! be prepared for aeroplane flyers, or not so efficient cleaners and of course to repeat the instructions over and over each week. It works fine for me so far. If the maid fly aeroplane, then just got to do it myself lar. The help is good for me, cos I hate doing housework, and would rather spend time playing games or entertaining my bb. Not something that i die die must have, perhaps cos I don't really have very high expectations of cleanliness or neatness at home. =P

If want reliable, fixed PT maid, then need to pay more lor. There are a lot of agencies out there providing such services, but I think they are extremely popular, and (a lot) more costly.

I don't really want to pay a lot to solve my laziness. And I guess, it's ok to do housework once in a while. Exercise!

Any mummies tried the Nestle Cerealac before? Do you know if they sell assorted flavours in a pack? I'm going to Bintan again nx weekend and I feel bad if I make my ger eat the plain white rice cereal and brown rice cereal for 3 days. hahaha... Also, what's the texture of the cerealac like? I'm looking at the stage 2 or stage 3.

Maggie Mee: Can check with you what's the texture of the breakfast oats like? Is it as smooth as the rice cereal? I bought the Bellamy Breakfast Oats too. But haven't open.

Rice: i almost fainted when I went NTUC that day lar. So many kinds of rice, unpolished, brown, white, premium, etc. Dunno what's the diff. Was trying to find a small pack of brown rice also so difficult. I think Chloe will just have to stick to the white rice porridge I cook, or brown rice cereal for now. Until I figure out how to make brown rice porridge without too much hassle.


pls provide me contact for the $50,7hrs.

i also lazy to do housework. Imagine, i mop floor once a month, but of course weekly magic clean floor.. Haa haa.

the brown rice i bought from chinese medical hall " u place order and they will ground it for u on the day, u pick it up on the next day"


i bought the brown rice type as fine as milk powder (grounded).... so easier to digest..

chloemum... i just buy small pack of "an pei na" brand rice... cuz me also used to eating tat brand.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i put in slow cooker cooked for an hr... very nua le...

Hey Jasmini

Where to buy the New Rice ? Supermarket have ? And what brand ?

Do you need to grind it before cooking and how long you cook to get the smooth creamy texture ?

Hi Chloemum, I tried the Nestle Cerealac before or i should say my son tried the Nestle Cerealac Stage 2 before. I let him try 2 flavour one, one vegetables and 1 fruits one. actually 1 package last about 6-7days or less than that. U can try bringing 2 package and alternate mix. It's quite nice but i think sweet. I don't think Singapore sell small packet ones, but I'm not sure. I bought smaller package before but from Indonesia.

Hi mummies,

Luckyone, ylc and jasmini: Thank you for sharing. I wanted to try japanese rice. I am also using "new rice".

Cooking porridge: I stopped preparing vegetable stock. Persistence level low. ha...

Since I started lunch for Lucas, I dump everything into the slow cooker (set to auto), normally after past 12mn.

By morning, the porridge smells good. Ingredients are soft, no need to mash also.

On some days, I will only throw in the fish or meat and a tiny slice of ginger in the morning and let it slow cook for another hour and a half also.

By 10am I will scoop it out and put them into thermal flask and bring it for my MIL to feed.

My mil will cook his dinner.

Lucas appetite is increasing lately. He finishes a bowl of porridge (pigeon 12mths set) and still can eat more. Is it normal? We wonder if he knows that he is already full. He is not a michelin baby, only his tummy seem to bloat. I do not want him to grow up with a bulging tummy.

bb-bao: Congrats!!! Hormones maybe that make u not so happy. But it is definitely a blessing!

Morgan's symptom is very similar to Lucas when he was about 2-3mths. His butt was peeling red. And cry when it's cleansed. Eats and drinks well.

Lucas pd said the peeling and red is due to the faeces as it is acidic.

For now, apply any healing cream your pd prescribed, on top of that layer with nappy cream. Wash his butt for the time being, it wil recover. Pat pat!

Lucas wasn't having diarrhea that time as he is behaving normally. It's due to some grastrocolic reflex thingy. It's also the same thing that causes him to puke and have that stomach flu just weeks ago.

According to PD, it's common and it happens to adult.

Michelle: New rice can be found in supermarket. But I dunno what brand carries it. You can ask the aunties/ uncles there. Think they can direct you. This type of rice soften faster than normal rice. Mine is bought by my mil from the wet market.

Congrats bb-bao!!!Great news!!

Hope your boy's feeling better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My boy had 2 episodes of bum explosion.For his case, it was teething. The red/sore bum and crying stopped after his 2 little pearlies came out.

Chloemum, I'm currently feeding Nestle's oats and prune. My boy loves it! Actually, i like the taste too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lin, bjb = baby jumper gym

I'll try the kembangan one sometime, 'cos a friend's friend own it.

Mrs Lee, wanna go together?

Mummies, any recomendations for photography studios? ;)

Porridge with Yam, Chinese Cabbage (bai sai), White Carrot & Tofu + Pear[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4963011.png]

Broccoli, Sweet Corn, White Fish with Thin Wheat Noodles.


Spinach with White Fish, Porridge with Pumpkin[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4963077.png]

Lilstarz: thanks for the link! ya.. My girl can take her solid quite well (except for our cooking of porridge). Think she luv her solid more than her milk. But she really dun like to drink water.. Headache.

Bb-bao: Congrats! I kinda of understand your feeling. Cos I'm worried that I'm getting preggy too. Thou I'm still bfing, but my menses came in nov, and it's the full 7 days (I guess it's back to norm le). But dec I miss it again.. Hopefully the period miss bcos of bfing. Still waiting for it to come.. Gonna buy the kit to test le. Hopefully it's false alarm cos I'm totally not ready for 2nd one yet. I can't image myself dividing my love and attention from my girl.

Chloemum: my girl also named Chloe and she is a 4may bb.. Yupz Yupz.. 8mo today!!

Luckyone.. really envy u. U are so hard working. I cant seem to be as hardworking as u.

By the time I cook lunch/dinner for hb already i am half dead.. then running after Raihan is another chore.. in the end i just give up and feed him cereal.

I try to prep fresh porriage for him but always seems to be alot then the rest go to waste bec i dun freeze his food... he always pukes frozen food.

bb-bao--- CONGRATSS!! and on the other note... all the best with ur boss-- must go thru the torture all over again.. haiz!

I also feel like trying for no.2 lei!! Bur must control la.. wait both gorw up no fun already. Then must wait till THEY marry and have children. hahah!!

sherry!!-- i love the oats with prunes cereal too! i always make extra so that when Raihan is full i have an excuse to eat it! hahahah!!

Cholemum, message received. tks

Luckyone,Tks for sharing the picture. Seems like i have to add more variety .

Jo, i put water in the training cup. my girl instead of drinking water. She will play with the spout. put in and out of the mouth . water slip out at her mouth corner.

She prefer water to be feed with spoon, then she will drink.

AR, Raihan can't finish the porriage then u finish them all. will not waste then.

Hi all happy new year!

bb-bao what a great way to start the year. Congrats! It may seem daunting now but I'm sure you'll cope.

Best remedy for sore bums is to go diaperless! My #1 had very sore bums red and peeling too when he was teething and was advised by the child nurse to apply metanium and leave him without any diaper. It worked. The sores cleared up within days.

Anne sounds like your son is a natural candidate for BLW. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Some babies just don't take to purees. Nothing wrong with giving him the food that you normally eat so long as there's no salt or sugar and will also save you time preparing seperate food for him.

genice I'm not too far from Derby just about an hour north!

Sherry well worth getting the book if you are thinking of doing EC. I've got the Diaper Free Child by Christine Gross-Loh which is quite easy to read as it is divided into age groups and you can just read the relevant chapter. Diana and Liz have read Ingrid Bauer's Diaper Free! The Gentle Wisdom of Natural Infant Hygiene and gave the thumbs up for it as well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jojo... such a coincidence! 2 Chloes on 4 May! hehe. I read in the babycentre newsletter that Chloe is the top girl's name for 2 years running. haha.

Luckyone: u are really 1 super hardworking mother! when i cook porridge, it's just veg + pork stock, and 1 puree veg. luckily the bbsitter is hardworking. she even bought dried scallops to cook porridge for Chloe lor! So nice!

AR: Cook porridge initially sure waste one. Cos dunno how much bb want to eat mah. After a while will be ok. My mother say we can actually cook porridge using the cooked rice. So when u cook for hb, just take some of the rice and boil for Raihan. The porridge apparently cooks faster when u use cooked rice. Then boil the veg or whatever veg/meat for raihan as well. Quite ez one.

AR, um...maybe you reduce the portion by half 1st?

My boy sometimes also can't finish.

Now I know what his favorite is already so if I cook something he doesn't likes, I reduce the portion to half.

Lin, I feed my boy water with the tube use to feed medicine hahaha that the only way he can drink more.

Sometimes he in good mood, I will use spoon to feed him. I already give up using milk bottle to feed him water liao. He only bite and bite and not drinking at all.

Training cup> I going to train my boy use it this weekend. After he used to it, I will say by bye~~to milk bottle!

bb-bao- Congrats gal!!! thats great news.

I have been thinking abt no 2 too. but think would put tt on hold for now.

Mrs N- wat is BLW? I was thinking of tt too. For a start wat shall i give? any suggestion?

Luckyone: Congrats! Weiwei is sitting! haha. Very often, I feel, it's us parents/grandparents who think that the child/bb can't do things and don't dare let them try. Just like when Chloe first started to sit, we have the tendency to either hold on to her, or remove her from sitting position once she starts wobbling. But during the sitting contest, we were really surprised that she can sit for that long! She wobbled and almost fell several times, but somehow she manages to balance herself and sit properly again.

Anne: BLW = Baby Led Weaning. you can google it to find out more info. Basically it's just letting your baby decide how much he wants to eat without spoon feeding or puree-ing food. Baby self feed.

ChloeMum, hehe I think he can sit long time ago but just I'm too busy and sick no time to let him play on the floor mat always put him led on high chair or evenflo exersaucer.

maggie mee I given my boy when he new born, Yu Ren Sheng brand. The CL said it helps for baby phlegm, cough etc so we bought a lot + other chinese Herb (powder) Ba PO Shen & Bo Yi Dan fr Yu Ren Sheng, endup waste money...very expensive loh...now all keep in kitchen carbinet..haiz...

Chinese Herb is good but super slow effect.

The best is still Western one.

Did you bring him to see the doctor at Elias Mall?

oh yeah! Other Chinese Herb is 冬虫草. The one you drink during pregnant time.

Can throw 2 or 3 small one cook with porridge, at least twice a week. Eat early in the morning or before sleep.

luckyone, congraz !! he will try standing next... use, wall, yr body, something even yr head to support.. haa haa is so fun to see them doing.

Training cup,

i give my girl Avril during her 6mth old. she can differiate training cup is for water only. when i hold milk bottle, she will stop making noise even she hungry. (mummy making milk)

冬虫草, is heaty.... most probably i drink too much during pregnany, my avril sleep and sweat even in aircon room.


u think should introduce orange? need her to get some Vit C.

luckyone.. the last i went to elias mall the clinic was closed, so during this period end up going to rivervale one and KKH... but now since he is quite ok only for some phelgm left... im still monitoring...

anyway next monday bring him to flu vaccine so will go back to his usual PD ... maybe can access his phlegm condition then....


Lin, beside orange, Kiwi fruit, strawberry also hig in VC but not too much, will caused phlegm.

I haven't give my boy orange yet, strawberry introd 6 months old n just started kiwi fruit yesterday.

