(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

baby_t, pls go ahead n indulge! u can still afford it! soo tiny u... dun worry one more week to go bb will pile on weight one.

edie, yupz then can see two sets of indian n chinese family in the ward! lolol! u intend to go back to work after ML? hav to get used to being away fr bb often then...

edie, I also want to bring my baby to Japan disneyland but must wait till he trun 2 years old.

If not he don understand what is disneyland then no point for him to enjoy also.

Chloie, no "liang" food I understand but at least not hot food loh.

The weather so hot if still taking hot food, I don think I got mood to eat loh then endup, I'm sure will lose weight very fast hahaha

luckyone: i did try to eat more beef since 2weeks ago. but i think its coz of the calcification of my placenta that slows dw the absorption of nutrients by baby. but oh well... 2.8kg is gd enough for me, nt too big, not too small. hopefully it will b easier to push bb out & no need to get snipped.

Last Saturday, I had a breakdown. Dont know why but have been quarreling with my hb for almost every other night after my discharge. The night before I went to deliver, he say he would take a week off work to accompany me during the first week of my confinement but end up, he did not. Sometime dont even call me for the whole day and I only hear from him when he is back home to ask me to open the door for him. At first I was ok but slowly, I realised that I am angry with him for not being there for me when I needed him the most. So maybe that is why I get irritated at him and like to pick on him. Then I finally broke down last Saturday when he asked me why are we quarreling almost every other night.

I was planning to go Ikea last sat but he went out and came back so late in the afternoon, with me feeling so hungry cos I was waiting for him to come back to bring me for lunch. When he's back, he told me to go get changed and we would go out for lunch cum dinner but his sisters were aldy at my place and preparing to cook dinner for me. So tell me, how can I just go out like that right. Then come evening his friends call us to go drink coffee during the night then hb asked if I want to go, I told him, see how first [cos angry with him for spoiling my day]. Then he say to tell him when I decided to go. So after dinner, his sisters say to play mj so I just play lor. Then during the change of players, I told hb that I want to go out to drink coffee with his friends, then he say he dont want to go out liao. WTH! It totally blow off my top lor! Cos I was feeling kinda hungry also so tot can go grab something to eat. Then end up playing mj with a black face with gastric and lost all my winnings! During bed time, everything came out when he asked me what is happening to me. He told me that he would bring me to a counselor to have someone to open up my heart to.... I was like HUH! Why? Is there anything wrong with me? He thinks I'm getting depression isit? So I just pour out everything to him. All the stress I am facing, all the feelings inside me, my "hatred" towards him for not being there for me when I needed him the most...

But I still have a little thing which I cant stand but cant tell him. Really getting on my nerve so I pray to go back to work asap....

baby_t, yeah actually 2.8 just nice.

My bb may turn 3.8 next week. If come to pushing part hor... I better stop thinking about it..

Anne Raj: That applies to SQ, for us it's like we are on a very long unpaid leave, after baby is born and we'll be entitled to 4 months maternity leave like normal and then we can go back anytime after that, be it 4 months later or 1 year later, all up to us.

chillimum: You opted for how many bedded? I've asked those seniors who are mothers and they said they actually are able to spend more time with their babies cos our schedule is quite light, one week away, one week in sin kind of thing. So for the one week they become full time mom and once they got tired and frustrated with the kid, they can fly for the week and the cycle begins.

I think I'll miss her like crazy for the first few times but will get used to it. I've been imagining coming our of the arrival gate and seeing my hubby with stroller waiting for me, I think it's a really sweet sight. Haha!

edie: oh thats good ah, there is no need to resign and re join again. so whae have u been dng for the pass 7 mths to kp yourself occupied?

chloie, Cheer up. yr hb really v sweet n nice to u.. i hope mine can readily agree to a LV bag just like tat! he shd support u n u shd support him. two way traffic. n always always voice out yr unhappiness. dun quarrel every night la.. its not healthy.. emotionally n mentally. can tell u n yr hb love each other a lot.. hope things will work out fine for u!

edie, i opted for 4-bedded n hoped for upgrade hahaha! actually its gd also get steady income n yet spend time w yr precious yet not feel overwhelmed by tiredness. glad you got it all planned out.

luckyone: wow your baby is so big ah...are you afraid?

Sometimes, when i think abt it, i feel fearful but i awlays remember all the mummies can do it, so can i...hubby say i got low tolerance level and is so worried for me, im wandering too...i have terrible menses cramps mth after mth, and take painkiller for the first 2 days...so im quite scared how it is gng to be too...

Chloie, sometimes man are like that, blur blur one.

You have to tell him your feeling loh.

Let him know that you're angry with him cause he promised to accompany you for 1 week.

I think he not that kind of person who wants to see you upset loh.

Can tell from the LV bag right?

Maybe he just "forgot" or "tired"? You just remind him loh.

Anne Raj: I've been reading, facebooking, motherhood foruming, cleaning up the room, shopping and watching TV. Very waste of time, very sinful but super shiok.

Chillimum: Same, I opted for 4 bedded as well and am secretly praying 2 bedded is full also so I get to get one bedded. But can upgrade to 2 bedded am happy enough. So you're going to get the delivery room with hydrobath?

I still cant find any coconuts!!

The NTUC aunties told me they get their coconuts from Thailand, and Thailand has been on strike for weeks, they didnt export much produce..

Cold Storage also dont have =(

I think I will go to Tampines Giant and find... maybe stock up 10 pieces!

baby_t, yeah loh keep eating.

Anne Raj, I'm scared was in delivery blues remeber? You still dream of me hahaha..

But after seeing the new born baby photos,

now most important to me is my boy born healty loh.

Labout thing don't think about it lah.

When it comes it comes!

edie: tt sounds so cool , considering that i have force myself to get up every morning for work.anyway its only for ts months then got to work so not too bad, its a good break for u ah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im also hoping for a 2 bedded upgrade at Mt A...heheheh

bb-bao: dont buy and stock up so many, if its overdue for days, then there wnt be much water left inside the coconut.

bb-bao: i was at parkway giant on sunday, there were plenty of green coconuts there. i usually buy the small thai ones though, its $1.10 each. i cant find coconuts in NTUC & shop&save too.

My hb still got the cheek to say that I can go play with my new bag ah... I poke him back by saying that he nv bring me out, how to play with my bag. He just laughed at me. Idiot!

I know my hb has been trying his best to make me happy but I'm a difficult woman lah... Abit more difficult to deal with.... LOL! But ever since I poured out everything, he understood what I was going thru and have been trying to make up for the my missing heart and end up I felt bad for making things difficult for him.

chillimum , edie - Imagine our babies lying beside one another in the nursery...how sweet..hehe!

I oso opted for 4 bedded n see if i'm lucky enuff to get the free upgrade. If not, then i shall wait til they pushed me to 4 bedded ward kay kay ask for the upgrade then bo bian pay for the extras =P

chillimum: One of the delivery rooms in TMC has a bath tub, not for giving birth but more for during the labour, waiting for 10cm dilation, but have to top up $200 more.

bb-bao: I thought coconut one week once can already. You still got 10 more weeks? No right.

Chloie, in that case hor, next time give him a weekend list.

Plan for him what time go out, where to go...else

That's what I've done since after married.

Man always lazy to plan and think.

like my last weekend, I plan go movie, nice ramen and shopping at Liang Court.

Actually also plan for Sun and Mon but too bad he's sick so endup stay at home hehe

Mummies.. any advice for me on cordlife? Sigh me still deciding wat to take up onot leh...like not much time left since going to pop anytime

edie, one room n one bath tub only? need to pre book rite? hav u book? i think it will help w labour pains this bath thing.

Mrs Heng, yes 3 princesses. side by side. if only we pop same day huh. haha so cute thinking abt it.

Oh ya, when I was at TMC, I read from somewhere that should there be no available ward of your choice, you would still be charged accordingly to what you were allocated to... So better to double check even though the counter would tell you that there is free upgrade but all these are not in black and white while the one I read is pure black and white. Hope you all get what I mean.

Oh btw, if you ask if I would choose to go back to TMC in the future, I wont..... LOL!

Anne Raj:

Sorry for the delay in providing the info ,

Total bill was : 9.1k Plus

After medisave we are paying cash : 3.8k plus

This is at Mount Alvernia:

- 1 single bedded room (w companion)

- about 30 hrs in labour room

- csect

Since mine was a long long labor, it was slighly costly. But Im sure u guys will not end in this situation, so im quite confident it will not hit more than 3.8k. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So no worries.

AR : Yr baby is soooo cute...im so tempted to post mine too..let me change resolution and upload...

AR, yr baby looks quite big in the photo. How big was he when u gave birth?

My baby was 3.1kg, but he looks soo slim and elongated. I wished he looked abit more chubby.


I have been trying to buy coconuts since 3-4 weeks ago, and planning to eat 2 per week. No luck thus far.

So buy 10 now to 'clear the back log' - my super nonsense theory.. LOL.

Ok Ok, wont buy so many then... =X

I'm going to see Dr Wong tmr for VE.. Hopefully baby can stay indoors till next week. I'm not ready for him at all...

Luckyone> This has never happened to us before. In fact, all our friends envy us cos we are like the model couple. Always together, teasing each other, no quarrels at all, him being very nice to me.

But things took a change after I got preggy. I think it's those hormones that are starting all these. We always feel that being comfortable together is the most important, regardless of doing the same thing every weekend, as long as we are happy can liao.

So now I try to see open and at the same time not make things difficult for him. I hope I would be ok once I get back to work.

chillimum: I'm not sure if we have to pre-book it or upon admission.

chloie: Really? Will still charge accordingly to the room they allocate to you? Okay, better double check.

bb-bao: You and your funny theory. Think when the baby is out, not ready also will be ready. I'm seeing her only on Friday, hopefully is my last gynae check with her.

helo mummies!!!

me having pain or strains in my lower tummy for few days already..

am still at work.. i hope today is my "last" working day.. for now..

am just so tired.. from the handover and teaching..

tomorrow going for checkup..

jiayou jiayou all mummies waiting!!

hey! wat baby hair and body wash u all using??

AR/jerbunny : ur babies so cute!!! make me wonder how does my princess looks like! but maybe after i see her.. i will wan to put her back in my tummy.. so can just carry ard in the tummy.. hahahaha!

Chloie, um, sometimes being too "free" also not good. If you think your body is ready to go back to work, it is a good idea too.

Not only you I guess, most womens hormones change after pregnant.

My husband also said I changed a lot after pregnant, no patience, lose temp easily, very picky...blar blar

He said luckly he read a lot of inform from books, pregnant woman are like that so he quite give in haha (lucky!)

chloie : its a good thing that he suggested for u to see a counsellor..

good that u both will analyse the problem.. *hugz* its just ur hormones working.. u need to start talking to him and sharing ur tots.. tell him that u need his assurance etc.. dun pick on him..

Just went toliet to "we we" had this "sharp pain" whole tummy area.

Give me a shock thought my constuction coming!

Because gynae said construction is from whole tummy.

Luckly after stand up from toliet bowl, the pain gone~~~

Is it a sign huh?


Was thinking just now, Oh! construction started, then how? Should I take cab home now? Can I go the Q and ask 1st person "I'm going labour, can I have the cab 1st, please" all these thinking just came out hahaha

