(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

today i quick quick go watsons buy the make up remover tissue pad.. coz hor.. i think after c-section very hard to come down the bed to go toilet wash my face + make up. heheheh...

told hb first day no visitors (except immediate family members)


Mrs Teo: giving birth is 1-time pain. looking after bb is an entire lifetime burden. haha...

Get your hubby to call the confinement food company lar. After delivery the gynae or someone should inform you how many days u need to stay. I heard c-sect usu stay like 3 days kind, if natural then 2 days.

chillimum: agree with u that onlookers can cause a lot of unnecessary stress to the mother. i got pretty upset previously cos of some comments my MIL made on confinement issues, pregnancy stuff, etc.

i am waiting for knock off ... went toilet and out of curiosity, checked my nipples... starts to wonder.... there is no "holes.." how the milk come out? AND.. i suppose its not like then u see on tv pple milking cow those quantity / streams of milk rite.. shd be in drips and droplets kind?

yes yes, I agree with chillimum,

there are always lots of "on-lookers" and pple who mean well giving all kinds of comments and suggestions

but we just have to remain convicted that we are the mother,

we know best and most imptly we get to decide what to do with/for our bb.


Confinement time is usually a period of adjustment for everyone,

plus we go through so much hormonal imbalance, physical pain both up and down there...

Will surely need to let off some steam.

That's where our hb comes in handy or else the frustration will arrow to all the wrong pple.

Mayb your maternal instincts will just surge on and not return to work at all then solve the after ML problem aldy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wha Chubby tiger u really have a CHUBBY baby!!

Mrs Teo

C-sec is 4 days 3 nights.. i checked in yesterday Wednesday late morning.. and this Saturday check out... the nurse tell me parking is complimentary for 3 days... so i also not sure this Saturday how i think parking is a killer here....

yeah got internet connection thats why i online now..decent enough not say that slow...

i didn't even have visitors yesterday cos i felt like total crap.....but visitors here no limit like at TMC... its 8am to 8pm...

i also got no milk at all... just that the nurse squeeze my boob then the right side suddenly got like 1 drop..and its still about 1 drop each time.... left squeeze until so pain also nothing....

but the nurse tell me she peeing and pooing so i guess its ok...

just a note... nurses here can be quite busy at the nursery sometimes... so if you are those want to feed every 3 hourly have to go to nursery yourself or call them bring to you... cos they tell me will pass to me every 3 - 4 hourly but end up i fell asleep and it went to 6 hours also didn't bring.... but today second day they want to leave the baby with me the whole day hahaha.....then i just send back when she poops!

Mrs Teo.. by now the pain a lot less... but sometimes walk or bend a certain way will still feel a certain twinge here and there... but i still take painkillers though i cut down the dosage today... it's ok and my threshold of pain is low... walk a bit slow and try not to do too big movements.... i am quite chor lor by nature so i tend to forget myself.....

dun worry.. the pain is manageable and tolerable..by tmrw i expect to be normal already...

Whoa... looks like quite a few 'May' Mommies have popped... Congrats!

Just went for my 39th week checkup today.. still no sign or symptom from kiddo yet, other than a bit of discharge of the muscus plug.. think she's happy and snug inside... My gynae did a VE and told me that I'm 1cm dilated... she gave me the option to wait till my EDD or to induce anytime I want.. decided to let the kiddo decide herself but she only has till next Thurs to make her appearance.. haha...

Am still working as long as I can.. it's a good thing that I'm still relatively agile so doc has no qualms about me continue going to work... I personally find that it helps to occupy my mind...

Nevertheless, I look forward to seeing my kiddo latest next thurs.. yeah!! Another new stage in life begins..

Hey mummies!

I've given birth to my son on 27th April [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Quick update:

Date of birth: 27th April 2010 (Natural w/o epidural)

Weight: 3.34kg

Height: 52.5cm

Went in labour ward at ard 9am and waited for gynae to come burst my water bag and induce labour. But she came in only at 11.18am to burst my water bag and induce labour. at 12pm contractions came 1 min apart. 1:30pm pain set in more and already started to push... hahaha everything in a blurr already cus didnt take any pain relief. He came out at 2pm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Discharged today and now at home resting. back pain more than stitches hahaha stitches doesnt even bother me. But my girl missed me so much she cried until she fall asleep and woke up very early just to go hospital to visit me n her brother. She called me crying and i also started to tear too...

congrats ylc, chubby tiger, lilstar!

More mummies going for natural without epidural! AMAZING! i wonder if i can do the same... don't think i am so brave though.

TMC mummies, how did you manage the parking? the parking charges are crazy, and if i remember correctly they give out $3 per entry tickets, but that would mean we can't keep going in and out of the carpark.

Congrats to all mummies who have popped!

Lilstarz, keep latching on and keep yourself stress free like distract yourself with tv or what not when BFg.

Re: Nursing pillow

I brought mine along cos hospital bed is not at optimum angle for BFg. If you are having csect or never BF before, nursing pillow is good to bring along.

But I rem parking at tmc last yr was totally FOC. My hb don topup eh. And yes, the parking at TMC is exorbitantly high. Crazy!

I hv booked my c sec to be 8 May.


ur hb stay overnight + pay extra lodging?

i dun think my hubby will be able to stay with me 24/7 during the stay...

is there a shower room in the ward where hb can shower + sleep. I rem there is a couch though...

so many many many mummies popped in April man....

congrats to all ;)

Uhmm can mummies refresh my men. What to bring for admission at tmc? Can only rem marriage cert and gyne package fees only....wat else huh??

Ur identification cards. If claiming medisave for preg related expenses bring receipts amounting to total of at least $450. Don't forget ur hospital bag, cordlife stuff if u signed up.

Blue turtle, that's all only yah? Else quite troublesome to get hb to find those docs after I admitted. Think he got no time also. Heh.

KTSC, no prob! :)

Rantingbaby.. luckily the c-sec stitches not bothering me so got pillows at the side to help me latch on... plus she so tiny the weight also insignificant... but latch and latch apart from sore nipples still nothing leh.... so just wait lor.... wait until tmrw discharge if still dun have wait for PD give further instructions

Mrs Teo... i make hubby stay with me but they had no single rooms! So i said i want to do conversion of 2 bedder to 1 room becos hubby MUST stay with me... so they said ok.... so instead of a couch he gets a bed and his own tv... and he's happy.... they did offer me a single room on wed after my op but i was in no position to move anywhere so i just said no need.... and hubby is very happy about not sleeping on a couch... and the nurse also told me the single ward 4b having renovations so very noisy.... so i left it as that.... we got own private toilet mah... so i use he also use.... they provide towels and toiletries too.

anyone experience kneecap pain? I don think I can "tahan" anymore leh.

after 38 weeks hor, can ask gynae whether we can do for induce labour?

SK: for documents that's all the clinic assistant told me to bring. i packed everything into the hospital bag so that won't forget lor. most important is identification cards lar. i think other thing forget still ok. marriage cert i think is need to register bb's name?

Luckyone: i don't have kneecap pain. by my joints and knuckles on my hands are in pain though. especially early in the morning when i wake up. feel like some old woman. water retention in legs also getting a little worse than before. plus the groin pain... argg... feel like dying...

blue turtle, do you still practice yoga at home?

I can't remember most of the post liao hehe.. and also found diff to practice as my movement is getting very, very slow..

When I'm sitting on the floor, sofa or led down on the bed, I can't get up without my husband help..

The heat nowadays was so unbearable. Any mummies whom had given birth showered with heater water?

My endurance level is very low and heck, I showered. I hope that I will be fine when I get a bit older.

With all the feeding, it is also difficult to aviod contact with normal tap water.

Anyone in the same situation as me?

Hi Serene, Sk: Saw Woody yesday afternoon, it wasnt so crowed, was the 6th to see him. Last week he took my blood pressure and yesday he checked baby size and took head circum...

He asked me to stop on my milk intake, baby is 3.2kg at 36.5 weeks. Baby is engaged and he gave me the admission letter to Mt A in the event i have 3 signs of labour.

He said from now, its anytime within the next 2 weeks.

Congrats to all the mummies who have popped over the last few days.

Im looking forward to my turn, I cant walk with the tummy...and im still working [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wish i could be at home, but also at home also bored.

Yup, i have a similar case for my collegue too, her Dr asked her to stop her milk intake as baby is growing bigger.

My gyne mentioned that he would be too big and difficult for normal delivery.

Luckyone: He also mentioned baby must move at least 10 times a day from now on...

Last night i had lower backpain and couldnt sleep well too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Luckyone: i still try to do a few yoga poses every night. triangle pose, warrior, the calf stretching poses, the lying down legs against the wall spread open pose, cat & cow. that's abt it. not do all in 1 night, maybe pick like 2 or 3 to do before i go zzz. helps prevent stiff muscles the next morning when i wake up.

Anne: did u ask ur gynae how to count the 10 movements? my friend was telling me if the baby continuously give 10 kicks that's like 1 count, not 10. =P

Jerbunny: my MIL just tell me to try to avoid tap water as much as possible lar. i also think it's hard to totally avoid. it's like urgent go toilet, need to wash hand, where got time to go find boiled water wash hand? unless u stock up a pail of boiled water in the toilet at all times?

Yup bb must move at least 10 x per day that was what my gyne told me last evening. It's also the first time we chatted for so 'long' as he's famous for the name 'man with few words'.

He took my blood for blood profile test and the admission letter and got me prep for the 'anything' is possible cases within the next few days to delivery.

Hey it's only now I feel tad of gan jiong cos feel I still got some stuffs yet to prep for the arrival of the lil one. Hehe.

blue turtle, wow! you still able to do so many poses ah!

Last few weeks before deliver also quite stess hor. Have to keep counting baby's movement..

Hi all,

I hv not delivered yet... in my 37 wk now... baby is 3.1kg and head is already very low... my gynae said it's anytime... didn't do VE so I dunno if I hv dilated but I suspect I shd be at least 1-2 cm now... it's just a feel... I am still working.... already told my boss I will work until end of next wk...so unless I deliver, I hv to come to work.... it's so tiring now... can't walk much plus all the pelvic, BHC pain/discomfort... I wish I can be staying home to rest...

Congrats to all those who hv delivered... it's a wonderful thing to see your little one after carrying it inside you for 9 months.... I can't wait to see mine too... altho I hv some fear on delivery but even more phobia for confinement....

Jerbunny> Super hot right! And you will perspire non stop no matter where you hide, even during your sleep. Which day of your confinement did you shower with the hot tap water?

It is very hard to avoid contact with normal tap water cos we have been doing it for the whole of our life. Suddenly want us to stop the routine needs alot of reminding.

Morning MTBS! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

After today... we will be real MAY mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Dunno who will pop on 1st May [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all,

I am in my 39 wk now... encounter a bad back pain and BHC pain/discomfort over the last few night, each night the pain is more n more intense... can't sleep well oso...does anyone encounter this?

Congras to all those who have delivered....

My maternal grandma passed away last night and I'm forbid to go to the wake!!!!! ~!@#$%^&*

April is a bad bad month for me..... Lucky today is the last day of april liao. I just cant wait for it to end and move on with more good things to come by.......

Blueturtle: I didnt ask how the 10 times to counted. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Luckyone, yes yes. must do ah. else i wake up every morning with aches all over my body. u try to do the lying down ones or the cat and cow ya. i also try to do pelvic tilts or squats but then against the wall lar. feeling unbalanced these days. i usu do and watch tv at the same time. =D

SK: try to prepare at least the important or die die must have stuff. my mother was telling me cleaning and all she can help me do when i'm still in hospital after delivery. so i just need to make sure i buy everything that needs to be bought and let her know where i put the things.

Chloie, I think I will die early la...

After 1 week, I shower almost everyday with hot water only. If not, I will stink!

I feel bad but seriously I cant function without getting rid of the smell!!

I will perspire a lot more at night and I can't on the aircon coz baby scared of cold.... very cham la

Luckyone, blue_turtle,

I feel like a beached whale..

When I lie on my side, I cant flip to another direction... stuck.

Then occasionally will get a very, very weird tingling feeling at my vj... bb is like burrowing through? Digging to come out like that..


I think I will be like you.. I have super low tolerance for heat! I shower with cold water everyday now 'cos I know I cant do that after.

I think I will shower in the hospital after delivery? Haha.. all the sweat and tears in the delivery ward, salty and oily leh.........

BTW, whats the rationale of not using tap water? Boiled water more sterile is it?

Anne Raj,

So excited for you!! You sure got a big baby too..

BB-Bao: i have the same problem too, get stuck on bed and cant turn to the other side, need hubby to pull me and help me ard...sian man...

Cant wait for the day...

Jerbunny: why not get bb a blanket or wear the long sleeve pjs? then try to on the air con?

bb-bao: i do encounter the burrowing/digging feeling at the pelvic area recently. not sure if it's bb playing or trying to get into position. cos at times i can still feel her butt under my chest, accompanied with all the heart burn and stuff.

Anne: haha... monday i go visit ask my gynae how to do the counting

Sharon: the pain u r encounting is because of the BHC or back pain. if painful BHC could be contractions, not BHC leh. my gynae say BHC is at most uncomfortable but not painful. if painful most likely it's contractions. must start counting and timing it.

Jerbunny> Wont die early lah! You know at first I tot I can tahan to boil the herbs water and wait a few hours for it to cool down but after 3 times [and also cos no more herbs liao], I give up! LOL! We are only supposed to start showering with the boiled herbs water after 12 or 14 days but I showered with it after a week. Same like you, cant tahan the smell. No choice lah.... Since you have aldy showered, then there is nothing else you can do aldy right? LOL! I also feel bad after showering with the tap water and I think my hb also give up on me...

bb-bao> Wahahahahaha! Like in the past when women are going to give birth, the hb / midwife would need to go boil water dont know for what! LOL!

Cos tap water got "wind" so need to boil the water with herbs to get rid of the wind lah!

And you super drama can, tears in the delivery ward! Not as if you are crying for the whole day there till you flood the whole ward lor. You wont sweat I think. It is air-conditioned.


Hi Anne,

hmm,maybe i shd drink more milk to try to make my bb heavier.. I will see him on Monday. Hope not long queue.. My little baby is playing soccer inside me.. Making tsunami waves all the time.. So cute.. Counting down to the day....

Hi Chloie, you will be a super strong lady from May onwards, cos you had survived through the bad things.. Life will be nicer from May onwards... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any mummies gave birth in Mt A recently? I have booked for single room. Hubby will stay but not eat there.Must I really declare his staying and pay $70 per nite for him? Can he be an illegal overstayer???

