(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


by the time M2 comes along, mr maddie would have honed his patience w M1 too. but yes, do take note of his SOS signals then. my mistake is to ignore the SOS signal thinking he can and must cope, when his own tolerance is near breaking point.


good quality honey dates shd be just dried, taking away the excess moisture, no need chemical perservatives. at the most, preserve using sugar... but that would be super sweet bcz the date contains sugar liao. best to ask the chinese medicine shop person (some1 w a trustworthy face) how they preserve the dates.


not BP but preorder i think.. I Think the blanket less than $35 if Im right..I'm trying to retrieve the old post lol..


Hmm I bought in Fock Hua so think not the good types. Prob need to go to the old medical hall to ask! Thanks!

But how to know if he looks trustworthy lol..

Alamak I bought my honey dates from a dried goods store in bugis... very big store. Sold by weight so no labels on packet to read.


I tahan for as long as that post came out... you imagine lar... dong until now... almost raise white flag so had to look for reinforcements hee hee

Cellow...gd to know its all sunny n bright right now with u n yr dh =)

maddie...okie!...tink i go look see later :p ..my boi outgrown his current car seat liao..legs too long..n the best part is ...he can wriggle his way out of the car seat -) a sure fire signal to get a new car seat appropriate for this active lil fella .

Xlh: Yup this is good now forward facing her legs can hang down. Can sit from newborn to (I think) 4 years or so. Can recycle for M2 n buy older car seat for m1 when time comes.

Cellow: yup, just need to be constantly aware. Just harder when we ourselves r sick n tired n need ppl to sayang us also.


YES! i m sure mr maddie will be fine. and so will you ... in the long run. in the short run, skirmishes will occur. that is ok too.

i sayang myself lor!!! and forget abt looking for affirmation fm the man, bcz the affirmation will not come *blink*. men are by nature problem solvers, so they will look for problems to solve, and irritate their wives in the process. such is life.

continuing this train of thought.... 3 things i know to be true abt families, inspired by Sarah Kay (search in ted.com under talks). [she is an english teacher and one of the things she asks her students to do is to make lists. and find their stories there.]

1. blood ties are not easily broken. blood is truly thicker than water, and reason goes out the window.

2. a child is made in love, let him grow up in love too.

3. watever happens, have a dialogue. make it a loud, heated, passionate dialogue if need be! in dialogue, 2 pple can work out their differences. in silence, positions and hearts harden.


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i wouldnt fret too much abt the preservatives in the honey dates that you hv bought. you cannot have fed bbsyz a LOT of dates.


fock hua shd be ok? they are a huge chain after all.


yes yes thanks for bringing me back.... of all the silly things to worry about. It is ironic though that here i am feeding her organic food where possible and there I am possibly introducing preservatives into her diet.


But the ingredients stated preservatives hahah which freak me out :p Anyway bbJ doesnt seems interested in his porridge lately. Need to crack brains to think of new menu [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Okie! If I managed to "retrieve" it I'll pm u! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies with sot sot menses, pls go for chk-up just to confirm that it's nt anything serious! i went to see doc cuz came across 1 mummy in today's motherhood fb saying that she actually suffered early miscarriage w/o knowing! no cramps at all just that her menses came 2 wks aft the last one!

HJ, thks for the info on subsidies!

hmm mummies with JG, there's trial cls rite? are their fees more ex than GUG? hw long is each lesson? what do they do in cls? paiseh so many ques.. hehe

I will add the pasta into a pot of boiling water and 10 mins usually will be soft. I don't cook till very soft as I will drain the water then mix in my puree and cook for a few more minutes over low flame till the puree is hot as well. If you find that it is still hard steam it till it is soft. With it steaming you don't have to watch over it. Both methods work well even for the bigger Bellamy spelt pasta.


Maybe I shall try! I wanan introduce pasta soup haha.. Maybe will put the pasta into chicken broth with diced carrots and potatoes. Hopefully my boy likes them.. I hope :S

Hi mrsm,

JG playnest class (6mth to 18mth) is 1.5hr, twice weekly. Class schedule as follow:

20mins- Free play (our darlings play w toys and interact w other kids, mommies gossip)

30mins- Story-telling/show&tell/art&craft/snack

20mins - Playground/sandplay/waterplay/swimming (every week different event)

20mins - song and dance

It is something like that, the timing is fluid. Not sure abt trial class, but should have. 10 weeks term cost around $800+. Please call JG up for more details. Paiseh.


I just trial and error... in the beginning I would add in extra pieces of pasta so that during the cooking process I have spare pasta to test whether cooked or not ;p

i'm back from yu xi's jab. so many post to catch up

thermal pot:

i bought the tiger one cos never heard of thermos previously.


thanks for the pic. i shall try that out.

thks Ruru and BBdust! twice a wk meaning wkdays only right? im workin alr so dun think can go for it.. was looking for wkend cls actually that's y thot of GUG.. hmm JG more ex than GUG hor.. hehe

Hi mrsm,

Playnest class is twice weekly, so definitely got 1 class is weekday. If I am not wrong, the class is sun/mon, tues/thur or wed/fri. Playclub (18mth to 36mth) got once weekly and also weekend class. Do call JG to enquire.

I'm so upset. I have no idea what is wrong with baby. He was fine and happy in the new house until it was time to sleep. Suddenly I became a demon. He cried furiously and refused to let me carry. Only the nanny can pacify him. He's all right playing with me though as long ad I don't carry. What is happening?


Maybe he realised thats its a new environment n cant zz? Daytime he is too bz playing to notice n care much. If not could be over stimulated


He's finally asleep now. Nanny had to coax him to sleep. I hope it's one off. Otherwise nanny will have to work very long hours. Maybe it's the new environment. I'm only upset because he totally rejected me!

Hope things will be fine. Will be flying off with baby in two weeks' time. Please do not act up then.

Ming - The Aston? how about looking at the other side of river valley? Nearer to orchard/somerset. Further from the prata shop which I feel is very messy at night. Happy hunting. I'm glad I'm done with it 2 years back.

wth has been 2 wks I got to wake up n feed him milk, water alrdy no longer able to substitute.

9.30pm 180mL

10.15pm 120mL

1.00am 120mL

Now pinching me when I wan to carry him back to bed, wat a torture, I having headache recently I got to start new job nxt wk if stil continue like tat, I bth

Morming mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I think most likely its the new environment. They got their mood. Sometimes my boy also does that reject me n want my mil.


Hee xi guan jiu hao. Mine still wakes up too

morning mummies

morning bbdust


maybe you should increase the amount and not the frequency. he keep waking up maybe cos he is hungry. i think 180ml is a bit little for your boy loh. yu xi drinks about 210ml for last feed leh.

morning Bbdust / celynlee & all

Last feed is 270ml or 300ml if u notice the time gap is near, cos drink 1/2 way nt warm so to keep the milk at it best temperature I split in 2 feeds, furthermore I using small bottle.


The link not unavailable wor.

I'm getting excited tomorrow is my last day, hav been lunching with my ex ex ex bosses n colleagues before I move to the west. Nice to catch up with them.

Not handling over cos no replacement come yet.. Who wan tis job, 4.5 days n cn have my personal ovenhot handover notes hhaa.. No notes from me sure die cos nobody goin to teach.

I'm goin to b free from $ stress, heng arh finally over, I'm getting near to a brighter path to a better life.


did he sleep in between those feed? or he just wait there for the 2nd bottle? if he don't like cold then guide him to finish them at 1 shot and not split into 2.

Good morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it's been a busy busy April

An ovErseas trip a birthday party a photoshoot n a bout of Roseola

no slp in between, I dun like cold n realise he dun like cold too... He will dump the bottle aside, tis is realise after some time. I add a bit hot water, feel diluted though little only so I split in 2 lor.

If he shit, I will replenish the amt of ml he shit out. Estimate la a lot den drink 150, a bit den 90

morning everyone!

i feel much much better and all ready to go today. must be the continuous sleep for 6h. i find that if my sleep is interrupted from the all impt 2am to 6am period, then the next day sure gone. am i the only sleepy piggy here?

morning syz and bbdust! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


that's a VERY busy april indeed.


wow your son is a milk guzzler! like a Ferrari. keke.

C2 takes up to half hour to finish 180ml fm bottle. Latch suck for 15mins max and done. Usu done in 5mins.


heee i also piggy but now cannot be piggy, interrupted sleep and nxt day zombified [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eh eh bbl takes 1 hour to finish leh LOL cause spoon feed lah must take sometime. i was telling my helper one fine day when he will willingly drink his milk and drink it himself, we will go celebrate and say hooray to ourselves and give ourselves a pat on our shoulders [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello Cellow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Glad u are having a good start to Wednesday


Good luck in your househunting! I remembered shopping for my resale flat over the weekends... And all sorts of nonsensical cov Bleh!


I totLly dun know how much my girl drinks as total latch

On lol! When I pump the amount is so dismal that I stopped before inflicting self doubts...

It's dealing with the aftermath of Roseola that's not so fun. The mAjor crankiness n the rashes on her as well as the lack of appetite I no like...


re milk. yep... there is a time to be ostrich abt things, and comparing pump amt to supposed latch amt is one of them.

an exercise in self doubt and depression. shd come w a warning sign "do not cross this line" ala CSI crime scene.

better to be a happy ostrich! lalala

Morning mummies ..

Wow all the bb seem to be drinking so much. My son last feed is 150ml only. Day time 120ml .. Sometimes cannot even finish!! But he likes solids..

So maybe that's y?



could be that he likes solids loh same as mine. prefers solids over milk anytime. that day i give up let him try pedisure (those pre-bottled one) he dont even like loh so my conclusion is he really dislike milk. the pedisure is super nice but its really way way way too sweet no wonder kids like. hmm funny thing is he likes soya milk from mr bean without sugar.

