(2010/05) May 2010 mtb


how frequent you use the herb.. how can it finish in 1.5days? ur MIL bought the herbs is in vacuum pack or by traditional pink wrapped herbs? my mum bought those herbs in vacuum pack for $30each. total she bought 30pack for confinment

yr previous nanny cook so much black fungus for you? you sure you have eaten so much?

Wonder have she pocketed for herself anot


ma you ji= is chicken right.

have you tried the confinement food delivery webby?

blue turtle,

its time for me to add more friends to my fb..tks


you can try this receipe, ma you ji is actually confinement food ...http://sg.******************/articles/sesame_oil_chicken_ma_you_ji_confinement


Yeah my mil bought 3 types of fish on Friday, pork ribs (for 3 days worth), fish bones, one type of herb called dong sum (100g) think from those chinese herb shops lah. Now the fish only left 1 small piece. Fish bones gone. herbs also gone. We checked her bags before she left leh... nothing inside. And funny thing is that all the food taste like water so where did the ingredients go? I passed her the black fungus yesterday and she went to soak the whole big bag and i only ate some during dinner yesterday. The rest is in the fridge... this nanny say cant keep long so will be wasted lor

hihis agains...

finally i haf time to catch up on all the post from the past few days :p

wow, so much talk about food and bad confinement nannies... i've been having loads of craving for sweet stuffs...and am now into eating late at nite.. feel so sinful..hehe

sianz rite, about bad confinement nannies... nowadays har, even these aunties are so irresponsible..

ylc: think ur previous nanny, never took care of bb or new mums before issit.. i feel as peeved man, after reading about her actions.. grrr...

hope this new one is way better...

my next gynae appointment was supposed to be on mon, but i want to get more me time out of my maternity leave - cos my gynae seems to have a history of getting mums to pop after their visit to him (when bb is at term), so i postponed the appointment to wed ... :p

mrs teo:

about the painkiller, my colleague told me about her $500 painkiller injection after her fibroid removal surgery.. she says it helped her to walk w/o any pain within 3 days! sounds good to me!

i was like.. mmm so if i need to go c-sec and get this super injection, will i not notice my c-section wound burst open until i feel blood drops on the floor? LOL! we had a good laugh over that... ahahahaha...

but yeah, i'll ask my gynae about that during my next visit...


hope u pop only after ur hubby returns..meanwhile, enjoy homecooked chinese food at ur mum's place man....... :p

Congrats to all mummies who have poPped!

bbf! You're the first true may mama!

Enjoying my last weekend as a family of 3!

Everyone, Enjoy your weekends!

Mummies,got any nice website to surf mah?Me almost die from boredom leh....I can't stand my #1 who keep trying to catch my attention by doing stupid thing.

was so glad on friday that its my last day before ML. But its sat today and i am already feeling bored. How i dread Monday and Tuesday... Hope i am able to catch up with more zzzz before bb arrive on 5th.

this is the weekend of gluttony before confinement too.

Sue, haha so far so gd in updating the list but not anymore cos May is here n we still hav ard 70% of MTBs going to pop.

wify oso so far so gd. bb was 2.9kg at 36wk. we shld b opting for scheduled c-sect the wk aft nxt. so hw abt u Sue, nat w/o epi? seems like a May MTBs trend. cheers!

Hi mummies, just breastfed bb Lucas and grabbed some time to update.

my birth story

1. admit myself at about 0030hr on the 30th April after a good meal at mac.

2. 0100hr nurse put 1st Tablet.

3. 0300hr move from labour ward to patient ward. I can feel mild contraction. Contraction becomes more intense, I couldn't sleep for the whole night. When I asked the nurse, she told me it's still mild, need 10cm... I'm like huh... Got 1/2cm now I very happy liaoz... But I still waited and kept telling myself it's mild... (-_-")

4. 0730hr couldn't help it anymore. I requested to go labour ward. And I felt water leaking as well. The nurse did a check on me. She's damn rough till I yelled. Then she said I was dilated 2cm and cannot confirm if it's waterbag burst because I wasn't cooporative... Again, I'm like huh.... U took so long and so rough to check... Wth...

Gladly, gynae came almost immediately.. With her gentle touch, she said i'm 4cm dilated and confirmed waterbag burst! I feel like boxing that nurse already!

With that contraction pain we were still required to clear our bowels and washed clean after. Furthermore, many mummies were admitted on the same night. All cubicles were occupied, I had to walked-ran-skipped myself to the cubicles in the other room then walked-ran-skipped myself back. Anw, it was was quite a mess... I felt like a drama mama at that moment... Lost and not sure if I am doing the right or wrong thing.. Hubby has yet to arrive!!!!

5. 0830 went into delivery suite... Finally saw my Hubby. had epi. Gradually can't feel the pain. Legs began to numb but still manage to control the movements.

6. 0930 gyna came. She said my contraction was very good. However, bb's ctg suddely became flat... Was unlike the results of his ctg results as compared to other days and when I admitted, gynae explained how bb could be distress under unknown condition inside ( I wasn't having any unwell symptom ), she decided to call it off and do an emergency c-sect. Was a little disappointed, Hubby reminded me it's for the sake of ourboy, and I didn't have another option already.

7. At about 10am, I was pushed into the operating room. By 1013hr, bb is out and crying... We took a few pictures and Hubby left with bb and PD. While gynae was stitching back the wound, I dozed off.

It's been a tiring night....

Wound still aches today, that's one of the con's for c-sect.

Loh, here's my bb detail:



ht: 52cm

c-sect w epi.

Ya... We are very surprised of bb's size.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats to lilstarz, kcpq, bbf and AR!

May we have a good rest.

BBF, Congrats!!! It's truely a "Labour" Day for U. Your VIP actualli arrives punctually :p

LucasMummy, I have encountered quite the same experience as u (try natural but end up e c-sect)Also feel disappointed over dat choice. But hubby console its all for the BB well-being and then calm down and accept the fact. ya, the cons of c-sect, wound aches and heals longer.

goood mornings..

woke up with severe pain between the groin..went loo, wiped, and no mucus plug yet...

been telling my gal nevermind, come out when u're ready...though u giving mummy some discomfort...hehe...

(since i myself am split as to whether i wish for the discomfort to end earlier aka she pops out faster, or have me-time (hoping the discomfort will go away)haha


congrats on ur bundle of joy! i'll feel the same as ya to, i.e planning natural but mentally preparing myself for emergency c-sec.. so if can't delivery naturally, i'll be disappointed.. but yeah

ur hubby is right.. bb's well being is impt..

btw, did u take GA or the spinal?

how bout u KTSC? i asked u before, but forgot liao... paiseh

my gynae recommends spinal, but after spending half an afternoon in the kitchen cooking yest, i cldn't even move due to lower back pain... it was BAD...

now i'm wondering if i go for spinal, am i the kind who'll get paralysed?


i was telling my hubby all the may mummies who delivered in apr are very garang! no epi! which is what i hope for myself too... :p

y wifey opting for c-section..cos of bb size? pain?

oh ya, u're gonna be busy updating the list for us sia, come may

we really appreciate your help though [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congraz BBF being the first May Mother, your gyna is also very accurate.

Loh, thanks for the update. just knew that you are a father-to-be from 1 of the mother. But glad that you have helped, we appreciate it.


did you put any nappy cream or corn starch powder before wearing diapers? i heard cloth nappy is still the best for bb becos not hot.

Sue: I went try spinal. I already had epi for natural, therefore just increase dosage for c-sect. But I will still choose spinal if u give me a choice for c-sect. I want my Hubby with me and to be there. Will then compensate with proper and well rested confinement.

Loh: Thanks for your prompt updates.

Sue: I might not go yoga this Tues again, I very scared will induce labour, I am trying to hold the baby until Sunday cos Hubby will only be back on Sat. I also have a lot of discomforts but trying to ignore and brainwash myself that it has nothing to do with labour.

COngrats KCPQ!!!

Congrats to lilstarz, kcpq, bbf, ylc, chubby tiger and AR.....and whoever has popped. (sorry, no time to read backward [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

WOW! Our 1st May mummy - bbf!!! Labour Day baby, woohooo!!!!! *envy* *envy* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just to drop by to say hi and my son says cheers to those mummy still in the waiting game [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



hihis back! little huggy boy


ic [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ur gal will definitely wait for her daddy to welcome her into the world!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Huggy, ur boy is soooo handsome! hopefully my boy will be as handsome. ,>

Loh --> thnx! for ur very prompt updates.

am soooo bored. did you guys watch ironman2? tot its a bore leh. thk the first one better. hb wanna watch ipman2. thk if i go, will fall asleep. watch the first one, too many kungfus movements for my taste... am waiting for shes out of my league. maybe my last mvie before baby pops..

KCPQ, congrats. A truely "Labour" Day for you too :p

Sue, same as LucasMummy, I already had epi for natural, therefore just increase dosage for c-sect.

Not sure whether having lower back pain would increase the chance of getting paralyse due to epi. If this worried u, better to ask gynae.

Edie, ya better rest more, walk less. Hopefully your hubby would be around when BB came.

Hi mummies, is been a long long time I didn't log in. Hope everyone is doin fine. Congrats to those mummies who hv popped. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

weather is super hot & Counting down everyday, still got 15 days to go. Everyday busy pumping my milk as bb dun want to latch on. My flow is not alot but just try to give as much as I can. So mostly top up with formula milk[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

catch up with u all again, tk cr ya.

mummies who had popped...

Will we b able to know it ourselves if dilation starts ? I had a very bad constipation juz now n tried to have a few hard pushes. Finally able to relieve myself. Aft dat while taking shower i realised theres this pair of "lips" protuding out in between of my normal vijaja lips. Is dat the start of dilation?

Mrs heng, me always have bad constipation and 2 weeks back as I was too forceful during pass motion and cause my labia (inner lip that you refering) to swollen and protude out. It was too painful that I have to walk very extemely slowly with both legs wide apart.

See gynae next day and she mention swollen labia and piles do happen with some girls with long labor hours.

I hav to stay on bed for 3 days then before swollen subside. lucky I do not give birth that week, otherwise it would be too painful for me to deliver bb.

Take plenty of fruit, please don't force since we are near our Edd. I was prescibe with liquid paraffin to soften my stool, you may request your gynae.

Mrs heng, we have same Edd and seeing same gynae. Do you feel swollen, try not to walk too much to prevent rubbing of labia. That time, dr wong give me gel to apply to relief swollen pain and Stellisept to clean my bottom.

Good morning MTBS n FTBS,

tks for appreciating my effort. will try to do a good job for you ladies n gentlemen. cheers!

Sue, cos we very 'pangdang' folks. so we c a master to choose gd date for bb. oso we not really the patient kind. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning all mummies!

Congrats to bbf on your arrival of bb boy!!

Think i'm gonna be overdue.. Tmr is the edd.. but my girl doesn't seem wanna come out yet.. See gynae later, and he's trying to get me to induce labour.. but i really wanna my girl to come out on her own will...

Good morning everyone! It's already month of May! Yeah!!!!

Congrats to all mummies who have popped over the last week!! Too busy to read back the posts.

good morning...

first day of ML. cant believe.. i am bored and logging into my office server.

mums and babes having 20% sale (if you have any last minute items you need to get)

GOOOD MORNING MTBS!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jo... me 6 more days to EDD!!! Also tik my bb very comfy in me dun wat to come out... haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but i guess if everything is ok inside.. we can keep them for longer period.. i heard its better for bb to stay longer in womb...

Mrs Teo.. wah so fast you start ML? me still working by the day cuz really feel bored staying at hm loh...


Seems like many mummies have popped.... n this thread will be more quiet... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies... do share wif us yr labour experience n how to tackle NBs when you can!

