(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

hi mummies, for those who r going to gv birth...have u all chosen any PD for ur bb? Or u leave it to ur gynae to recommend?? Anyone using PD Dr Ang Ai Tin from TMC? Any comments? As I will be undergoing ligation, the PD nid to standby at the OP Theatre to do a quick check of my bb n mk sure he is healthy before my gynae snaps my tubes...wanted to use dr Lilian Lim from Kids Clinic initialli but then she is not free to standby..



i leave it to my gynae to recommend. ur gynae is Dr J Wong right? i got back the same PD as #1. Mine is Dr Keoy.. Can't rbr his full name.

Hi Mummies: I want to chcek with those who delivered at Mt A on their bills size for both Cset and Normal delivery without epid. Pls enlighten me...hehehe....thanks...

Im at 37 weeks and hoping to pop soon. Im feeling tired, not enough sleep very night and difficulty in walking and eating and etc...and yet to travel to work... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yah bx, my gynae is dr wong..initialli she recommended Dr Ong from Aglow ..but then his clinic situated at United Sq, I find it troublesome to brg bb there all the way for C ups or Jabs so I tried to look for one tat is nearer in the east..but end up still kena one from TMC..if bb got jaundice and all tat, every 1-2 days nid to brg him bk for blood test..very mafan..and not convenient for mi.

Oh u mean Dr Wong used to recommend Dr Keoy for u. My SIL is using dr Keoy for her 2 kiddos. How u find Dr Keoy, I always see him prescribe antibiotics to my SIL bbs even at 2 mths..her kids always on antibiotics n i dunno issit becos they r realli so serious or this PD tends to gv stronger medicine..how abt for ur case?

gooood mornings mtbs!

maggimee.. working today? my co folks not working today and my ML starts tom..yayayay!

personally, i'm quite a gancheong person, so i really need this rest period to mentally & physically prepare myself for labour hehe..

u working till THE day? which will be within these 2 weeks?

btw, mummies, anyone didn't have an episiotomy?


for my gal, she was with Dr Keoy for awhile, probably the first 3 months. After that I brought her to polyclinics for her jabs. When she is sick, I bring her to Dr Ong from Aglow (so coincident). Dr Ong is very good.

When she had jaundice at first, i brought her to polyclinics for blood test. din go to TMC.

For my #2, i will let Dr Keoy do the assessments in the hospital, subsequently will switch to Dr Ong. As for jabs, probably do in polyclinics.

Hi ladies,

I'm counting down to my EDD as well.. another few days max... but somehow get the feeling that kiddo is too comfortable inside... moreover, no sign or symptom... is that a good or bad thing, I wonder? Sigh!! Trying not to feel too stressed about it but can't help when everyone around me is asking when... even my own hubby!! He's so anxious to see his girl that he tried making a pact with her to come out last night.. but alas, she decided to stay put... he was so disappointed this mng when I woke him up to drop me off at the MRT.. haha...

Like Maggiemee, I'm still working cos' I don't think I can stand being alone at home with nothing to do... think it'll just drive me up the wall... better to come back to office.. at least there are coll to chat with.. to take my mind off the pending birth...

Sue.. ya working by the day now till i pop.. edd just 6 days away! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JThan.. sama sama... me also feels bb too comfy in me.. haha... anyway i just wait for things to happen bah...

hi bx, haha so concidence. Dr Ong very exp? He is good with bbs ya? Quite a popular dr.

GP can test for jaundice?? If realli jaundice like my no.1 , can I just brg my bb to my GP downstairs ? Polyclinics nid to queue very long?

Last time I always brg bb for blood test n check ups to a PD at TPY. Hubby busy wking n it's tough for mi to brg bb all the way there.

small bun - its swollen but no pain. Hopefully can subside b4 my appt on this fri. If nt then i will alert dr wong to see if theres a need for me to apply cream anot. Ok lesson learnt...will nt try to push too hard anymore..lol

Congrates to all May mummies here.

Recommend Lipo / Lana micro-massage undergarment / pant to flatten, trim and tone your tummy, hip and thigh after the birth. Find more information from www.itsi.com.sg.



i miss u mummies.. keep thinking abt u all.. but hor.. i can't catch up on the posts!!!! hahahahahaa!!

bbf : u popped!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats all those who popped already!!

i got a question.. i really cant recall wat head and body soap / shampoo i use for my #1.. any recommendations? beside the musdela one..

Hello mummies

Congrats to those mummies who have popped [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Last 2 week my gal was down with slight pneumonia so no time to chat. Sigh!

huggy - Your little boy so cute. Seeing your boy pic making me looking forward to c my bb boy too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

nanabear - fr the antenatal class i attended previously, I saw mrs wong using Avent No Tears...she oso recommended johnson&johnson top-to-toe

hello everyone! i have popped on 1st may!!!

will update once i have more time... =)

loh, got to trouble u to help me update...

weight: 3390g natural w/o epidural

thank you!!! =D

Congrats BBF and KCPQ on your May Day babies... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats to Labour Day mommies bbf and Kcpq!!

Truly labour day for you gals...

Yeah bbf has perfected the science of family planning to the precised day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am also amazed that so many of you can tahan and go without epidural!!

How ah? What miracle potion did you drink?!

Good luck to all the mommies in the queue.. enjoy the last few days/weeks of peace!

CONGRATS BBF & KCPQ!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Your boy so alert! Look at his eyes! So charming!

My boy has been sleeping alot since he is back home... okay lah... give me lots of free time to rest though [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hahaha i had to deal with my girl at night more than i had to deal with my boy. He will quietly sleep while his sister will kick a big fuss at night! What a contrast!

Today had my first massage! The massage lady is damn gd lor... my back hurts since i gave birth to my son more than the stitches and couldnt really sit properly or sleep or stand. This massage lady helped me massage and i feel much better already. At least I could sit upright! However she said my womb went left after birth and she has to push it back for me. No wonder my left side hurts so much.

Congratz bbf n kcpq! you r the true blue MAY MTBS! next time yr babies bdays will always fall on a PH n u lucky mummies no need to take leave! hehe

yupz i also notice the trend of MAY MTBS tats nat wo epi! all ya brave mummies! make me so nervous now cos i dun think i can do it wo epi leh... see how it goes la! but how huh u all do it wo epi? really can tahan meh the labor pain??

edie: u ok? me hope yr bb gal waits for her daddy to come back. few more days to go.. wwwwait.......

Mrs Heng, dun push! i also scared to push scared push the wrong thing out! i drink prune juice everyday, one big cup if u hav v serious constipation. it helps.

my gynae appt again this wed.. down to weekly appts now. closer n closer.. scary...

Anne, edd 19 may but doc say cld be anytime fr 12th may onwards. everyday im looking out for 'signs' but nothing leh... bb still moving often n violently inside. really hav no idea when "it" is gg to happen n under wat circumstance.

hmm.. somehow still having mixed feelings like wanting the bb to come out fast so i can feel lighter. but dunno wat to expect when she comes out.. all the feeding, crying, hustle n bustle.. dunno i can handle anot. somemore im the type never carry newborn or baby before one. :p

hey yr edd 22nd? so u deliver at mt A or TMC? hmm wonder if im able to bump into any mtbs in the ward! hahaha

chillimum: I am okay! Back at mom's place for the week, hopefully won't pop this week. I have the same feeling as you, like not ready to handle newborn but I guess maternal instinct will kick in once we see the baby.

chillimum: ts is your first right?dont worry, once you see your baby,bonding would occur.

ya my edd is 22 but dr say baby can come by the 15...so looking forward, im also tired with a huge tummy...

I deliver at Mt A...u? hope to bump in you...

chillimum - me too!!! my edd on 18th n gynae said probably will be anytime fr 12th may. If bb choose to pop on 12th..then bb n me will share the same bday! haa!


We paid for the 1 bedded c-sect package + the hours I spent at labour ward + what I utilized at labour ward.

I spent about 4hrs at labour ward.

Hubby only stayed one night. Each night is $65 w breakfast, $75 w breakfast, lunch n dinner.

We paid around $2800 in total after medisave, including baby's bill as well.

But note: for my case, I stayed in 2-bedded ward when I was admitted from 12mn to about 1pm after my operation. I think there's a deduction of $120.

Hope it helps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


any mummies who took 2 bedded ward, natural with epidural n delivered in TMC? Can share the bill size? TIA !

LucasMummy: Thanks for the updates! So timely!

I'm admitting myself tmr morning for induction (4 May) unless water breaks anytime from now.

Went for my scheduled pelvic xray this morning, and realised i was spotting. Xray shows that my pelvic bone and all is wide enough for natural delivery n bb's head engaged! So happy, cos my hips looks narrow so gynae advised to do the xtra xray just to be sure.

Then proceeded for my scheduled gynae visit. Gynae checked and 3cm dilated. =P CTG for 20 mins, caught 1 contraction.

So anytime from now for me.


you paid $2.8k in cash after deduction from medisave? Wow thats pretty ex!

I stayed 2 bedded ward in GlenE (natural w/o epi) + son in NICU for few hours the total bill came up to $3k+ then after medisave, i only paid $500.

Anyone, went to MT A, 2 bedded? Pls share charges...

Blutrtle, good luck... i would like a May 5th baby, but so far no signs... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


HUR!! So fast for you?? Good luck tomorrow..!!Seems like we won't be screaming together liao haha..

I am handing over my work this week, hopefully I can start my leave next week. I had difficulty walking around already..

No spotting for me yet, but the BHC getting more and more frequent... since it's not painful for me, I'd assume they arent really labour contractions.

Let's see what my Doc says on Wed.. will be doing the VE then..

BTW how is the VE done? like doing pap smear??

Hi hi mummies and daddies, thanks 4 all your well wishes![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Here is my birth story:

2:30pm Woke up from afternoon nap with some discomfort.

2:45pm Became aware of contraction like pains and decided to time it.

3:40pm Confirmed that it was 5 minutes apart lasting abt 40 seconds each time. Asked hubby to get ready for hospital.

3:45pm Bathed and ate my strawberries

3:50pm Called the doc's emergency hotline to inform that I was admitting , got chased by my mother...

4:00pm Left the house.

4:30pm Reached the hospital, walked up to labour ward. Nurses checkd dilation @ 5 cm.

4:45pm Pains intensified, anasthetist no where in sight. Nurse asked me to take pethidine and laughing gas...

said no coz thot epi on the way. *bad mistake* Somewhere somehow, water bag burst by itself.

5ish Gynae arrived. Contractions @ 1 min interval.

5:23pm Thought body was gonna get ripped apart. Gynae said it's time, one push and bb was out.

Looks like all the yoga helped! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BBF:That was a fast and easy deliver ah...All the best in mooing... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats to mummies who have popped.

I've delivered my baby girl last Thursday. Loh, please help to update table. Thanks!

29 April

natural w/o epi

weight: 2.48Kg

Thanks Anne! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wish you a smooth one too.

Yes, mooing is the next challenge...


I didn't take anything except chicken essence. Mine is a bad mis-calculation..

I WILL NOT go w/o epi next time (if there is a next time)

mattsmummy, congrats!


mm, i've been eating lotsa passionfruit wif the seeds..plus papaya and dragonfuit.. works wonders on my bowel movement...


me me! picked mt alvernia too.. maybe we'll bump into each other there.. or perhaps, catch a scream from each other's labour ward.. keke...


WOW! 3 hr labour!i like that!

mmm so even when contractions are 5min apart, it still takes like 1hr to get into the pushing stage..

guess i'll wait till my contractions are 10min apart to cheong to hospital..


oic!hope ur wifey has a smooth c-section delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my hubby was farney..he thot that since nicholas tse and cecilia chung found 5may being auspicious for their bb boy to be c-sectioned out, we should postpone our gynae appointment to the same date to increase chances of delivering on that day.. haha!

till now, i'm having none of the BTC, some groin pain, occasional back pain, but no signs of labour!

wonder how it'll hit me...


I think it will vary from person to person.

I went in for my #1 also at 5min interval...but dilation was only 1cm and it was a12 hr labor.

The 2nd time round is a total shock. I think if I waited ard more I would have delivered in the car...

Hi all,

I'm April MTB. I got quite a lot of glass bottles for freezing of EBM to pass out (at least 30 bottles - similac bottles). As I dun produce enough milk for freezing so if anyone interested to get the bottles from me can sms at 9767 3624 and collect from Bukit Panjang.

Can get the caps from Mount A for $8 per pkt of 10. As I got extra 2 pkt of unopened caps for sale at $12. Anyone interested can give me sms. Thanks.



oic!so yoga + 2nd time labour did shorten the process for ya!

no wonder u kept mentioning that u were waiting for epi to come, but ur dilation was just too fast (not a bad thing afterall?)

let's see what happens when my turn comes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


All the best! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope all your hard work and preparations pays off...

Mrs heng, I went down and saw but I might have heard the lady say it's for may! You can call before heading down I guess

hey mummies..

I have a quick qn. i am expressing my BM by double pumping each session. Can I transfer all the collection from each session to one btle) thats means the 2 bottles of BM put into a single btle?

my prince has jandice.. very high..342c.. had to admit in East shore this afternoon. I just cried and cried when i had to leave my bb there and go home empty handed.. Came back home and cried like a wailing baby to my hb.. my hb also sad.. we know he will be better but we miss him so much already... am drowned in depression that i have headache... but am taking care of myself for my bb's sake... The maternal instinct really kicks in the moment bb pops.

To all mummies who have popped- CONGRATS. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Here is my unfinished birth story-

1.Birth story

9.30- induced and gynae broke water bag (Nvr did VE b4 so i was totally taken aback when she put her hand in and broke the bag!)

3cm dilated..

abt 11ish- 4cm dilated. gynae advised me to take epidural bec i am too scared. I was alr influenced to take.. but was still surviving on laughin gas. It worked for me bec i complemented it with breathign techniques learnt at yoga.

11ish to 3ish- too high on laughing gas to know time passed to rmb anything..

then abt 2 close to 3pm- The mother of all Pains kicked in!! I started chanting my prayers loudly bec too much pain. tried to focus to breathe properly. (all the way thru labour, hb was all the way talking me out of epidural) Then i was groaning in pain and told my hb cant take it- JUST GIMME EPIDURAL!!

Then nurse came and did VE- said time to push already! Cant do epidural!

Then I tt die already! hahah! Then no choice la! Start pushing.. its was really alot of trauma and shock.

Once fully dilated it was really painful. the pain is like something crushes u and then u can feel the baby trying to come out.

from 1500- 1520hrs its was all


ME: *uses yoga breathing techniques,follow instructions and struggles in pain*


(then somewhere in between when pushing she cut my down there!) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Very pain! but like 'pain comes in package' all pain came together..

1519HRS- aft 14 pushes bb stil not out, me very tired then gynae decided to us vaccum.

1520HRS-15th push- *baby cries*-cord was looped one roundd baby's neck

Gynae- COngrats Aneesha! *puts baby on my tummy*

Me- *cry and cry in tear of joy*

1520 to 1545-

-nurses took baby wgt and wipe bb and put diapers..

- Gynae took blood from cord for banking - painless.

then took placenta out.. (it was interesting to see it)

then she started injecting my with LA to start stitching.. i didnt count how many stitched but it was many bec the LA wasnt enuff then i felt a few stitches..

after that she cleaned me up by inserting 4 gauzes and soaking the blood clots.

nurse put on pad for me then rest...

1600hrs- pushed me out of labour ward to my room.. When i saw my aunt waiting outside the ward, the moment she held my hand.. i started crying to her and told her that i was tramatized by all the pain..

After that whole day was feeding baby and entertianing visitors (there were sooooo many!!) cudnt rest.. it took me 2 days to recover from the trama and shock.. but its true once u see ur baby's face, u'll find everythign is worth it.

As for now... I miss my baby alot..

AR,dun be sad,I understand ur feeling cos I had the same problem with u.My bb was having very high jaundice after 3 days of discharge from hospital.Then at tat time,me was crying like dunno wat infront of the nurses,they even asked me to go home and dun stay there to see if not I ll be even more heartpain.Then my hubby say nurses ll take good care of him.After 3 days of phototherapy,ur bb ll be ok.

ylc,how come ur bill turn out to be so cheap?My stayed in 2bedded,natural with epidural in GE,then total bill come out to be 4k+,after medisave I had to pay $2090 in cash.Then after discharge,my bb was admitted for jaundice,then stayed in NICU for 2days,total bill is $1800+ then after medisave I paid $700+ in cash.

Hellooo! Good Morning (^ - ^)/

Me, still here hehe, no sign of labour yet...

Huggy, ah yoh! you bb so cute! Doesn't looks like newborn leh.

Last Fri went for check up, bb 38 weeks already 3.4, 3.5 haha..

Gynae keep saying your baby very big, you baby very big but when I asked him I need to cut down milk, beef or sweet stuffs intake?

He said no need!


AR, it's ok to combine milk collected from both bottles into one. My baby is also hospitalized due to jaundice. She didn't discharge together with me, today is already day Day 6. I'm praying and hoping everyday that she can come home soon.

