(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

bbdust & xlh,

my mum say hubby and me must go and 'dai xiao'. she did say don't bring yu xi but yu ze can bring. hubby say put yu ze at babysitter's place which i had already make arrangement with babysitter about putting him there tonight. cos yu ze is older liao, he might not want to stay there loh. i'm afriad that he will make a big fuss when we go off without him.

i'm not really pantang lah. don't know if hubby consult fil or not too.


hi Maddie,

thank you for your recipe, will give it a try to see whether my girl accept it. we have tried Mac and Chees when we are out dining and she simply adore it so guess she might also accept other types of pasta. thanks


hmm when my dad sis and bro passed away, my nephews didn't go as well though the youngest is 4. my SIL and bro went instead to dai xiao.

hee me pantang cause i feel they are quite sensitive to these kind of things.


when my mum's brother passed away, i also never go and dai xiao only hubby go. don't know why my mum insist that i must go this time. sigh... hopefully, yu ze can guai guai stay at babysitter's place then we just go chop chop and go fetch them back.

Celyn..maybe cos it's yr dad's side of the family i tink....mmm..re-read yr post ...father's side always bigger de as compared to mother's side...its a society norm.

bbdust & xlh,

i see. i don't know about all these things one.


i see. i'm not super pantang and since my pantang mummy say can, i guess no problem. will let yu ze decide for himself. i will bring him to babysitter's place. if he decide that he don't want to stay there and play, then we will bring him loh.


Think its whether if you are close to your uncle? If yes, I think no harm going but if not close then you can just go yourself?


i'm never close to any of my relatives. i see them once a year during chinese new year. come out of my room, greet them and go back to my room. come out again when they leave to say byebye only. after married even worse, don't even see them liao.


Then maybe u just go urself ba.. dont have to bring YZ but do remember to ask ur hub to prepare the red leaf (pomegranate leaves)water for u to wash up.


i cannot go myself. my mum say hubby and i must go. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Celyn..apart from the youzi leaves to wash up like what orangey mentioned when u get hm, make sure u change into fresh clothes first then carry yr 2 baobeis.


huh. must change first? that's means i must go home then can go babysitter's place to fetch them?

last time, my babysitter will prepare youzi water for me to wash up before letting me carry yu ze. we never change leh. then was hubby's grandma passed away.

if those pantang type de wil lchange first...

even if go any funneral, we would bring "tea leaves, salt, rice, youzi leaves, promgrate leaves" in an angpow and throw away when we leave the funneral... and change clothes righ after go home....


wow. that's a lot of stuff to prepare. didn't know attend wake also got so many rules one.

i think i shall keep it simple. bring yu ze along if he wants to follow then yu xi to stay at babysitter's place for a night. if not, leave both there and we clean with youzi water before bringing them home.


yes for my side also, my MIL will prepare some fire thingy for us to walk over, then all must bath with you zi leave and change new clothes before we can carry baby.


i'm going over tonight. will skip tomorrow night but not sure how long is the wake so will sure cross weekends. but if really need, my babysitter can take care for weekends too.


wow. its really a 'xue wen' for me leh. i only know about the youzi water and nothing else.

i think i am pregy again....

any gynae to recommend for me??? I am in the east area, prefer sundays open, or at night.... coz i hope hubby to come with me...


yah i also pantang this kind of thing de. dont know is it coincidence or what. that time after i went funeral (father's brother).. nite time zz hor, bbl keeps crying leh though i never bring him and its those kind of jialat cry.


i'm not so pantang but recently yu ze keep having nightmare (he will keep kicking and say don't want don't want. will calm down and continue to sleep after i pat pat him. or he himself sit up and change another position then sleep again) so i don't really want to bring him. crossing my fingers that he will stay at babysitter's place.

hehe thanks, juz tested postive with 2 sticks last night...

so wanna find a gynae to confirm....

the last pregnancy was with a private gynae until almost 30 weeks and switch to KK subsidized... and kinda regret....

so now finding gynae, as my previous private gynae does not open during weekends anymore T_T and dun feel like going back KK subsidized...


I have spotting for 3 days but the spottings are 1 time kind.. so...I think i better test also cause I've missed menses for this month :S


you can go to kk private mah if you want to delvier in kk, not necessary subsidized. its call the private suite, just beside 7/11. i like it there but my gynae had moved out to tmc liao. lucky, i'm not having #3 if not i will be very sad that i can't go back to kk.

Hi Mummies!!!

@ Dawn: Congratz!!! How I wish me too! Lolz.

@ Orangey: Quick Wuick go test! Who Knows maybe bbO will have a sibling soon!!!


Think Sun its not open but you can walk into KK 24hrs clinic and let the gynae do a quick check. Once they confirm your pregnancy, they will fix appt for you to see your preferred gynae.


you don't need to be prepare for #2 one. you will be prepare when #2 arrives. i got to know that i'm preggy with #2 after #1's birthday. i also think i'm not prepared.

found liao... the private suite at the children tower izzit?? no wonder i always nv see when i go there previously....

they are open until 9.30... hehe... going ask my hubby tonight...

any gynae to recommend at the private suite?


congrats [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


quick go test, bbo sibling is waiting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya... my boy already 1 yr old.. dun wan too long gap... intend to give birth to a dragon, but i think maybe cannot liao haha...

maybe will give birth juz before CNY... no need go bai nian liao haha

Dawn: good for you. it is always easier with a planned pregnancy. guess shd have TTC one month later... nvm what, rabbit also good ma.

Orangey: PM her?

haha orangey...

maddie: who knows so fast tio de... some ppl try so long also nv tio... ya lor my hubby says rabbit also not bad..


but a bit sian.. have to go through a nausea 10mths again... the 10mths actually quite a nice period, with hubby serving me, getting me what i want etc... but bad thing is the nausea............

morning my hubby joke with me, he should have stopped me from testing.. wait till the bump come out liao then test... then he no need "suffer" so long...

