(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Me too...I feel like Im not alone...

Cant share with my folks or colleagues...waitg till its 3 months...

Wah... i only gone for a nap for a few hrs... the thread is moving so quickly!!!!


try to avoid exercising until 2nd trimester [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if you are doing yoga, my teacher said to do breathing exercises or perhaps simple joint exercises. Thats all. She don't advise to start yet.


JIA YOU! just be thick skin and stay on [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Its your every right! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all, just found out I was pregnant like 2 weeks ago. MS is really bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] cannot do anything but sleep. My EDD is around 9 May 2010.

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i was just told that tues is my last day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] they are not terminating me.. just not using my services anymore.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i keep my mind cool and positive. but i am very gan cheong... lol... keep going to my gynae... hahah... eat more veg and fruits!!! =DDD

Hi Everyone,

I just went for my checkup today...Gyna say everyting ok able to see the heartbeat.So Amazing...


Plse help to update to the list..

EDD: 15 May 2010

Nick: Jaslene

BB No: 1

Gynae name: Dr Lim Ah Leng

Hospital: TMC


i'm glad u decided to keep the baby and make it work.

well bbs do cost $ and so does childbirth, u need to plan to have some ready cash to pay the hospital bill and later for immunisations.

some hospitals require an upfront deposit when u admit be4 they work out how much u can claim from medisave.

so happy saving. start to work on saving for your future expenses

and cut off those unnnecessary expenses that eat into your disposable income.

having kids is all abt taking risks and venturing into the unknown anyway...

it will be tough but there is a lot of joy and love in it too!!!

welcome to motherhood! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

taybaby, i got my bra extension on standby also.

i wore my jeans to work today and i realised i had to release the top button

when finally sat at my desk...

very bz buttoning and unbuttoning my jeans today.

r u a working mum?

i think it depends if ur maid is experienced and capable.

but i suppose u will really need someone at home to

supervise and help out sometimes coz ur elder is still young.

alternatively the elder one can go to cc

then ur maid can concentrate on younger one.

but that will be expensive.

ylc, draik,

ur kids so cute!

helps u save the trouble to tell everyone! haha...

ylc, i still have to work undercover for now,

really envy that u can wear ur bump proudly.

draik, no choice have to resort to wearing dresses soon, they are more accomodating.

i also have cramps...sometimes it aches so bad i have to run to the toilet to check.

but i guess it's just the uterus expanding to accomodate growing bb.

so long as no spotting should be quite ok, unless the pain

is piercing.


thanks for setting up the google groups! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i think my gynae not bad but not for those who needs more explanations. her consultations are held at eastshore and the bedok eastern specialist centre inside the bedok cinema.

but then i don't think she's all that cheap after some of the ladies posted their rates.

her confidence and joyous mood calms me, plus 2nd one already i'm lazy to gynae shop.

sorry to read abt ur job...the news certainly came very abruptly. if u can cook/bake well...lots of good business come out from kitchens and home made ovens.

gladys. welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] is ur dr. heng the same as my dr. heng?


congrats on hearing bb heartbeat!!!shiok hor?

wow so emo until cry ah... hahah..

actually i also cried..heee

Love ur postive attitude, it will certainly tide us over this difficult tri.

sorry ladies, my job does not allow me to visit the forum during the daytime.

pls bear with me on the table updates.


until we get into the 2nd trimester or plan a meet up or event of similar nature.

I'm not into the idea of updating the list with contact information like hp, email, and other demographic information such as hb age and so on..

If the list will be updated, those additional details should not be posted up and

will be disseminated only on a need-to-know basis for regular members.

I found that it is important to protect the confidentiality

and prevent misuse of the contact information for other non mtb stuff like mass promotion of services or products. Also to protect us from psychos...

For those who need to contact other mtb to exchange contacts, i think there are avenues through the forum PM or in the googlegroups which 911 has already set up.

What are your thoughts?

hmmm.. seems like night time is more busy for all... it's soooo quiet... lol...


So nice of you to be reply us all one by one. hehe... lol... SUPER SHIOK when i heard my baby's heartbeat. even my hubby also smile like don know what lo... wah.. lucky u say u also cry... if not i will really think i too emo.. whahah...

Let all jia you together!!! Do take care of urself well... Cant wait to hear from you soon! =)Bless you!

kcpq, so when is ur next appt?

i'm also anxious even though this time is my 2nd one.

if all goes well, this will be my last pregnancy and i will close factory after #2 le.

so it's very special, i want to make sure i enjoy every moment of this pregnancy and the privileges it brings!!!

Hi Chubby_tiger,

My first date of last menstration on 8/8/09.I think urs on 7/8/09 rite?This is already my 6weeks....: )


Keep your cool. stay positive! Things will turn out well de. but i am wondering... what do they mean by: they are not terminating me.. just not using my services anymore..

isnt it abit weird?

yoX BBF,

no wonder u use the nick babyfactory... hahah.. =X my next appointment is 2nd oct which i am super excited about. =P

WoW, i believe ur 1st darling must be very excited too! cause got company! =)

Sounds gd to stop at 2... cause easy to manage and $$ is enough... =)

YEAH!!! enjoy every moment of this pregnancy and the privileges it brings!!! 100 and 1% agree!

kcpq, ur appt is quite early. i'm due for my next appt only 4 weeks later.

haven't told my 2st anything yet...

i think i will need to brainwash him soon.

unfortunately, he is still very much in his own world at 2yrs old and very demanding.


i think mine is early cause i am a more gan cheong one.. little thing i will go to my doc... thats y he arrange for a closer one... =X

how many weeks are you already?

yup, agree.. got to brain wash him already... lol... must take the time to learn to share! =D


yup its www.oldnavy.com [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

They send me a code for 20% but i'm not sure if they advertise it on the website too? And there is free domestic shipping above US$75 until 24th?


DOn't worry... when God closes one door, HE will open another for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Keep positive!


it's good for peace of mind but after 2nd tri don't have to go so often...save some $$

i'm 7 weeks.

did i miss u out or i still haven't got u on my list yet.

wah... this thread is moving very very fast! me cannot catch up.

well...sad to say, my hubby is not making money now. he is in freelance and no jobs for the time being...so quite stressful but must be positive! everytime i feel upset i look at my latest scan see baby grow and remember the BOBBOBOBOBO then feel better =)

MS is very terrible feeling!!! those mummies without MS dun pray for it cos it is very very uncomfortable. i dunnno how to describe the feeling but really hug toilet bowl all the time. then sometimes the vomit come out so full force will bounce off the water in the bowl and hit me in the face..hahah...damm disgusting lah. and like the whole stomach coming out like that. also when vomit until nothing liao wil come out bitter and very sour juice.

i think i throw up quite a lot so till now, 9 weeks i only put on about 1.5kg in all. but really ah, i rather not have MS then after baby come out then work very hard to lose weight.

hehehe...i also wanna drink a lot a lot of soy bean now!!! and red bean and eat cabbage. but bird nest too ex lah...not within my budget =)

i no money to buy maternity wear so quite lucky still can wear all my normal clothes. only stop wearing skinny jeans, wear skirts with elastic bands.

thanks for the encouragement mummies! i will be happy cos i dun wan a sad baby. my fren said she always laugh when she's pregnant then when her baby come out will even laugh when he's sleeping like 'kakakaka' like that. so cute =)

bbmustwear, these are tough times... i hope things pick up for ur hb soon.

anyhow, just stay happy and remember your BOBOBOBO [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and trust ur hb to try to work the finances out.

MS, finances, job, too much to handle for one preggy woman...sometimes just have to let go and move with the flow. don't u agree.

btw, does eating sour plums or drinking lime juice help with the ms?


我因为失去所以更真惜拥有. but i have certainly taken i your advice. trying to relax myself.

ermm.. i haven join the list yet.. cause i don know what is that list for leh.. =XX sorry... do you mind explaining to me?


cheer up but am glad to know that you know how to control ur emotions and put ur darling baby 1st! =D ur hubby freelance doing what?

Jus do what u can within ur limits. things will turn out well de. jia you and carry on having a positive mindset! all of our may 2010 baby will be the kakaka kind! =DDD *HUGS TO YOU!*

kcpq, 我也是过来人。 可以了解你的心情。 让一切随缘,一起平平安安度过。

it's easy reference for those to our intro details because we are growing very fast.

then we can save time on repeating the introductions,

search for mtbs with similar EDDs , share information on gynaes.

and when 3rd trimester comes, thats where it gets really exciting...

can start to count down for each other.


DON DRINK LIME JUICE. i heard from my MIL that it is no gd. if i am not wrong... jus like pineapple... so pls dont...

i heard that by snacking mint sweets helps =)

WoW! thats cool and you are in charge? hehe... actually i don have much information on hand..only next appointment than i know.. my gynae haven even talk to me anything about those package things u sweet ladies talking about leh... =XS so i don even know which hos he use...

but i will stick to this gynae for sure!

I will ask on my next visit and update you the details okie??

heheh.. thank you for taking time to explain to me=))

kcpq, oh thanks! heng, i was just thinking of getting lime juice since i crave for something sour...

my ms still manageable...luckily i get them only after work at night...i cannot imagine hugging toilet bowl at work, how to function?...

can really sympathize with those who r suffering right now.

bbf =) thanks so much...ya my fren also advice me to let go for a while, dun think too much and leave the finance up to the man to settle =)

hmmm...i tried sour plums but no use leh..beginning i got craving for lime juice but now no more craving liao. hahah...pregnant woman really very weird one. like the factory all gone wrong. sometimes want this thing sometimes want that thing.

yst and today MS is better. only threw up about 2 times. hopefully im growing out of it!! i feel ok now so i tell myself tmr i wanna dress up and go out dun buy things see see also can. hope i dun feel sick again tmr.

kcpq, i just helped with the table, so that it is easy for everyone.

there is nothing confidential collated, because it is already shared in the forum.

so how, u want to be listed?


don walk around too much too! not too good. trying staying at home for the time being. =D

this can be a gd reason for you to save $$ =PP

kcpq, ok update me after 2nd oct when u r ready. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kcpq, thanks for the encouragement =) ya, i think i quite 'pro' at telling myself to think positive...hehehe...cos i suffered from depression many years, read a lot of books and listen to my psychiatrics so many years i also know how to 'psycho' myself...hehehe...

ooo...cannot take lime juice?? i think not supposed to take cooling drinks but recently i feel better after drinking lemon tea so drank quite a lot.

ya! hope all our babies are 'kakakakaka' types!


glad i am in time! =DD heheh... tats very nice of you! =D definitely i would love to join!!!



Nick: kcpq

BB No: 1

Gynae name: Dr Koh Cheng Huat

Hospital: TBA

Thank you bbf for updating!=)

bbmustwear, try to limit tea also because of caffeine...

i have strict orders from my gynae, NO TEA NO COFFEE. she didn't tell me when i had #1. i think over the years there has been more research in this area.

in the end there's not much choice for us

i think we are left with plain water, soyabean milk and milk.

i read that even milo has some traces of caffeine.

right now i dun care about eating the right food already. as long as anything eat already i dun feel like vomiting can liao =) so not good hor...but i promise myself once i stop MS i will eat healthy food.

thanks for doing the list bbf...i wanted to volunteer cos i not working but that time i really so sick.

oh ya...my mom also told me cannot walk too much. that day i complain of lower back pain my mom says its a bad sign and must not walk around. hehehe...dun worry, i only see, will not spend money and buy things =) but say only lah usually feel better at night but tmr morning like wanna die like that can forget about going out liao

hey babymustwear,

pardon me for being abit nagging... try not to drink lemon tea... or soft drink... cause they contain XXX (i cant remember) so try to aviod... best is to drink: orange juice(fresh), plain water (warm/ not so cold kind) and papaya milk fruit juice! Papaya milk will be good for making milk for your baby! lastly is soya milk!!=))but no matter what... everything also cant have too much.. must limit yourself...

wah...quite scary...some ppl also say cannot eat banana...but i think the key is moderation...as long as anything dun eat too much should be ok...

