(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

i damn sianz at my mum's hse (as can see from my numerous posts)..somebody pls chat with mi.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so any mummies hoping for any specific gender anot? hope our wishes will come true. I hoping for boy since i have a girl liao.


keke..chloie nvm..next time u all go together with ur child ..the feeling more SHIOK....memorable for ur big bb.. =)

ur name is chloie? my daughter's name is CHLOE, so everytime type ur name will tink of my girl..hehe..

ok let's yak ...haha...

chloie, u craving for kfc ah? hee, i just ate yesterday..n also took sips of rootbeer..shiok...haiz..the hardest habit for mi to kick is COLD DRINKS & realli lor like many of u BUBBLE TEA - my fav! esp later on when we will be feeling so damn HOT...sweat like siao..

I can literally smell the zinger now! Wooooo!!!!!

Cold drink is also a must for me. My favourite is Coke. Must be cold. Without ice. Then can burp out all the gas in me. Sometimes I feel my chest like very tight and many gas in there so I will go get cold coke and drink it on the spot. And minutes later, I will burp. The feeling is shiok man! But now cant drink cold drinks anymore. Bubble tea still ok for me. Not really a must. But my coke is a MUST! Hahahahahaha!

and also nowadays, i get strong cravings! like yesterday, i wan to eat potato salad. but hb had to go meeting with my boss so i told him to drop me off at IMM then i can go baystreet for my potato salad. ate half only cos i ordered spaghetti and coke also so cant finished. then bua kam wan, ask the auntie to packet the balance half for me. later go home will go attack it!!!

i can already imagine how fat i will become cos im forever so greedy! heehee!

afternoons mtbs!

haha i just woke up...and having cereal breakfast...

juz chased hubby off his laptop so that i can check this forum.... hehehehe....

before preggy, he used to complain, now he just siam and go do other stuff...ahaha.. very bad hor.. but i'm enjoying the privilege :D


oki oki.. will take ur advice ...thnx... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


nice nick! pigeon pose.. it's a hip opening pose and relieves lower back tension... but ylc says it's not advisable for 1st tri cos bb not stable, so we better be more safe than sorry



ya, KNS to those junior partners!

happy weekend everyones!!!

and chloie..

wow, me envious sia.. pls haf 2 servings of zinger, 1 on my behalf!

i've been having a mouth ulcer that grew from a bite to >1cm. cannot open my mouth without biting into it (it's just beside my 3rd tooth from front)

somemore i can't take the usual cortisone gel that heals it overnight... sigh

so there goes yummy fried food for the nice long weekend....

booo hooo hooooooo.....

hey! I also got an ulcer. I think it is healing liao. About the same location as yours. But usually when I get sore throat or ulcer, I heck care. Just continue to eat whatever I want. It heal faster too!

where is destiny huh? tell me to talk to her but now im like talking to no one liao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

nanabear and mummies, sure can call me BMW...hehehe...just hope i dun get sued for using that nick...

ylc, ya! i took some chocolate donuts...taste very nice when you eat right? but when come out the taste is so wrong!!! like something dusty very long in the storeroom those kind of smell...hahah..

destiny, actually i work for my mom's boutique...but recently very sick so really can't stand in shop or travel so i stay at home and help my sis manage her online baby wear biz (thats why i use her forum nick babymustwear) the website is http://babymustwear.blogspot.com/ if anyone keen on anything can PM me. can give the mummies here 5% discount =)

aa...dun be too sad...you see me also having financial difficulties but i keep on tell myself to be happy for baby to be healthy. not easy i know...but when you see baby on the scan it will make you happy.

ya! destiny i also have the same situation...like when i see something, i will have to think again and agin if i really need it cos i can't anyhow spend money. even if i wanna eat something or got craving also must think twice.

oh pigeon pose is yoga...hehehhe...i dunno how to do yoga at all, better dun anyhow try =)

bbf.. ha ha i feel lucky coz my col mostly bf and came lots of advice. u are working mommy too and u can breastfeed till 18 mths.. ha ha i salute you too.. i don think without pregnancy now, I wont breastfeed over 12 months hee hee..

ylc.. i same as you.. everyday basically will greet the toilet bowl with some "nice feeding". day and nite sia. my first pregnancy i can't eat much and mainly soups i took. Best of all, once I realised i didn't puke after a bowl of shark fin (those kopitiam ones, not restuarant :p), my hubby buoght it for me every alternate days so I have more intake. even if it is all starchy, but at least I stomach it in!!

aa.. cheer up.. talk to us often ba..

chloie.. maybe u change to gingle ale.. coke is not a good drink during pregnancy.. for burping maybe u can try gingle ale..

bbf.. do you think we can put in our name in the table easier also.. hee hee i have a bad memory for names and faces.. if it is.. i will intro with mine first [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tayababy is Yvonne, Yvonne is taybaby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmm... suddenly so quiet here le... i think everyone napping cause the weather ba~

I am going to nap too!

let chat later!!! =)

chloie, paisay paisay! sorrie ah, just now my little girl needed my attention, then had to bathe her etc..until my bro chopped the comp..

Hey so have u munched on ur zinger n attacked ur leftover potato salad? :D

hello all online mummies..

had to "beg" my bro to lend mi the comp for a while, while my nottie girl is zzzing...later sudd disppear again, then u all knoe y liao ah.

bbf, haha i tried to did the deed closer to on Ovulation day for 2 cycles, but then i didnt kena preggy. ( they say closer to O date chances of getting boy is higher) SO by 3rd cycle, i just heck care....just do it to get preggy lor..no conceive = 0% for boys..so did twice before O..so just leave it to god's will.. =) wat abt you? got any special diet or prep for a bb girl?

bmw, aiyoo just went to the blog to check out those clothes n socks...soooo cute! sure will support u n ur sis in near future ! =)

Remember my discount ah! :D Thanks!

hey ladies

thanks so much for the support...yup i also tell myself to be postive..i gues when we see our babies we'll feel much better and it;ll be worth it....so far no cravings yet..but i dont seem to like rice...am eating lots of bread and cheese....i've read somewhere tere usually if your stomach is empty you'll throw up because of the bile..so carbo like whole meal bread is good...plus ginger tea without caffeine is also good

aa u r welcome.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] many ppl dying to have bb, so u r lucky to be blessed with one! njoy ur pregnancy

hi! alamak! i love this thread!! hahaha

so many #2 mummies also.. hahaha..

BMW : u wont get sued for that la.. hahaha

snow666 : Thanks.. really same as me? well.. my financial committments are sky high i cannot stop working.. and i just realise taht .. i really cannot stop working.. becos my ger's CCC wont get the full $300 subsidy if i stop working.. hahaha.. and thanks for the idea of tutoring.. but how do i start? i use to be a tutor too.. but stopped for a few years already..

and very surprised that on weekends this thread is so active..

bbf/ kcpq/draik : today hubby pack some things in the house.. really got a lot of stuffs to sell leh! i also got a few pair of new shoes of smaller size .. can sell also!!

i almost forgot my folic acid today.. haha.. just taken it.. alamak! bad chloie!!! I saw ur zinger.. and now i feel like eating too :/

I remember my #1 my only craving was KFC whipped potato all the time! hahahaha

Mummies, dun forget your folic acid and vitamins today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i guess i really got to cut down on my coke otherwise will get diabetes...

i did not have zinger just now. i had 2 pc meal! hahahahahahahaha! and once i reach home, i head straight to my fridge and take out potato salad and start to eat some and left the rest for hb.

oh sh#t! i forgot about my folic acid today! i left it in my office too!!! Have to go back to office to take it later otherwise cham liao!!!! thanks nanabear for reminding!

hi everyone!


so nice of you to remind everyone to take FA and Vit! =))Oh! send me the pic and rates? what is ur shoe size?and what topic u good at teaching? what age group? I work in CCC de HQ. i am jus wondering. do you have a license for selling property. Cause those who sell property are consider as self-employ. If i am not wrong. if can produce a letter from ur company that state self-employ full time, you still can get $300 subsidy.


Please STOP DRINKING COKE. really very no good de... maybe once in a very very long while... drink 1/4 or 1/2 cup is alright.. I am also a super coke lover too! but i change them to plain water and milk or soya.

Suggest you separate ur FA into: once put in office and one at home. so this way cant forget liao. =))

Wah! i think today KFC business very good~ i got craving for that this noon too... for 2 pcs meal. but didnt go due to raining. ate chee char instead.


wat thing so cute? whats the website????


jia you!!! be +ve.. =)) gave alot of suggestion to nanabear yesterday. you might want to try... =))

Hi Mums,

Sorry to interrupt. I have the the below items for selling. Email me at [email protected] if interested. Thanks

Pigeon Multi Function Sterilzer

Just bought on 17/9/09 at Isetan private sale. Unopened and new in box with warranty card unfilled. Intending to get for use as warmer but didn't know had an Avent warmer as gift. Hence selling off cheap at $110. (private sale price at $127, original price at $167)


Ameda dual pump

Bought on 17 May 09 (Warranty 1 year till 17 May 2010)

Used once as prefer to use manual pump

comes with the following items:

1 set of Ameda Lactaline Personal Breastpump

1 pair of Pumpin' Pal Super Shields (medium size)

1 set of Pumpin' Pal Original Handsfree Strap

Throw in 2 New valves

Total price: $388

Letting go: $200

hey MTBs!!!

THe thread is moving so fast! I'm supposed to go East Coast for a walk... well... that's our Saturday usual but its raining today so can't go. Instead went IMM let my girl ride those rides then went home. I've been sleeping almost the whole day!!!!


ya lor... after that I'm so afraid to eat anything associated with chocolates hahaha scared already. The taste is really bad!

Zinger burger... alamak... suddenly i feel like eating that! shucks... hb already settled for Macs tonight!

chloie! u n ur cravings ah! now u mk everyone crave for KFC... :p

yah cut down on coke, choose other alternative of soft drinks if u realli MUST drink.. =)

kcpq, ah the blog that BMW posted..her sis is selling online bb wear..the stuff r kinda cute n affordable..u can tk a look!

Cass, congrats! get to see ur little bean today.. =)

hello mummies =)

heheeh...i just had durian...i got craving for durian a while liao but too ex mah...today hubby free so we drove around geylang manage to find those 3 for $10 durians.

this afternoon i went out end up hug toilet bowl at shopping centre toilet again. so went home took a nap wake up still feel sick but after durian feel better =)

i think our babies quite 'atas' ah...eat so-called expensive stuff like durian, sharkfin then won't vomit =) can 'smoke' them lah, buy the cheaper version also can.

last time i only eat fish and vege...but recently i also got craving for those japanese fried chicken. zinger also sounds good =)

hmmm...my hubby no work now...so i can't ask much from him also. but its ok lah! eat already also maybe throw up so no need eat too high end one =) got 3 for $10 durians i happy liao!


Thanks for the info.. =))


you got to give me that blog and let me take a look!!! its for what age huh?

Hi all,

i am feeling so sleepy... got to got bed now... you ladies have an early night too o!!!

Jia you jia you!!! =)))

morning everyone! this thread is incredible, even on weekends also v active.

nanabear, for tutoring can try out at those tutor centre and build up network before starting out on own? govt should maybe give preggy more incentives cause it's so hard to find job once people know you're pregnant but expenses so high.

babymustwear, nice blog, got any lobangs for baby swimwears?


Wah you all can chat until so late arh... i'm almost KO by 10plus again!

yesterday my little girl jumped and bumped her head... wah suddenly swell up. hb put cold compress on her until her swelling went down. Aiyo really can't leave her alone for even one second! Now have to monitor her for any signs of vomitting or giddiness. Yesterday prayed for her healing and today no bump and slight blue black only.


can try Jshoppers for baby swimwears [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm not sure about the quality but sure looks cute on the website [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning!! Anyone started using any stretchmark cream already? Anyone know where I can get cheaper Clarin Huile tonic oil? Wanted my friend to get it from me in airport DFS but then difference by 10bucks retail selling at 80bucks heard from my other friends can get it in chinatown. Anyone?

chubby tiger,

yeah i'm already using stretchmark creams. I am using palmers since no. 1 and still using it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chubby, can go to the clarins counter and see if u can get a sample for it or try if they got the sample.

the last time i bought a bottle i got an allergy reaction.

in the end i didn' use it and it costs so much. very wasted.

Morning ladies!!! Woke up at 8+am this morning. Read a book then felt tired and went back to sleep again. Woke up by hb at 10.30am. *yawn*

About stretch mark cream, I bought a Avent one. Smell no good. Then bought a Galenic Elancyl one. Have been using for the past 3 days. So far so good. Smell better than the other one. I kiasu mah. Must start early, though I aldy got a spare tyre ard ever since the end of my wedding. LOL!

It was selling at $47.30 at john little. Oh ya! There is a promotion going on now. Purchase of $60 will get a deduction of $12. If you guys are thinking of buying, you should go buy by today cos I think the promotion ends today.

