(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

maggie mee, too bad no cash prize for baby born in 1st May hahaha..

blue turtle, I will try to do the "cat and cow" tonite, if my kneecap can "tahan".

This weekend, me and husband will enjoy our "last" 2 person's world (got a feeling bb will pop next week).

Sat will go swimming at town safa, have a cup of coffee, nice ramen for lunch, movie in the evening.

Sun will go for cup of coffee again then long walk at east coast follow by another movie at night.

Monday I'm off and hubby will take leave too.

Haven't plan anything for Mon. Maybe will go for nice lunch then walk around in town bah.


Jerbunny.. i c-sec wed this morning bathe liao!! Wha ... i can only say it was damn shiok!! Bathe hot water lor.... anyway i am aiming for self-gratification now... if not like so dirty then got to hold baby and breastfeed too... sponge bath just isn't enough... i will deal with next time problems when it comes!!

Chloie, I don't think I can tahan the hot water too. The weather so hot until like killing people.

Anyway when we bath hor nobody will see right? Just add in cold water and bath loh hehe..


Monday can go Swensens for 1 for 1 lunch treat using HSBC credit card during lunchtime.. then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


another option, go rendevous hotel for buffet... pretty nice durian dessert.. yummy.....

with citibank credit card, second diner is at $10 only..

Luckyone.. yeah got some pain.. when sit up in bed... then climb up and down the hospital bed surely got some pain... still on painkillers but i stopped the one that makes me drowsy... so just taking the 2 blue pills synflex (i thot its used for menstral cramps?!) and some white colour one... i got to stop my anti-biotics today giving me diarrhoea....

When pain walk slowly lor... ok lah... tolerable... must move about then the body got blood circulation then heal faster.. but of course dun overdo....

Anne> Nah! It's ok! She has been in the hospital for almost a month. It's good that she is no longer suffering.

serene> I also hope so.....

Luckyone> But when you get the chance to shower, you wont be very bothered whether if the water is hot or cold. You will enjoy every min of it!

Wow luckyone.. yr program for wkend so nice...my wkend will be just going lunchie over at families n friend's place... all the last min invitations before i pop loh...so boring no " er ren shi jie" with HB...

i tik i will sure shower during confinement..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. now i shower few times/ day liao... so hot...

Luckyone: Swenson's 1-for-1 lunch no need use HSBC credit card lar. HSBC card will give u discount for other ala carte items not on promotion.

Lcukyone: wow you have a planned weekend. thats great. enjoy yourself and enjoy some couple time b4 the little one arrives.

Serene: i think you shuld take more protien, beef and durains, it would sure would help. Since its Csect, i would suggest that try to eat as much as possible to put some weight on baby.

Luckyone: Yesday, after the Dr appt, me and hubby went for a nice lunch at Thai express, i went for my last meni and pedi, cut all my nails short and added clear colour. and went for a movie, Iron man 2, tote of catching shutter island but not playing at that branch, hoping to catch it on Sat.Then bote some last min baby clothes, just in case, missed out on baby's cap, so need to get that. Had dinner and came home. Now im so tired couldnt get up ts morning too.

WAH! so happening the forum today! buzzing w excitment! is it MAY finally coming! n so much talk abt FOOD!!!

Hehe Luckyone, enjoyenjoy yr weekend! ur programs sounds good!

i think i will bath w hot shower also... lazy n troublesome to boil water n since gotta touch tap water anyhow, might as well bath w it too.

Mummies wanting to buy chicken essense, there is promo:


TANGS ORCHARD - NEW MOON ESSENCE OF CHICKEN w American Ginseng/Cordyceps(6s)(S$12.50/S$13.00each)

i flip open the papers today, got bombarded with so many sales n discounts until i cant think of lunch now! lol! later gg shopping yeah!

Hi gals,

Long time not chat in the thread.Congraz to have more and more popping little one out already.

currently, i am seeing Doctor twice/week. what about you guys? Now pocket a huge holes. But no choice. Doctor instruction that he have to monitor closely cos baby at smaller side.

These few days are getting more & more nervous cause don't know how to differentiate stomachache and contraction. Everytime only pain a few mins, come and go not lasting for an hour.


hahaha... So I'm not alone... I first drench myself in the herbs water then after tt shower with hot water as normal... But once out of the shower I start to sweat liao lor... Super sian... I'm starting to count down liao... 2 more weeks to go!!! Then I can go satisfy all my post natal cravings!!! Heehee

Hello Mummies, been so busy whole week and so glad that people are popping with healthy and beautiful babies.

My hubby flew off to China this morning and will only be back on 8th and my EDD is on 13th, however my very initial one was 18th. Hopefully my baby can wait for 9 days, been talking to her everyday. And the ironic thing is, my hubby is going China to do a documentary on gendercide-the killing of baby girls there! A bit eerie ah, like everything happens at the same time, but don't think so much la.

Really hope this week will pass with no false alarm, scares or even real labour.

JSP> I'm also counting down. I have 9 more days!!!!! REN!!!! But my confinement like not confinement like that. Wear shorts & t shirt at home, go out, blow the fan, sleep in aircon room, shower with tap water, eat McDonald's, drink plain water, etc etc...... LOL!

But I heard my mum say that after confinement, it's not good to start to indulge in the food which we used to take before confinement. She say our stomach cannot take it so will end up with diarrhoea.....

blue turtle, Thanks for the infor.

Anne Raj, me going to watch Iron Man 2 this Sat too!

Wa! JSP you confinement so fast! 2 more weeks?

anlin, I seeing my gynae every week since last week onwards.

maggie mee, haha should find few hours for "er ren shi jie" if not after BB born hor, even sleep also no time liao.

edie, um...then you must take care of yourself when your husband not around hor.

Are you home alone?

China, really got a lot of bad news killing babys!

Few days ago read a article, there's a lorry hit down on a lady with a 4 months old baby boy in stroller, then the stoller hook under the lorry and gone with it.

On the way, a lot of people ask the driver to stop but the driver never stop loh.

According to yesterday newspaper, the polices later found the baby's die somewhere at the high way area. So sad for mother...

Luckyone: I might go over to mother's place to stay for the week, and ya, I saw the article, they have this can't-be-bothered attitude. 4 months old only, very poor thing.

Congrats to all mummies who had pop...

Confinement:Me too bath on my 5th day of confinement liao(with the herbs),then every 2 days my MIL ll boil the water for me to bath.I everyday oso touch tap water,and I wash my face so many times daily,cos my hair so oily then my face oso feel super oily.Today is my 12th of confinement,still got long way to go leh.....yesterday night I cannot ta han,I hide in my toilet and bath with the heater water,haha...everyday I ll oso on fan and aircon,cos its super hot and sticky esp after the massage.


I bathe with heater water today. The weather is terrible. I had to go without aircon because my boy doesnt like aircon. My boy seems to be okay with the weather and wore those long sleeves pjs and still can sleep so soundly. So far only sleep and drink lots of milk. He is definitely different from my girl. My girl needs lots of attention when she was an infant. This boy is a breeze compared to her! While my girl needs to sleep in aircon room, this boy is perfectly contented sleeping without aircon. What a difference!

ylc,my bb oso fine with the weather,he ll sneeze if I on the fan too big,lol....it's me that cannot tahan the weather.So now my elder one slp with me at night(with air-con and fan on),then bb slp with my MIL.


hahaha my bb sleeping with me and my girl... yesterday both fighting for milk. I had to do tandem nursing... but also gd relief on both breasts. my boy can't tahan the aircon so had to make the temp higher, while my girl complained not cold enough... aiyo... he's already all covered longsleeves and mittens plus thick blanket still end up sleeping on my chest the entire night! i also can't tahan the weather, its a killer!


thks for the advice... Will go slowly on satisfying my cravings... Heehee...


ya lor... So fast 2 weeks had passed liao lor... Budden I hoping the next 2 weeks pass even faster... Lolz!!!


ur boy really cute leh... Wanna pinch his cheeks lor... N looks like ur ger also... Ur labour super short n sweet leh... U rest well hor...


WOW I like your confinement practices.. somemore got McDonald's! =P I'm so happy they brought the Quarter Pounder cheese burger back.. I loveee it!

Anyway I'm quite a bossy person at home, so if I wanna do or eat anything... I guess no one can stop me?


I always thought bb will sneeze when it's dusty, not because of cold... no?


Your little darling is so cute and peaceful! I hope mine will be easy to handle.. I always have this impression that boys are very difficult.. they'll bounce off the walls once they can walk and talk!

JSP.. u good lor... 2 more wks to end confinement... me still hvn't pop! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JSP, bb-bao,

Thanks thanks! Yeah he looks kinda like my girl but thank GOD less fussy. He has been sleeping the whole day and of course bfing whenever he is awake. He is very gd boy letting me rest all the time. I guess not all boys are difficult to manage... enjoy while they are at this age... super duper cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm changing my confinement nanny... she doesnt seem to have much experience taking care of bb... hb super angry and called the agency to change and asking her to leave tonight. Imagine I woke up this morning, no breakfast & no drinks. Hb had to serve me hahahaha. She doesnt know how to make milo... it tasted like water. I had the papaya soup this afternoon and also tasted like water & her veg pretty salty.

She kept leaving my son alone in the living room, end up I have to look after him myself while she was busy in the kitchen dunno doing what. My son kept crying whenever she changes his nappy. I just changed nappy for my son and he didnt even cry. I made a nice basket filled with all the necessity and she can still go around my house/room finding things when everything is in front of her! *faintz*

Hello ladies!!

OMG!! So long since i've been away from the forum!!

Too much to say and too little time.. going to be time for bb's nez feed alr..

1.Birth story

9.30- induced and gynae broke water bag (Nvr did VE b4 so i was totally taken aback when she put her hand in and broke the bag!)

3cm dilated..

abt 11ish- 4cm dilated. gynae advised me to take epidural bec i am too scared. I was alr influced to take.. but was still surviving on laughin gas. It worked for me bec i complemented it with breathign techniques learnt at yoga.

11ish to 3ish- too high on laughing gas to know time passed ir rmb anything..

then abt 2 close to 3pm- The mother of all Pains kicked in!! I started chanting my prayers loudly bec too much pain. tried to focus to breathe properly. (hb was all the way talking me out of epidural) Then i was groaning in pain and told my hb cant take it- JUST GIMME EPIDURAL!!

Then nurse came and did VE- said time to push already! Cant do epidural!

Then I tt die already! hahah! Then no choice la! Start pushing.. its was really alot of trauma and shock

opss.. bb crying.. contiune ltr..

CONGRATS AR & other mummies who have popped. Wow, no epidural.. inspiration inspiration.. wats babys name, AR?

ylc --> ur babys soo cute. love the cheeks. am sucker for babies wiv chubby cheeks.

Yah. weather a killer. Today got staff training at ecp. by the beach. tell you feel like fainting. show my face to bossie, 2 hrs later cabut. 2 hrs out of like 12 hrs (8 to 8). monday confirm see her black face. dont carelah..

went to gynae. kena suan. gained 1 more kg. total 16kg. baby abt 3kg at week 36. baby head low but not engaged yet.

its MAY ppz.. so excited but so nervous..

Happy Labour Day!!

And Congrats to all the mommies who have popped..

Am hoping for kiddo to come out on 1st May but looks unlikely since I'm still sitting in front of my laptop, playing games on the facebook... Anyway, she still has a few more days to decide before she gets induced by the doc.. hope she comes out before then..

Mommies who have popped or 2nd time mommies, any idea how does the doc 'break' the waterbag?

Grats to all mummies who popped!!!

Happy Labour Day !!!..Finally its MAY..woHoOoo

Had my gynae appt yday, bb at 37weeks @ 2.8kgs. I only gained 600g for the past 2 weeks and 300g went to bb..phew..what a relieve! My nex appt will b 1 week later. Bb is now engaged but gynae feel dat most probably i wun be delivering in the nex 7days. So near yet so far >.<

Lucasmummy - WOW...u bb grow so fast !??!?!?! 3.5kgs!..must more than u expectation rite?

Wow AR,

so brave of you can tahan so long w/o epidural..

What you meant by put the hand in to burst water bag. Between the doctor recommended to induce? What is the reason?


yr boy is cuty . lucky the agent allow you to change confinement ladies... or else you will vomit blood


to break the waterbag, the gynae will insert a flexible, tube like apparatus into our V all the way in until the waterbag is punctured. The tube allows the fluids in the waterbag to drain out in a directed direction. I found it quite painful.

anlin, if waterbag break naturally, gynae will not break it further. All you need to do if get yourself to hospital soon, to prevent infections.


ya... its their policy mah... thats y go agent is gd so anything can change but must be due to valid reasons lah.

now already almost vomitting blood. I think after discharge i lost more weight cus didnt eat well.

tks ylc & rantingbaby

ylc, confinement period cannot be hungry... drink milo better than nothing...take care



yeah my previous nanny dunno how to make milo... tasted like water. Everything she cooked taste like water. Today I had water beehoon. Can you imagine that? I could bring myself to eat lor... only eat the ingredients.

New replacement nanny came and the previous nanny left. Was so pissed off cus everything was in a mess and all the herbs that she asked us to buy, suddenly all gone in 1.5days! Think my mil spent like a fortune on it and its all gone already lor! My mum bought the black fungus one big pack all the way from China, she used it all up! Arghhhh.... I also dunno what she has been doing but apparently from this new nanny, the previous nanny seem to have used up everything that we bought on Friday including herbs worth few hundred dollars! and she cooked stuff that i'm not supposed to eat. arghhh.... worse still, the way she handles my son is incorrect. Luckily we made the decision to change nanny last night!

Sorry need to vent out frustrations here... really pissed off!

