(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

My somewhat "dramatic" birth story to share:

28 April

3pm - saw my gynae and was told that I was 2.5cm dilated but baby not engaged yet. Went home after that.

10pm - discovered some staining. Wondered if it was due to the cervix check or was it a show. Decided to make way down to hospital anyway cos' was told that 2nd delivery tend to progress faster.

11pm - reached hospital and settled into labour ward. Was still 2.5cm dilated so was told that my gynae will only see me the next morning.

29 April

6.30am - my gynae arrived and did another check. Still 2.5cm dilated. Inserted Prostin tablet to soften cervix and speed up dilation. Was told to go up to the antenatal ward to wait for further dilation but no rooms available.

2.00pm - finally got transferred to antenatal ward. But by then more intense contractions have kicked in.

2.30pm to 3pm - Contractions got very intense and painful. Pressed bell for assistance but took a while before the nurses appear in my room. By then the pain was excruciating and I was told that baby was already crowning, no time for epidural! Immediately got transferred back to labour ward.

3pm to 3.15pm - settled into delivery room and felt very strong urges to bear down but gynae was not there yet. Mid Wife finally decided not to wait and broke my water bag.

3.26 - Baby came out after a few pushes.

AR: thank you for the detailed report. It makes me more or less prepared and wat to expect. It must be tough for you that baby is at the hospital. Dont worry, he would recover soon and be with you at home.Dont ne upset ok, its not good for yuor health.

mattsmummy: that was a long wait ah...

Congrats on your little one.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

not yet. planning was today last day but since no sign of labour, I will come back to work tomorrow, maybe till this week so I can go back to work later.

Luckyone: i was hoping for a 05/05 baby, but looks like it may not happen ah. im still at office. When r u starting your ML?

I feel like taking but wat am i to do at alone...so i have no choice but drag myself and heavy tummy to work. Hope baby would be out by next week. haiz...

Anne Raj, maybe This Fri last day.

Me also dragging myself to work this morning.

Stay at home I will sure spend whole day playing DS in air-con room.

And also will get headache what to cook and eat at home.

At least got o work I can save elect bill on air-con and have nice luch at Orchard hehe

Luckyone: yes i agree with you too...did the rasberry leaves help? i have started taking it since yesday...

Maggiemee: i will be seeing gyne on Fri, last week baby was engaged and he said it would be anytime before 15th...so i have another one more week to go...

My bb not engaged yet. last Fri when gynae check whether I'm dilate, wow! very pain loh! He said this small pain I also can't tahan then how to go for labout?

Now I'm very sure that I will need epidural haha

Hi mummies,

All the night feeding are making me head spin and ache after 2 weeks. I refused to let anyone else look after my baby. I think I'm going to collapse soon.

Anyway, here's my boy's pic to share.


Luckyone: I don;t know but I drank 9 months of goat's milk. They say goat's milk will prevent jaundice and he did not have jaundice. Not sure about the hair, but my boy has side burn.... did u see?

Maggiemee and Luckyone: I never had a VE so i guess will have a shock when its done to me...

Jerbunny: your son is so handsome.I should have drank goats milk too. my dad was telling me but i didnt take it. wat a waste. anywhere its still not too late. where did u get the goats milk?


He is such a sweet-looking boy!! *Pinch Cheeks*

You have really strong maternal instincts... I also feel that I wouldnt want other ppl to take care of my baby.

But to keep your sanity, I guess it will be good to take a break also... you will have more stamina and energy for the next 3 months!

Anne Raj (a_r) : Just give Hay Diaries Farm a call and they will send the goat's milk to your doorstep.

I drink 2 big bottles of goat's milk a week and each bottle costs $8 inclusive of delivery charges.

Jerbunny: thanks for the info. wat a waste i didnt do it earlier. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh ya, I'm not sure if the goat milk does wonder but my baby boy is born at week 37, thus should have a high chance of jaundice.

Perhaps if any mummies is planning for a 2nd one, you can give it a try.

Mummies who's doing confinement>

The weather so hot, still need to wear long shirt and pants?

Bath boiled hot water?

Drink hot hot drink? (of course cold one can't drink lah)

luckyone,since 1st day of confinement,I'm wearing short sleeve top but long pant(silk material pyjamas),I'm still bathing in the herbal water,but I add in alot of tap water,cos too hot how to bath,lol...Then drink the longan red dates water or milo which is hot de,then the more I drink the more thirsty I get,but no choice cos no other drink liao...

chen shuyan, very sin ku hor.

Now everyday I have to drink at least 1 cup of cold drink...

Don't know can tahan during my confinement or not?

Hi Maggiemee and Luckyone,

I just had my VE done last Thurs during my routine checkup.. My gynae basically put her finger in to check if I'm dilated.. You have to be relaxed.. I didn't find it painful at all.. Maybe she was gentle as well cos' I didn't experience any discomfort or spotting that was common after VE...

I'm taking the afternoon off.. heading to the hospital for an hour of CTG.. Kiddo had a few bouts of hiccups for a while last night and I got worried. I remembered reading that hiccups at this stage could mean the umbilical cord is around her neck and affecting her... Trying not to worry unnecessarily but can't help it... Didn't dare to voice my worry out to my hubby... he'll panicked for sure... Not sure if it's my imagination as well but kiddo didn't seem to be v active today... just drank a cup of chinese tea.. hopefully, the caffeine will 'jump start' her a bit...

Mattsmummy- *hugs* hopefully she will be home soon.

Luckyone- Hello!! LTNS! better rest at home or at work. Once bb is out, its very very tiring..

Anne- Sure thing..

i am forbidden to post my bb's pic on FB or internet but really cant help sharing it with u ladies bec i know no one here will cast eye evil.. hhehe... pls dun comment abt his pic on my FB wall. THanks!

Drum rolls... Here is my bb's pic-



Dont scare yourself please.. Hiccups are quite normal.. 'cos baby will breathe & swallow amniotic fluid... somehow diaphragm contracts and hiccups results. My baby gets hiccups every other day around the same time... usually after I have a meal or just before I go to bed. I get hiccups often too, esp. after a heavy meal... haha!

Dont make yourself worry unnecessarily lah..

Nearing your EDD already.. You'll see your little princess soon!

A R,

Your boy is so handsome!!! Inherited all the good genes!

I'm sure he's going to break a few girls' hearts in future..

Thanks bb-bao for your reassurance..

Think I'll still head down to the hospital for the CTG to play safe... KS mommy.. haha..

I just 'shook' her... and she's not responding yet... Hmmm... Come on kiddo!!

AR, looks like your hubby a lot leh is it?

So cute! Ah yeah when is my boy coming out!

Can't wait already after seeing so many cute new born...

AR - ur prince pose even when he is sleeping..so cute !

Paging for Brenda..hows ur chk up yday? or have u popped during last weekends?

hello mummies, im gonna gv birth via c sect tmr mrg at ard 9plus am..now packing hosp bag last min...how many pcs of extra pads did u girls brg? Nid to brg toiletries like toothbrush n paste or they will provide? How many sets of clothes to brg? I just brg normal wear ok? I didnt buy any button front pyjamas..

For those who had C sect.. When did ur colustrum kicked in? And when does ur milk comes in?

Now im excited + nervous + scared + worried...mixed feelings...tmr mrg must wake up early to have a good shower before I head down to the hosp..

destiny,during my stay in hospital,they provide me with 1 pack of pad(hook type),then I oso bring 1 extra pack.cos the hook type I put as 1st layer,then my normal maternity pad I put as 2nd layer,can last longer.Toilertries oso provided except my facial wash.I only bring 1set of clothes (t-shirt & tights)for discharge.

bb-bao,I had received the milk sample fr ur friend liao.Thanks alot for ur lobang.She brought it over my gynae clinic & I went there to collect.



good luck to ur delivery! i am bringing the whole pack of pureen maternity pads to the hospital. i think 20pcs. I will bring 1 set of clothes for going home and 2 button front pjs for easy breastfeeding.

btw, ytd u asked me if Dr Ong is ex. he is slightly more ex than the TMC kids clinic. I feel better bringing my girl to see him than Dr Keoy (in my opinion).


your boy is very handsome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

