(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

tks shuyan n bx. so jus brg adhesive maternity pads to hosp, no nd to brg loop type. Normal pads for heavy flow not enuff to catch the blood flow right? Now my hosp bag machiam 1/3 containing the pads...haha..

Since the elders were saying crying will affect the eyes when we grow older, wonder Ok to put on contact lenses during confinement? Cos also got fluid somehow.. maybe last time in Old China no such ting as contact lense.. hee

thank u mummies...im reali excited n happie tt finalli gonna see bb n that finalli can download the big ball in front of mi n back to being "light"...(even tho still overweight la, but I will work hard towards slimming)

Any mummies like me, I am realli ganchiong to see bb face n mk sure no birth marks, defects n all tat. Now inside mi, I always worri whether he will have birthmarks or watever..only when i see him normal n healthy then can reali heave a sign of relief...

destiny, me too start to worried my bb got birthmark, healthy or not.

I guess all MTB are the same (^^) It's very normal after 9 months+ pregancy.

Luckyone: just did a handover of my tgs, not too busy also...trying to touch up my assg thats due soon...wat u dng?

I had slight cramps at pelvic area after lunch, had to walk back slowly.but baby moving happily...

have ts kind of pains on and off.

Anne Raj, me too having slight cramps last nite.

Don know is it the sign?

Me already finished all my task and also handpver everything.

Actually come back to work also nonthing to do haha..

AIyoh altho hand over but still continue doing my work leh.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] must try to clear much work for my colleague mah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My tummy very tight leh... so tight can't feel bb movement alot... sigh..

Luckyone: i also dont neo la...so sian, everyday wake and wander if its today...if csect or induce so much better in a way as we know when its coming, natural dont neo when...ummmm...

maggiemee: im also dng the same la. just clear as and when there is tgs to do...

tummy tight ah...i had that last night

maggie mee, ah yoh must handover liao lah.

But quite understand your feeling too, me also clear every pc of task when I'm still in office.

Because my coll in HK who's helping me during my ML, no "extra" pay.

Anne Raj, me already start excited after seeing so many new born photo since last 2 weeks!

I want my boy celebrate Mother Day with me!

hello ladies.

i went for my week 37 checkup this morning. gynae says that my amniotic fluid level is dipping low & placenta is drying up. will see her again nx tue @ week 38, & she mentioned she may induce me for labour nx week if need be. so m counting dw the days!

AR, yr boy certainly looks like yr husband leh! haha handsome boy sure look like bollywood actor when grow up. u must be a proud mama!

yest me told hubs to ta pao laksa for me i got craving. he go n ta pao 2 packet say one for me one for bb! end up i ate abt 1 and half packet. shucks! then i told him i feel like a fat storing machine. last time also wont put on weight so easily one. hmm... i wan bb to come out so i can start losing weight! when leh...?

tummy feel so tight now like no more skin to stretch.

Anne, im delivering at TMC leh.. wont bump into u.. im thinking maybe might bump into Mrs Heng or edie since our edd close. lol

Chloie, I think I've read from facebook someone want to buy your LV bag? Is it your hubby? So good hor..

I ask my husband for mother day present last nite hor, he said "huh!"

I said I'm niot asking for expensive stuff! Just a pc of cake you buy on behalf od bb mah!

the weather is soooooo HOT nowadays! even w the fan blowing directly at me i also sweat buckets. i feel body temperature highest at night. keep sweating through the night n keep waking up to wipe sweat off my chest!

i dun think i can survive wo fan/aircon during confinement ah.. also thinking to bath w cold water or room temperature water liao cos its just too hot now. imagine bath w hot water come out fr shower still sweat so no diff rite?

edie> Ending this Sunday but I have aldy self declared it to an end [with no cold coke yet though]. Have not decided where to go yet. Need to go back to office to settle those staffs before I can MIA again. LOL!

Luckyone> Ya, I was just joking ard with him one night last week then he say "ok lor, we go buy." I tot he was kidding with me. So after my gyne's appt last Friday, we really went into Ion's LV then I cant bear to buy it lah.... Then he say "now I offer you, you better get it otherwise I wont know when would be the next time I would want to sign that payment....." I told him to let me think first while walking back to Taka, and end up I walked into Taka's LV and he just sign for it..... BUT, at the end of the day, I'm also paying part of the bag lor..... But it's ok lah. He just want to make me happy.

chillimum: i had katong laksa for lunch aft gynae checkup :p heehee. but i have not eaten laksa for the whole 9mths until today..gave in to my cravings today, since i cld b popping soon. i cant wait to drop the pregnancy weight too...

Chillimum> During confinement, you will continue to perspire to. With all the ginger & wine in your food, you will perspire when you eating them. And if you are going to take DOM every night, you will also perspire....

It is very difficult to do without the fan & aircon. I really wonder how some people can do it. And yes, it makes no diff to shower when you start to perspire even before coming out from the toilet......

Congrats to all who have popped.... all the newborn are soo cute.... I can't wait to see my baby too...

Destiny, wishing you a smooth and quick delivery tmr...

I can't wait to pop as well... gynae said anytime last wk but bb still dun want to come now.... altho I dread confinement but it's smthg we all need to go thru, might as well get it over and done with...moreover, carrying a heavy time bomb now also not very comfortable at this stage...

Chloie, (^^) yeap you hubby so sweet and nice.

um..better don take too much coke. esp for men.

heard it not good if you preparing for baby.

Try 7up instead?

baby_t, ya me too! first laksa yest since preg! it was sooo gd! eh u dun worry la for u i think immed after birth u back to original weight! lucky u.

I am feeling a bit scared now...

Feeling a little weird 'down there' and I get BHC pretty often.. and my baby seems to be moving alot - like struggling for more space :/

I'm actually hoping he pops next weekend! LOL.. Too heavy and tired to carry on already.. urgh~


how's ur progress so far? bb coming soon?

I think i will end work this week.. next week rest at home liao..

I was thinking hor, why confinement need long shirt, long pants, hot shower, hot drink?

Since S'pore weather already so "hot"?

I still don dare to eat laksa leh.

Just start my 1st pc of "kaya" toast last month since pregnant.

But drink coconut really help to induce?


ur hb is soo sweet to you....can really tell he's making great efforts to make u happy... lucky you....

Yes, I can recall I really prespire a lot during confinement....those sweat just drip non stop..it doesn't help when all the food and drinks u consume has to be taken hot, the weather is not helping also....and yes, not much difference whether or not u shower cos u'll feel hot again after u are out of the shower, think only diff is if u wash ur hair, it is not oily. I would say that for me, confinement period is one of the most unglam period in my life....

i think i will try to do my 'revised' version of confinement for first 2 weeks. then after tat hehehe freedom! cos this weather is really not encouraging at all n i know i will get v HOT-tempered.

bb-bao, my gynae say anytime fr the 12th onwards leh which is next week. so far no symtoms for me yet. i hav feeling bb will only come near edd 19 may. i also v tempted to take ML but thinking to stay at hm facing my mil everyday waiting the D-day...i better come office blow air-con. hahaha

destiny n Mrs Teo, good luck for your delivery tmr!

Anne... excited keep hoping to see my bb mah...

luckyone.. tik juz make sure we dun catch " wind" during confinement loh.. else will get joint pain... something like tat..

chillimum: you too?! ya, i tried to abstain frm "sinful" food coz i dun want to pile on excess weight on myself. but i think i will indulge in some ice cream this wkend.heehee.. baby's weight gain has slowed dw considerably due to the placenta calcification & dipping amnio fluid level i think.. hes only ard 2.65kg today. hopefully he hits 2.8kg when i pop.

bb-bao: my baby has been moving ALOT since sat! like almost every nw & then i feel some movement. & he sure packs some strength, esp aft meals.

luckyone: whats with d laksa? u mean preggies are supposed to avoid coconut milk/cream or something? i ordered my laksa without the "han" though, coz i dun eat seafood. i duno if drinking coconut water helps to induce labour, but ive been drinking 1 or 2 a week. its a natural isotonic drink, so its gd to drink after exercise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] & its oh so nice to drink it cold in this hoooot weather!

Luckyone:i wish to celebrate mothers day with my boy too, hope it happens over the weekend..hehhehe!!!

i dont think coconut drink induce labour, been taking it for the last 1 week, nothg leh.

Chillimum: Hopefully we'll bump onto one another, it'll be so cool during delivery. I am praying she'll come out this Sunday though. I like Sunday's child, but anyway, it's all up to her. Anytime, just after daddy is home.

I think i'll have a lot of revised version for confinement and my friend's wedding is on 30 May, so tempted to go and attend cos all poly mates will be there, it will be like a huge gathering.

Luckyone: I started my ML 7 months ago! Haha, I am working as cabin crew, so once got pregnant have to stop flying. But I flew until my 3rd month then stop and had been rotting until now. Can't wait to go New York after the official 4 months maternity leave and get Old Navy and Baby Gap for baby!

baby T, you can eat beef or durian to increase you BB weight too.

No lah, just since my 1st trim, gynae said my to aviod cocnut and pineapple, I don dare to touch untill last month loh.Even I eat, I make sure it's cooked one.

Anne Raj, oh! cause my SIL asked me to start take coconut so I thoug it's help to induce hehe

edie: which airline are u with? m an expired "trolley dolly". left the airline afew years ago. been a housewife since i gt married.

Why cannot take laska during preg? I had curry yong tau fu & laska during preg lei.

Luckyone> Till now, I also dont understand why need to be covered up and only hot food during confinement..... During preg cannot take food that are "liang", during confinement also cannot take... No idea why....

Anne Raj: Yes! Maybe for a while, cos I want to go shopping and make use of my benefit cos tickets to Japan really cheap, so can bring my hubby and baby to Disneyland, maybe next year.

Chloie: Just a few more days, then you can savour your ice cold coke. Speaking of which, I am craving for some now...

luckyone: its not to induce labour but to make the baby clean and fluid to be clean so when baby comes out, not much debries and blood...the eldest say that but i dont neo how far ts works, must ask the pros who popped and took coconut water.

