(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Chlosper: Don't fret. Could be the new environment like the other mummies say. Does the nanny usually put him to bed or do you?

Not seriously considering River Valley as there is no MRT. We think proximity to a MRT station is important for tenants. Bt Timah, Stevens Road has no MRT stations for now but they will in the next few years. Plus within 1 Km of ACS and SCGS so we will probably focus on that area [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sonshine: Sounds like a busy April indeed. All over the roseala I hope?



last nite my mum told me cannot control how much he drink. He want to drink what to do cannot stop him.


can i add frisocrem in the milk, from the tin it states not require to add milk.

Now rashes abound.. Third day Liao hope it clears soon.. Cellow! Apt description on ostrich hAha poke head in sand

Hi Ming! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chips: what about punching more holes/ enlarge the hole on the teat?? as the hole too small, no matter how hard they suck, there is a limit...

My boy drinks 150ml every 2.5-3hr hourly... and realised he quite slow these days in drink.... bought a teat puncher, punch 2 more holes and enlarged the current one...

he drink faster than usual.... no choke... mayb going to enlarged the 2 new holes too if he continues smooth drinking...

chips, i added plain rice cereal in my boy's milk since 6mths.... else he will be asking for milk every 1.5hr-2hr...

but of coz if go polyclinic, they will tell u not advisable, coz they are suppose to be on solids more than milk now...

BUT my boy only wants milk, what can i do.. bo bian lor...

Now rashes abound.. Third day Liao hope it clears soon.. Cellow! Apt description on ostrich hAha poke head in sand

Hi Ming! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wat brand of plain rice cereal, my boy using pigeon 200ml medium teat. He can finish very fast, quickly hold on bottle n gulp all in his stomach, sit up n burp.. hahaaa

i am feeling sooooo horrible. W.E.A.K

at least this morning managed to eat mee sua... yesterday whole day only ate abit of hor fun. Other than that, i'm spending more time in the toilet, if not my bed. wow biang... my boss must be thinking i "chao geng" to extend my super long weekend...!!

chips... the nestle brand... plain rice cereal... green tin one... coz i dun like those already mix with milk, dun know what milk inside.. haha...

I am using normal bottle, but with large piegeon teat... + enlarge the "large" hole + 2 more small holes haha... coz my boy suck so slow... takes forever to finish his milk.... with the enlarged and additional holes at least faster abit ....

maybe u try with the rice cereal first... if dun works well, then maybe change bigger bottle, so he can 1 time finish.. since u mention he finish fast, then i think he has no problems ba??

I ever gave nestle cereal a few trys he ls so I stop.

medium teat alrdy can finished fast I scare bigger holes teat he get choked.. I think not necessary big holes suck fast, if he wan to drink he can finish fast bah

ya i also scared at first... maybe due to rice cereal in the milk, then harder to suck... when my boy was on juz large teat, he seems to have difficulty sucking... and after sometime gave up drinking... after i enlarged he can suck better... so far nv choke... I also nv enlarged very big lah... from large to xlarge only.... maybe due to cereal...

how much u gave??? I gave a scoop only.... to his 150ml milk....

mayb u can try again with 1/2 a scoop

BTW u mentioned he drinks alot... so juz curious, how many tin of 900g milk he need for 1 week???

mine need 1-1.5tin... Nan pro 3...

my sis in law de girl 14mths, 1.5bag of 1Kg milk can last 1 mth....

so compared with my boy, my boy seems a super milk drinker haha


sonshine ...sounds like bz bz bz for you right now..the raahes will go off within a week...the appetitie will return slowly n the crankiness should taper off though slower..hehe when my boy got rosela, he looked ike a xiao hua mao ...super whiney n cranky but gotta lun lor :p

Dawn....mmmmmm..tink i ever buy washclothes from yr spree??? ..hehe ..hw much yr boi drinking now???

Dazz ah dazz...must lim a lot of warm water hor..water parade if u hv to ...cos if lose fluids too much, the body might not be able to manage it proeprly aka dehydration.

I have a tin of 900g for day time use, another tin in my room for evening n midnite

so in fact less than a wk like 5 days he need a tin

intially I tot 1 wk 1 tin but yesterday maid told me if not for the tin in ur room 5 days 900g gone liao lor

he is having friso 2 now.


I just shared a link on ur wall.. you try to see if can see the blanket [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my boy 180ml 3hrs time gap

after big bowl of porridge another hr he drink 180ml

recently he increase n need more, angry when i act blur refuse to give him, kick n grab me on my clothings to pull me up.

HI xiao lao hu: yes i think so hehe...

he drink 150ml around every 2.5 hrs... sometimes 2 hrs only. zzzz

chips: same same... so i think my boy is not the extra 1 out drinking so much milk haha... those around me shock... say how much my boy can drink so much haha...

wow ur boy violent! haha... mine ar, got milk no milk nvm de... as long as can play, he fine with no milk... " hong xim"... until he very very very hungry... then he suddenly very kan chiong keep looking at kitchen with mouth big big.... haha


I think sarahbaby's baby also drink a lot.. cos hers also quite big..

whats ur bb weight n age ?

Mine tis fri 13mth now weight 12+-13kg.

My boy have to eat, he is just like a bull dash with head facing down crawl all over..

Last nite I clamp his head with the wardrobe, his action too fast, again in kitchen he almost fell upon standing n I duno why hold on to his head n hit against the cabinet.

my bb now 12.5mths... weight ar around 10kg + +

ur boy very funny... haha trying to imagine...

my boy is open mouth like lion, very veyr kan chiong... sometimes u see their reaction very very funny de

My boy stingy lor, dun offer his food, pass to u n take back put in his mouth, I bought those ABC biscuits for him, he dun even let people eat, all put in his mouth..

When I home in evening chat with my mum while feeding him yogurt, he wil scream and need full attention to himself. When I stop talking he stop screaming, when I talk again he scream again

mine ar... got eat nv eat nvm de... as long as can play can liao.... or watch tv... he like advertisement.... he can sit there stun... u block him, he push u away....

u want eat him food, eat lor, he dun care... bo chap de... haizzz next time grow up dun know will kenna bully or not....

Ur boy confirm won't get bully de.. so fierce !

My friend told me he is my mirror.. What he is now is what I am actually.

My boy like the advertisement 'London Chocolate Roll, He will only watch that when he hear the song.

Indeed he is fierce, yesterday I realise my mum bought a cane 70cts. i was thinking wat for buy a cane, nowadays kids cannot b teach with cane, dun let me see him with cane marks lor.


why cannot teach with cane. I will cane my boy if he really misbehave. but then again depends on individual kids. some kids eat soft don't eat hard and vice versa.

chips ..mMmm..at times the presence of the cane works wonders ...i dun literally use it to cane my boi but he is in awe of it ...helps when he gets too notti n out of hand.


when i beat my boy and he beats me back, i will tell him in a firm tone that it is not correct. he won't get it now cause at 1 year old they dont know concepts but eventually he will get it.

they follow us cause this is the time when they loves imitating adults and this is how they learn about the world too but must still tell him what was done not was appropriate when he is wrong.

as for throwing things, they are intrigued by gravity but dont know about it thus loves throwing things around and down. i will still tell him its inappropriate to throw things but i acknowledge that he is learning about gravity. once its thrown on the floor, i wont pick it up for him anymore.

So far... my boy yet to hit me back yet...

he likes to throw things, but if u dun pick up for him, he will attempt to pick up himself

- walker, he will bend down and almost whole body out of the walker... dangerous

- in his bed, he also do the same thing, end up almost fall off the bed too....

he can still laugh and tot u are playing with him


he dont know the concept of dangerous. to him its fun but u may want to educate him that it is not acceptable. keep telling him, he will understand when he gets older.

as for bed. teach him how to get off the bed correctly butt down first so he wont injure himself.

performing dangerous stunts or trying his luck to touch hot water, electrical stuff, i will always warn him in my firm tone so that he knows i am not playing with him and i meant it. now when he whines for no reason, i will warn him in my firm tone and he will keep quiet, after which i will explain to him why its not correct, sayang and distract him with other activities.

this is how i am teaching my boy lah but then everyone got their own methods of teaching so got to trial and error okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i wont use cane on him now cause no use but when he is older and understands, i will use it if the situation warrants it. use cane too many times and it will become ineffective i think.

Received some bad news at work this morning. Need to fight fire [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] arghhhhhhhhh!!!


Thanks for the love letters!

He jus dun care I bad temper he more bad temper than me.

Jus now went ntuc, onli frisocrem n nestle no other choice... hmmm


not that he don't care lah he is too young to understand and grasp what is right and wrong.

we just have to be persistent and continue to teach him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] patience patience.

Xiao lao hu

1 week?????????? My goodness so long arh!! It's been three days n I already wish it will leave ! Aiyoh ok i will lun...


Yes me! The woman who can't read Chinese v well hahaha

Re :discipline

Think repetition is the key as well as the tone

My girl knows my 'gotta watch it' tone and will tone down guess coz I start discipline vvv early with my 'no' and stern tone


My girl is at 1 year old and still at 8.2kg now with illness doubt will increase anytime soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] she's growing vertical though so now abit like beanpole lol!

I agree with Bbdust that our little ones still dun know what a cane is for and what is exactly right or wrong but I also believe that they know what they can or cannot do by your tone when they 'experiment'

An example is my girl a few months back tried to stand in her ikea high chair n I immediately responded with a v stern n and told her to sit down (with words) and gently nudge her butt down (with action) and she sat. Then she tried again and I repeated. Then stopped. The next day she tried I just said 'sit down' with stern face n she knows what to do and it seldom happened Again.. My husband feels that I 'Boh bang chance' which is true.. What I cannot accept (especially things that endanger her) I am v strict on... But he agrees it works la

On the other hand sometimes she does things that are damn cute yet wrong and when I am stern but want to laugh she can tell! N give me cheeky look so I need to turn away to compose myself hahahaah


agree, the tone used will guide them to learn eventually and understand that it is wrong. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

