(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

omg omg! *panick* thank god i only drank twice... ==XX thanks for sharing w me... okie... cross out papaya!!



don drink too much orange juice... too much vit c might not be too gd too!

hais... i think plain water BEST la!!! =DDD

Water parade everyday! =)))


kcpq, papaya milk and papaya soup can drink to your hearts content after delivery.

it's good for helping produce milk for breastfeeding.

ok, before i go into depression over bubble tea..i'm going to hit the sack.

hope to chat with all of u again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babymustwear: during my no 1, i fell into depression. I guess i was lucky, a mild case i think.. i depressed coz my hubby will going away for a period of 3 weeks during my first pregnancy. i was having quite bad morning sickness then.. worse.. after my marriage in 2008, i don't really go out often with my gal friends.. and since my morning sickness very bad, i was almost home daily alone.. is a good friend of mine that made me realised i was in depression and i seek medical attention with hubby.. i chose not to take the medicine and decided to open myself up a bit instead of always crying.. eventually morning sickness gone and i survived my hubby 3 weeks absense by doing jigsaw puzzle which i always like to and I had my brother moved in to accompany me.

my main point to tell you is.. think of the bright side and if cannot.. talk to someone.. i feel it really helps to talk it out.. even though you may be unreasonable or too worrying but it doesn't kill to just talk.. if u feel u falling into depression, seek attention soon.. u can just talk to the doctor what is worrying you and choose not to take medication like my case..

ylc.. u same as me.. my 1st morning sickness very bad... and till now my 5th week i am just tired and stomach always bloat but not puking yet.. crossing my finger ha ha

bbf.. ha ha that what i did after lunch till i back home to change out of my jeans.. i unbutton the top button.. lucky i wore a polo tee to work that long enough to cover.. i think i will not be wearing my jeans anymore.. yes i am a working mommy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gynae said i am into 6th week but most prob i conceive later.. so i should be around 5 weeks based on size.. and couldn't get heartbeat yet.. but said it looks fine.. so schedule 3 weeks later on 9th oct. pray hard by then must have heartbeat..

bbf can update.. gynae est edd 21st may as for now.. gynae is dr clifford chan.. i think i just miss out on these two info..

gynae recommended me to stop breastfeeding to prevent cramps or stomach pain.. so i am trying o gradually stop within 2 weeks time now..


i'm so sorry to hear that your mean bosses made a bad decision...

hope some things will work out for you and do keep a cheerful outlook for the bb! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i'm in my 6th week now...


me will update my info after i see my bb heartbeat... pang dang lei...

bout the part on caffeine, yeah i read that it constricts our blood flow and may affect blood circulation for the bb, sth like that... and chocolates sometimes contain more caffeine than coffee...


thanks for sharing, will breathe slow slow during the next butt jab!


wanna ask you, issit safe to do the pigeon pose? i read that it's a great hip opener from the internet but whenever i do it at home, i feel that i'm compressing my tummy lei...

okies, i'm gonna call it a nite..

haf a good weekend mtbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear mtb,

Thanks for all the sharing for the day! so hap to be learning so many things!

gtg bed now... im half an hour late for bed... =XX

Sweet dreams everyone!!! =)))


why papaya cannot eat??

eh.. actually pineapple is really just a myth.. it is said that last time ppl.. when they abort baby.. they spread a kind of powder on pineapple and den eat it together.. thats' why they said cannot eat pineapple.. anyway .. just sharing information.. I have no fancy for pineapple too.. hahaha..

bbf : http://groups.google.com/group/smh-may-2010 thats why i created a google group.. maybe i should go facebook and set up a group of MAY 2010 SMH too.. kekekee..

and pls hor.. those that wanna add in google group.. pls tell me here first hor.. if not i wont approve.. or when u ask for approval.. add in ur nick [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


KCPQ : i like to cook.. but i dun like to bake.. such a hassle.. and i dun have oven.. sigh..

now can only wait for another company to get back to me.. meanwhile send resumes out lor..

ya.. crap.. 'we are not terminating u now, so u dun have to put that in ur resumes, we are just no longer in need of ur service" KNS!

sigh.. at least i can rest for a week or so lor.. after working for 10 yrs.. no rest except for my confinement period.. that one also no really rest lor.. sigh..

thanks taybaby =) i'm very very sure i dun wan to take medication. actually i was on long term anti depressants but i discuss with my doc and stop about june cos i stopping my contraceptive pills july. i think the health of baby is more impt =)

bbf...wats the pigeon pose? is it something to help in giving birth?


cool i'm working mummy too.

wow, it must be tough to be preggy, working and

breastfeeding at the same time...i salute u!

i bf till my son turned 18 mths but didn't conceive until i stopped bf altogether.

this time i'm certainly not looking forward to doing it all over again.

u can take ur doc advice and take a break from bf to enjoy the 2nd pregnancy. weaning is another process of letting go and could be another big challenge for both.

sue, no problem...i understand ur concerns...anyway no obligations, this thread will always be here and seems like got many pple very keen to set up groups too.

bbmustwear, u blur le...it's sue who talk abt the pigeon pose..i also dunno what is it.

babymustwear : can i call u short form bmw? hahhaa..

ya.. they very smart.. and they ask me no need to serve my notice.. but they still pay me for 1 month.. they really lor.. but lawyers leh.. their brains sure.. good one mah..

me go zzz liaoz..

thanks mummies for listening.. if not i will go crazy.. and thanks for trusting and supporting me.. and i ask my other senior boss.. yes its becos of the careless mistake i made.. but as usual.. if its my senior boss.. she will try all means and ways to help me lor.. but not this junior one.. sigh..

morning ladies!

hope u have a nice weekend ahead [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kinda worried coz i still do not feel any symptoms of preg yet. i think i should be into 5 weeks. the only things is my tummy super bloated.

2nd time mummies, did your tum start to swell at 5 weeks?

Good morning everyone!!!

nanabear, relax [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i was just about done with my previous job and searching for a new job when i found out i was pregnant. now the MS is so bad, gonna have to put a halt to job hunting. do you like to teach? maybe can try tutoring...

enjoy your weekend all! :>


I woke up early today! hahaha everyone else is still asleep so can use the internet without interruptions!


Please don't do the pigeon pose. Its so strenuous!For 1st trimester, lets play safe and do simple breathing exercises. On our 2nd trimester, then we can do a little more.


yes my tum already swell big big! Almost everyday I don't feel well unless I have something light to eat. Tummy bloated. Sometimes feel nausea but not the puking stage yet.


aiyo i can really understand what u are going through when u say u can hug the toilet bowl and its your next best friend! Cus my first pregnancy, i think i spent most of the time in the toilet. U know if you have this MS, the thing to avoid is chocolates. To puke out that, is the most horrible taste on earth! Yucks!

My cravings keep changing leh.... first I like those spicy stuff like tom yum, assam fish etc etc. Now I have no cravings for them. The other day I crave for eggs... Now i crave soups! I can only stomach soup with rice and some simple dishes. I keep craving salted vegetable soup!!! being pregnant so ma fan! hahaha

yoX! gooD morning everyone!!!

WOW!!! you ladies are real early... y huh? gt to work like me huh? haha...

yeah~ BMW sounds nicey!!!


no leh.. no work today... i guess my body is so accustom to waking up early cus have to send my girl to school everyday so auto wake up early ;)

yah yah BMW...sounds nice & easy to type also! =) kekeke

nanabear , FB sounds like good idea.

This thread alot of 2nd time mummies...so for those who r carrying their first..u knoe u have so many ppl to turn to for advice whenever u nid!


me me ... i'm a SAHM in the afternoons hahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I work pt while my girl is at school in the mornings [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hey ladies

good morning..i heard from my gynae friend that young coconut juice is also good..plus if you put a little saffron in milk, your baby will have a creamy complexion...

sigh actually i think i am suffering from a little depression..am 5 weeks and have been putting off to see m gynae..very nervous dont know why..next wed is my first appointment...i feel real sick in the mornings and throughout the day but not throwing up yet

i think its cos my hubby and i may not be too ready t have the baby..but i guess hwo really is right? we think our lives will really change..plus my job is very fast paced..sometimes must travel also..dont want to tell boss yet until things are more confirmed...my perfromance review is coming up and so far its good but am real worried that it will change once i tell them the news...i cant quit after i give birth...hubby's pay not enough to support two of us and our lifestyle..lots of committment although we have tried to keep them to a minimum...so i guess all this is keeping me form really being happy over the news...keep crying all the time ....

oh ylc, icic..hehe...wat u wking as? i tried finding PT work , but very diff to find de leh.

aa, hmm, try to brighten up. No doubt hving a bb will realli change ur lives but it also will brg alot of joy that u have nvr get to experience before. I think it's also due to hormones tt u r more emo during this period.

wow actualli this thread kinda active for a weekend man. Other threads I been to almost "dead" on Sats.. haha..so surprise the mummies here wake up so earli de.

Thought weekend is the time to catch up on beauty sleep? =)


i haven't got the MS feeling yet. wonder when it will start... on one hand hope it will start soon so that i can feel more "pregnant". on the other hand hope it doesn't start coz the thought of being best friend with the toilet bowl scares me. when i was preggie with #1, only puked 2-3 times throughout the pregnancy. dunno this time round will be the same onot.

bx, mi same dilemma as u. right now i dun have any symptoms n dun feel "pregnant" thus always wonderin if bb is still growing anot. my no.1 has so much symptoms till i feel so abnormal tt im feelin so NORMAL right now..so hard to please hor?

Hello ladies!!!

Didnt sleep well ytd night. Was woke up when the aircon compressor cut out. Sounded so much louder than usual. Like "thud". I jumped up and sit and look around then had a difficult time going back to slp. Then woke up earlier than my alarm again. Hai..... Why is it that I happen to be working when the weather is soooooo nice to slp in?


kcpq, no ming ku la.. earning ur own money means u can buy tings u like n next time even more stuff for ur darling bb, without having to ask $$ from ur hubby.

Being a SAHM hor, i want to buy something hor, i also must tink very long...walk up n down dunno how many times then decide whether to buy anot le. Even tho the stuff may onli cost less than 10 bucks..it's realli very diff from before.

aiyo chloie, then mk sure u have a good nap later to compensate ok?

todaY u all nvr go pak tor with ur hubby ? my hubby is working on every weekends..now mi at my mum hse with my notti girl ..hee

for those with no.1 hor, mid lantern festival cuming..u all gonna brg ur tods/kids to the chinese garden for lantern carrying? mi & hubby planning to brg her..wonder wats the theme this yr n how much per tix..anywan has any idea?

I don't have the habit to nap lei.. Tried several times before. But all end up with headache.

My hb out for work also. Waiting for him to come back then we will do our favourite cum routine for every Saturdays: Grocery Shopping.

Usually for Saturdays I just come into office for a while then I can go back liao. But cos today hb is out then I slack in office and surf net lor....

haa, grocery shopping! sounds so familiar..the onli shopping my hb will do with mi is this lor..men dun mind to shop for food... :p

shucks... i googled, n realise maybe no activity at CHinese garden for yr 2009.

bbf: Thanks for your advise about money issue. It is really the biggest issue in our life right now. My boyfriend is working freelance, money does not come in regularly, but he's working very hard, which is really heart-warming to see. And he's going away for 3 months, from Oct to Dec, I'm very very scared I'll fall into depression as before pregnancy I'm already quite an emo-yoyo. But right now, I'm feeling very good, excited about preparing for my wedding etc.

aa: So i'm not the only one who is not ready for baby?? Haha, so after being older and with jobs also come with the cons of having baby... cos mine was unplanned for, so totally caught me offguard but I'm loving the attention and care for family and friends and mostly my boyfriend. Maybe, don't think of your career for a while and enjoy being a little woman?

Oh ya! I think no event in chinese garden this year. Cos usually if there is, there will be light up, with fireworks, and can see the lights of the displays from the train or on the road. But recently I didnt see any lights or whatsoever so I think this year no activity. Times are bad. Hahahahaha!

hello edie, happie to see u here..dun worrie abt depression ok..im sure with the extra love n attention from u family member , friends n esp ur BF..u wont! =) look forward to be a happie bride n mummy ok?

Chloie, reali ah..then so suay my daughter no luck to njoy the lightings lor..last yr nvr go cos still young.

U stay in the west ah? =)

edie> Glad to know that everything is running smoothly for you! If you need help, feel free to ask. I bet mummies here are more than willing to give you advise. So when is your wedding?

destiny> Ya. Stay in Jurong West. My parents place in Jurong East so will go back about 3 times a week. So sometimes we drive back by the "small road" then can see chinese garden from there. No lighting this year. Wanted to go too cos my hb has never been to that event in his entire life before. Plan to go last year already but his mum got stroke so totally dampen the mood so never bother to ask him too. Think he wont have the mood to go at that point of time.

Chloie, hee so ur "big bb" havent been to CHinese Garden for lightings even tho u all stay west side. Hopefully, nxt yr got chance ok? Oh with ur little bb too..by then shld be onli abt 2-3 mths old niah..(maybe not suitable hor? then wait 1 more yr..by then u r busy chasing him/her ard in Chinese garden.. hiak hiak


Hahahaha! Ya lor! I was surprise when he told me that he has never been there to see the lightings before. Think the next chance for us to really go see would be in 2 years time when my baby can walk liao.

